コード例 #1
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: karahbit/radical.pilot
    def _get_jsurl(self, pilot):
        get job service endpoint and hop URL for the pilot's target resource.

        resrc = pilot['description']['resource']
        schema = pilot['description']['access_schema']
        rcfg = self.get_resource_config(resrc, schema)

        js_url = rs.Url(rcfg.get('job_manager_endpoint'))
        js_hop = rs.Url(rcfg.get('job_manager_hop', js_url))

        # make sure the js_hop url points to an interactive access
        # TODO: this is an unreliable heuristics - we should require the js_hop
        #       URL to be specified in the resource configs.
        if   '+gsissh' in js_hop.schema or \
             'gsissh+' in js_hop.schema    :
            js_hop.schema = 'gsissh'
        elif '+ssh'    in js_hop.schema or \
             'ssh+'    in js_hop.schema    :
            js_hop.schema = 'ssh'
            js_hop.schema = 'fork'

        return js_url, js_hop
コード例 #2
    def upload (self, source, target, flags) :
        '''Uploads a file from the LOCAL, PHYSICAL filesystem to
           the replica management system.
           @param source: URL (should be file:// or local path) of local file
           @param target: Optional param containing ?resource=myresource query
                          This will upload the file to a specified iRODS
                          resource or group.

        # TODO: Make sure that the source URL is a local/file:// URL
        complete_path = rs.Url(source).get_path()

        # extract the path from the LogicalFile object, excluding
        # the filename
        destination_path = self._url.get_path()[0:string.rfind(
                           self._url.get_path(), "/") + 1]

            # note we're uploading
            self._logger.debug("Beginning upload operation "
                               "will register file in logical dir: %s"
                              % destination_path)

            # the query holds our target resource
            query = rs.Url(target).get_query()

            # list of args we will generate
            arg_list = ""

            # parse flags + generate args
            if flags:
                if flags & rs.namespace.OVERWRITE:
                    arg_list += "-f "

            # was no resource selected?
            if not query:
                self._logger.debug("Attempting to upload to default resource")
                ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("iput %s %s %s" %
                                    (arg_list, complete_path, destination_path))

            # resource was selected, have to parse it and supply to iput -R
                # TODO: Verify correctness
                resource = query.split("=")[1]

                self._logger.debug("upload to %s" % resource)
                ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("iput -R %s %s %s %s" %
                                         (resource, arg_list, complete_path,

            if ret:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not upload file %s, errorcode %s: %s"
                                  % (complete_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            # couldn't upload for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess._log (self._logger, "upload failed: %s" % ex)
コード例 #3
def test_jobid_viability():
    """ Test if jobid represents job """
    # The job id for the fork shell adaptor should return a pid which represents
    # the actual job instance.  We test by killing that pid and checking state.

        import os

        cfg = config()

        js_url = rs.Url(cfg.job_service_url)
        if js_url.schema.lower() not in ['fork', 'local', 'ssh']:
            # test not supported for other backends

        if js_url.host.lower() not in [None, '', 'localhost']:
            # test not supported for other backends

        js = rs.job.Service('fork:///')
        j = js.run_job("/bin/sleep 100")
        jid = j.id

        js_part, j_part = jid.split('-', 1)
        pid = j_part[1:-3]

        # kill the children (i.e. the only child) of the pid, which is the
        # actual job
        os.system(('ps -ef | cut -c 8-21 | grep " %s " | cut -c 1-8 '
                   '| grep -v " %s " | xargs -r kill') % (pid, pid))

        assert (j.state == rs.job.FAILED), 'job.state: %s' % j.state

    except rs.SagaException as se:
        assert False, "Unexpected exception: %s" % se
コード例 #4
    def remove(self, path, flags):
        '''This method is called upon logicaldir.remove() '''

        complete_path = rs.Url(path).get_path()

            self._logger.debug("Executing: irm -r %s" % complete_path)
            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("irm -r %s" % complete_path)

            if ret != 0:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not remove directory %s [%s]: %s" %
                                   (complete_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception as ex:

            # was there no directory to delete?
            if "does not exist" in str(ex):
                raise rs.DoesNotExist("Directory %s does not exist." %

            # couldn't delete for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess("Couldn't delete directory %s because %s" %
                               (complete_path, ex))

