コード例 #1
ファイル: gfpp.py プロジェクト: johannesgerer/jburkardt-py
def gfpp_inverse ( n, alpha ):

## GFPP_INVERSE returns the inverse of the GFPP matrix.
#  Example:
#    N = 5, ALPHA = 1
#    0.5000   -0.2500   -0.1250   -0.0625   -0.0625
#         0    0.5000   -0.2500   -0.1250   -0.1250
#         0         0    0.5000   -0.2500   -0.2500
#         0         0         0    0.5000   -0.5000
#    0.5000    0.2500    0.1250    0.0625    0.0625
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    02 April 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Input, real ALPHA, determines subdiagonal elements.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the inverse matrix.
  import numpy as np
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from tri_l1_inverse import tri_l1_inverse
  from tri_u_inverse import tri_u_inverse

  p, l, u = gfpp_plu ( n, alpha )
  p_inverse = np.transpose ( p )

  l_inverse = tri_l1_inverse ( n, l )

  u_inverse = tri_u_inverse ( n, u )

  lp_inverse = r8mat_mm ( n, n, n, l_inverse, p_inverse )

  a = r8mat_mm ( n, n, n, u_inverse, lp_inverse )
  return a
コード例 #2
def gfpp_inverse(n, alpha):

    ## GFPP_INVERSE returns the inverse of the GFPP matrix.
    #  Example:
    #    N = 5, ALPHA = 1
    #    0.5000   -0.2500   -0.1250   -0.0625   -0.0625
    #         0    0.5000   -0.2500   -0.1250   -0.1250
    #         0         0    0.5000   -0.2500   -0.2500
    #         0         0         0    0.5000   -0.5000
    #    0.5000    0.2500    0.1250    0.0625    0.0625
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    02 April 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Input, real ALPHA, determines subdiagonal elements.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the inverse matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
    from tri_l1_inverse import tri_l1_inverse
    from tri_u_inverse import tri_u_inverse

    p, l, u = gfpp_plu(n, alpha)

    p_inverse = np.transpose(p)

    l_inverse = tri_l1_inverse(n, l)

    u_inverse = tri_u_inverse(n, u)

    lp_inverse = r8mat_mm(n, n, n, l_inverse, p_inverse)

    a = r8mat_mm(n, n, n, u_inverse, lp_inverse)

    return a
コード例 #3
def r8mat_is_inverse ( n, a, b ):

## R8MAT_IS_INVERSE measures the error in a matrix inverse.
#  Discussion:
#    An R8MAT is a matrix of real values.
#    This routine returns the sum of the Frobenius norms of
#      A * B - I and B * A - I.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    23 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Input, real A(N,N), the matrix.
#    Input, real B(M,N), the inverse matrix.
#    Output, real VALUE, the Frobenius norm
#    of the difference matrices A * B - I and B * A - I.
  from identity import identity
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from r8mat_sub import r8mat_sub
  from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro

  ab = r8mat_mm ( n, n, n, a, b )
  ba = r8mat_mm ( n, n, n, b, a )
  id = identity ( n, n )
  d1 = r8mat_sub ( n, n, ab, id )
  d2 = r8mat_sub ( n, n, ba, id )
  value = r8mat_norm_fro ( n, n, d1 ) \
        + r8mat_norm_fro ( n, n, d2 )

  return value
コード例 #4
ファイル: carry.py プロジェクト: wangwt9907/jburkardt-py
def carry_inverse(n, alpha):

    ## CARRY_INVERSE returns the inverse of the CARRY matrix.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    24 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
    #    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
    from diagonal import diagonal
    from r8_factorial import r8_factorial
    from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm

    v = carry_eigen_left(n, alpha)

    d = carry_eigenvalues(n, alpha)
    for i in range(0, n):
        d[i] = 1.0 / d[i]
    d_inv = diagonal(n, n, d)

    u = carry_eigen_right(n, alpha)

    dv = r8mat_mm(n, n, n, d_inv, v)

    a = r8mat_mm(n, n, n, u, dv)

    t = r8_factorial(n)
    for j in range(0, n):
        for i in range(0, n):
            a[i, j] = a[i, j] / t

    return a
コード例 #5
ファイル: carry.py プロジェクト: johannesgerer/jburkardt-py
def carry_inverse ( n, alpha ):

