def door_fire(*qwp_extra): if qc.self.owner != qc.self: qc.objerror('door_fire: self.owner != self') # play use key sound if qc.self.items: qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise4, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.self.message = defs.string_null # no more message oself = qc.self if qc.self.spawnflags & DOOR_TOGGLE: if qc.self.state == defs.STATE_UP or qc.self.state == defs.STATE_TOP: starte = qc.self while 1: door_go_down() qc.self = qc.self.enemy if not ((qc.self != starte) and (qc.self != break qc.self = oself return # trigger all paired doors starte = qc.self while 1: door_go_up() qc.self = qc.self.enemy if not ((qc.self != starte) and (qc.self != break qc.self = oself
def trigger_multiple(*qwp_extra): if qc.self.sounds == 1: engine.precache_sound('misc/secret.wav') qc.self.noise = 'misc/secret.wav' elif qc.self.sounds == 2: engine.precache_sound('misc/talk.wav') qc.self.noise = 'misc/talk.wav' elif qc.self.sounds == 3: engine.precache_sound('misc/trigger1.wav') qc.self.noise = 'misc/trigger1.wav' if not qc.self.wait: qc.self.wait = 0.2 qc.self.use = multi_use subs.InitTrigger() if if qc.self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOTOUCH: qc.objerror("health and notouch don't make sense\012") qc.self.max_health = qc.self.th_die = multi_killed qc.self.takedamage = defs.DAMAGE_YES qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_BBOX qc.setorigin(qc.self, qc.self.origin) # make sure it links into the world else: if not (qc.self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAG_NOTOUCH): qc.self.touch = multi_touch
def SUB_CalcMove(tdest, tspeed, func, *qwp_extra): vdestdelta = Vector(0, 0, 0) len = 0 traveltime = 0 if not tspeed: qc.objerror('No speed is defined!') qc.self.think1 = func qc.self.finaldest = tdest qc.self.think = SUB_CalcMoveDone if tdest == qc.self.origin: qc.self.velocity = Vector(0, 0, 0) qc.self.nextthink = qc.self.ltime + 0.1 return # set destdelta to the vector needed to move vdestdelta = tdest - qc.self.origin # calculate length of vector len = vdestdelta.length() # divide by speed to get time to reach dest traveltime = len / tspeed if traveltime < 0.03: traveltime = 0.03 # set nextthink to trigger a think when dest is reached qc.self.nextthink = qc.self.ltime + traveltime # scale the destdelta vector by the time spent traveling to get velocity qc.self.velocity = vdestdelta * (1 / traveltime) # qcc won't take vec/float
def voteexit_teleport(*qwp_extra): global lastvotespawn # put a tfog where the player was triggers.spawn_tfog(qc.other.origin) # if we aren't in custom mode, just find a deathmatch target # find the destination if not lastvotespawn = qc.find(lastvotespawn, 'classname', 'info_player_deathmatch') if lastvotespawn == lastvotespawn = qc.find(lastvotespawn, 'classname', 'info_player_deathmatch') t = lastvotespawn else: t = qc.find(, 'targetname', if not t: qc.objerror("couldn't find target") # spawn a tfog flash in front of the destination qc.makevectors(t.mangle) org = t.origin + 32 * qc.v_forward triggers.spawn_tfog(org) triggers.spawn_tdeath(t.origin, qc.other) # move the player and lock him down for a little while if not qc.other.origin = t.origin qc.other.velocity = (qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.x) + (qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.y) return qc.setorigin(qc.other, t.origin) qc.other.angles = t.mangle qc.other.fixangle = 1 # turn this way immediately qc.other.teleport_time = qc.time + 0.7 if qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND: qc.other.flags -= defs.FL_ONGROUND qc.other.velocity = qc.v_forward * 300
def func_train(*qwp_extra): if not qc.self.speed: qc.self.speed = 100 if not qc.objerror('func_train without a target') if not qc.self.dmg: qc.self.dmg = 2 if qc.self.sounds == 0: qc.self.noise = ('misc/null.wav') engine.precache_sound('misc/null.wav') qc.self.noise1 = ('misc/null.wav') engine.precache_sound('misc/null.wav') if qc.self.sounds == 1: qc.self.noise = ('plats/train2.wav') engine.precache_sound('plats/train2.wav') qc.self.noise1 = ('plats/train1.wav') engine.precache_sound('plats/train1.wav') qc.self.cnt = 1 qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_BSP qc.self.movetype = defs.MOVETYPE_PUSH qc.self.blocked = train_blocked qc.self.use = train_use qc.self.classname = 'train' qc.self.setmodel(qc.self.model) qc.setsize(qc.self, qc.self.mins, qc.self.maxs) qc.setorigin(qc.self, qc.self.origin) # start trains on the second frame, to make sure their targets have had # a chance to spawn qc.self.nextthink = qc.self.ltime + 0.1 qc.self.think = func_train_find
