def run(verbose=True, sleep_time = 60, num_items = 1): key = "indextank_cursor" cursor = g.cache.get(key) if cursor is None: raise ValueError("%s is not set!" % key) cursor = int(cursor) while True: if verbose: print "Looking for %d items with _id < %d" % (num_items, cursor) q = Link._query(sort = desc('_id'), limit = num_items) q._after(Link._byID(cursor)) last_date = None for item in q: cursor = item._id last_date = item._date amqp.add_item('indextank_changes', item._fullname, message_id = item._fullname, delivery_mode = amqp.DELIVERY_TRANSIENT) g.cache.set(key, cursor) if verbose: if last_date: last_date = last_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") print ("Just enqueued %d items. New cursor=%s (%s). Sleeping %d seconds." % (num_items, cursor, last_date, sleep_time)) sleep(sleep_time)
def submit_all(): from r2.models import Subdigg, Account, Link, NotFound from import set_media from r2.lib.db import queries sr = Subdigg._by_name('testmedia') author = Account._by_name('testmedia') links = [] for url in test_urls: try: # delete any existing version of the link l = Link._by_url(url, sr) print "Deleting %s" % l l._deleted = True l._commit() except NotFound: pass l = Link._submit(url, url, author, sr, '') try: set_media(l) except Exception, e: print e if g.write_query_queue: queries.new_link(l) links.append(l)
def get_links(sr, sort, time, merge_batched=True): """General link query for a subreddit.""" q = Link._query(Link.c.sr_id == sr._id, sort = db_sort(sort), data = True) if time != 'all': q._filter(db_times[time]) res = make_results(q) # see the discussion above batched_time_times if (merge_batched and g.use_query_cache and sort in batched_time_sorts and time in batched_time_times): byday = Link._query(Link.c.sr_id == sr._id, sort = db_sort(sort), data=True) byday._filter(db_times['day']) res = merge_results(res, make_results(byday)) return res
def GET_report(self, start, end, link_text=None, owner=None): now =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end = end or now - timedelta(days=1) start = start or end - timedelta(days=7) links = [] bad_links = [] owner_name = if owner else '' if owner: promo_weights = PromotionWeights.get_campaigns(start, end, author_id=owner._id) campaign_ids = [pw.promo_idx for pw in promo_weights] campaigns = PromoCampaign._byID(campaign_ids, data=True) link_ids = {camp.link_id for camp in campaigns.itervalues()} links.extend(Link._byID(link_ids, data=True, return_dict=False)) if link_text is not None: id36s = link_text.replace(',', ' ').split() try: links_from_text = Link._byID36(id36s, data=True) except NotFound: links_from_text = {} bad_links = [id36 for id36 in id36s if id36 not in links_from_text] links.extend(links_from_text.values()) content = PromoteReport(links, link_text, owner_name, bad_links, start, end) if c.render_style == 'csv': return content.as_csv() else: return PromotePage(title=_("sponsored link report"), content=content).render()
def _handle_check_edits(payload): existing = Link._by_fullname(payload["link"], data=True) creative = creatives_service.get_creative(existing) link = utils.dfp_creative_to_link( creative, link=Link._by_fullname(payload["link"], data=True)) link.dfp_checking_edits = False link._commit()
def _mock_link(id=1, author_id=1, sr_id=1, **kwargs): kwargs['id'] = id kwargs['author_id'] = author_id kwargs['sr_id'] = sr_id link = Link(**kwargs) = MagicMock(return_value=link) sr = Subreddit(id=sr_id) link.subreddit = sr return link
def _handle_adzerk(msg): data = json.loads(msg.body) g.log.debug('data: %s' % data) action = data.get('action') if action == 'deactivate_link': link = Link._by_fullname(data['link'], data=True) _deactivate_link(link) elif action == 'deactivate_campaign': link = Link._by_fullname(data['link'], data=True) campaign = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(data['campaign'], data=True) _deactivate_campaign(link, campaign) elif action == 'update_adzerk': link = Link._by_fullname(data['link'], data=True) campaign = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(data['campaign'], data=True) _update_adzerk(link, campaign)
def get_comment_items(srs, src, count=4): """Get hot links from srs, plus top comment from each link.""" link_fullnames = normalized_hot([sr._id for sr in srs]) hot_links = Link._by_fullname(link_fullnames[:count], return_dict=False) top_comments = [] for link in hot_links: builder = CommentBuilder( link, operators.desc("_confidence"), comment=None, context=None, num=1, load_more=False ) listing = NestedListing(builder, parent_name=link._fullname).listing() top_comments.extend(listing.things) srs = Subreddit._byID([com.sr_id for com in top_comments]) links = Link._byID([com.link_id for com in top_comments]) comment_items = [ExploreItem(TYPE_COMMENT, src, srs[com.sr_id], links[com.link_id], com) for com in top_comments] return comment_items
def _mock_link(id=1, author_id=1, sr_id=1, can_comment=True, can_view_promo=True, **kwargs): kwargs["id"] = id kwargs["author_id"] = author_id kwargs["sr_id"] = sr_id link = Link(**kwargs) = MagicMock(return_value=link) sr = Subreddit(id=sr_id) link.subreddit_slow = sr Subreddit.can_comment = MagicMock(return_value=can_comment) Link.can_view_promo = MagicMock(return_value=can_view_promo) return link
