コード例 #1
ファイル: clangcommon.py プロジェクト: EvgenyKarataev/raco
    def consume(self, t, src, state):
        code = ""

        assignment_template = """
        %(dst_name)s.set(%(dst_fieldnum)s, %(src_expr_compiled)s);

        dst_name = self.newtuple.name
        dst_type_name = self.newtuple.getTupleTypename()

        # declaration of tuple instance
        code += """%(dst_type_name)s %(dst_name)s;""" % locals()

        for dst_fieldnum, src_label_expr in enumerate(self.emitters):
            src_label, src_expr = src_label_expr

            # make sure to resolve attribute positions using input schema
            src_expr_unnamed = expression.ensure_unnamed(src_expr, self.input)

            # tag the attributes with references
            # TODO: use an immutable approach instead
            # (ie an expression Visitor for compiling)
            [_ for _ in src_expr_unnamed.postorder(getTaggingFunc(t))]

            src_expr_compiled, expr_decls, expr_inits = \

            code += assignment_template % locals()

        innercode = self.parent().consume(self.newtuple, self, state)
        code += innercode

        return code
コード例 #2
ファイル: clangcommon.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/PSLAQueries
    def consume(self, t, src, state):
        code = ""

        assignment_template = _cgenv.get_template('assignment.cpp')

        dst_name = self.newtuple.name
        dst_type_name = self.newtuple.getTupleTypename()

        # declaration of tuple instance
        code += _cgenv.get_template('tuple_declaration.cpp').render(locals())

        for dst_fieldnum, src_label_expr in enumerate(self.emitters):
            dst_set_func = self.newtuple.set_func_code(dst_fieldnum)
            src_label, src_expr = src_label_expr

            # make sure to resolve attribute positions using input schema
            src_expr_unnamed = expression.ensure_unnamed(src_expr, self.input)

            src_expr_compiled, expr_decls, expr_inits = \
                    src_expr_unnamed, tupleref=t)

            code += assignment_template.render(locals())

        innercode = self.parent().consume(self.newtuple, self, state)
        code += innercode

        return code
コード例 #3
ファイル: cppcommon.py プロジェクト: strategist922/raco
    def _compile_condition(self, t, state):
        condition_as_unnamed = expression.ensure_unnamed(self.condition, self)

        # compile the predicate into code
        conditioncode, cond_decls, cond_inits = \
                condition_as_unnamed, tupleref=t)
        return conditioncode
コード例 #4
ファイル: clangcommon.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/PSLAQueries
    def consume(self, t, src, state):
        basic_select_template = _cgenv.get_template('select.cpp')

        condition_as_unnamed = expression.ensure_unnamed(self.condition, self)

        # compile the predicate into code
        conditioncode, cond_decls, cond_inits = \
                condition_as_unnamed, tupleref=t)

        inner_code_compiled = self.parent().consume(t, self, state)

        code = basic_select_template.render(locals())
        return code
コード例 #5
ファイル: cppcommon.py プロジェクト: strategist922/raco
    def _apply_statements(self, t, state):
        assignment_template = _cgenv.get_template('assignment.cpp')
        dst_name = self.newtuple.name
        dst_type_name = self.newtuple.getTupleTypename()

        code = ""
        for dst_fieldnum, src_label_expr in enumerate(self.emitters):
            dst_set_func = self.newtuple.set_func_code(dst_fieldnum)
            src_label, src_expr = src_label_expr

            # make sure to resolve attribute positions using input schema
            src_expr_unnamed = expression.ensure_unnamed(src_expr, self.input)

            src_expr_compiled, expr_decls, expr_inits = \
                    src_expr_unnamed, tupleref=t)

            code += assignment_template.render(locals())
        return code
コード例 #6
ファイル: clangcommon.py プロジェクト: EvgenyKarataev/raco
    def consume(self, t, src, state):
        basic_select_template = """if (%(conditioncode)s) {

        condition_as_unnamed = expression.ensure_unnamed(self.condition, self)