コード例 #5
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: eirrgang/radical.pilot
    def get_js_shell(self, resource, schema):

        if resource not in self._cache['js_shells']:
            self._cache['js_shells'][resource] = dict()

        if schema not in self._cache['js_shells'][resource]:

            rcfg   = self.get_resource_config(resource, schema)

            js_url = rcfg['job_manager_endpoint']
            js_url = rcfg.get('job_manager_hop', js_url)
            js_url = rs.Url(js_url)

            elems  = js_url.schema.split('+')

            if   'ssh'    in elems: js_url.schema = 'ssh'
            elif 'gsissh' in elems: js_url.schema = 'gsissh'
            elif 'fork'   in elems: js_url.schema = 'fork'
            elif len(elems) == 1  : js_url.schema = 'fork'
            else: raise Exception("invalid schema: %s" % js_url.schema)

            if js_url.schema == 'fork':
                js_url.hostname = 'localhost'

            self._log.debug("rsup.PTYShell('%s')", js_url)
            shell = rsup.PTYShell(js_url, self)
            self._cache['js_shells'][resource][schema] = shell

        return self._cache['js_shells'][resource][schema]
コード例 #6
def benchmark_pre (tid, test_cfg, bench_cfg, session) :

    if  not 'job_service_url' in test_cfg :
        raise saga.NoSuccess ('no job service URL configured')

    if  not 'load' in bench_cfg :
        raise saga.NoSuccess ('no benchmark load configured')

    host  = saga.Url(test_cfg['job_service_url']).host
    n_j   = int(bench_cfg['iterations'])
    load  = int(bench_cfg['load'])
    exe   = '/bin/sleep'

    ssh   = subprocess ("ssh %s" % host, stdin  = subprocess.PIPE, 
                                         stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
                                         stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)

    # find the ssh prompt
    stdin  = ssh.communicate[0]
    stdout = ssh.communicate[1]

    while <stdin> ~! /'>$'/io :
        time.sleep (0.1)

    # setup is done
    return {'ssh' : ssh, 'cmd' : "%s %s" % (executable, load)}
コード例 #7
    def replicate (self, target, flags):
        '''This method is called upon logicaldir.replicate()

        # path to file we are replicating on iRODS
        complete_path = self._url.get_path()        

        # TODO: Verify Correctness in the way the resource is grabbed
        query = rs.Url(target).get_query()
        resource = query.split("=")[1]
        self._logger.debug("Attempting to replicate logical file %s to "
                           "resource/resource group %s" 
                           % (complete_path, resource))

            self._logger.debug("Executing: irepl -R %s %s"
                              % (resource, complete_path))
            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("irepl -R %s %s" 
                                             % (resource, complete_path))

            if ret:
                raise Exception("Could not replicate logical file %s to"
                                "resource/resource group %s, errorcode %s: %s"
                               % (complete_path, resource, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            raise rs.NoSuccess._log(self._logger, "replicate failed: %s" % ex)
コード例 #8
    def test_job_service_invalid_url(self):
        """ Test if a non-resolvable hostname results in a proper exception
        tmp_js = None
            invalid_url = rs.Url(self.cfg['job_service_url'])
            invalid_url.schema = "ssh"
            invalid_url.host = "does.not.exist"

            tmp_js = rs.job.Service(invalid_url, self.session)
            assert False, "Expected BadParameter exception but got none."

        except rs.BadParameter:
            assert True

        # we don't check DNS anymore, as that can take *ages* -- so we now also
        # see Timeout and NoSuccess exceptions...
        except (rs.NoSuccess, rs.Timeout):
            assert True

        # other exceptions should never occur
        except rs.SagaException as ex:
            assert False, 'Expected BadParameter, Timeout or NoSuccess' \
                          'exception, but got %s (%s)' % (type(ex), ex)

コード例 #9
ファイル: test_file.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
    def test_file_copy_1(self):
        """ Testing if we can copy an existing file.
            tc = config()
            filename1 = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
            filename1.path += "/%s" % self.uniquefilename1
            f1 = rs.filesystem.File(filename1, rs.filesystem.CREATE)

            filename2 = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
            filename2.path += "/%s" % self.uniquefilename2

            f2 = rs.filesystem.File(filename2)
            assert f2.size == 0  # this should fail if the file doesn't exist!