def test_cassasavehide(): from r2.models import Account, Link, CassandraSave, SavesByAccount from r2.lib.db import tdb_cassandra a = list(Account._query(sort=desc('_date'), limit=1))[0] l = list(Link._query(sort=desc('_date'), limit=1))[0] try: csh = CassandraSave._fast_query(a._id36, l._id36) print "Warning! Deleting!", csh CassandraSave._fast_query(a._id36, l._id36)._destroy() except tdb_cassandra.NotFound: pass csh = CassandraSave._save(a, l) csh._commit() assert CassandraSave._fast_query(a._id36, l._id36) == csh # check for the SavesByAccount object too assert SavesByAccount._byID(a._id36)[csh._id] == csh._id csh._destroy() try: CassandraSave._fast_query(a._id36, l._id36) == csh raise Exception("shouldn't exist after destroying") except tdb_cassandra.NotFound: pass try: assert csh._id not in SavesByAccount._byID(a._id36, properties = csh._id)._values() except tdb_cassandra.NotFound: pass
def get_spam_filtered_links(sr_id): """ NOTE: This query will never run unless someone does an "update" on it, but that will probably timeout. Use insert_spam_filtered_links.""" return Link._query(Link.c.sr_id == sr_id, Link.c._spam == True, Link.c.verdict != 'mod-removed', sort = db_sort('new'))
def url_links_builder(url, exclude=None, num=None, after=None, reverse=None, count=None): from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_sr from r2.models import IDBuilder, Link, NotFound from operator import attrgetter if url.startswith('/'): url = add_sr(url, force_hostname=True) try: links = Link._by_url(url, None) except NotFound: links = [] links = [ link for link in links if link._fullname != exclude ] links.sort(key=attrgetter('num_comments'), reverse=True) # don't show removed links in duplicates unless admin or mod # or unless it's your own post def include_link(link): return (not link._spam or (c.user_is_loggedin and (link.author_id == c.user._id or c.user_is_admin or link.subreddit.is_moderator(c.user)))) builder = IDBuilder([link._fullname for link in links], skip=True, keep_fn=include_link, num=num, after=after, reverse=reverse, count=count) return builder
def bid_history(cls, start_date, end_date = None, account_id = None): from r2.models import Link from r2.lib import promote start_date = to_date(start_date) end_date = to_date(end_date) q = cls.query() q = q.filter(and_( >= start_date, < end_date)) q = list(q) links = Link._by_fullname([x.thing_name for x in q], data=True) d = start_date res = [] while d < end_date: bid = 0 refund = 0 for i in q: if d == l = links[i.thing_name] if (not promote.is_rejected(l) and not promote.is_unpaid(l) and not l._deleted and i.promo_idx in getattr(l, 'campaigns', {})): camp = l.campaigns[i.promo_idx] bid += refund += if camp[-1] <= 0 else 0 res.append([d, bid, refund]) d += datetime.timedelta(1) return res
def get_hot(sr): q = Link._query(Link.c.sr_id == sr._id, sort = desc('_hot'), write_cache = True, limit = 150) iden = q._iden() read_cache = True #if query is in the cache, the expire flag is true, and the access #time is old, set read_cache = False if cache.get(iden) is not None: if cache.get(expire_key(sr)): access_time = cache.get(access_key(sr)) if not access_time or > access_time + expire_delta: cache.delete(expire_key(sr)) read_cache = False #if the query isn't in the cache, set read_cache to false so we #record the access time else: read_cache = False if not read_cache: cache.set(access_key(sr), q._read_cache = read_cache res = list(q) #set the #1 link so we can ignore it later. expire after TOP_CACHE #just in case something happens and that sr doesn't update if res: cache.set(top_key(sr), res[0]._fullname, TOP_CACHE) return res
def get_promos(date, sr_names=None, link=None): campaign_ids = PromotionWeights.get_campaign_ids(date, sr_names=sr_names, link=link) campaigns = PromoCampaign._byID(campaign_ids, data=True, return_dict=False) link_ids = {camp.link_id for camp in campaigns} links = Link._byID(link_ids, data=True) for camp in campaigns: yield camp, links[camp.link_id]
def new_promotion(title, url, selftext, user, ip): """ Creates a new promotion with the provided title, etc, and sets it status to be 'unpaid'. """ sr = Subreddit._byID(get_promote_srid()) l = Link._submit(title, url, user, sr, ip) l.promoted = True l.disable_comments = False PromotionLog.add(l, "promotion created") if url == "self": l.url = l.make_permalink_slow() l.is_self = True l.selftext = selftext l._commit() update_promote_status(l, PROMOTE_STATUS.unpaid) # the user has posted a promotion, so enable the promote menu unless # they have already opted out if user.pref_show_promote is not False: user.pref_show_promote = True user._commit() # notify of new promo emailer.new_promo(l) return l
def test_run_link(start_link, count=1000): """Inject `count` number of links, starting with `start_link`""" if isinstance(start_link, basestring): start_link = int(start_link, 36) links = Link._byID(range(start_link - count, start_link), data=True, return_dict=False) uploader = LinkUploader(g.CLOUDSEARCH_DOC_API, things=links) return uploader.inject()
def url_links_builder(url, exclude=None): from r2.models import IDBuilder, Link, NotFound from operator import attrgetter try: links = tup(Link._by_url(url, None)) except NotFound: links = [] links = [ link for link in links if link._fullname != exclude ] links.sort(key=attrgetter('num_comments'), reverse=True) # don't show removed links in duplicates unless admin or mod # or unless it's your own post def include_link(link): return (not link._spam or (c.user_is_loggedin and (link.author_id == c.user._id or c.user_is_admin or link.subreddit.is_moderator(c.user)))) builder = IDBuilder([link._fullname for link in links], skip=True, keep_fn=include_link) return builder