        # tag the attributes with references
        # TODO: use an immutable approach instead
        # (ie an expression Visitor for compiling)
        [_ for _ in condition_as_unnamed.postorder(getTaggingFunc(t))]

        # compile the predicate into code
        conditioncode, cond_decls, cond_inits = \

        inner_code_compiled = self.parent().consume(t, self, state)

        code = basic_select_template % locals()
        return code
コード例 #7
ファイル: rules.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/raco
    def descend_tree(op, cond):
        """Recursively push a selection condition down a tree of operators.

        :param op: The root of an operator tree
        :type op: raco.algebra.Operator
        :param cond: The selection condition
        :type cond: raco.expression.expression

        :return: A (possibly modified) operator.

        if isinstance(op, algebra.Select):
            # Keep pushing; selects are commutative
            op.input = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.input, cond)
            return op
        elif isinstance(op, algebra.CompositeBinaryOperator):
            # Joins and cross-products; consider conversion to an equijoin
            # Expressions containing random do not commute across joins
            has_random = any(isinstance(e, RANDOM) for e in cond.walk())
            if not has_random:
                left_len = len(op.left.scheme())
                accessed = accessed_columns(cond)
                in_left = [col < left_len for col in accessed]
                if all(in_left):
                    # Push the select into the left sub-tree.
                    op.left = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.left, cond)
                    return op
                elif not any(in_left):
                    # Push into right subtree; rebase column indexes
                    expression.rebase_expr(cond, left_len)
                    op.right = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.right, cond)
                    return op
                    # Selection includes both children; attempt to create an
                    # equijoin condition
                    cols = PushSelects.is_column_equality_comparison(cond)
                    if cols:
                        return op.add_equijoin_condition(cols[0], cols[1])
        elif isinstance(op, algebra.Apply):
            # Convert accessed to a list from a set to ensure consistent order
            accessed = list(accessed_columns(cond))
            accessed_emits = [op.emitters[i][1] for i in accessed]
            if all(isinstance(e, expression.AttributeRef)
                   for e in accessed_emits):
                unnamed_emits = expression.ensure_unnamed(
                    accessed_emits, op.input)
                # This condition only touches columns that are copied verbatim
                # from the child, so we can push it.
                index_map = {a: e.position
                             for (a, e) in zip(accessed, unnamed_emits)}
                expression.reindex_expr(cond, index_map)
                op.input = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.input, cond)
                return op
        elif isinstance(op, algebra.GroupBy):
            # Convert accessed to a list from a set to ensure consistent order
            accessed = list(accessed_columns(cond))
            if all((a < len(op.grouping_list)) for a in accessed):
                accessed_grps = [op.grouping_list[a] for a in accessed]
                # This condition only touches columns that are copied verbatim
                # from the child (grouping keys), so we can push it.
                assert all(isinstance(e, expression.AttributeRef)
                           for e in op.grouping_list)
                unnamed_grps = expression.ensure_unnamed(accessed_grps,
                index_map = {a: e.position
                             for (a, e) in zip(accessed, unnamed_grps)}
                expression.reindex_expr(cond, index_map)
                op.input = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.input, cond)
                return op