## CARRY_INVERSE returns the inverse of the CARRY matrix.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    24 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
#    Input, integer ALPHA, the numeric base used in the addition.
#    Output, real A(N,N), the matrix.
  from diagonal import diagonal
  from r8_factorial import r8_factorial
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm

  v = carry_eigen_left ( n, alpha )

  d = carry_eigenvalues ( n, alpha )
  for i in range ( 0, n ):
    d[i] = 1.0 / d[i]
  d_inv = diagonal ( n, n, d )

  u = carry_eigen_right ( n, alpha )

  dv = r8mat_mm ( n, n, n, d_inv, v )

  a = r8mat_mm ( n, n, n, u, dv )

  t = r8_factorial ( n )
  for j in range ( 0, n ):
    for i in range ( 0, n ):
      a[i,j] = a[i,j] / t

  return a
コード例 #6
def r8mat_is_plu ( m, n, a, p, l, u ):

## R8MAT_IS_PLU measures the error in a PLU factorization.
#  Discussion:
#    An R8MAT is a matrix of real values.
#    This routine computes the Frobenius norm of
#      A - P * L * U
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    23 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer M, N, the order of the matrix.
#    Input, real A(M,N), the matrix.
#    Input, real P(M,M), L(M,M), U(M,N), the PLU factors.
#    Output, real VALUE, the Frobenius norm
#    of the difference matrix A - P * L * U.
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from r8mat_sub import r8mat_sub
  from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro

  lu = r8mat_mm ( m, m, n, l, u )
  plu = r8mat_mm ( m, m, n, p, lu )

  d = r8mat_sub ( m, n, a, plu )
  value = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, n, d )

  return value
コード例 #7
def r8mat_is_solution(m, n, k, a, x, b):

    ## R8MAT_IS_SOLUTION measures the error in a linear system solution.
    #  Discussion:
    #    An R8MAT is a matrix of real values.
    #    The system matrix A is an M x N matrix.
    #    It is not required that A be invertible.
    #    The solution vector X is actually allowed to be an N x K matrix.
    #    The right hand side "vector" B is actually allowed to be an M x K matrix.
    #    This routine simply returns the Frobenius norm of the M x K matrix:
    #    A * X - B.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    02 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer M, N, K, the order of the matrices.
    #    Input, real A(M,N), X(N,K), B(M,K), the matrices.
    #    Output, real VALUE, the Frobenius norm
    #    of the difference matrix A * X - B, which would be exactly zero
    #    if X was the "solution" of the linear system.
    from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro
    from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
    from r8mat_sub import r8mat_sub
    #  AX = A*X
    ax = r8mat_mm(m, n, k, a, x)
    #  AXMB = AX-B.
    axmb = r8mat_sub(m, k, ax, b)
    #  Value = ||AX-B|\
    value = r8mat_norm_fro(m, k, axmb)

    return value
コード例 #8
def r8mat_is_solution ( m, n, k, a, x, b ):

## R8MAT_IS_SOLUTION measures the error in a linear system solution.
#  Discussion:
#    An R8MAT is a matrix of real values.
#    The system matrix A is an M x N matrix.
#    It is not required that A be invertible.
#    The solution vector X is actually allowed to be an N x K matrix.
#    The right hand side "vector" B is actually allowed to be an M x K matrix.
#    This routine simply returns the Frobenius norm of the M x K matrix:
#    A * X - B.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    02 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer M, N, K, the order of the matrices.
#    Input, real A(M,N), X(N,K), B(M,K), the matrices.
#    Output, real VALUE, the Frobenius norm
#    of the difference matrix A * X - B, which would be exactly zero
#    if X was the "solution" of the linear system.
  from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from r8mat_sub import r8mat_sub
#  AX = A*X
  ax = r8mat_mm ( m, n, k, a, x )
#  AXMB = AX-B.
  axmb = r8mat_sub ( m, k, ax, b )
#  Value = ||AX-B|\
  value = r8mat_norm_fro ( m, k, axmb )

  return value
コード例 #9
ファイル: borderband.py プロジェクト: wangwt9907/jburkardt-py
def borderband_inverse(n):

