def __init__(self, profile=None, connection=None): self.lib = RadulaLib() self.lib.connect(profile, connection)
class RadulaProxy(object): def __init__(self, profile=None, connection=None): self.lib = RadulaLib() self.lib.connect(profile, connection) def mb(self, **kwargs): """alias of make_bucket""" return self.make_bucket(**kwargs) def make_bucket(self, **kwargs): """proxy make_bucket to boto""" bucket = kwargs.get("subject", None) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not bucket: raise RadulaError("Bucket name empty") if self.lib.make_bucket(bucket, dry_run=dry_run): print "Created bucket: {0}".format(bucket) def rb(self, **kwargs): """alias of remove_bucket""" return self.remove_bucket(**kwargs) def remove_bucket(self, **kwargs): """proxy remove_bucket to boto""" bucket = kwargs.get("subject", None) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not bucket: raise RadulaError("Bucket name empty") if self.lib.remove_bucket(bucket, dry_run=dry_run): print "Removed bucket {0}".format(bucket) def lb(self, **kwargs): """alias of list_buckets""" self.list_buckets(**kwargs) def list_buckets(self, **kwargs): """proxy list_buckets to boto""" buckets = sorted([ for bucket in self.lib.get_buckets()]) for bucket_name in buckets: print bucket_name def put(self, **kwargs): """alias of upload""" return self.upload(**kwargs) def up(self, **kwargs): """alias of upload""" return self.upload(**kwargs) def upload(self, **kwargs): """initiate a multipart upload. See README for complete usage""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) verify = kwargs.get("verify", False) resume = kwargs.get("resume", False) force = kwargs.get("force", False) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to upload") if not target: raise RadulaError("Missing bucket/key target") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK) self.lib.upload(subject, target, verify=verify, resume=resume, force=force, dry_run=dry_run) def get(self, **kwargs): """alias of download""" return**kwargs) def dl(self, **kwargs): """alias of download""" return**kwargs) def download(self, **kwargs): """download remote subject to a local target file""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) verify = kwargs.get("verify", False) force = kwargs.get("force", False) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to download") threads = int(kwargs.get("threads", RadulaLib.DEFAULT_THREADS)) self.lib.thread_count = threads chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK), target, verify=verify, force=force, dry_run=dry_run) def rm(self, **kwargs): """alias of remove""" return self.remove(**kwargs) def remove(self, **kwargs): """removes remote subject keys, any passed over the cli""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to remove") target = kwargs.get("target", None) remainder = kwargs.get("remainder", []) subject_keys = [k for k in [subject] + [target] + remainder if k] dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) for subject in subject_keys: for key in self.lib.remove_key(subject, dry_run=dry_run): print key def keys(self, **kwargs): """lists keys of a subject bucket""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing bucket to list") long_key = kwargs.get("long_key") for key in sorted(self.lib.keys(subject, long_key=long_key)): print key def info(self, **kwargs): print json.dumps(self.__info(**kwargs)).replace('\\"', '') def __info(self, **kwargs): """prints metadata for a remote subject key""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject key to get info for") target = kwargs.get("target", None) remainder = kwargs.get("remainder", []) subject_keys = [k for k in [subject] + [target] + remainder if k] actual_keys = [] info = [] for subject_key in subject_keys: bucket_name, pattern = Radula.split_bucket(subject_key) if not pattern: # is not a key, but a bucket info.append({ "bucket": subject_key, "info": }) else: l = len(actual_keys) for key in self.lib.keys(subject_key, long_key=True): actual_keys.append(key) if len(actual_keys) == l: raise RadulaError("Key not found: {0}".format(subject_key)) for subject_key in actual_keys: info.append({ "key": subject_key, "info": }) return info def size(self, **kwargs): for item in self.__info(**kwargs): if item.get("bucket"): print "\t".join([ item.get("bucket"), item.get("info").get("size_human") ]) if item.get("key"): print "\t".join([ item.get("key"), human_size(float(item.get("info").get("content_length"))) ]) def etag(self, **kwargs): for item in self.