コード例 #1
 def drawSteps(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     polygon = QPolygonF(2 * (to - from_) + 1)
     inverted = self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical
     if self.__data.attributes & self.Inverted:
         inverted = not inverted
     series = self.data()
     ip = 0
     for i in range(from_, to + 1):
         sample = series.sample(i)
         xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
         yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
         if doAlign:
             xi = round(xi)
             yi = round(yi)
         if ip > 0:
             p0 = polygon[ip - 2]
             if inverted:
                 polygon[ip - 1] = QPointF(p0.x(), yi)
                 polygon[ip - 1] = QPointF(xi, p0.y())
         polygon[ip] = QPointF(xi, yi)
         ip += 2
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
         clipped = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(canvasRect, polygon, False)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, clipped)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polygon)
     if self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush:
         self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, polygon)
コード例 #2
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawHexagonSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    cos30 = np.cos(30*np.pi/180.)
    dx = .5*(symbol.size().width()-cos30)
    dy = .25*symbol.size().height()
    doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
    for pos in points:
        if doAlign:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            x1 = np.ceil(x-dx)
            y1 = np.ceil(y-2*dy)
            x = pos.x()
            y = pos.y()
            x1 = x-dx
            y1 = y-2*dy
        x2 = x1+1*dx
        x3 = x1+2*dx
        y2 = y1+1*dy
        y3 = y1+3*dy
        y4 = y1+4*dy
        hexa = [QPointF(x2, y1), QPointF(x3, y2), QPointF(x3, y3),
                QPointF(x2, y4), QPointF(x1, y3), QPointF(x1, y2)]
        QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(hexa))
コード例 #3
ファイル: plot_marker.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawLines(self, painter, canvasRect, pos):
     Draw the lines marker
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas in painter coordinates
     :param QPointF pos: Position of the marker, translated into widget coordinates
     .. seealso::
     if self.__data.style == self.NoLine:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     if self.__data.style in (QwtPlotMarker.HLine, QwtPlotMarker.Cross):
         y = pos.y()
         if doAlign:
             y = round(y)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, canvasRect.left(),
                               y, canvasRect.right()-1., y)
     if self.__data.style in (QwtPlotMarker.VLine, QwtPlotMarker.Cross):
         x = pos.x()
         if doAlign:
             x = round(x)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x,
                               canvasRect.top(), x, canvasRect.bottom()-1.)
コード例 #4
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawSteps(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     polygon = QPolygonF(2*(to-from_)+1)
     inverted = self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical
     if self.__data.attributes & self.Inverted:
         inverted = not inverted
     series = self.data()
     ip = 0
     for i in range(from_, to+1):
         sample = series.sample(i)
         xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
         yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
         if doAlign:
             xi = round(xi)
             yi = round(yi)
         if ip > 0:
             p0 = polygon[ip-2]
             if inverted:
                 polygon[ip-1] = QPointF(p0.x(), yi)
                 polygon[ip-1] = QPointF(xi, p0.y())
         polygon[ip] = QPointF(xi, yi)
         ip += 2
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
         clipped = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(canvasRect, polygon, False)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, clipped)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polygon)
     if self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush:
         self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, polygon)
コード例 #5
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawStar1Symbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size =symbol.size()
    sqrt1_2 = np.sqrt(.5)
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        r = QRect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height())
        for pos in points:
            d1 = r.width()/2.*(1.-sqrt1_2)
                                  round(r.left()+d1), round(r.top()+d1),
                                  round(r.right()-d1), round(r.bottom()-d1))
                                  round(r.left()+d1), round(r.bottom()-d1),
                                  round(r.right()-d1), round(r.top()+d1))
            c = QPoint(r.center())
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, c.x(), r.top(), c.x(), r.bottom())
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left(), c.y(), r.right(), c.y())
        r = QRectF(0, 0, size.width(), size.height())
        for pos in points:
            c = QPointF(r.center())
            d1 = r.width()/2.*(1.-sqrt1_2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left()+d1, r.top()+d1,
                                  r.right()-d1, r.bottom()-d1)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left()+d1, r.bottom()-d1,
                                  r.right()-d1, r.top()+d1)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, c.x(), r.top(), c.x(), r.bottom())
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left(), c.y(), r.right(), c.y())
コード例 #6
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
    def closePolyline(self, painter, xMap, yMap, polygon):
        Complete a polygon to be a closed polygon including the 
        area between the original polygon and the baseline.

        :param QPainter painter: Painter
        :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
        :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
        :param QPolygonF polygon: Polygon to be completed
        if polygon.size() < 2:
        doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
        baseline = self.__data.baseline
        if self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical:
            if yMap.transformation():
                baseline = yMap.transformation().bounded(baseline)
            refY = yMap.transform(baseline)
            if doAlign:
                refY = round(refY)
            polygon += QPointF(polygon.last().x(), refY)
            polygon += QPointF(polygon.first().x(), refY)
            if xMap.transformation():
                baseline = xMap.transformation().bounded(baseline)
            refX = xMap.transform(baseline)
            if doAlign:
                refX = round(refX)
            polygon += QPointF(refX, polygon.last().y())
            polygon += QPointF(refX, polygon.first().y())
コード例 #7
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawRectSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size = symbol.size()
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = size.width() // 2
        sh2 = size.height() // 2
        for pos in points:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            r = QRectF(x - sw2, y - sh2, sw, sh)
            QwtPainter.drawRect(painter, r)
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = .5 * size.width()
        sh2 = .5 * size.height()
        for pos in points:
            x = pos.x()
            y = pos.y()
            r = QRectF(x - sw2, y - sh2, sw, sh)
            QwtPainter.drawRect(painter, r)
コード例 #8
ファイル: scale_draw.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawBackbone(self, painter):
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     pos = self.__data.pos
     len_ = self.__data.len
     pw = max([self.penWidth(), 1])
     if doAlign:
         if self.alignment() in (self.LeftScale, self.TopScale):
             off = (pw-1)/2
             off = pw/2
         off = .5*self.penWidth()
     if self.alignment() == self.LeftScale:
         x = pos.x() - off
         if doAlign:
             x = round(x)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, pos.y(), x, pos.y()+len_)
     elif self.alignment() == self.RightScale:
         x = pos.x() + off
         if doAlign:
             x = round(x)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, pos.y(), x, pos.y()+len_)
     elif self.alignment() == self.TopScale:
         y = pos.y() - off
         if doAlign:
             y = round(y)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, pos.x(), y, pos.x()+len_, y)
     elif self.alignment() == self.BottomScale:
         y = pos.y() + off
         if doAlign:
             y = round(y)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, pos.x(), y, pos.x()+len_, y)
コード例 #9
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawXCrossSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size =symbol.size()
    off = 0
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    if pen.width() > 1:
        off = 1
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        sw = np.floor(size.width())
        sh = np.floor(size.height())
        sw2 = size.width()//2
        sh2 = size.height()//2
        for pos in points:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            x1 = x-sw2
            x2 = x1+sw+off
            y1 = y-sh2
            y2 = y1+sh+off
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, y1, x2, y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x2, y1, x1, y2)
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = .5*size.width()
        sh2 = .5*size.height()
        for pos in points:
            x1 = pos.x()-sw2
            x2 = x1+sw
            y1 = pos.y()-sh2
            y2 = y1+sh
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, y1, x2, y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x2, y1, x1, y2)
コード例 #10
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawSymbols(self, painter, symbol, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw symbols
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.symbol.QwtSymbol symbol: Curve symbol
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`setSymbol()`, :py:meth:`drawSeries()`, 
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     chunkSize = 500
     for i in range(from_, to + 1, chunkSize):
         n = min([chunkSize, to - i + 1])
         points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), i, i + n - 1)
         if points.size() > 0:
             symbol.drawSymbols(painter, points)
コード例 #11
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
    def closePolyline(self, painter, xMap, yMap, polygon):
        Complete a polygon to be a closed polygon including the 
        area between the original polygon and the baseline.