        # Can't push any more: instantiate the selection
        new_op = algebra.Select(cond, op)
        new_op.has_been_pushed = True
        return new_op
コード例 #8
ファイル: algebra.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/PSLAQueries
 def get_unnamed_update_exprs(self):
     """Get the update list for this GroupBy after ensuring that all
     attribute references are UnnamedAttributeRefs."""
     ups = [expr for _, expr in self.updaters]
     return expression.ensure_unnamed(ups, self.input)
コード例 #9
ファイル: algebra.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/PSLAQueries
 def get_unnamed_aggregate_list(self):
     """Get the aggregate list for this GroupBy after ensuring that all
     attribute references are UnnamedAttributeRefs."""
     return expression.ensure_unnamed(self.aggregate_list, self.input)
コード例 #10
ファイル: algebra.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/PSLAQueries
 def get_unnamed_column_list(self):
     """Get the column list for this Project after ensuring that all
     attribute references are UnnamedAttributeRefs."""
     return expression.ensure_unnamed(self.columnlist, self.input)
コード例 #11
ファイル: algebra.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/PSLAQueries
 def get_unnamed_condition(self):
     """Get the filter condition for this Select after ensuring that all
     attribute references are UnnamedAttributeRefs."""
     return expression.ensure_unnamed(self.condition, self.input)
コード例 #12
ファイル: algebra.py プロジェクト: anukat2015/PSLAQueries
 def get_unnamed_emit_exprs(self):
     """Get the emit expressions for this Apply after ensuring that all
     attribute references are UnnamedAttributeRefs."""
     emits = [e[1] for e in self.emitters]
     return expression.ensure_unnamed(emits, self.input)
コード例 #13
    def descend_tree(op, cond):
        """Recursively push a selection condition down a tree of operators.

        :param op: The root of an operator tree
        :type op: raco.algebra.Operator
        :param cond: The selection condition
        :type cond: raco.expression.expression

        :return: A (possibly modified) operator.

        if isinstance(op, algebra.Select):
            # Keep pushing; selects are commutative
            op.input = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.input, cond)
            return op
        elif isinstance(op, algebra.CompositeBinaryOperator):
            # Joins and cross-products; consider conversion to an equijoin
            # Expressions containing random do not commute across joins
            has_random = any(isinstance(e, RANDOM) for e in cond.walk())
            if not has_random:
                left_len = len(op.left.scheme())
                accessed = accessed_columns(cond)
                in_left = [col < left_len for col in accessed]
                if all(in_left):
                    # Push the select into the left sub-tree.
                    op.left = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.left, cond)
                    return op
                elif not any(in_left):
                    # Push into right subtree; rebase column indexes
                    expression.rebase_expr(cond, left_len)
                    op.right = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.right, cond)
                    return op
                    # Selection includes both children; attempt to create an
                    # equijoin condition
                    cols = PushSelects.is_column_equality_comparison(cond)
                    if cols:
                        return op.add_equijoin_condition(cols[0], cols[1])
        elif isinstance(op, algebra.Apply):
            # Convert accessed to a list from a set to ensure consistent order
            accessed = list(accessed_columns(cond))
            accessed_emits = [op.emitters[i][1] for i in accessed]
            if all(isinstance(e, expression.AttributeRef)
                   for e in accessed_emits):
                unnamed_emits = expression.ensure_unnamed(
                    accessed_emits, op.input)
                # This condition only touches columns that are copied verbatim
                # from the child, so we can push it.
                index_map = {a: e.position
                             for (a, e) in zip(accessed, unnamed_emits)}
                expression.reindex_expr(cond, index_map)
                op.input = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.input, cond)
                return op
        elif isinstance(op, algebra.GroupBy):
            # Convert accessed to a list from a set to ensure consistent order
            accessed = list(accessed_columns(cond))
            if all((a < len(op.grouping_list)) for a in accessed):
                accessed_grps = [op.grouping_list[a] for a in accessed]
                # This condition only touches columns that are copied verbatim
                # from the child (grouping keys), so we can push it.
                assert all(isinstance(e, expression.AttributeRef)
                           for e in op.grouping_list)
                unnamed_grps = expression.ensure_unnamed(accessed_grps,
                index_map = {a: e.position
                             for (a, e) in zip(accessed, unnamed_grps)}
                expression.reindex_expr(cond, index_map)
                op.input = PushSelects.descend_tree(op.input, cond)
                return op

        # Can't push any more: instantiate the selection
        new_op = algebra.Select(cond, op)
        new_op.has_been_pushed = True
        return new_op