コード例 #1
def benchmark_pre (tid, test_cfg, bench_cfg, session) :

    if  not 'job_service_url' in test_cfg :
        raise saga.NoSuccess ('no job service URL configured')

    if  not 'load' in bench_cfg :
        raise saga.NoSuccess ('no benchmark load configured')

    host  = saga.Url(test_cfg['job_service_url']).host
    n_j   = int(bench_cfg['iterations'])
    load  = int(bench_cfg['load'])
    exe   = '/bin/sleep'

    ssh   = subprocess ("ssh %s" % host, stdin  = subprocess.PIPE, 
                                         stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
                                         stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)

    # find the ssh prompt
    stdin  = ssh.communicate[0]
    stdout = ssh.communicate[1]

    while <stdin> ~! /'>$'/io :
        time.sleep (0.1)

    # setup is done
    return {'ssh' : ssh, 'cmd' : "%s %s" % (executable, load)}
コード例 #2
    def remove(self, path, flags):
        '''This method is called upon logicaldir.remove() '''

        complete_path = rs.Url(path).get_path()

            self._logger.debug("Executing: irm -r %s" % complete_path)
            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("irm -r %s" % complete_path)

            if ret != 0:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not remove directory %s [%s]: %s" %
                                   (complete_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception as ex:

            # was there no directory to delete?
            if "does not exist" in str(ex):
                raise rs.DoesNotExist("Directory %s does not exist." %

            # couldn't delete for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess("Couldn't delete directory %s because %s" %
                               (complete_path, ex))

コード例 #3
ファイル: job_service.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
def benchmark_pre(tid, app_cfg, bench_cfg):

    if not 'saga.tests' in app_cfg:
        raise saga.NoSuccess('no tests configured')

    if not 'job_service_url' in app_cfg['saga.tests']:
        raise saga.NoSuccess('no job service URL configured')

    host = str(app_cfg['saga.tests']['job_service_url'])

    app_cfg['host'] = host
コード例 #4
    def remove_self (self, flags) :
        '''This method is called upon logicalfile.remove() '''

        complete_path = self._url.get_path()
        self._logger.debug("Attempting to remove file at: %s" % complete_path)

            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("irm %s" % complete_path)

            if ret:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not remove file %s [%s]: %s"
                                  % (complete_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            # couldn't delete for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess("delete %s failed: %s" % (complete_path, ex))
コード例 #5
    def list (self, npat, flags) :

       # TODO: Make this use the irods_get_directory_listing

        complete_path = self._url.path
        result = []

        self._logger.debug("Attempting to get directory listing for logical"
                           "path %s" % complete_path)

            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("ils %s" % complete_path)

            if ret != 0:
                raise Exception("Could not open directory")

            # strip extra linebreaks from stdout, make a list w/ linebreaks,
            # skip first entry which tells us the current directory
            for item in out.strip().split("\n")[1:]:
                item = item.strip()
                if item.startswith("C- "):
                    # result.append("dir " + item[3:])
                    # result.append("file " + item)

        except Exception, ex:
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't list directory: %s " % (str(ex)))
コード例 #6
    def download (self, name, source, flags) :
        '''Downloads a file from the REMOTE REPLICA FILESYSTEM to a local
           @param target: param containing a local path/filename
                          to save the file to
           @param source: Optional param containing a remote replica to retrieve
                          the file from (not evaluated, yet)

        target = name

        # TODO: Make sure that the target URL is a local/file:// URL
        # extract the path from the LogicalFile object, excluding
        # the filename
        logical_path = self._url.get_path()

        # fill in our local path if one was specified
        local_path = ""
        if target:
            local_path = rs.Url(target).get_path()

            # var to hold our command result, placed here to keep in scope
            ret = out = _ = 0

            # mark that this is experimental/may not be part of official API
            self._logger.debug("Beginning download operation "
                               "will download logical file: %s, "
                               "specified local target is %s"
                              % (logical_path, target))

            if target: cmd = "iget %s %s" % (logical_path, local_path) 
            else     : cmd = "iget %s"    %  logical_path

            self._logger.debug("Executing: %s" % cmd)
            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync(cmd)

            # check our result
            if ret:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("download failed: %s [%s]: %s"
                                  % (logical_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            # couldn't download for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't download file. %s" % ex)
コード例 #7
    def upload (self, source, target, flags) :
        '''Uploads a file from the LOCAL, PHYSICAL filesystem to
           the replica management system.
           @param source: URL (should be file:// or local path) of local file
           @param target: Optional param containing ?resource=myresource query
                          This will upload the file to a specified iRODS
                          resource or group.

