コード例 #1
ファイル: sr_pops.py プロジェクト: constantAmateur/sciteit
def cache_lists():
    def _chop(srs):
        srs.sort(key=lambda s: s._downs, reverse=True)
        return srs[:limit]

    # bylang    =:= dict((lang, over18_state) -> [Subsciteit])
    # lang      =:= all | lang()
    # nsfwstate =:= no_over18 | allow_over18 | only_over18
    bylang = {}

    for sr in fetch_things2(Subsciteit._query(sort=desc('_date'),
        aid = getattr(sr, 'author_id', None)
        if aid is not None and aid < 0:
            # skip special system sciteits like promos

        type = getattr(sr, 'type', 'private')
        if type not in ('public', 'restricted'):
            # skips sciteits that can't appear in the default list
            # because of permissions

        for lang in 'all', sr.lang:
            over18s = ['allow_over18']
            if sr.over_18:

            for over18 in over18s:
                k = (lang, over18)
                bylang.setdefault(k, []).append(sr)

                # keep the lists small while we work
                if len(bylang[k]) > limit*2:
                    bylang[k] = _chop(bylang[k])

    for (lang, over18), srs in bylang.iteritems():
        srs = _chop(srs)
        sr_tuples = map(lambda sr: (sr._downs, sr.allow_top, sr._id), srs)

        print "For %s/%s setting %s" % (lang, over18,
                                        map(lambda sr: sr.name, srs[:50]))

        SubsciteitPopularityByLanguage._set_values(lang, {over18: sr_tuples})
コード例 #2
ファイル: sr_pops.py プロジェクト: constantAmateur/sciteit
def pop_sciteits(langs, over18, over18_only, filter_allow_top = False):
    if not over18:
        over18_state = 'no_over18'
    elif over18_only:
        over18_state = 'only_over18'
        over18_state = 'allow_over18'

    # we only care about base languages, not subtags here. so en-US -> en
    unique_langs = []
    seen_langs = set()
    for lang in langs:
        if '-' in lang:
            lang = lang.split('-', 1)[0]
        if lang not in seen_langs:

    # dict(lang_key -> [(_downs, allow_top, sr_id)])
    bylang = SubsciteitPopularityByLanguage._byID(unique_langs,
    tups = flatten([lang_lists[over18_state] for lang_lists
                                             in bylang.values()])

    if filter_allow_top:
        # remove the folks that have opted out of being on the front
        # page as appropriate
        tups = filter(lambda tpl: tpl[1], tups)

    if len(tups) > 1:
        # if there was only one returned, it's already sorted
        tups.sort(key = lambda tpl: tpl[0], reverse=True)
    #Ignore the lot of them and just print the daughters of c.site
    #tups=[(2,True,sr._id) for sr in getattr(c.site,"children",[])]
    #print c.site
    #print tups

    return map(lambda tpl: tpl[2], tups)