        except rs.SagaException as ex:
            assert False, "Unexpected exception: %s" % ex
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_file.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
 def test_nonexisting_file_create_open(self):
     """ Testing if opening a non-existing file with the 'create' flag set works.
         tc = config()
         nonex_file = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
         nonex_file.path += "/%s" % self.uniquefilename1
         f = rs.filesystem.File(nonex_file, rs.filesystem.CREATE)
         assert f.size == 0  # this should fail if the file doesn't exist!
     except rs.SagaException as ex:
         assert False, "Unexpected exception: %s" % ex
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_file.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
    def test_file_copy_invalid_tgt_scheme(self):
        """ Testing if get an exception if we try to copy an unsupported target scheme.
            tc = config()

            # Create the source file
            source_file = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
            source_file.path += "/%s" % self.uniquefilename1
            f1 = rs.filesystem.File(source_file, rs.filesystem.CREATE)

            target_url = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
            target_url.scheme = "crapscheme"


            assert False, "Expected BadParameter exception but got none."
        except rs.BadParameter:
            assert True
        except rs.SagaException as ex:
            assert False, "Unexpected exception: %s" % ex
コード例 #12
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: eirrgang/radical.pilot
    def _get_pilot_sandbox(self, pilot):

        # FIXME: this should get 'pid, resource, schema=None' as parameters

        pilot_sandbox = pilot.get('pilot_sandbox')
        if str(pilot_sandbox):
            return rs.Url(pilot_sandbox)

        pid = pilot['uid']
        with self._cache_lock:
            if  pid in self._cache['pilot_sandbox']:
                return self._cache['pilot_sandbox'][pid]

        # cache miss
        session_sandbox     = self._get_session_sandbox(pilot)
        pilot_sandbox       = rs.Url(session_sandbox)
        pilot_sandbox.path += '/%s/' % pilot['uid']

        with self._cache_lock:
            self._cache['pilot_sandbox'][pid] = pilot_sandbox

        return pilot_sandbox
コード例 #13
def test_ptyshell_nok():
    """ Test pty_shell which runs command unsuccessfully """
    conf = config()
    shell = sups.PTYShell(saga.Url(conf.job_service_url), conf.session)

    txt = "______1______2_____3_____"
    ret, out, _ = shell.run_sync("printf \"%s\" ; false" % txt)
    assert (ret == 1), "%s" % (repr(ret))
    assert (out == txt), "%s == %s" % (repr(out), repr(txt))

    assert (shell.alive())
    assert (not shell.alive())
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_file.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
 def test_nonexisting_host_file_open(self):
     """ Testing if opening a file on a non-existing host causes an exception.
         tc = config()
         invalid_url = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
         invalid_url.host = "does.not.exist"
         _ = rs.filesystem.File(invalid_url)
         assert False, "Expected BadParameter exception but got none."
     except rs.BadParameter:
         assert True
     except rs.SagaException as ex:
         assert False, "Expected BadParameter exception, but got %s" % ex
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_file.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
    def test_existing_file_open(self):
        """ Testing if we can open an existing file.
            tc = config()
            filename = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
            filename.path += "/%s" % self.uniquefilename1
            f = rs.filesystem.File(filename, rs.filesystem.CREATE)

            f2 = rs.filesystem.File(f.url)
            assert f2.size == 0  # this should fail if the file doesn't exist!

        except rs.SagaException as ex:
            assert False, "Unexpected exception: %s" % ex
コード例 #16
def test_ptyshell_file_stage():
    """ Test pty_shell file staging """
    conf = config()
    shell = sups.PTYShell(saga.Url(conf.job_service_url), conf.session)

    txt = "______1______2_____3_____"
    shell.write_to_remote(txt, "/tmp/saga-test-staging")
    out = shell.read_from_remote("/tmp/saga-test-staging")

    assert (txt == out), "%s == %s" % (repr(out), repr(txt))