__info(**kwargs): if item.get("key"): info = item.get("info") items = info.get("metadata", {}).iteritems() meta = ", ".join(["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in items]) print "\t".join([item.get("key"), info.get("etag"), meta]) def local_md5(self, **kwargs): """performs a multithreaded hash of a local subject file""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing local subject file") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK) print self.lib.local_md5(subject) def remote_md5(self, **kwargs): """fetches hash from metadata of a remote subject""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject key") print self.lib.remote_md5(subject) def verify(self, **kwargs): """compares hashes of a local subject and a remote target""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing local subject to compare") if not target: raise RadulaError("Missing remote target to compare") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK) if not self.lib.verify(subject, target): exit(1) def mpl(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_list""" return self.multipart_list(**kwargs) def mp_list(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_list""" return self.multipart_list(**kwargs) def multipart_list(self, **kwargs): """lists lingering multipart upload parts """ subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject bucket or key to list") bucket, uploads = self.lib.multipart_list(subject) lines = [] for up in uploads: up_fields = (, up.key_name,, up.initiator.display_name, up.initiated, ) lines.append("\t".join(up_fields)) print "\n".join(lines) def mpc(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_clean""" return self.multipart_clean(**kwargs) def mp_clean(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_clean""" return self.multipart_clean(**kwargs) def multipart_clean(self, **kwargs): """removes lingering multipart upload parts for a remote bucket or key""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject bucket or key to clean") if self.lib.multipart_clean(subject): print "Lingering parts removed." def sc(self, **kwargs): """alias of streaming-copy""" return self.streaming_copy(**kwargs) def streaming_copy(self, **kwargs): """copy from one endpoint to another without touching a disk""" source = kwargs.get("subject", None) dest = kwargs.get("target", None) dest_profile = kwargs.get("destination", None) force = kwargs.get("force", None) verify = kwargs.get("verify", False) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not source: raise RadulaError("missing source bucket/key") if not dest: raise RadulaError("missing destination bucket/key") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK) self.lib.streaming_copy(source, dest, dest_profile=dest_profile, force=force, verify=verify, dry_run=dry_run) def cat(self, **kwargs): source = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not source: raise RadulaError("missing source bucket/key") chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, bounds=False, accept_range=True), chunk_size=chunk_size)
class RadulaProxy(object): def __init__(self, profile=None, connection=None): self.lib = RadulaLib() self.lib.connect(profile, connection) def mb(self, **kwargs): """alias of make_bucket""" return self.make_bucket(**kwargs) def make_bucket(self, **kwargs): """proxy make_bucket to boto""" bucket = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not bucket: raise RadulaError("Bucket name empty") if self.lib.make_bucket(bucket): print "Created bucket: {0}".format(bucket) def rb(self, **kwargs): """alias of remove_bucket""" return self.remove_bucket(**kwargs) def remove_bucket(self, **kwargs): """proxy remove_bucket to boto""" bucket = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not bucket: raise RadulaError("Bucket name empty") if self.lib.remove_bucket(bucket): print "Removed bucket {0}".format(bucket) def lb(self, **kwargs): """alias of list_buckets""" self.list_buckets(**kwargs) def list_buckets(self, **kwargs): """proxy list_buckets to boto""" for bucket_name in sorted([ for bucket in self.lib.get_buckets()]): print bucket_name def put(self, **kwargs): """alias of upload""" return self.upload(**kwargs) def up(self, **kwargs): """alias of upload""" return self.upload(**kwargs) def upload(self, **kwargs): """initiate a multipart upload. See README for complete usage""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to upload") if not target: raise RadulaError("Missing bucket/key target") self.lib.upload_threads = int(kwargs.get("threads")) self.lib.upload(subject, target, verify=kwargs.get("verify", False)) def get(self, **kwargs): """alias of download""" return**kwargs) def dl(self, **kwargs): """alias of download""" return**kwargs) def download(self, **kwargs): """download remote subject to a local target file""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to download"), target, force=kwargs.get("force", False)) def rm(self, **kwargs): """alias of remove""" return self.remove(**kwargs) def remove(self, **kwargs): """removes a remote subject key""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to remove") self.lib.remove_key(subject) def keys(self, **kwargs): """lists keys of a subject bucket""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing bucket to list") for key in sorted(self.lib.keys(subject)): print key def info(self, **kwargs): """prints metadata for a remote subject key""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject key to get info for") print