    ## BORDERBAND_INVERSE returns the inverse of the BORDERBAND matrix.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    24 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Output, real A(N,N), the inverse matrix.
    import numpy as np
    from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
    from tri_l1_inverse import tri_l1_inverse
    from tri_u_inverse import tri_u_inverse

    p, l, u = borderband_plu(n)

    p_inverse = np.transpose(p)

    l_inverse = tri_l1_inverse(n, l)

    u_inverse = tri_u_inverse(n, u)

    lipi = r8mat_mm(n, n, n, l_inverse, p_inverse)

    a = r8mat_mm(n, n, n, u_inverse, lipi)

    return a
コード例 #10
def r8mat_is_eigen_left ( n, k, a, x, lam ):

## R8MAT_IS_EIGEN_LEFT determines the error in a left eigensystem.
#  Discussion:
#    An R8MAT is a matrix of real values.
#    This routine computes the Frobenius norm of
#      X * A - LAMBDA * X
#    where
#      A is an N by N matrix,
#      X is an K by N matrix (each of K columns is an eigenvector)
#      LAMBDA is a K by K diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.
#    This routine assumes that A, X and LAMBDA are all real.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    17 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Input, integer K, the number of eigenvectors.
#    K is usually 1 or N.
#    Input, real A(N,N), the matrix.
#    Input, real X(K,N), the K eigenvectors.
#    Input, real LAM(K), the K eigenvalues.
#    Output, real VALUE, the Frobenius norm of X * A - LAM * X.
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro

  c = r8mat_mm ( k, n, n, x, a )

  for i in range ( 0, k ):
    for j in range ( 0, n ):
      c[i,j] = c[i,j] - lam[i] * x[i,j]

  value = r8mat_norm_fro ( k, n, c )

  return value
コード例 #11
def r8mat_is_eigen_right ( n, k, a, x, lam ):

## R8MAT_IS_EIGEN_RIGHT determines the error in a right eigensystem.
#  Discussion:
#    An R8MAT is a matrix of real values.
#    This routine computes the Frobenius norm of
#      A * X - X * LAMBDA
#    where
#      A is an N by N matrix,
#      X is an N by K matrix (each of K columns is an eigenvector)
#      LAMBDA is a K by K diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.
#    This routine assumes that A, X and LAMBDA are all real.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    11 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
#  Parameters:
#    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
#    Input, integer K, the number of eigenvectors.
#    K is usually 1 or N.
#    Input, real A(N,N), the matrix.
#    Input, real X(N,K), the K eigenvectors.
#    Input, real LAM(K), the K eigenvalues.
#    Output, real VALUE, the Frobenius norm
#    of the difference matrix A * X - X * LAM, which would be exactly zero
#    if X and LAM were exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues of A.
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro

  c = r8mat_mm ( n, n, k, a, x )

  for j in range ( 0, k ):
    for i in range ( 0, n ):
      c[i,j] = c[i,j] - lam[j] * x[i,j]

  value = r8mat_norm_fro ( n, k, c )

  return value
コード例 #12
def r8mat_is_eigen_right(n, k, a, x, lam):