def _handle_adzerk(msg): data = json.loads(msg.body) g.log.debug('data: %s' % data) action = data.get('action') if action == 'deactivate_orphaned_flight': _deactivate_orphaned_flight(data['flight']) return link = Link._by_fullname(data['link'], data=True) if data['campaign']: campaign = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(data['campaign'], data=True) else: campaign = None if action == 'update_adzerk': if 'triggered_by' in data and data['triggered_by'] is not None: triggered_by = Account._by_fullname(data['triggered_by'], data=True) else: triggered_by = None _update_adzerk(link, campaign, triggered_by) elif action == 'deactivate_overdelivered': _deactivate_overdelivered(link, campaign)
def dfp_creative_to_link(creative, link=None): from r2.models import ( Link, PROMOTE_STATUS, ) user = get_dfp_user() sr = get_dfp_subreddit() attributes = dfp_template_to_dict( creative.creativeTemplateVariableValues) kind = "self" if attributes["selftext"] else "link" url = attributes["url"] if kind == "link" else "self" if not link: link = Link._submit( attributes["title"], url, user, sr, ip="", sendreplies=False, ) if kind == "self": link.url = link.make_permalink_slow() link.is_self = True link.selftext = attributes["selftext"] link.promoted = True link.promote_status = PROMOTE_STATUS.promoted link.thumbnail_url = attributes["thumbnail_url"] link.mobile_ad_url = attributes["mobile_ad_url"] link.third_party_tracking = attributes["third_party_tracking"] link.third_party_tracking_2 = attributes["third_party_tracking_2"] link.dfp_creative_id = creative["id"] link._commit() return link
def new_comment(comment, inbox_rels): author = Account._byID(comment.author_id) job = [get_comments(author, "new", "all")] if comment._deleted: job.append(get_all_comments()) add_queries(job, delete_items=comment) else: # if comment._spam: # sr = Subreddit._byID(comment.sr_id) # job.append(get_spam_comments(sr)) add_queries(job, insert_items=comment) amqp.add_item("new_comment", comment._fullname) if not g.amqp_host: l = Link._byID(comment.link_id, data=True) add_comment_tree(comment, l) # note that get_all_comments() is updated by the amqp process # r2.lib.db.queries.run_new_comments if inbox_rels: for inbox_rel in tup(inbox_rels): inbox_owner = inbox_rel._thing1 if inbox_rel._name == "inbox": add_queries([get_inbox_comments(inbox_owner)], insert_items=inbox_rel) else: add_queries([get_inbox_selfreply(inbox_owner)], insert_items=inbox_rel) set_unread(comment, inbox_owner, True)
def query(self): if c.user_is_sponsor: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_all_unapproved_links() elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_all_accepted_links() elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_all_unpaid_links() elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_all_rejected_links() elif self.sort == "live_promos" and return self.live_by_subreddit( elif self.sort == 'live_promos': return queries.get_all_live_links() elif self.sort == 'underdelivered': q = queries.get_underdelivered_campaigns() campaigns = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(list(q), data=True, return_dict=False) link_ids = [camp.link_id for camp in campaigns] return [Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(id)) for id in link_ids] elif self.sort == 'reported': return queries.get_reported_links(get_promote_srid()) return queries.get_all_promoted_links() else: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_unapproved_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_accepted_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_unpaid_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_rejected_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "live_promos": return queries.get_live_links(c.user._id) return queries.get_promoted_links(c.user._id)
def _create_link(creative): """ Creates a link to allow third party voting/commenting """ user = _get_user() sr = _get_subreddit() attributes = _template_to_dict(creative) kind = "self" if attributes["selftext"] else "link" url = attributes["url"] if kind == "link" else "self" link = Link._submit( attributes["title"], url, user, sr, ip="", sendreplies=False, ) if kind == "self": link.url = link.make_permalink_slow() link.is_self = True link.selftext = attributes["selftext"] link.promoted = True link.third_party_promo = True link.thumbnail_url = attributes["thumbnail_url"] link.mobile_ad_url = attributes["mobile_ad_url"] link.third_party_tracking = attributes["third_party_tracking"] link.third_party_tracking_2 = attributes["third_party_tracking_2"] link.external_id = creative["id"] link._commit() return link
