def spinning(): ## test of optical damage decreased by spinning os.chdir('/home/chris/Documents/DataWeiss/150209') figure() a = ['1_sample not moving.SPE', '2_sample not moving.SPE', '3_sample not moving 5 min irradiation.SPE', '4_sample not moving 5 min irradiation.SPE', '5_spinning.SPE', '6_spinning.SPE', '7_spinning 2 min.SPE', '8_spinning 3 min.SPE', '9_spinning 4 min.SPE', '10_spinning 5 min.SPE', '11_spinning 10 min.SPE', '12_stopped spinning 0 min.SPE', '13_ 1min later.SPE', '14_ 2min later.SPE', '15_ 3min later.SPE', '16_ 4min later.SPE', '17_long scan.SPE', '18_red dots.SPE', '19.SPE'] areas = list() for i in a[0:17]: r = RamanSpectrum(i) print areas.append(r.calc_area((180,220))) plot([0,0.5,5,5.5],areas[0:4]/areas[0],'s-') plot([0,1,2,3,4,5,10],areas[4:11]/areas[4],'s-') plot([0,1,2,3,4],areas[11:16]/areas[11],'s-') legend(['not spun','while spinning','stopped spinning']) return areas
def N2(): ## test of optical damage decreased by spinning os.chdir('/home/chris/Documents/DataWeiss/150210') figure() print os.listdir('.') a = [ '1_under N2 0 min.SPE', '1_under N2 1 min.SPE', '3_under N2 2 min.SPE', '4_under N2 3 min.SPE', '5_under N2 4 min.SPE', '6_under N2 5 min.SPE', '7_under N2 6 min.SPE', '8_under N2 7 min.SPE', '9_under N2 8min.SPE', '10_under N2 9min.SPE', '11_under N2 10min.SPE', '12_ spinning under N2 0 min.SPE', '13_ spinning under N2 1min.SPE', '14_ spinning under N2 2min.SPE', '15_ spinning under N2 3min.SPE', '16_ spinning under N2 4min.SPE', '17_ spinning under N2 5min.SPE', '18_ spinning under N2 6min.SPE', '19_ spinning under N2 7min.SPE', '20_ spinning under N2 8min.SPE', '21_ spinning under N2 9min.SPE', '22 spinning under N2 10min.SPE', '23_after dark time.SPE', '24_after dark time 1min.SPE', '25_ spinning in air 0 min.SPE', '26_ spinning in air 1 min.SPE', '27_ spinning in air 2 min.SPE', '28_ spinning in air3 min.SPE', '29_ spinning in air 4min.SPE', '30_ spinning in air 5min.SPE', '31_ spinning in air 6 min.SPE', '32_ spinning in air 7 min.SPE', '33_ spinning in air 8 min.SPE', '34_ spinning in air 9 min.SPE','34_ spinning in air 10min.SPE', '35_after 10 min dark.SPE', '36_after 10 min dark plus 1min.SPE', '37.SPE', '38_ 30 SEC.SPE', '39_ 60s.SPE', '40_90 s.SPE', '41_120s.SPE', '42_150s.SPE'] areas = list() for i in a: r = RamanSpectrum(i) areas.append(r.calc_area((180,220))) N2only = areas[0:11] N2spin = areas[11:24] airspin = areas[24:37] airstill = areas[37:] N2only/=N2only[0] N2spin/=N2spin[0] airspin/=airspin[0] airstill/=airstill[0] plot(N2only,'s-') plot([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,21],N2spin,'s-') plot([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,21],airspin,'s-') plot(arange(0,3,0.5),airstill,'s-') fill_between((10,20),(0,0),(1,1),color = 'y') annotate('dark', (15,0.4),horizontalalignment = 'center', fontsize=24) legend(['n2 only','n2 + spinning','air + spinning','air only']) xlabel('Time (min)') ylabel('Phonon Mode Intensity (a.u.)') return areas
def processxymap(): os.chdir('/home/chris/Documents/DataWeiss/150114') averagespectrum = RamanSpectrum('10_maybemap_1.txt') phononarea = array([]) fluorescenceat1600=array([]) fullspectrum = ndarray((1000,)) for f in os.listdir('.'): if '10_maybemap' in f: if 'SPE' in f: continue elif f == 'maybemap_1.txt': continue elif f == 'maybemap.txt': continue else: r = RamanSpectrum(f) phononarea = append(phononarea,r.calc_area((200,230))) fluorescenceat1600 = append(fluorescenceat1600,r.values[-1]-min(r.values)) averagespectrum+=r averagespectrum = _smooth(averagespectrum) figure() subplot(221) hist(fluorescenceat1600,bins=range(0,200,20)) hist(phononarea,bins=range(0,200,20),color='r') xticks(range(0,200,20)) subplot(223) averagespectrum.plot() return phononarea