    ## R8MAT_IS_EIGEN_RIGHT determines the error in a right eigensystem.
    #  Discussion:
    #    An R8MAT is a matrix of real values.
    #    This routine computes the Frobenius norm of
    #      A * X - X * LAMBDA
    #    where
    #      A is an N by N matrix,
    #      X is an N by K matrix (each of K columns is an eigenvector)
    #      LAMBDA is a K by K diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.
    #    This routine assumes that A, X and LAMBDA are all real.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    11 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Input, integer K, the number of eigenvectors.
    #    K is usually 1 or N.
    #    Input, real A(N,N), the matrix.
    #    Input, real X(N,K), the K eigenvectors.
    #    Input, real LAM(K), the K eigenvalues.
    #    Output, real VALUE, the Frobenius norm
    #    of the difference matrix A * X - X * LAM, which would be exactly zero
    #    if X and LAM were exact eigenvectors and eigenvalues of A.
    from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
    from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro

    c = r8mat_mm(n, n, k, a, x)

    for j in range(0, k):
        for i in range(0, n):
            c[i, j] = c[i, j] - lam[j] * x[i, j]

    value = r8mat_norm_fro(n, k, c)

    return value
コード例 #13
def r8mat_is_solution_test():

    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    02 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    from i4_uniform_ab import i4_uniform_ab
    from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
    from r8mat_uniform_ab import r8mat_uniform_ab

    print ''
    print '  R8MAT_IS_SOLUTION tests whether X is the solution of'
    print '  A*X=B by computing the Frobenius norm of the residual.'
    #  Get random shapes.
    i4_lo = 1
    i4_hi = 10
    seed = 123456789
    m, seed = i4_uniform_ab(i4_lo, i4_hi, seed)
    n, seed = i4_uniform_ab(i4_lo, i4_hi, seed)
    k, seed = i4_uniform_ab(i4_lo, i4_hi, seed)
    #  Get a random A.
    r8_lo = -5.0
    r8_hi = +5.0
    a, seed = r8mat_uniform_ab(m, n, r8_lo, r8_hi, seed)
    #  Get a random X.
    r8_lo = -5.0
    r8_hi = +5.0
    x, seed = r8mat_uniform_ab(n, k, r8_lo, r8_hi, seed)
    #  Compute B = A * X.
    b = r8mat_mm(m, n, k, a, x)
    #  Compute || A*X-B||
    enorm = r8mat_is_solution(m, n, k, a, x, b)

    print ''
    print '  A is %d by %d' % (m, n)
    print '  X is %d by %d' % (n, k)
    print '  B is %d by %d' % (m, k)
    print '  Frobenius error in A*X-B is %g' % (enorm)

    print ''
    print '  Normal end of execution.'

コード例 #14
def r8mat_is_solution_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    02 March 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from i4_uniform_ab import i4_uniform_ab
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from r8mat_uniform_ab import r8mat_uniform_ab

  print ''
  print '  R8MAT_IS_SOLUTION tests whether X is the solution of'
  print '  A*X=B by computing the Frobenius norm of the residual.'
#  Get random shapes.
  i4_lo = 1
  i4_hi = 10
  seed = 123456789
  m, seed = i4_uniform_ab ( i4_lo, i4_hi, seed )
  n, seed = i4_uniform_ab ( i4_lo, i4_hi, seed )
  k, seed = i4_uniform_ab ( i4_lo, i4_hi, seed )
#  Get a random A.
  r8_lo = -5.0
  r8_hi = +5.0
  a, seed = r8mat_uniform_ab ( m, n, r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )
#  Get a random X.
  r8_lo = -5.0
  r8_hi = +5.0
  x, seed = r8mat_uniform_ab ( n, k, r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )
#  Compute B = A * X.
  b = r8mat_mm ( m, n, k, a, x )
#  Compute || A*X-B||
  enorm = r8mat_is_solution ( m, n, k, a, x, b )
  print ''
  print '  A is %d by %d' % ( m, n )
  print '  X is %d by %d' % ( n, k )
  print '  B is %d by %d' % ( m, k )
  print '  Frobenius error in A*X-B is %g' % ( enorm )

  print ''
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

コード例 #15
def r8mat_is_eigen_left(n, k, a, x, lam):