        # TODO: Make sure that the source URL is a local/file:// URL
        complete_path = rs.Url(source).get_path()

        # extract the path from the LogicalFile object, excluding
        # the filename
        destination_path = self._url.get_path()[0:string.rfind(
                           self._url.get_path(), "/") + 1]

            # note we're uploading
            self._logger.debug("Beginning upload operation "
                               "will register file in logical dir: %s"
                              % destination_path)

            # the query holds our target resource
            query = rs.Url(target).get_query()

            # list of args we will generate
            arg_list = ""

            # parse flags + generate args
            if flags:
                if flags & rs.namespace.OVERWRITE:
                    arg_list += "-f "

            # was no resource selected?
            if not query:
                self._logger.debug("Attempting to upload to default resource")
                ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("iput %s %s %s" %
                                    (arg_list, complete_path, destination_path))

            # resource was selected, have to parse it and supply to iput -R
                # TODO: Verify correctness
                resource = query.split("=")[1]

                self._logger.debug("upload to %s" % resource)
                ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("iput -R %s %s %s %s" %
                                         (resource, arg_list, complete_path,

            if ret:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not upload file %s, errorcode %s: %s"
                                  % (complete_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            # couldn't upload for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess._log (self._logger, "upload failed: %s" % ex)
コード例 #8
    def make_dir (self, path, flags) :

        # complete_path = dir_obj._url.path
        complete_path = rs.Url(path).get_path()

        # attempt to run iRODS mkdir command
            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("imkdir %s" % complete_path)

            if ret != 0:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not create dir %s, [%s]: %s"
                                  % (complete_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            # did the directory already exist?
            if "CATALOG_ALREADY_HAS_ITEM_BY_THAT_NAME" in str(ex):
                raise rs.AlreadyExists ("Directory already exists.")

            # couldn't create for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't create directory. %s" % ex)
コード例 #9
    def move_self (self, target, flags) :
        '''This method is called upon logicaldir.move() '''

        # path to file we are moving on iRODS
        source_path = self._url.get_path()
        dest_path   = rs.Url(target).get_path()

        self._logger.debug("Attempting to move logical file %s to location %s"
                          % (source_path, dest_path))

            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("imv %s %s"
                                             % (source_path, dest_path))

            if ret:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not move logical file %s to location"
                                   "%s, errorcode %s: %s" 
                                  % (source_path, dest_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't move file: %s" % ex)
コード例 #10
def benchmark_pre(tid, app_cfg, bench_cfg):

    if not 'saga.tests' in app_cfg:
        raise saga.NoSuccess('no tests configured')

    if not 'job_service_url' in app_cfg['saga.tests']:
        raise saga.NoSuccess('no job service URL configured')

    if not 'load' in bench_cfg:
        raise saga.NoSuccess('no benchmark load configured')

    host = str(app_cfg['saga.tests']['job_service_url'])
    load = int(bench_cfg['load'])

    js = saga.job.Service(host)
    jd = saga.job.Description()

    jd.executable = '/bin/sleep'
    jd.arguments = [load]

    app_cfg['js'] = js
    app_cfg['jd'] = jd
コード例 #11
    def sanity_check (self) :
            # temporarily silence logger
            lvl = self._logger.getEffectiveLevel ()
            self._logger.setLevel (rs.utils.logger.ERROR)

            # open a temporary shell
            self.shell = rs.utils.pty_shell.PTYShell(
                             rs.url.Url("ssh://localhost"), logger=self._logger)

            # run ils, see if we get any errors -- if so, fail the
            # sanity check
            rc, _, _ = self.shell.run_sync("ils")
            if rc != 0:
                raise Exception("sanity check error")

        except Exception, ex:
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Could not run iRODS/ils.  Check iRODS"
                                  "environment and certificates (%s)" % ex)
コード例 #12
    def irods_get_resource_listing(self):
        ''' Return a list of irods resources and resource groups with
            information stored in irods_resource_entry format.
            It uses commandline tool ilsresc -l 
            :param self: reference to adaptor which called this function
        result = []
            # execute the ilsresc -l command
            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("ilsresc -l")

            # make sure we ran ok
            if ret != 0:
                raise Exception("Could not obtain resources with ilsresc -l")

            # convert our command's stdout to a list of text lines
            cw_result_list = out.strip().split("\n")

            # list of resource entries we will save our results to
            result = []

            # while loop instead of for loop so we can mutate the list
            # as we iterate
            while cw_result_list:
                entry = irods_resource_entry()