json.dumps('\\"', '') def local_md5(self, **kwargs): """performs a multithreaded hash of a local subject file""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing local subject file") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) print self.lib.local_md5(subject) def remote_md5(self, **kwargs): """fetches hash from metadata of a remote subject""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject key") print self.lib.remote_md5(subject) def verify(self, **kwargs): """compares hashes of a local subject and a remote target""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing local subject to compare") if not target: raise RadulaError("Missing remote target to compare") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) if not self.lib.verify(subject, target): exit(1) def mpl(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_list""" return self.multipart_list(**kwargs) def mp_list(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_list""" return self.multipart_list(**kwargs) def multipart_list(self, **kwargs): """lists lingering multipart upload parts """ subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject bucket or key to list") print self.lib.multipart_list(subject) def mpc(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_clean""" return self.multipart_clean(**kwargs) def mp_clean(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_clean""" return self.multipart_clean(**kwargs) def multipart_clean(self, **kwargs): """removes lingering multipart upload parts for a remote bucket or key""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject bucket or key to clean") print self.lib.multipart_clean(subject) def sc(self, **kwargs): """alias of streaming-copy""" return self.streaming_copy(**kwargs) def streaming_copy(self, **kwargs): """copy from one endpoint to another without touching a disk""" source = kwargs.get("subject", None) dest = kwargs.get("target", None) dest_profile = kwargs.get("destination", None) force = kwargs.get("force", None) verify = kwargs.get("verify", False) if not source: raise RadulaError("missing source bucket/key") if not dest: raise RadulaError("missing destination bucket/key") print self.lib.streaming_copy(source, dest, dest_profile, force, verify)
class RadulaProxy(object): def __init__(self, profile=None, connection=None): self.lib = RadulaLib() self.lib.connect(profile, connection) def mb(self, **kwargs): """alias of make_bucket""" return self.make_bucket(**kwargs) def make_bucket(self, **kwargs): """proxy make_bucket to boto""" bucket = kwargs.get("subject", None) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not bucket: raise RadulaError("Bucket name empty") if self.lib.make_bucket(bucket, dry_run=dry_run): print "Created bucket: {0}".format(bucket) def rb(self, **kwargs): """alias of remove_bucket""" return self.remove_bucket(**kwargs) def remove_bucket(self, **kwargs): """proxy remove_bucket to boto""" bucket = kwargs.get("subject", None) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not bucket: raise RadulaError("Bucket name empty") if self.lib.remove_bucket(bucket, dry_run=dry_run): print "Removed bucket {0}".format(bucket) def lb(self, **kwargs): """alias of list_buckets""" self.list_buckets(**kwargs) def list_buckets(self, **kwargs): """proxy list_buckets to boto""" buckets = sorted([ for bucket in self.lib.get_buckets()]) for bucket_name in buckets: print bucket_name def put(self, **kwargs): """alias of upload""" return self.upload(**kwargs) def up(self, **kwargs): """alias of upload""" return self.upload(**kwargs) def upload(self, **kwargs): """initiate a multipart upload. See README for complete usage""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) verify = kwargs.get("verify", False) resume = kwargs.get("resume", False) force = kwargs.get("force", False) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to upload") if not target: raise RadulaError("Missing bucket/key target") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK) self.lib.upload(subject, target, verify=verify, resume=resume, force=force, dry_run=dry_run) def get(self, **kwargs): """alias of download""" return**kwargs) def dl(self, **kwargs): """alias of download""" return**kwargs) def download(self, **kwargs): """download remote subject to a local target file""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) verify = kwargs.get("verify", False) force = kwargs.get("force", False) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to download") threads = int(kwargs.get("threads", RadulaLib.DEFAULT_THREADS)) self.lib.thread_count = threads chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK), target, verify=verify, force=force, dry_run=dry_run) def rm(self, **kwargs): """alias of remove""" return self.remove(**kwargs) def remove(self, **kwargs): """removes remote subject keys, any passed over the cli""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing file(s) to remove") target = kwargs.get("target", None) remainder = kwargs.get("remainder", []) subject_keys = [k for k in [subject] + [target] + remainder if k] dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) for subject in subject_keys: for key in self.lib.remove_key(subject, dry_run=dry_run): print key def keys(self, **kwargs): """lists keys of a subject bucket""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing bucket to list") long_key = kwargs.get("long_key") for key in sorted(self.lib.keys(subject, long_key=long_key)): print key def info(self, **kwargs): print json.dumps(self.