#print "Drawing all verified semi-conjugate subshifts..." #re1.draw() print "" ## EXPECTED OUTPUT for Leslie map files # >>> Testing with Numpy matices... # >>> Maximum entropy found: 0.150632111601 ############################## # test matlab functionality ############################## # load from matrix and dict print "Testing ability to start off with Matlab matrices..." hom_matrix = utils.load_matlab_matrix( fname_mat, matname ) region2gen = utils.convert_matlab_gens( reg_mat ) re2 = RigorousEntropy( index_map=hom_matrix, reg2gen=region2gen ) re2.prepare_regions() # drawing the map on regions print "Drawing the maps on strongly connected components (disjoint regions in the MVM)...\n" fig = re2.map_on_regions.draw() re2.compute_entropy() re2.get_max_entropy()
# TEXT and NPY fname_npy = 'test2_index.npy' #'leslie_index.npy' reg_fname = 'test2_gens.pkl' #'leslie_gens.pkl' # MAT -- Using Bill's data fname_mat = 'test_henon_map.dat' #'henon_hom.mat' # './bill_kalies_data/index2.mat' reg_mat = 'test_henon_gens.dat' #'henon_gens.mat' #'./bill_kalies_data/generators2.mat' matname = 'hom_matrix' ################################## # Compute entropy for input data ################################## # load from file print "Testing with Numpy matices..." re1 = RigorousEntropy( debug=True ) re1.load_from_file( fname_npy, reg_fname ) re1.prepare_regions() re1.map_on_regions.draw() re1.compute_entropy( max_path_length=max_path, num_edge_sets=10 ) re1.get_max_entropy() for p in re1.phase_space: imp = p[0] imp.verified_symbolic_system.draw() #print "Drawing all verified semi-conjugate subshifts..." print ""