        :param QPainter painter: Painter
        :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
        :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
        :param QPolygonF polygon: Polygon to be completed
        if polygon.size() < 2:
        doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
        baseline = self.__data.baseline
        if self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical:
            if yMap.transformation():
                baseline = yMap.transformation().bounded(baseline)
            refY = yMap.transform(baseline)
            if doAlign:
                refY = round(refY)
            polygon += QPointF(polygon.last().x(), refY)
            polygon += QPointF(polygon.first().x(), refY)
            if xMap.transformation():
                baseline = xMap.transformation().bounded(baseline)
            refX = xMap.transform(baseline)
            if doAlign:
                refX = round(refX)
            polygon += QPointF(refX, polygon.last().y())
            polygon += QPointF(refX, polygon.first().y())
コード例 #12
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawTriangleSymbols(painter, type, points, numPoint, symbol):
    size = symbol.size()
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
    sw2 = .5 * size.width()
    sh2 = .5 * size.height()
    if doAlign:
        sw2 = np.floor(sw2)
        sh2 = np.floor(sh2)
    for pos in points:
        x = pos.x()
        y = pos.y()
        if doAlign:
            x = round(x)
            y = round(y)
        x1 = x - sw2
        x2 = x1 + size.width()
        y1 = y - sh2
        y2 = y1 + size.height()
        if type == QwtTriangle.Left:
            triangle = [QPointF(x2, y1), QPointF(x1, y), QPointF(x2, y2)]
        elif type == QwtTriangle.Right:
            triangle = [QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x2, y), QPointF(x1, y2)]
        elif type == QwtTriangle.Up:
            triangle = [QPointF(x1, y2), QPointF(x, y1), QPointF(x2, y2)]
        elif type == QwtTriangle.Down:
            triangle = [QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x, y2), QPointF(x2, y1)]
        QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(triangle))
コード例 #13
ファイル: scale_draw.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
    def drawBackbone(self, painter):
        doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
        pos = self.__data.pos
        len_ = self.__data.len
        pw = max([self.penWidth(), 1])

        if doAlign:
            if self.alignment() in (self.LeftScale, self.TopScale):
                off = (pw - 1) / 2
                off = pw / 2
            off = .5 * self.penWidth()