def func_train(*qwp_extra): if not qc.self.speed: qc.self.speed = 100 if not qc.objerror('func_train without a target') if not qc.self.dmg: qc.self.dmg = 2 if qc.self.sounds == 0: qc.self.noise = ('misc/null.wav') engine.precache_sound('misc/null.wav') qc.self.noise1 = ('misc/null.wav') engine.precache_sound('misc/null.wav') elif qc.self.sounds == 1: qc.self.noise = ('plats/train2.wav') engine.precache_sound('plats/train2.wav') qc.self.noise1 = ('plats/train1.wav') engine.precache_sound('plats/train1.wav') qc.self.cnt = 1 qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_BSP qc.self.movetype = defs.MOVETYPE_PUSH qc.self.blocked = train_blocked qc.self.use = train_use qc.self.classname = 'train' qc.self.setmodel(qc.self.model) qc.setsize(qc.self, qc.self.mins, qc.self.maxs) qc.setorigin(qc.self, qc.self.origin) # start trains on the second frame, to make sure their targets have had # a chance to spawn qc.self.nextthink = qc.self.ltime + 0.1 qc.self.think = func_train_find
def info_teleport_destination(*qwp_extra): # this does nothing, just serves as a target spot qc.self.mangle = qc.self.angles qc.self.angles = Vector(0, 0, 0) qc.self.model = None qc.self.origin += Vector(0, 0, 27) if not qc.self.targetname: qc.objerror('no targetname')
def plat_crush(*qwp_extra): # dprint ("plat_crush\n"); qc.other.deathtype = 'squish' combat.T_Damage(qc.other, qc.self, qc.self, 1) if qc.self.state == defs.STATE_UP: plat_go_down() elif qc.self.state == defs.STATE_DOWN: plat_go_up() else: qc.objerror('plat_crush: bad self.state\012')
def TeamCaptureFlagThink(*qwp_extra): qc.self.nextthink = qc.time + 0.1 if qc.self.cnt == FLAG_AT_BASE: return # just sitting around waiting to be picked up if qc.self.cnt == FLAG_DROPPED: if qc.time - qc.self.super_time > TEAM_CAPTURE_FLAG_RETURN_TIME: TeamCaptureReturnFlag(qc.self) return if qc.self.cnt != FLAG_CARRIED: qc.objerror("Flag in invalid state\012")
def TeamCaptureFlagThink(*qwp_extra): qc.self.nextthink = qc.time + 0.1 if qc.self.cnt == FLAG_AT_BASE: return # just sitting around waiting to be picked up if qc.self.cnt == FLAG_DROPPED: if qc.time - qc.self.super_time > TEAM_CAPTURE_FLAG_RETURN_TIME: TeamCaptureReturnFlag(qc.self) return if qc.self.cnt != FLAG_CARRIED: qc.objerror('Flag in invalid state\012')
def LinkDoors(*qwp_extra): t = starte = cmins = Vector(0, 0, 0) cmaxs = Vector(0, 0, 0) if qc.self.enemy: return # already linked by another door if qc.self.spawnflags & 4: qc.self.owner = qc.self.enemy = qc.self return # don't want to link this door cmins = qc.self.mins cmaxs = qc.self.maxs starte = qc.self t = qc.self while 1: qc.self.owner = starte # master door if = if qc.self.targetname: starte.targetname = qc.self.targetname if qc.self.message != None: starte.message = qc.self.message t = qc.find(t, 'classname', qc.self.classname) if not t: qc.self.enemy = starte # make the chain a loop # shootable, fired, or key doors just needed the owner/enemy links, # they don't spawn a field qc.self = qc.self.owner if return if qc.self.targetname: return if qc.self.items: return qc.self.owner.trigger_field = spawn_field(cmins, cmaxs) return if EntitiesTouching(qc.self, t): if t.enemy: qc.objerror('cross connected doors') qc.self.enemy = t qc.self = t if t.mins.x < cmins.x: cmins %= Vector(t.mins.x, None, None) if t.mins.y < cmins.y: cmins %= Vector(None, t.mins.y, None) if t.mins.z < cmins.z: cmins %= Vector(None, None, t.mins.z) if t.maxs.x > cmaxs.x: cmaxs %= Vector(t.maxs.x, None, None) if t.maxs.y > cmaxs.y: cmaxs %= Vector(None, t.maxs.y, None) if t.maxs.z > cmaxs.z: cmaxs %= Vector(None, None, t.maxs.z)