def get_links(self, sort, time): from r2.lib.db import queries from r2.models import Link from r2.controllers.errors import UserRequiredException if not c.user_is_loggedin: raise UserRequiredException friends = self.get_important_friends(c.user._id) if not friends: return [] if g.use_query_cache: # with the precomputer enabled, this Subreddit only supports # being sorted by 'new'. it would be nice to have a # cleaner UI than just blatantly ignoring their sort, # though sort = "new" time = "all" friends = Account._byID(friends, return_dict=False) crs = [queries.get_submitted(friend, sort, time) for friend in friends] return queries.MergedCachedResults(crs) else: q = Link._query(Link.c.author_id == friends, sort=queries.db_sort(sort), data=True) if time != "all": q._filter(queries.db_times[time]) return q
def get_links(cls, event_id): link_ids = cls._get_related_link_ids(event_id) links = Link._byID(link_ids, data=True, return_dict=False) links.sort(key=lambda L: L.num_comments, reverse=True) sr_ids = set(L.sr_id for L in links) subreddits = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, data=True) wrapped = [] for link in links: w = Wrapped(link) if w._spam or w._deleted: continue if not getattr(w, "allow_liveupdate", True): continue w.subreddit = subreddits[link.sr_id] # ideally we'd check if the user can see the subreddit, but by # doing this we keep everything user unspecific which makes caching # easier. if w.subreddit.type == "private": continue comment_label = ungettext("comment", "comments", link.num_comments) w.comments_label = strings.number_label % dict( num=link.num_comments, thing=comment_label) wrapped.append(w) return wrapped
def get_links(self, sort, time): from r2.models import Link from r2.lib.db import queries q = Link._query(sort = queries.db_sort(sort)) if time != 'all': q._filter(queries.db_times[time]) return q
def new_promotion(is_self, title, content, author, ip): """ Creates a new promotion with the provided title, etc, and sets it status to be 'unpaid'. """ sr = Subreddit._byID(Subreddit.get_promote_srid()) l = Link._submit( is_self=is_self, title=title, content=content, author=author, sr=sr, ip=ip, ) l.promoted = True l.disable_comments = False l.sendreplies = True PromotionLog.add(l, 'promotion created') update_promote_status(l, PROMOTE_STATUS.unpaid) # the user has posted a promotion, so enable the promote menu unless # they have already opted out if author.pref_show_promote is not False: author.pref_show_promote = True author._commit() # notify of new promo emailer.new_promo(l) return l
def _use_adserver_reporting(thing): if not feature.is_enabled("adserver_reporting"): return False if not g.adserver_reporting_cutoff: return False try: cutoff = parse_date(g.adserver_reporting_cutoff) except ValueError: return False if isinstance(thing, PromoCampaign): link = Link._byID(thing.link_id) else: link = thing campaigns = list(PromoCampaign._by_link(link._id)) # No campaigns, so nothing to report. Show the new # view anyway. if not campaigns: return True end_date = max(campaign.end_date for campaign in campaigns) end_date = end_date.replace( cutoff = cutoff.replace( if end_date < cutoff: return False return not feature.is_enabled("legacy_ad_reporting")
def set_recent_clicks(): c.recent_clicks = [] if not c.user_is_loggedin: return click_cookie = read_user_cookie('recentclicks2') if click_cookie: if valid_click_cookie(click_cookie): names = [ x for x in UniqueIterator(click_cookie.split(',')) if x ] if len(names) > 5: names = names[:5] set_user_cookie('recentclicks2', ','.join(names)) #eventually this will look at the user preference names = names[:5] try: c.recent_clicks = Link._by_fullname(names, data=True, return_dict=False) except NotFound: # clear their cookie because it's got bad links in it set_user_cookie('recentclicks2', '') else: #if the cookie wasn't valid, clear it set_user_cookie('recentclicks2', '')
def new_promotion(title, url, selftext, user, ip): """ Creates a new promotion with the provided title, etc, and sets it status to be 'unpaid'. """ sr = Subreddit._byID(get_promote_srid()) l = Link._submit(title, url, user, sr, ip) l.promoted = True l.disable_comments = False PromotionLog.add(l, 'promotion created') if url == 'self': l.url = l.make_permalink_slow() l.is_self = True l.selftext = selftext l._commit() # set the status of the link, populating the query queue if c.user_is_sponsor or user.trusted_sponsor: set_promote_status(l, PROMOTE_STATUS.accepted) else: set_promote_status(l, PROMOTE_STATUS.unpaid) # the user has posted a promotion, so enable the promote menu unless # they have already opted out if user.pref_show_promote is not False: user.pref_show_promote = True user._commit() # notify of new promo emailer.new_promo(l) return l
def get_house_link_names(cls): now = promote.promo_datetime_now() pws = PromotionWeights.get_campaigns(now) campaign_ids = {pw.promo_idx for pw in pws} q = PromoCampaign._query(PromoCampaign.c._id.in_(campaign_ids), PromoCampaign.c.priority_name == 'house', data=True) link_names = { Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(camp.link_id)) for camp in q } return sorted(link_names, reverse=True)