        if self.alignment() == self.LeftScale:
            x = pos.x() - off
            if doAlign:
                x = round(x)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, pos.y(), x, pos.y() + len_)
        elif self.alignment() == self.RightScale:
            x = pos.x() + off
            if doAlign:
                x = round(x)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, pos.y(), x, pos.y() + len_)
        elif self.alignment() == self.TopScale:
            y = pos.y() - off
            if doAlign:
                y = round(y)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, pos.x(), y, pos.x() + len_, y)
        elif self.alignment() == self.BottomScale:
            y = pos.y() + off
            if doAlign:
                y = round(y)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, pos.x(), y, pos.x() + len_, y)
コード例 #14
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawHexagonSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    cos30 = np.cos(30 * np.pi / 180.)
    dx = .5 * (symbol.size().width() - cos30)
    dy = .25 * symbol.size().height()
    doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
    for pos in points:
        if doAlign:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            x1 = np.ceil(x - dx)
            y1 = np.ceil(y - 2 * dy)
            x = pos.x()
            y = pos.y()
            x1 = x - dx
            y1 = y - 2 * dy
        x2 = x1 + 1 * dx
        x3 = x1 + 2 * dx
        y2 = y1 + 1 * dy
        y3 = y1 + 3 * dy
        y4 = y1 + 4 * dy
        hexa = [
            QPointF(x2, y1),
            QPointF(x3, y2),
            QPointF(x3, y3),
            QPointF(x2, y4),
            QPointF(x1, y3),
            QPointF(x1, y2)
        QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(hexa))
コード例 #15
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawXCrossSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size = symbol.size()
    off = 0
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    if pen.width() > 1:
        off = 1
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        sw = np.floor(size.width())
        sh = np.floor(size.height())
        sw2 = size.width() // 2
        sh2 = size.height() // 2
        for pos in points:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            x1 = x - sw2
            x2 = x1 + sw + off
            y1 = y - sh2
            y2 = y1 + sh + off
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, y1, x2, y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x2, y1, x1, y2)
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = .5 * size.width()
        sh2 = .5 * size.height()
        for pos in points:
            x1 = pos.x() - sw2
            x2 = x1 + sw
            y1 = pos.y() - sh2
            y2 = y1 + sh
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, y1, x2, y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x2, y1, x1, y2)
コード例 #16
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawDiamondSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size = symbol.size()
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        for pos in points:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            x1 = x - size.width() // 2
            y1 = y - size.height() // 2
            x2 = x1 + size.width()
            y2 = y1 + size.height()
            polygon = QPolygonF()
            polygon += QPointF(x, y1)
            polygon += QPointF(x1, y)
            polygon += QPointF(x, y2)
            polygon += QPointF(x2, y)
            QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, polygon)
        for pos in points:
            x1 = pos.x() - .5 * size.width()
            y1 = pos.y() - .5 * size.height()
            x2 = x1 + size.width()
            y2 = y1 + size.height()
            polygon = QPolygonF()
            polygon += QPointF(pos.x(), y1)
            polygon += QPointF(x1, pos.y())
            polygon += QPointF(pos.x(), y2)
            polygon += QPointF(x2, pos.y())
            QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, polygon)
コード例 #17
ファイル: plot_marker.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawLines(self, painter, canvasRect, pos):
     Draw the lines marker
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas in painter coordinates
     :param QPointF pos: Position of the marker, translated into widget coordinates
     .. seealso::
     if self.__data.style == self.NoLine:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     if self.__data.style in (QwtPlotMarker.HLine, QwtPlotMarker.Cross):
         y = pos.y()
         if doAlign:
             y = round(y)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, canvasRect.left(), y,
                             canvasRect.right() - 1., y)
     if self.__data.style in (QwtPlotMarker.VLine, QwtPlotMarker.Cross):
         x = pos.x()
         if doAlign:
             x = round(x)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, canvasRect.top(), x,
                             canvasRect.bottom() - 1.)
コード例 #18
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawSymbols(self, painter, symbol, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw symbols
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.symbol.QwtSymbol symbol: Curve symbol
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`setSymbol()`, :py:meth:`drawSeries()`, 
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     chunkSize = 500
     for i in range(from_, to+1, chunkSize):
         n = min([chunkSize, to-i+1])
         points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), i, i+n-1)
         if points.size() > 0:
             symbol.drawSymbols(painter, points)
コード例 #19
def qwtDrawStar1Symbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size =symbol.size()
    sqrt1_2 = np.sqrt(.5)
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        r = QRect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height())
        for pos in points:
            d1 = r.width()/2.*(1.-sqrt1_2)
                                  round(r.left()+d1), round(r.top()+d1),
                                  round(r.right()-d1), round(r.bottom()-d1))
                                  round(r.left()+d1), round(r.bottom()-d1),
                                  round(r.right()-d1), round(r.top()+d1))
            c = QPoint(r.center())
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, c.x(), r.top(), c.x(), r.bottom())
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left(), c.y(), r.right(), c.y())
        r = QRectF(0, 0, size.width(), size.height())
        for pos in points:
            c = QPointF(r.center())
            d1 = r.width()/2.*(1.-sqrt1_2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left()+d1, r.top()+d1,
                                  r.right()-d1, r.bottom()-d1)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left()+d1, r.bottom()-d1,
                                  r.right()-d1, r.top()+d1)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, c.x(), r.top(), c.x(), r.bottom())
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left(), c.y(), r.right(), c.y())
コード例 #20
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawRectSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size = symbol.size()
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = size.width()//2
        sh2 = size.height()//2
        for pos in points:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            r = QRectF(x-sw2, y-sh2, sw, sh)
            QwtPainter.drawRect(painter, r)
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = .5*size.width()
        sh2 = .5*size.height()
        for pos in points:
            x = pos.x()
            y = pos.y()
            r = QRectF(x-sw2, y-sh2, sw, sh)
            QwtPainter.drawRect(painter, r)
コード例 #21
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawDiamondSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size =symbol.size()
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        for pos in points:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            x1 = x-size.width()//2
            y1 = y-size.height()//2
            x2 = x1+size.width()
            y2 = y1+size.height()
            polygon = QPolygonF()
            polygon += QPointF(x, y1)
            polygon += QPointF(x1, y)
            polygon += QPointF(x, y2)
            polygon += QPointF(x2, y)
            QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, polygon)
        for pos in points:
            x1 = pos.x()-.5*size.width()
            y1 = pos.y()-.5*size.height()
            x2 = x1+size.width()
            y2 = y1+size.height()
            polygon = QPolygonF()
            polygon += QPointF(pos.x(), y1)
            polygon += QPointF(x1, pos.y())
            polygon += QPointF(pos.x(), y2)
            polygon += QPointF(x2, pos.y())
            QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, polygon)
コード例 #22
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawTriangleSymbols(painter, type, points, numPoint, symbol):
    size =symbol.size()
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
    sw2 = .5*size.width()
    sh2 = .5*size.height()
    if doAlign:
        sw2 = np.floor(sw2)
        sh2 = np.floor(sh2)
    for pos in points:
        x = pos.x()
        y = pos.y()
        if doAlign:
            x = round(x)
            y = round(y)
        x1 = x-sw2
        x2 = x1+size.width()
        y1 = y-sh2
        y2 = y1+size.height()
        if type == QwtTriangle.Left:
            triangle = [QPointF(x2, y1), QPointF(x1, y), QPointF(x2, y2)]
        elif type == QwtTriangle.Right:
            triangle = [QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x2, y), QPointF(x1, y2)]
        elif type == QwtTriangle.Up:
            triangle = [QPointF(x1, y2), QPointF(x, y1), QPointF(x2, y2)]
        elif type == QwtTriangle.Down:
            triangle = [QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x, y2), QPointF(x2, y1)]
        QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(triangle))
コード例 #23
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawLines(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw lines
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`draw()`, :py:meth:`drawDots()`, 
         :py:meth:`drawSteps()`, :py:meth:`drawSticks()`
     if from_ > to:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     doFill = self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush\
              and self.__data.brush.color().alpha() > 0
     clipRect = QRectF()
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
         pw = max([1., painter.pen().widthF()])
         clipRect = canvasRect.adjusted(-pw, -pw, pw, pw)
     doIntegers = False
     if QT_VERSION < 0x040800:
         if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.Raster:
             if not doFill:
                 doIntegers = True
     noDuplicates = self.__data.paintAttributes & self.FilterPoints
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.RoundPoints, doAlign)
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, noDuplicates)
     if doIntegers:
         polyline = mapper.toPolygon(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
             polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygon(clipRect.toAlignedRect(),
                                                polyline, False)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
         polyline = mapper.toPolygonF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         if doFill:
             if painter.pen().style() != Qt.NoPen:
                 filled = QPolygonF(polyline)
                 self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, filled)
                 if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
                     polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(clipRect,
                                                          polyline, False)
                 QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
                 self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, polyline)
             if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
                 polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(clipRect, polyline,
             QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
コード例 #24
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawLines(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw lines
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`draw()`, :py:meth:`drawDots()`, 
         :py:meth:`drawSteps()`, :py:meth:`drawSticks()`
     if from_ > to:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     doFill = self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush\
              and self.__data.brush.color().alpha() > 0
     clipRect = QRectF()
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
         pw = max([1., painter.pen().widthF()])
         clipRect = canvasRect.adjusted(-pw, -pw, pw, pw)
     doIntegers = False
     if QT_VERSION < 0x040800:
         if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.Raster:
             if not doFill:
                 doIntegers = True
     noDuplicates = self.__data.paintAttributes & self.FilterPoints
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.RoundPoints, doAlign)
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, noDuplicates)
     if doIntegers:
         polyline = mapper.toPolygon(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
             polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygon(clipRect.toAlignedRect(),
                                                 polyline, False)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
         polyline = mapper.toPolygonF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         if doFill:
             if painter.pen().style() != Qt.NoPen:
                 filled = QPolygonF(polyline)
                 self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, filled)
                 if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
                     polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(
                         clipRect, polyline, False)
                 QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
                 self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, polyline)
             if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
                 polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(
                     clipRect, polyline, False)
             QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
コード例 #25
ファイル: scale_draw.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
    def drawTick(self, painter, value, len_):
        Draw a tick