    ret, out, _ = shell.run_sync("rm /tmp/saga-test-staging")
    assert (ret == 0), "%s" % (repr(ret))
    assert (out == ""), "%s == ''" % (repr(out))
コード例 #17
ファイル: test_file.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
 def test_nonexisting_file_open(self):
     """ Testing if opening a non-existing file causes an exception.
         tc = config()
         nonex_file = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
         nonex_file.path += "/file.does.not.exist"
         _ = rs.filesystem.File(nonex_file)
         assert False, "Expected DoesNotExist exception but got none."
     except rs.DoesNotExist:
         assert True
     except rs.SagaException as ex:
         assert False, "Expected DoesNotExist exception, but got %s" % ex
コード例 #18
    def download (self, name, source, flags) :
        '''Downloads a file from the REMOTE REPLICA FILESYSTEM to a local
           @param target: param containing a local path/filename
                          to save the file to
           @param source: Optional param containing a remote replica to retrieve
                          the file from (not evaluated, yet)

        target = name

        # TODO: Make sure that the target URL is a local/file:// URL
        # extract the path from the LogicalFile object, excluding
        # the filename
        logical_path = self._url.get_path()

        # fill in our local path if one was specified
        local_path = ""
        if target:
            local_path = rs.Url(target).get_path()

            # var to hold our command result, placed here to keep in scope
            ret = out = _ = 0

            # mark that this is experimental/may not be part of official API
            self._logger.debug("Beginning download operation "
                               "will download logical file: %s, "
                               "specified local target is %s"
                              % (logical_path, target))

            if target: cmd = "iget %s %s" % (logical_path, local_path) 
            else     : cmd = "iget %s"    %  logical_path

            self._logger.debug("Executing: %s" % cmd)
            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync(cmd)

            # check our result
            if ret:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("download failed: %s [%s]: %s"
                                  % (logical_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            # couldn't download for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't download file. %s" % ex)
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_file.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
    def test_file_copy_remote_local(self):
        """ Testing if we can copy a file from remote -> local
            tc = config()
            filename1 = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
            filename1.path = "/etc/passwd"
            f1 = rs.filesystem.File(filename1)

            filename2 = "file://localhost/tmp/%s" % self.uniquefilename2

            f2 = rs.filesystem.File(filename2)
            assert f2.size != 0  # this should fail if the file doesn't exist!

        except rs.SagaException as ex:
            assert False, "Unexpected exception: %s" % ex
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_file.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
    def test_file_get_session(self):
        """ Testing if the correct session is being used
            tc = config()
            session = tc.session or rs.Session()
            filename = deepcopy(rs.Url(tc.filesystem_url))
            filename.path += "/%s" % self.uniquefilename1

            f = rs.filesystem.File(filename, rs.filesystem.CREATE,
            assert f.get_session() == session, 'Failed setting the session'

            f2 = rs.filesystem.File(f.url, session=session)
            assert f2.get_session() == session, 'Failed setting the session'

        except rs.SagaException as ex:
            assert False, "Unexpected exception: %s" % ex
コード例 #21
def test_ptyshell_async():
    """ Test pty_shell which runs command successfully """
    conf = config()
    shell = sups.PTYShell(saga.Url(conf.job_service_url), conf.session)

    txt = "______1______2_____3_____\n"
    shell.run_async("cat <<EOT")


    ret, out = shell.find_prompt()

    assert (ret == 0), "%s" % (repr(ret))
    assert (out == txt), "%s == %s" % (repr(out), repr(txt))

    assert (shell.alive())
    assert (not shell.alive())
コード例 #22
    def make_dir (self, path, flags) :

        # complete_path = dir_obj._url.path
        complete_path = rs.Url(path).get_path()

        # attempt to run iRODS mkdir command
            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("imkdir %s" % complete_path)

            if ret != 0:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not create dir %s, [%s]: %s"
                                  % (complete_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            # did the directory already exist?
            if "CATALOG_ALREADY_HAS_ITEM_BY_THAT_NAME" in str(ex):
                raise rs.AlreadyExists ("Directory already exists.")

