def sph_random_plot(): scan = rslib.sph_rng_model(lat=69., lon=19., alt=150., min_el=30, dwell_time=0.1) plot_radar_scan(scan, earth=True)
def flat_grid_plot(): scan = rslib.flat_grid_model(lat=69., lon=19., alt=150., n_side=5, height=300e3, side_len=200e3, dwell_time=0.1) plot_radar_scan(scan, earth=True)
def n_beampark_plot(): az_points = np.arange(0., 360., 60.).tolist() el_points = np.linspace(80., 90., num=len(az_points)).tolist() scan = rslib.n_const_pointing_model(az=az_points, el=el_points, lat=69., lon=19., alt=150., dwell_time=0.1) plot_radar_scan(scan, earth=True)
def plot_detections(radar, space_o, t_end=24.0 * 3600.0): t = np.linspace(0, t_end, num=10000) detections = simulate_scan.get_detections(space_o, radar, 0.0, t_end) simulate_scan.pp_det(detections) detections = detections[0] passes = np.unique(np.array(detections['t0'])) print('{} detections of object'.format(len(detections['tm']))) print('detection on {} passes'.format(len(passes))) ecefs1 = space_o.get_state(t) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') plothelp.draw_earth_grid(ax) radar_scans.plot_radar_scan(radar._tx[0].scan, earth=True, ax=ax) ax.plot(ecefs1[0, :], ecefs1[1, :], ecefs1[2, :], "-", color="green", alpha=0.5) for det in detections['tm']: ecefs2 = space_o.get_state([det]) ax.plot(ecefs2[0, :], ecefs2[1, :], ecefs2[2, :], ".", color="red", alpha=0.5) ax.plot( [radar._tx[0].ecef[0], ecefs2[0, 0]], [radar._tx[0].ecef[1], ecefs2[1, 0]], [radar._tx[0].ecef[2], ecefs2[2, 0]], "-", color="red", alpha=0.1, ) box = 1000e3 ax.set_xlim([radar._tx[0].ecef[0] - box, radar._tx[0].ecef[0] + box]) ax.set_ylim([radar._tx[0].ecef[1] - box, radar._tx[0].ecef[1] + box]) ax.set_zlim([radar._tx[0].ecef[2] - box, radar._tx[0].ecef[2] + box])
def leak_proof(): beam_width = 1.26 #deg max_sat_speed = 8e3 #m/s leak_proof_at = 350e3 #altitude els = [ '90.0', '88.73987398739877', '87.4357183693167', '86.1720061939742', '84.90239189256025', '83.628529014365', '82.35204237515919', '81.07452478944677', '79.77710211752762', '78.47281161299796', '77.16391480976668', '75.83375939658995', '74.49527977424731', '73.13358804398229', '71.753175185289', '70.3584796645483', '68.93771910430019', '67.48130276816576', '65.99689473774336', '64.48487395668005', '62.93289943117691', '61.33878768753357', '59.69647098103616', '57.99766296011879', '56.23923388331565', '54.40755219009088', '52.44010673902446', '50.4247836215483', '48.29222295539205', '46.01278403125778', '43.55617730018973', '40.8717857555977', '37.886094818016815', '34.478961143266076', '30.0' ] els = els[:5] print('MIN_EL = {:.4f}'.format(float(els[-1]))) els = [float(el) for el in els] azs = [-180.0] * (len(els) - 1) + [0.0] * len(els) els = els[1:][::-1] + els dwell_time = [] for el in els: beam_arc_len = np.radians(beam_width) * leak_proof_at / np.sin( np.radians(el)) sat_traverse_time = beam_arc_len / max_sat_speed #also max scan time #print('sat_traverse_time: {:.4f} s'.format(sat_traverse_time)) dwell_time.append(sat_traverse_time / float(len(azs))) print(dwell_time) scan = rslib.n_dyn_dwell_pointing_model( az=azs, el=els, dwells=dwell_time, lat=69., lon=19., alt=150., ) plot_radar_scan(scan, earth=True)
def plot_radar(radar, save_folder=None): '''Plots aspects of the radar system. **Current plots:** * Geographical locations. * Antenna patterns. * Scan patterns. ''' for tx in radar._tx: fig, ax = rs.plot_radar_scan(tx.scan, earth=True) if save_folder is not None: fig.savefig(save_folder + '/' +' ', '_') + '_scan.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) for tx in radar._tx: fig, ax = antenna.plot_gain_heatmap(tx.beam, res=200, min_el=75.0, if save_folder is not None: fig.savefig(save_folder + '/' +' ', '_') + '_' + tx.beam.beam_name.replace(' ', '_') + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) for rx in radar._rx: fig, ax = antenna.plot_gain_heatmap(rx.beam, res=200, min_el=75.0, if save_folder is not None: fig.savefig(save_folder + '/' +' ', '_') + '_' + rx.beam.beam_name.replace(' ', '_') + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) fig, ax = plot_radar_geo(radar) if save_folder is not None: fig.savefig(save_folder + '/' +' ', '_') + '.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) if save_folder is None:
def ns_fence_plot(): scan = rslib.ns_fence_model(lat=69., lon=19., alt=150.) plot_radar_scan(scan, earth=True)
def beampark_plot(): scan = rslib.beampark_model(az=0., el=45.0, lat=69., lon=19., alt=150.) plot_radar_scan(scan, earth=True)