        :param QPainter painter: Painter
        :param float value: Value of the tick
        :param float len: Length of the tick
        .. seealso::
            :py:meth:`drawBackbone()`, :py:meth:`drawLabel()`
        if len_ <= 0:
        roundingAlignment = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
        pos = self.__data.pos
        tval = self.scaleMap().transform(value)
        if roundingAlignment:
            tval = round(tval)
        pw = self.penWidth()
        a = 0
        if pw > 1 and roundingAlignment:
            a = 1
        if self.alignment() == self.LeftScale:
            x1 = pos.x() + a
            x2 = pos.x() + a - pw - len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                x1 = round(x1)
                x2 = round(x2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, tval, x2, tval)
        elif self.alignment() == self.RightScale:
            x1 = pos.x()
            x2 = pos.x() + pw + len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                x1 = round(x1)
                x2 = round(x2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, tval, x2, tval)
        elif self.alignment() == self.BottomScale:
            y1 = pos.y()
            y2 = pos.y() + pw + len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                y1 = round(y1)
                y2 = round(y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, tval, y1, tval, y2)
        elif self.alignment() == self.TopScale:
            y1 = pos.y() + a
            y2 = pos.y() - pw - len_ + a
            if roundingAlignment:
                y1 = round(y1)
                y2 = round(y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, tval, y1, tval, y2)
コード例 #26
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
    def drawSymbols(self, painter, points, numPoints=None):
        Render an array of symbols

        Painting several symbols is more effective than drawing symbols
        one by one, as a couple of layout calculations and setting of pen/brush
        can be done once for the complete array.

        :param QPainter painter: Painter
        :param QPolygonF points: Positions of the symbols in screen coordinates
        #TODO: remove argument numPoints (not necessary in `PythonQwt`)
        if numPoints is not None and numPoints <= 0:
        useCache = False
        if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter) and\
           not painter.transform().isScaling():
            if self.__data.cache.policy == QwtSymbol.Cache:
                useCache = True
            elif self.__data.cache.policy == QwtSymbol.AutoCache:
                if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.Raster:
                    useCache = True
                    if self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.XCross, QwtSymbol.HLine,
                                             QwtSymbol.VLine, QwtSymbol.Cross):
                    elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Pixmap:
                        if not self.__data.size.isEmpty() and\
                           self.__data.size != self.__data.pixmap.pixmap.size():
                            useCache = True
                        useCache = True
        if useCache:
            br = QRect(self.boundingRect())
            rect = QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height())
            if self.__data.cache.pixmap.isNull():
                self.__data.cache.pixmap = QwtPainter.backingStore(
                    None, br.size())
                p = QPainter(self.__data.cache.pixmap)
                pos = QPointF()
                self.renderSymbols(p, pos, 1)
            dx = br.left()
            dy = br.top()
            for point in points:
                left = round(point.x()) + dx
                top = round(point.y()) + dy
                painter.drawPixmap(left, top, self.__data.cache.pixmap)
            self.renderSymbols(painter, points, numPoints)
コード例 #27
ファイル: scale_draw.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
    def drawTick(self, painter, value, len_):
        Draw a tick

        :param QPainter painter: Painter
        :param float value: Value of the tick
        :param float len: Length of the tick
        .. seealso::
            :py:meth:`drawBackbone()`, :py:meth:`drawLabel()`
        if len_ <= 0:

        roundingAlignment = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
        pos = self.__data.pos
        tval = self.scaleMap().transform(value)
        if roundingAlignment:
            tval = round(tval)

        pw = self.penWidth()
        a = 0
        if pw > 1 and roundingAlignment:
            a = 1

        if self.alignment() == self.LeftScale:
            x1 = pos.x() + a
            x2 = pos.x() + a - pw - len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                x1 = round(x1)
                x2 = round(x2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, tval, x2, tval)
        elif self.alignment() == self.RightScale:
            x1 = pos.x()
            x2 = pos.x() + pw + len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                x1 = round(x1)
                x2 = round(x2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, tval, x2, tval)
        elif self.alignment() == self.BottomScale:
            y1 = pos.y()
            y2 = pos.y() + pw + len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                y1 = round(y1)
                y2 = round(y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, tval, y1, tval, y2)
        elif self.alignment() == self.TopScale:
            y1 = pos.y() + a
            y2 = pos.y() - pw - len_ + a
            if roundingAlignment:
                y1 = round(y1)
                y2 = round(y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, tval, y1, tval, y2)
コード例 #28
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
    def drawSymbols(self, painter, points, numPoints=None):
        Render an array of symbols

        Painting several symbols is more effective than drawing symbols
        one by one, as a couple of layout calculations and setting of pen/brush
        can be done once for the complete array.

