コード例 #1
class FiniteRepresentation( object ): 
    def __init__( self, data, tree, noise, expansion=1. ):
        Created a finite representation of the dynamics of a system
        from a collection of temporally ordered data points.

        data -- list or array of points in R^d. Index order specifies
        temporal order.

        tree -- BoxTree object initialized with the compact region
        containing the data. (See BoxTree class.)

        noise -- array of tuples or real numbers specifying the noise
        in each dimension of each data point. Hence, if data contains
        points in R^2, data[0] <--> noise[0] == ((a1,a2),(b1,b2)) or
        (a1, b1) if data[0] is centered within the error box
        determined bythe noise.  Note: This scheme assume (for the
        time being) that noise if uniform about each data point.
        self.data = np.asarray( data, dtype=float )
        self.noise = noise
        self.tree = tree
        self.dim = data.ndim

        # x_i |--> {grid elements} mapping
        self.data_hash = {}
        self.expansion = expansion # constant expansion rate (very
                                   # crude approximation of dynamics)
    def _add_box( self, box ):
        box -- lower left anchor in box[0], widths across dimensions
        in box[1].

        data point center in noise box, and width in j'th dimension
        specified by 2*noise[j].
        # shift center to lower left corner anchor
        bx = self._make_box( box )
        self.tree.insert( bx )

    def _add_boxes_tuple( self ):
        """ TODO """
        print "NOT IMPLEMENTED!"

    def _make_box( self, b ):
        b -- tuple or array of 
        anchor = b[0] - (b[1] / 2.)
        if type( b ) == tuple:
            width = self.dim * [ b[1] ]
            width = b[1]
        bx = np.array( [ anchor, width ] )
        return bx
    def _expand_equal( self, idx ):
        Expand box dimension equally by self.expansion in all
        directions. Since boxes are anchored in lower left corner,
        shift each coordinate by (self.expansion * w - w )/2, where w
        is the width of the box in each dimension.

        box : array( [[ x1,...,xd ], [ w1,...,wd ]] )

        Returns expanded and shifted box
        B = self.tree.boxes()
        anchors = B.corners[ idx ]
        width = B.width
        new_width = self.expansion * width
        shift = ( new_width - width ) / 2.
        new_anchors = anchors - shift
        new_box = np.array( [ new_anchors, new_width ] )
        print new_box
        print ""
        return new_box
    def add_error_boxes( self ):
        Intersect each noise box containing a data point with the grid
        contained in Tree. This is used to construct the grid on the
        phase space without a MVM. the MVM function perform the same
        operation during the construction of the map.
        if hasattr( self.noise[0], '__len__' ):
            self._add_boxes_tuple()  # TODO
            errors = izip( self.data, self.noise )
            for box in errors:
                self._add_box( box )

    def boxes( self ):
        """ Return a list of all boxes in the tree. """
        return self.tree.boxes()

    def construct_mvm_simple( self ):
        Construct a directed graph on the boxes in self.tree. Boxes
        intersecting error_box[i] are mapped to boxes intersecting
        error_box[i+1]. [No expansion estimates are used.]
        # store the finite representation
        self.mvm = DiGraph()

        # generator to save memory
        error_boxes = izip( self.data, self.noise )

        # pull first time step off the top
        data_idx = 0
        pred = self._make_box( error_boxes.next() )
        pred_ids = self.tree.search( pred )

        self.data_hash[ data_idx ] = pred_ids
        # iteration starts at second element
        for succ in error_boxes:
            bx = self._make_box( succ )
            self.tree.insert( bx )
            succ_ids = self.tree.search( bx )
            # loop over boxes in predecessor region and create edge to
            # those in successor regions
            for u in pred_ids:
                for v in succ_ids:
                    self.mvm.add_edge( u, v )
            # update predecessor for next time step
            pred = succ
            pred_ids = succ_ids
            data_idx += 1
            self.data_hash[ data_idx ] = pred_ids

    def construct_mvm_expansion( self ):
        Construct a directed graph on the boxes in self.tree
        using. Boxes G_i intersecting error_box[i] are mapped to boxes
        G_{i+1} intersecting error_box[i+1] with expansion rate
        C. Thus the image boxes are expanded equally in all directions
        by a factor C > 1. This image is intersected with boxes in the
        tree and the image is updated.
        # store the finite representation
        self.mvm = DiGraph()

        # generator to save memory
        error_boxes = izip( self.data, self.noise )

        # pull first time step off the top 
        pred = self._make_box( error_boxes.next() )
        pred_ids = self.tree.search( pred )

        # loop optimizations
        maker = self._make_box
        expander = self._expand_equal
        tree_insert = self.tree.insert
        tree_search = self.tree.search
        # iteration starts at second element
        for succ in error_boxes:
            # error in 'box' form
            bx = self._make_box( succ )
            # intersect with subdivision
            self.tree.insert( bx )
            succ_ids = self.tree.search( bx )
            # apply expansion to image
            ex_box = self._expand_equal( succ_ids )

            self.tree.insert( ex_box )       

            # loop over boxes in predecessor region and connect to
            # those in successor regions
            for u in pred_ids:
                for v in succ_ids:
                    self.mvm.add_edge( u, v )
            # update predecessor for next time step
            pred = succ
            pred_ids = succ_ids

    def graph_mis( self ):
        self.mis = alg.graph_mis( self.mvm )

    def trim_graph( self, copy=False ):
        Trim the MVM graph to include only nodes from the maximal
        invariant set (i.e. the strongly connected component == SCC).

        copy : boolean. Default False. If True, copy original MVM to
        self.full_mvm. In either case, self.mvm is replaced by the
        nbunch = set( self.mvm.nodes() )
        scc = set( self.mis )
        non_scc = nbunch - scc 

        if copy:
            self.full_mvm = DiGraph()
            # copy returns NX.DiGraph()
            self.full_mvm.graph = self.mvm.copy()
        self.mvm.remove_nodes_from( non_scc )

    def pickle_tree( self, fname, tree=None ):
        Extact necessary information to create a persistent object.
        if not tree:
            tree = self.tree
        b = tree.boxes()
        tree_dict = { 'corners' : b.corners,
                      'width' : b.width,
                      'dim' : b.dim,
                      'size' : b.size
        with open( fname, 'wb' ) as fh:
            pkl.dump( tree_dict, fh )

    def write_mvm( self, fname, stype='dot' ):
        A wrapper around NX's graph writers.

        fname : full path to save graph to

        type : 'pkl' or 'dot' (default).  'pkl' => pickle the
        graph. 'dot' => save graph in dot format (more portable)
        if stype == 'pkl':
            write_gpickle( self.mvm.graph, fname )
            write_dot( self.mvm.graph, fname )       

    def show_boxes( self, color='b', alpha=0.6 ):
        fig = gfx.show_uboxes( self.boxes(), col=color )
        return fig

    def show_error_boxes( self, box=None, color='r', alpha=0.6, fig=None ):
        error_boxes = izip( self.data, self.noise )
        # boxes = [ self._make_box( b ) for b in error_boxes ]
        # gfx.show_boxes( error_boxes, S=range( len(boxes) ), col=color,
        #                 alpha=alpha, fig=fig )
        for b in error_boxes:
            # shift center to lower left corner anchor
            bx = self._make_box( b )
            fig = gfx.show_box( bx, col=color, alpha=alpha, fig=fig )
        return fig