            # couldn't create for unspecificed reason
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't create directory. %s" % ex)
コード例 #23
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: thomasrosnet/waves-core
 def _prepare_job(self, job):
     Prepare job on remote host
       - Create remote working dir
       - Upload job input files
     job.logger.debug('Prepared job in ShellAdapter')
         work_dir = self.job_work_dir(job, saga.filesystem.CREATE_PARENTS)
         for input_file in job.input_files:
             wrapper = saga.filesystem.File(
                 saga.Url('file://localhost/%s' %
                          join(job.working_dir, input_file.value)))
             job.logger.debug("Uploaded file %s to %s",
                              join(job.working_dir, input_file.value),
         return job
     except saga.SagaException as exc:
         raise AdaptorJobException(exc.message)
コード例 #24
    def move_self (self, target, flags) :
        '''This method is called upon logicaldir.move() '''

        # path to file we are moving on iRODS
        source_path = self._url.get_path()
        dest_path   = rs.Url(target).get_path()

        self._logger.debug("Attempting to move logical file %s to location %s"
                          % (source_path, dest_path))

            ret, out, _ = self.shell.run_sync("imv %s %s"
                                             % (source_path, dest_path))

            if ret:
                raise rs.NoSuccess("Could not move logical file %s to location"
                                   "%s, errorcode %s: %s" 
                                  % (source_path, dest_path, str(ret), out))

        except Exception, ex:
            raise rs.NoSuccess ("Couldn't move file: %s" % ex)
コード例 #25
def test_ptyshell_prompt():
    """ Test pty_shell with prompt change """
    conf = config()
    shell = sups.PTYShell(saga.Url(conf.job_service_url), conf.session)

    txt = "______1______2_____3_____"
    ret, out, _ = shell.run_sync("printf \"%s\"" % txt)
    assert (ret == 0), "%s" % (repr(ret))
    assert (out == txt), "%s == %s" % (repr(out), repr(txt))

    shell.run_sync('export PS1="HALLO-(\\$?)-PROMPT>"',

    txt = "______1______2_____3_____"
    ret, out, _ = shell.run_sync("printf \"%s\"" % txt)
    assert (ret == 0), "%s" % (repr(ret))
    assert (out == txt), "%s == %s" % (repr(out), repr(txt))

    assert (shell.alive())
    assert (not shell.alive())
コード例 #26
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: eirrgang/radical.pilot
    def _get_session_sandbox(self, pilot):

        # FIXME: this should get 'resource, schema=None' as parameters

        resource = pilot['description'].get('resource')

        if not resource:
            raise ValueError('Cannot get session sandbox w/o resource target')

        with self._cache_lock:

            if resource not in self._cache['session_sandbox']:

                # cache miss
                resource_sandbox      = self._get_resource_sandbox(pilot)
                session_sandbox       = rs.Url(resource_sandbox)
                session_sandbox.path += '/%s' % self.uid

                self._cache['session_sandbox'][resource] = session_sandbox

            return self._cache['session_sandbox'][resource]
コード例 #27
def main():

    tmp_dir = None


        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='saga-test-',
                                   suffix='-%s' % TEST_NAME,

        print('tmpdir: %s' % tmp_dir)

        ctx = saga.Context("x509")
        ctx.user_proxy = '/Users/mark/proj/myproxy/xsede.x509'

        session = saga.Session()

        source_url = saga.Url()
        source_url.schema = 'go'
        source_url.host = SOURCE
        source_url.path = tmp_dir

        target_url = saga.Url()
        target_url.schema = 'go'
        target_url.host = TARGET
        target_url.path = os.path.join('~/saga-tests/',

        print("Point to local Directory through GO ...")
        d = saga.filesystem.Directory(source_url)
        print("And check ...")
        assert d.is_dir() == True
        assert d.is_file() == False
        assert d.is_link() == False
        print("Point to remote Directory through GO ...")
        d = saga.filesystem.Directory(target_url,
        print("And check ...")
        assert d.is_dir() == True
        assert d.is_file() == False
        assert d.is_link() == False

        print("Point to local file through GO, before creation ...")
        caught = False
            saga.filesystem.File(os.path.join(str(source_url), FILE_A_level_0))
        except saga.DoesNotExist:
            caught = True
        assert caught == True

        print("Create actual file ...")
        touch(tmp_dir, FILE_A_level_0)
        print("Try again ...")
        f = saga.filesystem.File(os.path.join(str(source_url), FILE_A_level_0))
        assert f.is_file() == True
        assert f.is_dir() == False
        assert f.is_link() == False