def finalize_completed_campaigns(daysago=1): # PromoCampaign.end_date is utc datetime with year, month, day only now = date = now - datetime.timedelta(days=daysago) date = date.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) q = PromoCampaign._query( PromoCampaign.c.end_date == date, # exclude no transaction PromoCampaign.c.trans_id != NO_TRANSACTION, data=True) # filter out freebies campaigns = filter(lambda camp: camp.trans_id > NO_TRANSACTION, q) if not campaigns: return # check that traffic is up to date earliest_campaign = min(campaigns, key=lambda camp: camp.start_date) start, end = get_total_run(earliest_campaign) missing_traffic = traffic.get_missing_traffic(start.replace(tzinfo=None), date.replace(tzinfo=None)) if missing_traffic: raise ValueError("Can't finalize campaigns finished on %s." "Missing traffic from %s" % (date, missing_traffic)) links = Link._byID([camp.link_id for camp in campaigns], data=True) underdelivered_campaigns = [] for camp in campaigns: if hasattr(camp, 'refund_amount'): continue link = links[camp.link_id] billable_impressions = get_billable_impressions(camp) billable_amount = get_billable_amount(camp, billable_impressions) if billable_amount >= camp.total_budget_pennies: if hasattr(camp, 'cpm'): text = '%s completed with $%s billable (%s impressions @ $%s).' text %= (camp, billable_amount, billable_impressions, camp.bid_dollars) else: text = '%s completed with $%s billable (pre-CPM).' text %= (camp, billable_amount) PromotionLog.add(link, text) camp.refund_amount = 0. camp._commit() elif charged_or_not_needed(camp): underdelivered_campaigns.append(camp) if underdelivered_campaigns: queries.set_underdelivered_campaigns(underdelivered_campaigns)
def get_rising_items(omit_sr_ids, count=4): """Get links that are rising right now.""" all_rising = rising.get_all_rising() candidate_sr_ids = {sr_id for link, score, sr_id in all_rising}.difference(omit_sr_ids) link_fullnames = [link for link, score, sr_id in all_rising if sr_id in candidate_sr_ids] link_fullnames_to_show = random_sample(link_fullnames, count) rising_links = Link._by_fullname(link_fullnames_to_show, return_dict=False, data=True) rising_items = [ExploreItem(TYPE_RISING, 'ris', Subreddit._byID(l.sr_id), l) for l in rising_links] return rising_items
def get_comment_items(srs, src, count=4): """Get hot links from srs, plus top comment from each link.""" link_fullnames = normalized_hot([sr._id for sr in srs]) hot_links = Link._by_fullname(link_fullnames[:count], return_dict=False) top_comments = [] for link in hot_links: builder = CommentBuilder(link, operators.desc('_confidence'), comment=None, context=None, num=1, load_more=False) listing = NestedListing(builder, parent_name=link._fullname).listing() top_comments.extend(listing.things) srs = Subreddit._byID([com.sr_id for com in top_comments]) links = Link._byID([com.link_id for com in top_comments]) comment_items = [ ExploreItem(TYPE_COMMENT, src, srs[com.sr_id], links[com.link_id], com) for com in top_comments ] return comment_items
def process_message(msg): vote_data = json.loads(msg.body) hook = hooks.get_hook('vote.validate_vote_data') if hook.call_until_return(msg=msg, vote_data=vote_data) is False: # Corrupt records in the queue. Ignore them. print "Ignoring invalid vote by %s on %s %s" % ( vote_data.get('user_id', '<unknown>'), vote_data.get('thing_fullname', '<unknown>'), vote_data) return timer = g.stats.get_timer("link_vote_processor") timer.start() user = Account._byID(vote_data.pop("user_id")) link = Link._by_fullname(vote_data.pop("thing_fullname")) # create the vote and update the voter's liked/disliked under lock so # that the vote state and cached query are consistent lock_key = "vote-%s-%s" % (user._id36, link._fullname) with g.make_lock("voting", lock_key, timeout=5): print "Processing vote by %s on %s %s" % (user, link, vote_data) try: vote = Vote( user, link, direction=vote_data["direction"], date=datetime.utcfromtimestamp(vote_data["date"]), data=vote_data["data"], event_data=vote_data.get("event_data"), # CUSTOM: voting model vote_direction=vote_data["vote_direction"], ) except TypeError as e: # a vote on an invalid type got in the queue, just skip it g.log.exception("Invalid type: %r", e.message) return vote.commit() timer.intermediate("create_vote_object") update_user_liked(vote) timer.intermediate("voter_likes") vote_valid = vote.is_automatic_initial_vote or vote.effects.affects_score link_valid = not (link._spam or link._deleted) if vote_valid and link_valid: add_to_author_query_q(link) add_to_subreddit_query_q(link) add_to_domain_query_q(link) timer.stop() timer.flush()
def test_image_link(self): post = Link(is_self=True, selftext=''' Some text here.''') url = _get_scrape_url(post) self.assertEqual(url, '') post = Link(is_self=True, selftext=''' Some text here.''') url = _get_scrape_url(post) self.assertEqual(url, '') post = Link(is_self=True, selftext=''' Some text here.''') url = _get_scrape_url(post) self.assertEqual(url, '')
def get_links(self, sort, time): from r2.lib import promote from r2.models import Link from r2.lib.db import queries q = Link._query(sort=queries.db_sort(sort), read_cache=True, write_cache=True, cache_time=60, data=True) if time != 'all': q._filter(queries.db_times[time]) return q
def _get_links(sr_id, sort, time): """General link query for a subreddit.""" q = Link._query(Link.c.sr_id == sr_id, sort = db_sort(sort), data = True) if time != 'all': q._filter(db_times[time]) res = make_results(q) return res