__info(**kwargs)).replace('\\"', '') def __info(self, **kwargs): """prints metadata for a remote subject key""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject key to get info for") target = kwargs.get("target", None) remainder = kwargs.get("remainder", []) subject_keys = [k for k in [subject] + [target] + remainder if k] actual_keys = [] info = [] for subject_key in subject_keys: bucket_name, pattern = Radula.split_bucket(subject_key) if not pattern: # is not a key, but a bucket info.append({ "bucket": subject_key, "info": }) else: l = len(actual_keys) for key in self.lib.keys(subject_key, long_key=True): actual_keys.append(key) if len(actual_keys) == l: raise RadulaError("Key not found: {0}".format(subject_key)) for subject_key in actual_keys: info.append({ "key": subject_key, "info": }) return info def size(self, **kwargs): for item in self.__info(**kwargs): if item.get("bucket"): print "\t".join( [item.get("bucket"), item.get("info").get("size_human")]) if item.get("key"): print "\t".join([ item.get("key"), human_size(float(item.get("info").get("content_length"))) ]) def etag(self, **kwargs): for item in self.__info(**kwargs): if item.get("key"): info = item.get("info") items = info.get("metadata", {}).iteritems() meta = ", ".join(["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in items]) print "\t".join([item.get("key"), info.get("etag"), meta]) def local_md5(self, **kwargs): """performs a multithreaded hash of a local subject file""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing local subject file") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK) print self.lib.local_md5(subject) def remote_md5(self, **kwargs): """fetches hash from metadata of a remote subject""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject key") print self.lib.remote_md5(subject) def verify(self, **kwargs): """compares hashes of a local subject and a remote target""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) target = kwargs.get("target", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing local subject to compare") if not target: raise RadulaError("Missing remote target to compare") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK) if not self.lib.verify(subject, target): exit(1) def mpl(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_list""" return self.multipart_list(**kwargs) def mp_list(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_list""" return self.multipart_list(**kwargs) def multipart_list(self, **kwargs): """lists lingering multipart upload parts """ subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject bucket or key to list") bucket, uploads = self.lib.multipart_list(subject) lines = [] for up in uploads: up_fields = (, up.key_name,, up.initiator.display_name, up.initiated, ) lines.append("\t".join(up_fields)) print "\n".join(lines) def mpc(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_clean""" return self.multipart_clean(**kwargs) def mp_clean(self, **kwargs): """alias of multipart_clean""" return self.multipart_clean(**kwargs) def multipart_clean(self, **kwargs): """removes lingering multipart upload parts for a remote bucket or key""" subject = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not subject: raise RadulaError("Missing remote subject bucket or key to clean") if self.lib.multipart_clean(subject): print "Lingering parts removed." def sc(self, **kwargs): """alias of streaming-copy""" return self.streaming_copy(**kwargs) def streaming_copy(self, **kwargs): """copy from one endpoint to another without touching a disk""" source = kwargs.get("subject", None) dest = kwargs.get("target", None) dest_profile = kwargs.get("destination", None) force = kwargs.get("force", None) verify = kwargs.get("verify", False) dry_run = kwargs.get("dry_run", False) if not source: raise RadulaError("missing source bucket/key") if not dest: raise RadulaError("missing destination bucket/key") self.lib.thread_count = int(kwargs.get("threads")) chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: self.lib.chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, minimum=RadulaLib.MIN_CHUNK) self.lib.streaming_copy(source, dest, dest_profile=dest_profile, force=force, verify=verify, dry_run=dry_run) def cat(self, **kwargs): source = kwargs.get("subject", None) if not source: raise RadulaError("missing source bucket/key") chunk_size = kwargs.get("chunk_size", None) if chunk_size: chunk_size = from_human_size(chunk_size, bounds=False, accept_range=True), chunk_size=chunk_size)