    ## R8MAT_IS_EIGEN_LEFT determines the error in a left eigensystem.
    #  Discussion:
    #    An R8MAT is a matrix of real values.
    #    This routine computes the Frobenius norm of
    #      X * A - LAMBDA * X
    #    where
    #      A is an N by N matrix,
    #      X is an K by N matrix (each of K columns is an eigenvector)
    #      LAMBDA is a K by K diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.
    #    This routine assumes that A, X and LAMBDA are all real.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    17 March 2015
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    #  Parameters:
    #    Input, integer N, the order of the matrix.
    #    Input, integer K, the number of eigenvectors.
    #    K is usually 1 or N.
    #    Input, real A(N,N), the matrix.
    #    Input, real X(K,N), the K eigenvectors.
    #    Input, real LAM(K), the K eigenvalues.
    #    Output, real VALUE, the Frobenius norm of X * A - LAM * X.
    from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
    from r8mat_norm_fro import r8mat_norm_fro

    c = r8mat_mm(k, n, n, x, a)

    for i in range(0, k):
        for j in range(0, n):
            c[i, j] = c[i, j] - lam[i] * x[i, j]

    value = r8mat_norm_fro(k, n, c)

    return value
コード例 #16
def r8vec_house_column_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    14 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  import numpy as np
  from r8mat_house_form import r8mat_house_form
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from r8mat_print import r8mat_print
  from r8mat_uniform_ab import r8mat_uniform_ab

  print ''
  print '  R8VEC_HOUSE_COLUMN returns the compact form of'
  print '  a Householder matrix that "packs" a column'
  print '  of a matrix.'
#  Get a random matrix.
  n = 4
  r8_lo = 0.0
  r8_hi = 5.0
  seed = 123456789;

  a, seed = r8mat_uniform_ab ( n, n, r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )

  r8mat_print ( n, n, a, '  Matrix A:' )

  a_col = np.zeros ( n )

  for k in range ( 0, n - 1 ):

    print ''
    print '  Working on column K = %d' % ( k )

    for i in range ( 0, n ):
      a_col[i] = a[i,k]

    v = r8vec_house_column ( n, a_col, k )

    h = r8mat_house_form ( n, v )

    r8mat_print ( n, n, h, '  Householder matrix H:' )

    ha = r8mat_mm ( n, n, n, h, a )

    r8mat_print ( n, n, ha, '  Product H*A:' )
#  If we set A := HA, then we can successively convert A to upper
#  triangular form.
    a = ha

  print ''
  print '  Normal end of execution.'

コード例 #17
def r8vec_house_column_test ( ):

#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    14 February 2015
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  import numpy as np
  from r8mat_house_form import r8mat_house_form
  from r8mat_mm import r8mat_mm
  from r8mat_print import r8mat_print
  from r8mat_uniform_ab import r8mat_uniform_ab

  print ''
  print '  R8VEC_HOUSE_COLUMN returns the compact form of'
  print '  a Householder matrix that "packs" a column'
  print '  of a matrix.'
#  Get a random matrix.
  n = 4
  r8_lo = 0.0
  r8_hi = 5.0
  seed = 123456789;

  a, seed = r8mat_uniform_ab ( n, n, r8_lo, r8_hi, seed )

  r8mat_print ( n, n, a, '  Matrix A:' )

  a_col = np.zeros ( n )

  for k in range ( 0, n - 1 ):

    print ''
    print '  Working on column K = %d' % ( k )

    for i in range ( 0, n ):
      a_col[i] = a[i,k]

    v = r8vec_house_column ( n, a_col, k )

    h = r8mat_house_form ( n, v )

    r8mat_print ( n, n, h, '  Householder matrix H:' )

    ha = r8mat_mm ( n, n, n, h, a )

    r8mat_print ( n, n, ha, '  Product H*A:' )
#  If we set A := HA, then we can successively convert A to upper
#  triangular form.
    a = ha
#  Terminate.
  print ''
  print '  Normal end of execution.'