def query(self): if c.user_is_sponsor: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_all_unapproved_links() elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_all_accepted_links() elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_all_unpaid_links() elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_all_rejected_links() elif self.sort == "live_promos" and return self.live_by_subreddit( elif self.sort == 'live_promos': return queries.get_all_live_links() elif self.sort == 'underdelivered': q = queries.get_underdelivered_campaigns() campaigns = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(list(q), data=True, return_dict=False) link_ids = [camp.link_id for camp in campaigns] return [Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(id)) for id in link_ids] elif self.sort == 'reported': return queries.get_reported_links(get_promote_srid()) elif self.sort == 'house': campaigns = self.get_house_campaigns() link_ids = {camp.link_id for camp in campaigns} return [Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(id)) for id in link_ids] return queries.get_all_promoted_links() else: if self.sort == "future_promos": return queries.get_unapproved_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "pending_promos": return queries.get_accepted_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "unpaid_promos": return queries.get_unpaid_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "rejected_promos": return queries.get_rejected_links(c.user._id) elif self.sort == "live_promos": return queries.get_live_links(c.user._id) return queries.get_promoted_links(c.user._id)
def GET_report(self, start, end, link_text=None, owner=None): now =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) if not start or not end: start = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=1).date() end = promote.promo_datetime_now(offset=8).date() c.errors.remove((errors.BAD_DATE, 'startdate')) c.errors.remove((errors.BAD_DATE, 'enddate')) end = end or now - timedelta(days=1) start = start or end - timedelta(days=7) links = [] bad_links = [] owner_name = if owner else '' if owner: promo_weights = PromotionWeights.get_campaigns(start, end, author_id=owner._id) campaign_ids = [pw.promo_idx for pw in promo_weights] campaigns = PromoCampaign._byID(campaign_ids, data=True) link_ids = {camp.link_id for camp in campaigns.itervalues()} links.extend(Link._byID(link_ids, data=True, return_dict=False)) if link_text is not None: id36s = link_text.replace(',', ' ').split() try: links_from_text = Link._byID36(id36s, data=True) except NotFound: links_from_text = {} bad_links = [id36 for id36 in id36s if id36 not in links_from_text] links.extend(links_from_text.values()) content = PromoteReport(links, link_text, owner_name, bad_links, start, end) if c.render_style == 'csv': return content.as_csv() else: return PromotePage(title=_("sponsored link report"), content=content).render()
def _run(msgs, chan): items = [json.loads(msg.body) for msg in msgs] if QUEUE_ALL in items: # QUEUE_ALL is just an indicator to run make_daily_promotions. # There's no promotion log to update in this case. print "Received %s QUEUE_ALL message(s)" % items.count(QUEUE_ALL) items = [i for i in items if i != QUEUE_ALL] make_daily_promotions() links = Link._by_fullname([i["link"] for i in items]) for item in items: PromotionLog.add(links[item['link']], "Finished remaking current promotions (this link " "was: %(message)s" % item)
def link_from_url(path, filter_spam=False, multiple=True): from pylons import c from r2.models import IDBuilder, Link, Subreddit, NotFound if not path: return try: links = Link._by_url(path, except NotFound: return [] if multiple else None return filter_links(tup(links), filter_spam=filter_spam, multiple=multiple)
def _get_related_link_ids(event_id): # imported here to avoid circular import from reddit_liveupdate.pages import make_event_url url = make_event_url(event_id) try: links = Link._by_url(url, sr=None) except NotFound: links = [] links = itertools.islice(links, MAX_LINK_IDS_TO_CACHE) return [link._fullname for link in links]
def add_target_fields(self, target): if not target: return from r2.models import Comment, Link, Message self.add("target_id", target._id) self.add("target_fullname", target._fullname) self.add("target_age_seconds", target._age.total_seconds()) target_type = target.__class__.__name__.lower() if target_type == "link" and target.is_self: target_type = "self" self.add("target_type", target_type) # If the target is an Account or Subreddit (or has a "name" attr), # add the target_name if hasattr(target, "name"): self.add("target_name", # Add info about the target's author for comments, links, & messages if isinstance(target, (Comment, Link, Message)): author = target.author_slow if target._deleted or author._deleted: self.add("target_author_id", 0) self.add("target_author_name", "[deleted]") else: self.add("target_author_id", author._id) self.add("target_author_name", # Add info about the url being linked to for link posts if isinstance(target, Link): self.add_text("target_title", target.title) if not target.is_self: self.add("target_url", target.url) self.add("target_url_domain", target.link_domain()) # Add info about the link being commented on for comments if isinstance(target, Comment): link_fullname = Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(target.link_id)) self.add("link_id", target.link_id) self.add("link_fullname", link_fullname) # Add info about when target was originally posted for links/comments if isinstance(target, (Comment, Link)): self.add("target_created_ts", _datetime_to_millis(target._date)) hooks.get_hook("eventcollector.add_target_fields").call( event=self, target=target, )