def Team_weapon_touch(*qwp_extra): if not (qc.other.flags & defs.FL_CLIENT): return # Don't let the owner pick up his own weapon for a second. if (qc.other == qc.self.owner) and ((qc.self.nextthink - qc.time) > 119): return # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp if qc.self.classname == "weapon_nailgun": hadammo = qc.other.ammo_nails new = defs.IT_NAILGUN elif qc.self.classname == "weapon_supernailgun": hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN elif qc.self.classname == "weapon_supershotgun": hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN elif qc.self.classname == "weapon_rocketlauncher": hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER elif qc.self.classname == "weapon_grenadelauncher": hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER elif qc.self.classname == "weapon_lightning": hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_LIGHTNING else: qc.objerror("Team_weapon_touch: unknown classname") qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, "You got the ") qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, "\012") # weapon touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/pkup.wav", 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd("bf\012") items.bound_other_ammo() # change to the weapon old = qc.other.items qc.other.items |= new qc.self.remove() qc.self = qc.other if not defs.deathmatch: qc.self.weapon = new else: items.Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() defs.activator = qc.other subs.SUB_UseTargets() # fire all targets / killtargets
def Team_weapon_touch(*qwp_extra): if not (qc.other.flags & defs.FL_CLIENT): return # Don't let the owner pick up his own weapon for a second. if (qc.other == qc.self.owner) and ((qc.self.nextthink - qc.time) > 119): return # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp if qc.self.classname == 'weapon_nailgun': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_nails new = defs.IT_NAILGUN elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supernailgun': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supershotgun': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_rocketlauncher': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_grenadelauncher': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_lightning': hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_LIGHTNING else: qc.objerror('Team_weapon_touch: unknown classname') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'You got the ') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '\012') # weapon touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/pkup.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') items.bound_other_ammo() # change to the weapon old = qc.other.items qc.other.items |= new qc.self.remove() qc.self = qc.other if not defs.deathmatch: qc.self.weapon = new else: items.Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() defs.activator = qc.other subs.SUB_UseTargets() # fire all targets / killtargets
def trigger_teleport(*qwp_extra): subs.InitTrigger() qc.self.touch = teleport_touch # find the destination if not qc.objerror('no target') qc.self.use = teleport_use if not (qc.self.spawnflags & SILENT): engine.precache_sound('ambience/hum1.wav') o = (qc.self.mins + qc.self.maxs) * 0.5 engine.ambientsound(o, 'ambience/hum1.wav', 0.5, defs.ATTN_STATIC)
def train_next(*qwp_extra): targ = qc.find(, 'targetname', = if not qc.objerror('train_next: no next target') if targ.wait: qc.self.wait = targ.wait else: qc.self.wait = 0 qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise1, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) subs.SUB_CalcMove(targ.origin - qc.self.mins, qc.self.speed, train_wait)
def teleport_touch(*qwp_extra): if qc.self.targetname: if qc.self.nextthink < qc.time: return # not fired yet if qc.self.spawnflags & PLAYER_ONLY: if qc.other.classname != 'player': return # only teleport living creatures if <= 0 or qc.other.solid != defs.SOLID_SLIDEBOX: return subs.SUB_UseTargets() # put a tfog where the player was spawn_tfog(qc.other.origin) t = qc.find(, 'targetname', if not t: qc.objerror("couldn't find target") # spawn a tfog flash in front of the destination qc.makevectors(t.mangle) org = t.origin + 32 * qc.v_forward spawn_tfog(org) spawn_tdeath(t.origin, qc.other) # move the player and lock him down for a little while if not qc.other.origin = t.origin qc.other.velocity = (qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.x) + ( qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.y) return qc.setorigin(qc.other, t.origin) qc.other.angles = t.mangle if qc.other.classname == 'player': # Teleporting - detach hook (wedge) if qc.other.weapon == defs.IT_GRAPPLE and qc.other.hook_out: qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_WEAPON, 'weapons/bounce2.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.on_hook = defs.FALSE qc.other.hook_out = defs.FALSE qc.other.weaponframe = 0 qc.other.attack_finished = qc.time + 0.75 # avoid instant rehook qc.other.fixangle = 1 # turn this way immediately qc.other.teleport_time = qc.time + 0.7 if qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND: qc.other.flags -= defs.FL_ONGROUND qc.other.velocity = qc.v_forward * 300 qc.other.flags -= qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND
def train_next(*qwp_extra): targ = targ = qc.find(, 'targetname', = if not qc.objerror('train_next: no next target') if targ.wait: qc.self.wait = targ.wait else: qc.self.wait = 0 qc.self.sound(defs.CHAN_VOICE, qc.self.noise1, 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) subs.SUB_CalcMove(targ.origin - qc.self.mins, qc.self.speed, train_wait)
def teleport_touch(*qwp_extra): if qc.self.targetname: if qc.self.nextthink < qc.time: return # not fired yet if qc.self.spawnflags & PLAYER_ONLY: if qc.other.classname != 'player': return # only teleport living creatures if <= 0 or qc.other.solid != defs.SOLID_SLIDEBOX: return subs.SUB_UseTargets() # put a tfog where the player was spawn_tfog(qc.other.origin) t = qc.find(, 'targetname', if not t: qc.objerror("couldn't find target") # spawn a tfog flash in front of the destination qc.makevectors(t.mangle) org = t.origin + 32 * qc.v_forward spawn_tfog(org) spawn_tdeath(t.origin, qc.other) # move the player and lock him down for a little while if not qc.other.origin = t.origin qc.other.velocity = (qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.x) + (qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.y) return qc.setorigin(qc.other, t.origin) qc.other.angles = t.mangle if qc.other.classname == 'player': # Teleporting - detach hook (wedge) if qc.other.weapon == defs.IT_GRAPPLE and qc.other.hook_out: qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_WEAPON, 'weapons/bounce2.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.on_hook = defs.FALSE qc.other.hook_out = defs.FALSE qc.other.weaponframe = 0 qc.other.attack_finished = qc.time + 0.75 # avoid instant rehook qc.other.fixangle = 1 # turn this way immediately qc.other.teleport_time = qc.time + 0.7 if qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND: qc.other.flags -= defs.FL_ONGROUND qc.other.velocity = qc.v_forward * 300 qc.other.flags -= qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND
def SUB_CalcAngleMove(destangle, tspeed, func, *qwp_extra): if not tspeed: qc.objerror('No speed is defined!') # set destdelta to the vector needed to move destdelta = destangle - qc.self.angles # calculate length of vector len = destdelta.length() # divide by speed to get time to reach dest traveltime = len / tspeed # set nextthink to trigger a think when dest is reached qc.self.nextthink = qc.self.ltime + traveltime # scale the destdelta vector by the time spent traveling to get velocity qc.self.avelocity = destdelta * (1 / traveltime) qc.self.think1 = func qc.self.finalangle = destangle qc.self.think = SUB_CalcAngleMoveDone
def teleport_touch(*qwp_extra): t = org = Vector(0, 0, 0) if qc.self.targetname: if qc.self.nextthink < qc.time: return # not fired yet if qc.self.spawnflags & PLAYER_ONLY: if qc.other.classname != 'player': return # only teleport living creatures if <= 0 or qc.other.solid != defs.SOLID_SLIDEBOX: return subs.SUB_UseTargets() # put a tfog where the player was spawn_tfog(qc.other.origin) t = qc.find(, 'targetname', if not t: qc.objerror("couldn't find target") # spawn a tfog flash in front of the destination qc.makevectors(t.mangle) org = t.origin + 32 * qc.v_forward spawn_tfog(org) spawn_tdeath(t.origin, qc.other) # move the player and lock him down for a little while if not qc.other.origin = t.origin qc.other.velocity = (qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.x) + (qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.y) return qc.setorigin(qc.other, t.origin) qc.other.angles = t.mangle if qc.other.classname == 'player': qc.other.fixangle = 1 # turn this way immediately qc.other.teleport_time = qc.time + 0.7 if qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND: qc.other.flags -= defs.FL_ONGROUND qc.other.velocity = qc.v_forward * 300 qc.other.flags -= qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND
def teleport_touch(*qwp_extra): t = org = Vector(0, 0, 0) if qc.self.targetname: if qc.self.nextthink < qc.time: return # not fired yet if qc.self.spawnflags & PLAYER_ONLY: if qc.other.classname != 'player': return # only teleport living creatures if <= 0 or qc.other.solid != defs.SOLID_SLIDEBOX: return subs.SUB_UseTargets() # put a tfog where the player was spawn_tfog(qc.other.origin) t = qc.find(, 'targetname', if not t: qc.objerror("couldn't find target") # spawn a tfog flash in front of the destination qc.makevectors(t.mangle) org = t.origin + 32 * qc.v_forward spawn_tfog(org) spawn_tdeath(t.origin, qc.other) # move the player and lock him down for a little while if not qc.other.origin = t.origin qc.other.velocity = (qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.x) + ( qc.v_forward * qc.other.velocity.y) return qc.setorigin(qc.other, t.origin) qc.other.angles = t.mangle if qc.other.classname == 'player': qc.other.fixangle = 1 # turn this way immediately qc.other.teleport_time = qc.time + 0.7 if qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND: qc.other.flags -= defs.FL_ONGROUND qc.other.velocity = qc.v_forward * 300 qc.other.flags -= qc.other.flags & defs.FL_ONGROUND
def FindIntermission(*qwp_extra): spot = cyc = 0 # look for info_intermission first spot = qc.find(, 'classname', 'info_intermission') if spot: # pick a random one cyc = random.random() * 4 while cyc > 1: spot = qc.find(spot, 'classname', 'info_intermission') if not spot: spot = qc.find(spot, 'classname', 'info_intermission') cyc -= 1 return spot # then look for the start position spot = qc.find(, 'classname', 'info_player_start') if spot: return spot qc.objerror('FindIntermission: no spot')
def misc_teleporttrain(*qwp_extra): if not qc.self.speed: qc.self.speed = 100 if not qc.objerror('func_train without a target') qc.self.cnt = 1 qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_NOT qc.self.movetype = defs.MOVETYPE_PUSH qc.self.blocked = train_blocked qc.self.use = train_use qc.self.avelocity = Vector(100, 200, 300) qc.self.noise = ('misc/null.wav') engine.precache_sound('misc/null.wav') qc.self.noise1 = ('misc/null.wav') engine.precache_sound('misc/null.wav') engine.precache_model('progs/teleport.mdl') qc.self.setmodel('progs/teleport.mdl') qc.setsize(qc.self, qc.self.mins, qc.self.maxs) qc.setorigin(qc.self, qc.self.origin) # start trains on the second frame, to make sure their targets have had # a chance to spawn qc.self.nextthink = qc.self.ltime + 0.1 qc.self.think = func_train_find
def item_sigil(*qwp_extra): if not qc.self.spawnflags: qc.objerror('no spawnflags') engine.precache_sound('misc/runekey.wav') qc.self.noise = 'misc/runekey.wav' if qc.self.spawnflags & 1: engine.precache_model('progs/end1.mdl') qc.self.setmodel('progs/end1.mdl') if qc.self.spawnflags & 2: engine.precache_model('progs/end2.mdl') qc.self.setmodel('progs/end2.mdl') if qc.self.spawnflags & 4: engine.precache_model('progs/end3.mdl') qc.self.setmodel('progs/end3.mdl') if qc.self.spawnflags & 8: engine.precache_model('progs/end4.mdl') qc.self.setmodel('progs/end4.mdl') qc.self.touch = sigil_touch qc.setsize(qc.self, Vector(-16, -16, -24), Vector(16, 16, 32)) StartItem()
def weapon_touch(*qwp_extra): hadammo = 0 best = 0 new = 0 old = 0 stemp = leave = 0 # For client weapon_switch w_switch = 0 if not (qc.other.flags & defs.FL_CLIENT): return if (qc.stof(qc.other.infokey('w_switch'))) == 0: w_switch = 8 else: w_switch = qc.stof(qc.other.infokey('w_switch')) # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp if defs.deathmatch == 2 or defs.deathmatch == 3 or defs.deathmatch == 5: leave = 1 else: leave = 0 if qc.self.classname == 'weapon_nailgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_NAILGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_nails new = defs.IT_NAILGUN qc.other.ammo_nails += 30 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supernailgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN qc.other.ammo_nails += 30 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supershotgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN qc.other.ammo_shells += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_rocketlauncher': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER qc.other.ammo_rockets += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_grenadelauncher': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER qc.other.ammo_rockets += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_lightning': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_LIGHTNING): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_LIGHTNING qc.other.ammo_cells += 15 else: qc.objerror('weapon_touch: unknown classname') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'You got the ') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '\012') # weapon touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/pkup.