        :param QPainter painter: Painter
        :param QPolygonF points: Positions of the symbols in screen coordinates
        #TODO: remove argument numPoints (not necessary in `PythonQwt`)
        if numPoints is not None and numPoints <= 0:
        useCache = False
        if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter) and\
           not painter.transform().isScaling():
            if self.__data.cache.policy == QwtSymbol.Cache:
                useCache = True
            elif self.__data.cache.policy == QwtSymbol.AutoCache:
                if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.Raster:
                    useCache = True
                    if self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.XCross, QwtSymbol.HLine,
                                             QwtSymbol.VLine, QwtSymbol.Cross):
                    elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Pixmap:
                        if not self.__data.size.isEmpty() and\
                           self.__data.size != self.__data.pixmap.pixmap.size():
                            useCache = True
                        useCache = True
        if useCache:
            br = QRect(self.boundingRect())
            rect = QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height())
            if self.__data.cache.pixmap.isNull():
                self.__data.cache.pixmap = QwtPainter.backingStore(None, br.size())
                p = QPainter(self.__data.cache.pixmap)
                pos = QPointF()
                self.renderSymbols(p, pos, 1)
            dx = br.left()
            dy = br.top()
            for point in points:
                left = round(point.x())+dx
                top = round(point.y())+dy
                painter.drawPixmap(left, top, self.__data.cache.pixmap)
            self.renderSymbols(painter, points, numPoints)
コード例 #29
 def drawColumn(self, painter, rect, sample):
     if self.__data.symbol and\
        self.__data.symbol.style() != QwtColumnSymbol.NoStyle:
         self.__data.symbol.draw(painter, rect)
         r = QRectF(rect.toRect())
         if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
         QwtPainter.drawRect(painter, r)
コード例 #30
 def drawSymbols(self, painter, symbol, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     chunkSize = 500
     for i in range(from_, to + 1, chunkSize):
         n = min([chunkSize, to - i + 1])
         points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), i, i + n - 1)
         if points.size() > 0:
             symbol.drawSymbols(painter, points)
コード例 #31
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawSymbols(self, painter, symbol, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     chunkSize = 500
     for i in range(from_, to+1, chunkSize):
         n = min([chunkSize, to-i+1])
         points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), i, i+n-1)
         if points.size() > 0:
             symbol.drawSymbols(painter, points)
コード例 #32
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawLines(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     if from_ > to:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     doFit = (self.__data.attributes & self.Fitted)\
             and self.__data.curveFitter
     doFill = self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush\
              and self.__data.brush.color().alpha() > 0
     clipRect = QRectF()
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
         pw = max([1., painter.pen().widthF()])
         clipRect = canvasRect.adjusted(-pw, -pw, pw, pw)
     doIntegers = False
     if QT_VERSION < 0x040800:
         if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.Raster:
             if not doFit and not doFill:
                 doIntegers = True
     noDuplicates = self.__data.paintAttributes & self.FilterPoints
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.RoundPoints, doAlign)
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, noDuplicates)
     if doIntegers:
         polyline = mapper.toPolygon(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
             polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygon(clipRect.toAlignedRect(),
                                                polyline, False)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
         polyline = mapper.toPolygonF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         if doFit:
             polyline = self.__data.curveFitter.fitCurve(polyline)
         if doFill:
             if painter.pen().style() != Qt.NoPen:
                 filled = QPolygonF(polyline)
                 self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, filled)
                 if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
                     polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(clipRect,
                                                          polyline, False)
                 QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
                 self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, polyline)
             if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
                 polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(clipRect, polyline,
             QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
コード例 #33
 def drawLines(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     if from_ > to:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     doFit = (self.__data.attributes & self.Fitted)\
             and self.__data.curveFitter
     doFill = self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush\
              and self.__data.brush.color().alpha() > 0
     clipRect = QRectF()
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
         pw = max([1., painter.pen().widthF()])
         clipRect = canvasRect.adjusted(-pw, -pw, pw, pw)
     doIntegers = False
     if QT_VERSION < 0x040800:
         if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.Raster:
             if not doFit and not doFill:
                 doIntegers = True
     noDuplicates = self.__data.paintAttributes & self.FilterPoints
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.RoundPoints, doAlign)
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, noDuplicates)
     if doIntegers:
         polyline = mapper.toPolygon(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
             polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygon(clipRect.toAlignedRect(),
                                                 polyline, False)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
         polyline = mapper.toPolygonF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         if doFit:
             polyline = self.__data.curveFitter.fitCurve(polyline)
         if doFill:
             if painter.pen().style() != Qt.NoPen:
                 filled = QPolygonF(polyline)
                 self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, filled)
                 if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
                     polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(
                         clipRect, polyline, False)
                 QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
                 self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, polyline)
             if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
                 polyline = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(
                     clipRect, polyline, False)
             QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polyline)
コード例 #34
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawStar2Symbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    if pen.width() > 1:
    cos30 = np.cos(30 * np.pi / 180.)
    dy = .25 * symbol.size().height()
    dx = .5 * symbol.size().width() * cos30 / 3.
    doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
    for pos in points:
        if doAlign:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            x1 = round(x - 3 * dx)
            y1 = round(y - 2 * dy)
            x = pos.x()
            y = pos.y()
            x1 = x - 3 * dx
            y1 = y - 2 * dy
        x2 = x1 + 1 * dx
        x3 = x1 + 2 * dx
        x4 = x1 + 3 * dx
        x5 = x1 + 4 * dx
        x6 = x1 + 5 * dx
        x7 = x1 + 6 * dx
        y2 = y1 + 1 * dy
        y3 = y1 + 2 * dy
        y4 = y1 + 3 * dy
        y5 = y1 + 4 * dy
        star = [
            QPointF(x4, y1),
            QPointF(x5, y2),
            QPointF(x7, y2),
            QPointF(x6, y3),
            QPointF(x7, y4),
            QPointF(x5, y4),
            QPointF(x4, y5),
            QPointF(x3, y4),
            QPointF(x1, y4),
            QPointF(x2, y3),
            QPointF(x1, y2),
            QPointF(x3, y2)
        QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(star))
コード例 #35
ファイル: plot_marker.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawLines(self, painter, canvasRect, pos):
     if self.__data.style == self.NoLine:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     if self.__data.style in (QwtPlotMarker.HLine, QwtPlotMarker.Cross):
         y = pos.y()
         if doAlign:
             y = round(y)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, canvasRect.left(), y,
                             canvasRect.right() - 1., y)
     if self.__data.style in (QwtPlotMarker.VLine, QwtPlotMarker.Cross):
         x = pos.x()
         if doAlign:
             x = round(x)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, canvasRect.top(), x,
                             canvasRect.bottom() - 1.)
コード例 #36
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawDots(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw dots
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`draw()`, :py:meth:`drawSticks()`, 
         :py:meth:`drawSteps()`, :py:meth:`drawLines()`
     color = painter.pen().color()
     if painter.pen().style() == Qt.NoPen or color.alpha() == 0:
     doFill = self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush\
              and self.__data.brush.color().alpha() > 0
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.RoundPoints, doAlign)