def thing_lookup(self, tuples): links = Link._by_fullname([ for t in tuples], data=True, return_dict=True, stale=self.stale) return [ Storage({ 'thing': links[], '_id': links[]._id, 'weight': t.weight, 'campaign': t.campaign }) for t in tuples ]
def _run_commentstree(msg): fname = msg.body comment = Comment._by_fullname(fname, data=True) link = Link._byID(comment.link_id, data=True) try: add_comment_tree(comment, link) except KeyError: # Hackity hack. Try to recover from a corrupted comment # tree print "Trying to fix broken comments-tree." link_comments(link._id, _update=True) add_comment_tree(comment, link)
def GET_show(self, meetup, sort, num_comments): article = Link._byID(meetup.assoc_link) # figure out number to show based on the menu user_num = c.user.pref_num_comments or g.num_comments num = g.max_comments if num_comments == 'true' else user_num builder = CommentBuilder(article, CommentSortMenu.operator(sort), None, None) listing = NestedListing(builder, num=num, parent_name=article._fullname) displayPane = PaneStack() # insert reply box only for logged in user if c.user_is_loggedin: displayPane.append(CommentReplyBox()) displayPane.append(CommentReplyBox(link_name=article._fullname)) # finally add the comment listing displayPane.append(listing.listing()) sort_menu = CommentSortMenu(default=sort, type='dropdown2') nav_menus = [ sort_menu, NumCommentsMenu(article.num_comments, default=num_comments) ] content = CommentListing( content=displayPane, num_comments=article.num_comments, nav_menus=nav_menus, ) # Update last viewed time, and return the previous last viewed time. Actually tracked on the article lastViewed = None if c.user_is_loggedin: clicked = article._getLastClickTime(c.user) lastViewed = clicked._date if clicked else None article._click(c.user) res = ShowMeetup(meetup=meetup, content=content, fullname=article._fullname, lastViewed=lastViewed) return BoringPage(pagename=meetup.title, content=res, body_class='meetup').render()
def write_all_hot_cache(): from import Link from r2.lib.db import queries q = Link._query( sort=queries.db_sort('hot'), limit=NUM_LINKS, ) top_links = resort_links(list(q)) link_ids = [link._fullname for link in top_links] g.gencache.set(CACHE_KEY, link_ids) return link_ids
def port_cassaurls(after_id=None, estimate=15231317): from r2.models import Link, LinksByUrl from r2.lib.db import tdb_cassandra from r2.lib.db.operators import desc from r2.lib.db.tdb_cassandra import CL from r2.lib.utils import fetch_things2, in_chunks, progress q = Link._query(Link.c._spam == (True, False), sort=desc('_date'), data=True) if after_id: q._after(Link._byID(after_id, data=True)) q = fetch_things2(q, chunk_size=500) q = progress(q, estimate=estimate) q = (l for l in q if getattr(l, 'url', 'self') != 'self' and not getattr(l, 'is_self', False)) chunks = in_chunks(q, 500) for chunk in chunks: with LinksByUrl._cf.batch(write_consistency_level=CL.ONE) as b: for l in chunk: k = LinksByUrl._key_from_url(l.url) if k: b.insert(k, {l._id36: l._id36})
def _handle_adzerk(msg): data = json.loads(msg.body) g.log.debug('data: %s' % data) action = data.get('action') link = Link._by_fullname(data['link'], data=True) if data['campaign']: campaign = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(data['campaign'], data=True) else: campaign = None if action == 'update_adzerk': _update_adzerk(link, campaign) elif action == 'deactivate_overdelivered': _deactivate_overdelivered(link, campaign)
def _handle_upsert_campaign(payload): link = Link._by_fullname(payload["link"], data=True) campaign = PromoCampaign._by_fullname(payload["campaign"], data=True) owner = Account._byID(campaign.owner_id) author = Account._byID(link.author_id) try: lineitem = lineitems_service.upsert_lineitem(owner, campaign) except ValueError as e: g.log.error("unable to upsert lineitem: %s" % e) return creative = creatives_service.upsert_creative(author, link) lineitems_service.associate_with_creative( lineitem=lineitem, creative=creative)
def link_duplicates(article): from r2.models import Link, NotFound # don't bother looking it up if the link doesn't have a URL anyway if getattr(article, 'is_self', False): return [] try: links = tup(Link._by_url(article.url, None)) except NotFound: links = [] duplicates = [ link for link in links if link._fullname != article._fullname ] return duplicates
def nameaserver_vote_lockdown(thing): if getattr(thing, "sr_id", None): sr = Subreddit._byID(thing.sr_id, data=True) if == g.gold_servername_sr: if isinstance(thing, Link): # no votes on links in this subreddit abort(403, "Forbidden") elif isinstance(thing, Comment): # only allow votes on comments in active threads by people # who bought gold. link = Link._byID(thing.link_id, data=True) if (hasattr(link, "revenue_date") and (link.server_names or c.user._id not in gold_buyers_on(link.revenue_date))): abort(403, "Forbidden")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.prices = { "gold_month_price": g.gold_month_price, "gold_year_price": g.gold_year_price, } = GoldPartner.get_all() self.categories = set() self.giveaways = [] # batch-lookup the Links and Subreddits for discussions id36s = [p.discussion_id36 for p in if p.discussion_id36] links = Link._byID36(id36s, data=True) subreddits = Subreddit._byID([link.sr_id for link in links.values()], data=True) for partner in if partner.category: self.categories.add(partner.category) extra_classes = partner.css_classes if partner.is_new: extra_classes.append('new') partner.extra_classes = ' '.join(extra_classes) if partner.giveaway_desc: self.giveaways.append('{0}: {1}'.format(, partner.giveaway_desc)) if partner.discussion_id36: link = links[partner.discussion_id36] subreddit = subreddits[link.sr_id] partner.discussion_url = link.make_permalink(subreddit) partner.discussion_num_comments = link.num_comments else: partner.discussion_url = None partner.discussion_num_comments = None self.categories = sorted(self.categories) if c.user_is_loggedin: self.existing_codes = GoldPartnerDealCode.get_codes_for_user( c.user) else: self.existing_codes = [] BoringPage.