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') bound_other_ammo() # change to the weapon old = qc.other.items qc.other.items |= new stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other if WeaponCode(new) <= w_switch: if qc.self.flags & defs.FL_INWATER: if new != defs.IT_LIGHTNING: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) else: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() qc.self = stemp if leave: return if defs.deathmatch != 3 or defs.deathmatch != 5: # remove it in single player, or setup for respawning in deathmatch qc.self.model = defs.string_null qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_NOT if defs.deathmatch != 2: qc.self.nextthink = qc.time + 30 qc.self.think = SUB_regen defs.activator = qc.other subs.SUB_UseTargets() # fire all targets / killtargets
def trigger_changelevel(*qwp_extra): if not qc.objerror("chagnelevel trigger doesn't have map") subs.InitTrigger() qc.self.touch = changelevel_touch
def weapon_touch(*qwp_extra): # For client weapon_switch w_switch = 0 if not (qc.other.flags & defs.FL_CLIENT): return if (qc.stof(qc.other.infokey('w_switch'))) == 0: w_switch = 8 else: w_switch = qc.stof(qc.other.infokey('w_switch')) # if the player was using his best weapon, change up to the new one if better stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other best = weapons.W_BestWeapon() qc.self = stemp if defs.deathmatch == 2 or defs.deathmatch == 3: leave = 1 else: leave = 0 if qc.self.classname == 'weapon_nailgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_NAILGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_nails new = defs.IT_NAILGUN # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_nails += 30 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supernailgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_NAILGUN # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_nails += 30 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_supershotgun': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_shells += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_rocketlauncher': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_rockets += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_grenadelauncher': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER # *TEAMPLAY* qc.other.ammo_rockets += 5 elif qc.self.classname == 'weapon_lightning': if leave and (qc.other.items & defs.IT_LIGHTNING): return hadammo = qc.other.ammo_rockets new = defs.IT_LIGHTNING qc.other.ammo_cells += 15 else: qc.objerror('weapon_touch: unknown classname') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, 'You got the ') qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, qc.self.netname) qc.other.sprint(defs.PRINT_LOW, '\012') # weapon touch sound qc.other.sound(defs.CHAN_ITEM, 'weapons/pkup.wav', 1, defs.ATTN_NORM) qc.other.stuffcmd('bf\012') bound_other_ammo() # change to the weapon old = qc.other.items qc.other.items |= new stemp = qc.self qc.self = qc.other prevweapon = qc.self.weapon if WeaponCode(new) <= w_switch: if qc.self.flags & defs.FL_INWATER: if new != defs.IT_LIGHTNING: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) else: Deathmatch_Weapon(old, new) if qc.self.weapon != prevweapon: qc.self.previous_weapon = prevweapon weapons.W_SetCurrentAmmo() qc.self = stemp if leave: return # remove it in single player, or setup for respawning in deathmatch qc.self.model = defs.string_null qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_NOT if defs.deathmatch == 1 or defs.deathmatch == 3: qc.self.nextthink = qc.time + 30 qc.self.think = SUB_regen defs.activator = qc.other subs.SUB_UseTargets() # fire all targets / killtargets
def plat_use(*qwp_extra): qc.self.use = subs.SUB_Null if qc.self.state != defs.STATE_UP: qc.objerror('plat_use: not in up state') plat_go_down()
def movetarget_f(*qwp_extra): if not qc.self.targetname: qc.objerror('monster_movetarget: no targetname') qc.self.solid = defs.SOLID_TRIGGER qc.self.touch = t_movetarget qc.setsize(qc.self, Vector(-8, -8, -8), Vector(8, 8, 8))