        print("Copy local file to remote, using different filename ...")
        d = saga.filesystem.Directory(target_url,
        d.copy(os.path.join(str(source_url), FILE_A_level_0),
               FILE_A_level_0 + COPIED_SUFFIX)
        f = saga.filesystem.File(
            os.path.join(str(target_url), FILE_A_level_0 + COPIED_SUFFIX))
        assert f.is_file() == True
        assert f.is_dir() == False
        assert f.is_link() == False

        print("Copy local file to remote, keeping filename in tact ...")
        d = saga.filesystem.Directory(target_url,
        d.copy(os.path.join(str(source_url), FILE_A_level_0), FILE_A_level_0)
        f = saga.filesystem.File(os.path.join(str(target_url), FILE_A_level_0))
        assert f.is_file() == True
        assert f.is_dir() == False
        assert f.is_link() == False

        print('Create file in level 1 ...')
        tree = LEVEL_1
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tree))
        touch(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tree), FILE_A_level_1)
        print("Test local file ...")
        f = saga.filesystem.File(
            os.path.join(str(source_url), tree, FILE_A_level_1))
        assert f.is_file() == True
        assert f.is_dir() == False
        assert f.is_link() == False

        print("Copy local file to remote, keeping filename in tact ...")
        d = saga.filesystem.Directory(os.path.join(str(target_url), tree),
        d.copy(os.path.join(str(source_url), tree, FILE_A_level_1),

        print("Test file after transfer ...")
        f = saga.filesystem.File(
            os.path.join(str(target_url), tree, FILE_A_level_1))
        assert f.is_file() == True
        assert f.is_dir() == False
        assert f.is_link() == False

            "Copy non-existent local file to remote, keeping filename in tact ..."
        d = saga.filesystem.Directory(str(target_url),
            d.copy(os.path.join(str(source_url), NON_EXISTING_FILE),
        except saga.DoesNotExist:
            caught = True
        assert caught == True

        print("Test file after (non-)transfer ...")
        caught = False
                os.path.join(str(target_url), NON_EXISTING_FILE))
        except saga.DoesNotExist:
            caught = True
        assert caught == True

        # destination = "go://gridftp.stampede.tacc.xsede.org/~/tmp/"
        # #destination = "go://oasis-dm.sdsc.xsede.org/~/tmp/"
        # #destination = "go://ncsa#BlueWaters/~/tmp/"
        # #destination = "go://marksant#netbook/Users/mark/tmp/go/"
        # src_filename = "my_file"
        # dst_filename = "my_file_"
        # rt_filename = "my_file__"
        # # open home directory on a remote machine
        # source_dir = saga.filesystem.Directory(source)
        # # copy .bash_history to /tmp/ on the local machine
        # source_dir.copy(src_filename, os.path.join(destination, dst_filename))
        # # list 'm*' in local /tmp/ directory
        # dest_dir = saga.filesystem.Directory(destination)
        # for entry in dest_dir.list(pattern='%s*' % src_filename[0]):
        #     print entry
        # dest_file = saga.filesystem.File(os.path.join(destination, dst_filename))
        # assert dest_file.is_file() == True
        # assert dest_file.is_link() == False
        # assert dest_file.is_dir() == False
        # print 'Size: %d' % dest_file.get_size()
        # dest_file.copy(source)
        # dest_file.copy(os.path.join(source+'broken', rt_filename))

        print("Before return 0")
        return 0

    except saga.SagaException as ex:
        # Catch all saga exceptions
        print("An exception occurred: (%s) %s " % (ex.type, (str(ex))))
        # Trace back the exception. That can be helpful for debugging.
        print(" \n*** Backtrace:\n %s" % ex.traceback)

        print("before return -1")
        return -1


        print("and finally ...")

        if CLEANUP and tmp_dir:
コード例 #28
ファイル: ec2.py プロジェクト: yutiansut/radical.saga
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set up the connection to EC2

if not 'EC2_URL' in os.environ: usage("no %s in environment" % 'EC2_URL')
if not 'EC2_ACCESS_KEY' in os.environ:
    usage("no %s in environment" % 'EC2_ACCESS_KEY')
if not 'EC2_SECRET_KEY' in os.environ:
    usage("no %s in environment" % 'EC2_SECRET_KEY')
if not 'EC2_KEYPAIR_ID' in os.environ:
    usage("no %s in environment" % 'EC2_KEYPAIR_ID')
if not 'EC2_KEYPAIR' in os.environ:
    usage("no %s in environment" % 'EC2_KEYPAIR')

server = rs.Url(os.environ['EC2_URL'])