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def import_into_subreddit(self, sr, data, rewrite_map_file): posts = list(Link._query()) for post in posts: post._delete_from_db() comments = self._query_comments() for comment in comments: comment._delete_from_db() for post_data in data: try: print post_data['title'] self.process_post(post_data, sr) except Exception, e: print 'Unable to create post:\n%s\n%s\n%s' % (type(e), e, post_data) raise
def get_links_sr_ids(self, sr_ids, sort, time): from r2.lib.db import queries from r2.models import Link if not sr_ids: return [] else: srs = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, return_dict=False) if g.use_query_cache: results = [queries.get_links(sr, sort, time) for sr in srs] return queries.merge_results(*results) else: q = Link._query(Link.c.sr_id == sr_ids, sort=queries.db_sort(sort)) if time != 'all': q._filter(queries.db_times[time]) return q
def url_links_builder(url, exclude=None, num=None, after=None, reverse=None, count=None, public_srs_only=False): from r2.lib.template_helpers import add_sr from r2.models import IDBuilder, Link, NotFound, Subreddit from operator import attrgetter if url.startswith('/'): url = add_sr(url, force_hostname=True) try: links = Link._by_url(url, None) except NotFound: links = [] links = [link for link in links if link._fullname != exclude] if public_srs_only and not c.user_is_admin: subreddits = Subreddit._byID([link.sr_id for link in links], data=True) links = [ link for link in links if subreddits[link.sr_id].type != "private" ] links.sort(key=attrgetter('num_comments'), reverse=True) # don't show removed links in duplicates unless admin or mod # or unless it's your own post def include_link(link): return (not link._spam or (c.user_is_loggedin and (link.author_id == c.user._id or c.user_is_admin or link.subreddit.is_moderator(c.user)))) builder = IDBuilder([link._fullname for link in links], skip=True, keep_fn=include_link, num=num, after=after, reverse=reverse, count=count) return builder
def default_queries(): from r2.models import Link, Subreddit from r2.lib.db.operators import desc from copy import deepcopy queries = [] q = Link._query(Link.c.sr_id == Subreddit.user_subreddits(None), sort=desc('_hot'), limit=37) queries.append(q) #add a higher limit one too q = deepcopy(q) q._limit = 75 queries.append(q) return queries
def POST_create(self, res, title, description, location, latitude, longitude, timestamp, tzoffset, ip): if res._chk_error(errors.NO_TITLE): res._chk_error(errors.TITLE_TOO_LONG) res._focus('title') res._chk_errors((errors.NO_LOCATION, errors.NO_DESCRIPTION, errors.INVALID_DATE, errors.NO_DATE)) if res.error: return meetup = Meetup(author_id=c.user._id, title=title, description=description, location=location, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, timestamp=timestamp, tzoffset=tzoffset) # Expire all meetups in the render cache g.rendercache.invalidate_key_group(Meetup.group_cache_key()) meetup._commit() l = Link._submit(meetup_article_title(meetup), meetup_article_text(meetup), 'self', c.user, Subreddit._by_name('meetups'), ip, []) l.meetup = meetup._id36 l._commit() meetup.assoc_link = l._id meetup._commit() when = + timedelta( 0, 3600) # Leave a short window of time before notification, in case # the meetup is edited/deleted soon after its creation, 'process_new_meetup', {'meetup_id': meetup._id}) #update the queries if g.write_query_queue: queries.new_link(l) res._redirect(url_for(action='show', id=meetup._id36))
def add_byurl_prefix(): """Run one before the byurl prefix is set, and once after (killing it after it gets when it started the first time""" from datetime import datetime from r2.models import Link from r2.lib.filters import _force_utf8 from pylons import g from r2.lib.utils import fetch_things2 from r2.lib.db.operators import desc from r2.lib.utils import base_url now = print 'started at %s' % (now,) l_q = Link._query( Link.c._date < now, data=True, sort=desc('_date')) # from def by_url_key(url, prefix=''): s = _force_utf8(base_url(url.lower())) return '%s%s' % (prefix, s) done = 0 for links in fetch_things2(l_q, 1000, chunks=True): done += len(links) print 'Doing: %r, %s..%s' % (done, links[-1]._date, links[0]._date) # only links with actual URLs links = filter(lambda link: (not getattr(link, 'is_self', False) and getattr(link, 'url', '')), links) # old key -> new key translate = dict((by_url_key(link.url), by_url_key(link.url, prefix='byurl_')) for link in links) old = g.permacache.get_multi(translate.keys()) new = dict((translate[old_key], value) for (old_key, value) in old.iteritems()) g.permacache.set_multi(new)