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.FilterPoints:
         if color.alpha() == 255\
            and not (painter.renderHints() & QPainter.Antialiasing):
             mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, True)
     if doFill:
         mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, False)
         points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
         self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, points)
     elif self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ImageBuffer:
         image = mapper.toImage(
             xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to, self.__data.pen,
         painter.drawImage(canvasRect.toAlignedRect(), image)
         if doAlign:
             points = mapper.toPoints(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
             QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
             points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
             QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
コード例 #37
ファイル: plot_marker.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawLines(self, painter, canvasRect, pos):
     if self.__data.style == self.NoLine:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     if self.__data.style in (QwtPlotMarker.HLine, QwtPlotMarker.Cross):
         y = pos.y()
         if doAlign:
             y = round(y)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, canvasRect.left(),
                               y, canvasRect.right()-1., y)
     if self.__data.style in (QwtPlotMarker.VLine, QwtPlotMarker.Cross):
         x = pos.x()
         if doAlign:
             x = round(x)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x,
                               canvasRect.top(), x, canvasRect.bottom()-1.)
コード例 #38
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawDots(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw dots
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`draw()`, :py:meth:`drawSticks()`, 
         :py:meth:`drawSteps()`, :py:meth:`drawLines()`
     color = painter.pen().color()
     if painter.pen().style() == Qt.NoPen or color.alpha() == 0:
     doFill = self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush\
              and self.__data.brush.color().alpha() > 0
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.RoundPoints, doAlign)
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.FilterPoints:
         if color.alpha() == 255\
            and not (painter.renderHints() & QPainter.Antialiasing):
             mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, True)
     if doFill:
         mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, False)
         points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
         self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, points)
     elif self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ImageBuffer:
         image = mapper.toImage(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to,
         painter.drawImage(canvasRect.toAlignedRect(), image)
         if doAlign:
             points = mapper.toPoints(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
             QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
             points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
             QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
コード例 #39
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawSteps(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw steps
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`draw()`, :py:meth:`drawSticks()`, 
         :py:meth:`drawDots()`, :py:meth:`drawLines()`
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     polygon = QPolygonF(2 * (to - from_) + 1)
     inverted = self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical
     if self.__data.attributes & self.Inverted:
         inverted = not inverted
     series = self.data()
     ip = 0
     for i in range(from_, to + 1):
         sample = series.sample(i)
         xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
         yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
         if doAlign:
             xi = round(xi)
             yi = round(yi)
         if ip > 0:
             p0 = polygon[ip - 2]
             if inverted:
                 polygon[ip - 1] = QPointF(p0.x(), yi)
                 polygon[ip - 1] = QPointF(xi, p0.y())
         polygon[ip] = QPointF(xi, yi)
         ip += 2
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
         clipped = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(canvasRect, polygon, False)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, clipped)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polygon)
     if self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush:
         self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, polygon)
コード例 #40
 def drawOutline(self, painter, xMap, yMap, from_, to):
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     if self.orientation() == Qt.Horizontal:
         v0 = xMap.transform(self.baseline())
         v0 = yMap.transform(self.baseline())
     if doAlign:
         v0 = round(v0)
     previous = QwtIntervalSample()
     polygon = QPolygonF()
     for i in range(from_, to + 1):
         sample = self.sample(i)
         if not sample.interval.isValid():
             self.flushPolygon(painter, v0, polygon)
             previous = sample
         if previous.interval.isValid():
             if not qwtIsCombinable(previous.interval, sample.interval):
                 self.flushPolygon(painter, v0, polygon)
         if self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical:
             x1 = xMap.transform(sample.interval.minValue())
             x2 = xMap.transform(sample.interval.maxValue())
             y = yMap.transform(sample.value)
             if doAlign:
                 x1 = round(x1)
                 x2 = round(x2)
                 y = round(y)
             if polygon.size() == 0:
                 polygon += QPointF(x1, v0)
             polygon += QPointF(x1, y)
             polygon += QPointF(x2, y)
             y1 = yMap.transform(sample.interval.minValue())
             y2 = yMap.transform(sample.interval.maxValue())
             x = xMap.transform(sample.value)
             if doAlign:
                 y1 = round(y1)
                 y2 = round(y2)
                 x = round(x)
             if polygon.size() == 0:
                 polygon += QPointF(v0, y1)
             polygon += QPointF(x, y1)
             polygon += QPointF(x, y2)
         previous = sample
     self.flushPolygon(painter, v0, polygon)
コード例 #41
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawSteps(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw steps
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`draw()`, :py:meth:`drawSticks()`, 
         :py:meth:`drawDots()`, :py:meth:`drawLines()`
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     polygon = QPolygonF(2*(to-from_)+1)
     inverted = self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical
     if self.__data.attributes & self.Inverted:
         inverted = not inverted
     series = self.data()
     ip = 0
     for i in range(from_, to+1):
         sample = series.sample(i)
         xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
         yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
         if doAlign:
             xi = round(xi)
             yi = round(yi)
         if ip > 0:
             p0 = polygon[ip-2]
             if inverted:
                 polygon[ip-1] = QPointF(p0.x(), yi)
                 polygon[ip-1] = QPointF(xi, p0.y())
         polygon[ip] = QPointF(xi, yi)
         ip += 2
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ClipPolygons:
         clipped = QwtClipper().clipPolygonF(canvasRect, polygon, False)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, clipped)
         QwtPainter.drawPolyline(painter, polygon)
     if self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush:
         self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, polygon)
コード例 #42
 def drawLines(self, painter, canvasRect, orientation, scaleMap, values):
     x1 = canvasRect.left()
     x2 = canvasRect.right() - 1.
     y1 = canvasRect.top()
     y2 = canvasRect.bottom() - 1.
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     for val in values:
         value = scaleMap.transform(val)
         if doAlign:
             value = round(value)
         if orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
             if qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual(value, y1) and\
                qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual(value, y2):
                 QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, value, x2, value)
             if qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual(value, x1) and\
                qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual(value, x2):
                 QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, value, y1, value, y2)
コード例 #43
ファイル: plot_grid.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawLines(self, painter, canvasRect, orientation, scaleMap, values):
     x1 = canvasRect.left()
     x2 = canvasRect.right()-1.
     y1 = canvasRect.top()
     y2 = canvasRect.bottom()-1.
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     for val in values:
         value = scaleMap.transform(val)
         if doAlign:
             value = round(value)
         if orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
             if qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual(value, y1) and\
                qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual(value, y2):
                 QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, value, x2, value)
             if qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual(value, x1) and\
                qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual(value, x2):
                 QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, value, y1, value, y2)
コード例 #44
ファイル: scale_draw.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
    def drawTick(self, painter, value, len_):
        if len_ <= 0:

        roundingAlignment = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
        pos = self.__data.pos
        tval = self.scaleMap().transform(value)
        if roundingAlignment:
            tval = round(tval)

        pw = self.penWidth()
        a = 0
        if pw > 1 and roundingAlignment:
            a = 1

        if self.alignment() == self.LeftScale:
            x1 = pos.x() + a
            x2 = pos.x() + a - pw - len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                x1 = round(x1)
                x2 = round(x2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, tval, x2, tval)
        elif self.alignment() == self.RightScale:
            x1 = pos.x()
            x2 = pos.x() + pw + len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                x1 = round(x1)
                x2 = round(x2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, tval, x2, tval)
        elif self.alignment() == self.BottomScale:
            y1 = pos.y()
            y2 = pos.y() + pw + len_
            if roundingAlignment:
                y1 = round(y1)
                y2 = round(y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, tval, y1, tval, y2)
        elif self.alignment() == self.TopScale:
            y1 = pos.y() + a
            y2 = pos.y() - pw - len_ + a
            if roundingAlignment:
                y1 = round(y1)
                y2 = round(y2)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, tval, y1, tval, y2)
コード例 #45
ファイル: scale_draw.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
    def drawBackbone(self, painter):
        Draws the baseline of the scale

        :param QPainter painter: Painter
        .. seealso::
            :py:meth:`drawTick()`, :py:meth:`drawLabel()`
        doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
        pos = self.__data.pos
        len_ = self.__data.len
        pw = max([self.penWidth(), 1])
        if doAlign:
            if self.alignment() in (self.LeftScale, self.TopScale):
                off = (pw-1)/2
                off = pw/2
            off = .5*self.penWidth()
        if self.alignment() == self.LeftScale:
            x = pos.x() - off
            if doAlign:
                x = round(x)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, pos.y(), x, pos.y()+len_)
        elif self.alignment() == self.RightScale:
            x = pos.x() + off
            if doAlign:
                x = round(x)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, pos.y(), x, pos.y()+len_)
        elif self.alignment() == self.TopScale:
            y = pos.y() - off
            if doAlign:
                y = round(y)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, pos.x(), y, pos.x()+len_, y)
        elif self.alignment() == self.BottomScale:
            y = pos.y() + off
            if doAlign:
                y = round(y)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, pos.x(), y, pos.x()+len_, y)
コード例 #46
ファイル: scale_draw.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawTick(self, painter, value, len_):
     if len_ <= 0:
     roundingAlignment = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     pos = self.__data.pos
     tval = self.scaleMap().transform(value)
     if roundingAlignment:
         tval = round(tval)
     pw = self.penWidth()
     a = 0
     if pw > 1 and roundingAlignment:
         a = 1
     if self.alignment() == self.LeftScale:
         x1 = pos.x() + a
         x2 = pos.x() + a - pw - len_
         if roundingAlignment:
             x1 = round(x1)
             x2 = round(x2)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, tval, x2, tval)
     elif self.alignment() == self.RightScale:
         x1 = pos.x()
         x2 = pos.x() + pw + len_
         if roundingAlignment:
             x1 = round(x1)
             x2 = round(x2)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, tval, x2, tval)
     elif self.alignment() == self.BottomScale:
         y1 = pos.y()
         y2 = pos.y() + pw + len_
         if roundingAlignment:
             y1 = round(y1)
             y2 = round(y2)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, tval, y1, tval, y2)
     elif self.alignment() == self.TopScale:
         y1 = pos.y() + a
         y2 = pos.y() - pw - len_ + a
         if roundingAlignment:
             y1 = round(y1)
             y2 = round(y2)
         QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, tval, y1, tval, y2)
コード例 #47
 def drawSymbols(self, painter, points, numPoints=None):
     #TODO: remove argument numPoints (not necessary in Python's qwt)
     if numPoints is not None and numPoints <= 0:
     useCache = False
     if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter) and\
        not painter.transform().isScaling():
         if self.__data.cache.policy == QwtSymbol.Cache:
             useCache = True
         elif self.__data.cache.policy == QwtSymbol.AutoCache:
             if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.Raster:
                 useCache = True
                 if self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.XCross, QwtSymbol.HLine,
                                          QwtSymbol.VLine, QwtSymbol.Cross):
                 elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Pixmap:
                     if not self.__data.size.isEmpty() and\
                        self.__data.size != self.__data.pixmap.pixmap.size():
                         useCache = True
                     useCache = True
     if useCache:
         br = QRect(self.boundingRect())
         rect = QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height())
         if self.__data.cache.pixmap.isNull():
             self.__data.cache.pixmap = QwtPainter.backingStore(None, br.size())
             p = QPainter(self.__data.cache.pixmap)
             pos = QPointF()
             self.renderSymbols(p, pos, 1)
         dx = br.left()
         dy = br.top()
         for point in points:
             left = round(point.x())+dx
             top = round(point.y())+dy
             painter.drawPixmap(left, top, self.__data.cache.pixmap)
         self.renderSymbols(painter, points, numPoints)
コード例 #48
ファイル: scale_draw.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
    def drawBackbone(self, painter):
        Draws the baseline of the scale

        :param QPainter painter: Painter
        .. seealso::
            :py:meth:`drawTick()`, :py:meth:`drawLabel()`
        doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
        pos = self.__data.pos
        len_ = self.__data.len
        pw = max([self.penWidth(), 1])

        if doAlign:
            if self.alignment() in (self.LeftScale, self.TopScale):
                off = (pw - 1) / 2
                off = pw / 2
            off = .5 * self.penWidth()