                # get our next line from the FRONT of the list
                line = cw_result_list.pop(0)

                # check to see if this is the beginning of a
                # singular resource entry 
                if line.startswith("resource name: "):
                    # singular resource entry output from ilsresc -l
                    # LINE NUMBERS AND PADDING ADDED
                    # ex. actual output, line 0 starts like "resource name"
                    # 0  resource name: BNL_ATLAS_2_FTP
                    # 1  resc id: 16214
                    # 2  zone: osg
                    # 3  type: MSS universal driver
                    # 4  class: compound
                    # 5  location: gw014k1.fnal.gov
                    # 6  vault: /data/cache/BNL_ATLAS_2_FTPplaceholder
                    # 7  free space:
                    # 8  status: up
                    # 9  info:
                    # 10 comment:
                    # 11 create time: 01343055975: 2012-07-23.09:06:15
                    # 12 modify time: 01347480717: 2012-09-12.14:11:57
                    # 13 ----
                    entry.name = line[len("resource name: "):].strip()
                    entry.is_resource_group = False

                    # TODO: SAVE ALL THE OTHER INFO
                    for i in range(13):

                    # add our resource to the list

                # check to see if this is an entry for a resource group
                elif line.startswith("resource group: "):
                    entry.name = line[len("resource group: "):].strip()
                    entry.is_resource_group = True

                    # continue processing ilsresc -l results until we
                    # are at the end of the resource group information
                    # ----- is not printed if there are no further entries
                    # so we have to make sure to check we don't pop off
                    # an empty stack too
                    while cw_result_list and not line.startswith("-----"):
                        line = cw_result_list.pop(0)


                # for some reason, we're at a line which we have 
                # no idea how to handle this is bad -- throw an error
                    raise rs.NoSuccess("Error parsing iRODS ilsresc -l output")

            return result

        except Exception, e:
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't get resource listing: %s " % (str(e)))
コード例 #13
    def irods_get_directory_listing (self, irods_dir, wrapper) :
        '''Function takes an iRODS logical directory as an argument,
           and returns a list of irods_logical_entry instances containing
           information on files/directories found in the directory argument.
           It uses the commandline tool ils.
           :param self: reference to adaptor which called this function
           :param dir: iRODS directory we want to get a listing of
           :param wrapper: the wrapper we will make our iRODS
           commands with

        result = []
            cw = wrapper

            # execute the ils -L command
            ret, out, _ = cw.run_sync ("ils -L %s" % irods_dir)

            # make sure we ran ok
            if ret != 0:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not open directory %s [%s]: %s"
                                  % (irods_dir, str(ret), out))

            # strip extra linebreaks from stdout, make a list from the
            # linebreaks that remain, skip first entry which just tells us the
            # current directory
            for item in out.strip().split("\n"):

                # if we are listing a directory or remote resource file
                # location i.e.
                # [azebro1@gw68]$ ils -L /osg/home/azebro1
                # /osg/home/azebro1:
                #    azebro1           1 UFlorida-SSERCA_FTP            12 2012-11-14.09:55 & irods-test.txt
                #          /data/cache/UFlorida-SSERCA_FTPplaceholder/home/azebro1/irods-test.txt    osgGridFtpGroup
                # then we want to ignore that entry (not using it for now)
                if item.strip().startswith("/"):

                # remove whitespace
                item = item.strip()

                # entry for file or directory
                dir_entry = irods_logical_entry()

                # if we have a directory here
                if item.startswith("C- "):
                    dir_entry.name = item[3:]
                    dir_entry.is_directory = True

                # if we have a file here
                    # ils -L output looks like this after you split it:
                    #  0           1    2                      3     4                   5    6
                    # ['azebro1', '1', 'UFlorida-SSERCA_FTP', '12', '2012-11-14.09:55', '&', 'irods-test.txt']
                    # not sure what 1 and 5 are ... 
                    dir_entry.owner = item.split()[0]
                    dir_entry.locations = [item.split()[2]]
                    dir_entry.size = item.split()[3]
                    dir_entry.date = item.split()[4]
                    dir_entry.name = item.split()[6]


            # merge all entries on the list with duplicate filenames into a
            # single entry with one filename and multiple resource locations
            final_list = []
            for item in result:
                if item.name in [i.name for i in final_list]:
                    # duplicate name, merge this entry with the previous one
                    for final_list_item in final_list:
                        if final_list_item.name == item.name:
            return final_list

        except Exception, e:
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't get directory listing: %s %s " % e)