# in order to connect to EC2, we need an EC2 ID and KEY
c1 = rs.Context('ec2')
c1.user_id = os.environ['EC2_ACCESS_KEY']
c1.user_key = os.environ['EC2_SECRET_KEY']
c1.server = server

# in order to access a created VM, we additionally need to point to the ssh
# key which is used for EC2 VM contextualization, i.e. as EC2 'keypair'.
# If the keypair is not yet registered on EC2, it will be registered by SAGA
# -- but then a user_key *must* be specified (only the public key is ever
# transfererd to EC2).
c2 = rs.Context('ec2_keypair')
c2.token = os.environ['EC2_KEYPAIR_ID']
c2.user_cert = os.environ['EC2_KEYPAIR']
コード例 #29
ファイル: shell.py プロジェクト: thomasrosnet/waves-core
 def job_work_dir(self, job, mode=saga.filesystem.READ):
     """ Setup remote host working dir """
     return saga.filesystem.Directory(saga.Url(
         '%s/%s' % (self.remote_dir, str(job.slug))),
コード例 #30
ファイル: session.py プロジェクト: eirrgang/radical.pilot
    def _get_resource_sandbox(self, pilot):
        for a given pilot dict, determine the global RP sandbox, based on the
        pilot's 'resource' attribute.

        # FIXME: this should get 'resource, schema=None' as parameters

        resource = pilot['description'].get('resource')
        schema   = pilot['description'].get('access_schema')

        if not resource:
            raise ValueError('Cannot get pilot sandbox w/o resource target')

        # the global sandbox will be the same for all pilots on any resource, so
        # we cache it
        with self._cache_lock:

            if resource not in self._cache['resource_sandbox']:

                # cache miss -- determine sandbox and fill cache
                rcfg   = self.get_resource_config(resource, schema)
                fs_url = rs.Url(rcfg['filesystem_endpoint'])

                # Get the sandbox from either the pilot_desc or resource conf
                sandbox_raw = pilot['description'].get('sandbox')
                if not sandbox_raw:
                    sandbox_raw = rcfg.get('default_remote_workdir', "$PWD")

                # we may need to replace pat elements with data from the pilot
                # description
                if '%' in sandbox_raw:
                    # expand from pilot description
                    expand = dict()
                    for k,v in pilot['description'].items():
                        if v is None:
                            v = ''
                        expand['pd.%s' % k] = v
                        if isinstance(v, str):
                            expand['pd.%s' % k.upper()] = v.upper()
                            expand['pd.%s' % k.lower()] = v.lower()
                            expand['pd.%s' % k.upper()] = v
                            expand['pd.%s' % k.lower()] = v
                    sandbox_raw = sandbox_raw % expand

                if '_' in sandbox_raw and 'summit' in resource:
                    sandbox_raw = sandbox_raw.split('_')[0]

                # If the sandbox contains expandables, we need to resolve those
                # remotely.
                # NOTE: this will only work for (gsi)ssh or similar shell
                #       based access mechanisms
                if '$' not in sandbox_raw:
                    # no need to expand further
                    sandbox_base = sandbox_raw

                    shell = self.get_js_shell(resource, schema)
                    ret, out, err = shell.run_sync(' echo "WORKDIR: %s"'
                                                                  % sandbox_raw)
                    if ret or 'WORKDIR:' not in out:
                        raise RuntimeError("Couldn't get remote workdir.")

                    sandbox_base = out.split(":")[1].strip()
                    self._log.debug("sandbox base %s", sandbox_base)

                # at this point we have determined the remote 'pwd' - the
                # global sandbox is relative to it.
                fs_url.path = "%s/radical.pilot.sandbox" % sandbox_base

                # before returning, keep the URL string in cache
                self._cache['resource_sandbox'][resource] = fs_url

            return self._cache['resource_sandbox'][resource]