        if self.alignment() == self.LeftScale:
            x = pos.x() - off
            if doAlign:
                x = round(x)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, pos.y(), x, pos.y() + len_)
        elif self.alignment() == self.RightScale:
            x = pos.x() + off
            if doAlign:
                x = round(x)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, pos.y(), x, pos.y() + len_)
        elif self.alignment() == self.TopScale:
            y = pos.y() - off
            if doAlign:
                y = round(y)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, pos.x(), y, pos.x() + len_, y)
        elif self.alignment() == self.BottomScale:
            y = pos.y() + off
            if doAlign:
                y = round(y)
            QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, pos.x(), y, pos.x() + len_, y)
コード例 #49
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawDots(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     color = painter.pen().color()
     if painter.pen().style() == Qt.NoPen or color.alpha() == 0:
     doFill = self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush\
              and self.__data.brush.color().alpha() > 0
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.RoundPoints, doAlign)
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.FilterPoints:
         if color.alpha() == 255\
            and not (painter.renderHints() & QPainter.Antialiasing):
             mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, True)
     if doFill:
         mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, False)
         points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
         self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, points)
     elif self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ImageBuffer:
         image = mapper.toImage(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to,
         painter.drawImage(canvasRect.toAlignedRect(), image)
     elif self.__data.paintAttributes & self.MinimizeMemory:
         series = self.data()
         for i in range(from_, to+1):
             sample = series.sample(i)
             xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
             yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
             if doAlign:
                 xi = round(xi)
                 yi = round(yi)
             QwtPainter.drawPoint(painter, QPointF(xi, yi))
         if doAlign:
             points = mapper.toPoints(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
             QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
             points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
             QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
コード例 #50
 def drawDots(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     color = painter.pen().color()
     if painter.pen().style() == Qt.NoPen or color.alpha() == 0:
     doFill = self.__data.brush.style() != Qt.NoBrush\
              and self.__data.brush.color().alpha() > 0
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     mapper = QwtPointMapper()
     mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.RoundPoints, doAlign)
     if self.__data.paintAttributes & self.FilterPoints:
         if color.alpha() == 255\
            and not (painter.renderHints() & QPainter.Antialiasing):
             mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, True)
     if doFill:
         mapper.setFlag(QwtPointMapper.WeedOutPoints, False)
         points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
         QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
         self.fillCurve(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, points)
     elif self.__data.paintAttributes & self.ImageBuffer:
         image = mapper.toImage(
             xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to, self.__data.pen,
         painter.drawImage(canvasRect.toAlignedRect(), image)
     elif self.__data.paintAttributes & self.MinimizeMemory:
         series = self.data()
         for i in range(from_, to + 1):
             sample = series.sample(i)
             xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
             yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
             if doAlign:
                 xi = round(xi)
                 yi = round(yi)
             QwtPainter.drawPoint(painter, QPointF(xi, yi))
         if doAlign:
             points = mapper.toPoints(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
             QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
             points = mapper.toPointsF(xMap, yMap, self.data(), from_, to)
             QwtPainter.drawPoints(painter, points)
コード例 #51
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def closePolyline(self, painter, xMap, yMap, polygon):
     if polygon.size() < 2:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     baseline = self.__data.baseline
     if self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical:
         if yMap.transformation():
             baseline = yMap.transformation().bounded(baseline)
         refY = yMap.transform(baseline)
         if doAlign:
             refY = round(refY)
         polygon += QPointF(polygon.last().x(), refY)
         polygon += QPointF(polygon.first().x(), refY)
         if xMap.transformation():
             baseline = xMap.transformation().bounded(baseline)
         refX = xMap.transform(baseline)
         if doAlign:
             refX = round(refX)
         polygon += QPointF(refX, polygon.last().y())
         polygon += QPointF(refX, polygon.first().y())
コード例 #52
 def closePolyline(self, painter, xMap, yMap, polygon):
     if polygon.size() < 2:
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     baseline = self.__data.baseline
     if self.orientation() == Qt.Vertical:
         if yMap.transformation():
             baseline = yMap.transformation().bounded(baseline)
         refY = yMap.transform(baseline)
         if doAlign:
             refY = round(refY)
         polygon += QPointF(polygon.last().x(), refY)
         polygon += QPointF(polygon.first().x(), refY)
         if xMap.transformation():
             baseline = xMap.transformation().bounded(baseline)
         refX = xMap.transform(baseline)
         if doAlign:
             refX = round(refX)
         polygon += QPointF(refX, polygon.last().y())
         polygon += QPointF(refX, polygon.first().y())
コード例 #53
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawSticks(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw sticks
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`draw()`, :py:meth:`drawDots()`, 
         :py:meth:`drawSteps()`, :py:meth:`drawLines()`
     painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     x0 = xMap.transform(self.__data.baseline)
     y0 = yMap.transform(self.__data.baseline)
     if doAlign:
         x0 = round(x0)
         y0 = round(y0)
     o = self.orientation()
     series = self.data()
     for i in range(from_, to + 1):
         sample = series.sample(i)
         xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
         yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
         if doAlign:
             xi = round(xi)
             yi = round(yi)
         if o == Qt.Horizontal:
             QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x0, yi, xi, yi)
             QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, xi, y0, xi, yi)
コード例 #54
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
 def drawSticks(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     Draw sticks
     :param QPainter painter: Painter
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap xMap: Maps x-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param qwt.scale_map.QwtScaleMap yMap: Maps y-values into pixel coordinates.
     :param QRectF canvasRect: Contents rectangle of the canvas
     :param int from_: Index of the first point to be painted
     :param int to: Index of the last point to be painted. If to < 0 the curve will be painted to its last point.
     .. seealso::
         :py:meth:`draw()`, :py:meth:`drawDots()`, 
         :py:meth:`drawSteps()`, :py:meth:`drawLines()`
     painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     x0 = xMap.transform(self.__data.baseline)
     y0 = yMap.transform(self.__data.baseline)
     if doAlign:
         x0 = round(x0)
         y0 = round(y0)
     o = self.orientation()
     series = self.data()
     for i in range(from_, to+1):
         sample = series.sample(i)
         xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
         yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
         if doAlign:
             xi = round(xi)
             yi = round(yi)
         if o == Qt.Horizontal:
             QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x0, yi, xi, yi)
             QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, xi, y0, xi, yi)
コード例 #55
ファイル: plot_curve.py プロジェクト: petebachant/python-qwt
 def drawSticks(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     x0 = xMap.transform(self.__data.baseline)
     y0 = yMap.transform(self.__data.baseline)
     if doAlign:
         x0 = round(x0)
         y0 = round(y0)
     o = self.orientation()
     series = self.data()
     for i in range(from_, to+1):
         sample = series.sample(i)
         xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
         yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
         if doAlign:
             xi = round(xi)
             yi = round(yi)
         if o == Qt.Horizontal:
             QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x0, yi, xi, yi)
             QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, xi, y0, xi, yi)
コード例 #56
 def drawSticks(self, painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from_, to):
     painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
     doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
     x0 = xMap.transform(self.__data.baseline)
     y0 = yMap.transform(self.__data.baseline)
     if doAlign:
         x0 = round(x0)
         y0 = round(y0)
     o = self.orientation()
     series = self.data()
     for i in range(from_, to + 1):
         sample = series.sample(i)
         xi = xMap.transform(sample.x())
         yi = yMap.transform(sample.y())
         if doAlign:
             xi = round(xi)
             yi = round(yi)
         if o == Qt.Horizontal:
             QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x0, yi, xi, yi)
             QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, xi, y0, xi, yi)
コード例 #57
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawLineSymbols(painter, orientations, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size =symbol.size()
    off = 0
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    if pen.width() > 1:
        off = 1
    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        sw = np.floor(size.width())
        sh = np.floor(size.height())
        sw2 = size.width()//2
        sh2 = size.height()//2
        for pos in points:
            if orientations & Qt.Horizontal:
                x = round(pos.x())-sw2
                y = round(pos.y())
                QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, y, x+sw+off, y)
            if orientations & Qt.Vertical:
                x = round(pos.x())
                y = round(pos.y())-sh2
                QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, y, x, y+sh+off)
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = .5*size.width()
        sh2 = .5*size.height()
        for pos in points:
            if orientations & Qt.Horizontal:
                x = round(pos.x())-sw2
                y = round(pos.y())
                QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, y, x+sw, y)
            if orientations & Qt.Vertical:
                x = round(pos.x())
                y = round(pos.y())-sh2
                QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, y, x, y+sh)
コード例 #58
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawStar2Symbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
    if pen.width() > 1:
    cos30 = np.cos(30*np.pi/180.)
    dy = .25*symbol.size().height()
    dx = .5*symbol.size().width()*cos30/3.
    doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
    for pos in points:
        if doAlign:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            x1 = round(x-3*dx)
            y1 = round(y-2*dy)
            x = pos.x()
            y = pos.y()
            x1 = x-3*dx
            y1 = y-2*dy
        x2 = x1+1*dx
        x3 = x1+2*dx
        x4 = x1+3*dx
        x5 = x1+4*dx
        x6 = x1+5*dx
        x7 = x1+6*dx
        y2 = y1+1*dy
        y3 = y1+2*dy
        y4 = y1+3*dy
        y5 = y1+4*dy
        star = [QPointF(x4, y1), QPointF(x5, y2), QPointF(x7, y2),
                QPointF(x6, y3), QPointF(x7, y4), QPointF(x5, y4),
                QPointF(x4, y5), QPointF(x3, y4), QPointF(x1, y4),
                QPointF(x2, y3), QPointF(x1, y2), QPointF(x3, y2)]
        QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(star))
コード例 #59
ファイル: symbol.py プロジェクト: gyenney/Tools
def qwtDrawEllipseSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
    size =symbol.size()
    if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = size.width()//2
        sh2 = size.height()//2
        for pos in points:
            x = round(pos.x())
            y = round(pos.y())
            r = QRectF(x-sw2, y-sh2, sw, sh)
            QwtPainter.drawEllipse(painter, r)
        sw = size.width()
        sh = size.height()
        sw2 = .5*size.width()
        sh2 = .5*size.height()
        for pos in points:
            x = pos.x()
            y = pos.y()
            r = QRectF(x-sw2, y-sh2, sw, sh)
            QwtPainter.drawEllipse(painter, r)