def March1(): fluorfilelist = ["160301/160301fluor/160301_01.txt", "160301/160301fluor/160301_02.txt"] ### PPA capped ### oleate filenames = array( [ "1pH5", "2pH5", "3pH5", "4pH5", "1pH7", "2pH7", "3pH7", "4pH7", "1pH8", "2pH8", "3pH8", "4pH8", "1pH9", "2pH9", "3pH5", "4pH9", "1pH11", "2pH11", "3pH11", "4pH11", ] ) uvvis = loadtxt("160301/160301.csv", delimiter=",", unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 5, 6, 8)) uvvis[1:] -= transpose([uvvis[1:, 0]]) x448nm = np.where(uvvis[0] == 448)[0][0] x473nm = np.where(uvvis[0] == 473)[0][0] print x473nm uvvis[3] -= uvvis[3, x448nm] for i in uvvis[1:]: plot(uvvis[0], i) figure() absorbances_dots = uvvis[1:3, x473nm] plot(absorbances_dots) figure() absorbance_anth = uvvis[-1, x473nm] fluorescencedots = array([]) nliq = 1.333 nE = 1.359 s = RamanSpectrum("160301/160301fluor/160301_03.txt") indy = 10 ** 7 / (10 ** 7 / 473 - s.index) rhodB = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(s.values, indy)) rhodBarea = rhodB.calc_area((500, 700)) rhodB *= 0.65 * (1 - 10 ** (-absorbance_anth)) * nE ** 2 / nE ** 2 / rhodBarea / (1 - 10 ** (-absorbance_anth)) print rhodB.calc_area((500, 700)) # rhodB.plot() ## PPA capped dots s = RamanSpectrum(fluorfilelist[0]) indy = 10 ** 7 / (10 ** 7 / 473 - s.index) s = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(s.values, indy)) s *= 0.65 * (1 - 10 ** (-absorbance_anth)) * nliq ** 2 / nE ** 2 / rhodBarea / (1 - 10 ** (-absorbances_dots[0])) s.plot() print "PPA capped CdSe dots QY:", s.calc_area((490, 650)) #### oleate dots s = RamanSpectrum(fluorfilelist[1]) indy = 10 ** 7 / (10 ** 7 / 473 - s.index) s = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(s.values, indy)) s *= 0.65 * (1 - 10 ** (-absorbance_anth)) * 1.375 ** 2 / nE ** 2 / rhodBarea / (1 - 10 ** (-absorbances_dots[1])) s.plot() print "oleate capped CdSe dots QY:", s.calc_area((490, 650)) return 0
def MBTSeries(): """methylbenzenethiol exchanged CdSe quantum dots on June12""" clf() ax1 = gca() chdefarea=array([]) thiolarea=array([]) native= RamanSpectrum('/home/chris/Dropbox/DataWeiss/150612/150612_01_CdSe.txt') ###### Native ligand only native[:]/=2 #native=removespikes(native) native.autobaseline((911,1196,1385,1515,1800),join='start',specialoption='points',order=7) native.autobaseline((600,690,826,861,911),specialoption='points', order = 5,join='end') eightyfour= RamanSpectrum('/home/chris/Dropbox/DataWeiss/150623/150623_7.txt') ###### 84 eq eightyfour[:]/=2 #eightyfour=removespikes(eightyfour) eightyfour.autobaseline((764,838),order = 0,join='start') eightyfour.autobaseline((838,2000),order = 1,join='start') eightyfour.autobaseline((600,690,826,861,900,1196,1385,1515,1657),specialoption='points',order=7) # eightyfour.smooth() sixhundredforty= RamanSpectrum('/home/chris/Dropbox/DataWeiss/150617/150617_01.txt') ###### 640 eq MBT #sixhundredforty=removespikes(sixhundredforty) sixhundredforty.autobaseline((803,861),order=1, join='start') sixhundredforty.autobaseline((861,1254),order = 2, join='start') sixhundredforty.autobaseline((1254,1515),order = 4, join = 'start') sixhundredforty.autobaseline((1515,2000),order = 3, join = 'start') sixhundredforty.autobaseline((555,613,764,1141,1321,1565,1652),specialoption='points',order=6) #sixhundredforty.smooth() thirtytwo=RamanSpectrum('/home/chris/Dropbox/DataWeiss/150623/150623_10.txt') ###### 32 equivalents #thirtytwo=removespikes(thirtytwo) thirtytwo.autobaseline((300,862),order = 1,join='start') thirtytwo.autobaseline((786,862),order = 0,join='start') thirtytwo.autobaseline((862,1425),order = 2,join='start') thirtytwo.autobaseline((1425,1439),order = 1,join='start') thirtytwo.autobaseline((1439,2000),order = 2,join='start') x = RamanSpectrum('/home/chris/Dropbox/DataWeiss/150623/150623_12.txt') #x= removespikes(x) x.autobaseline((740,1441),order = 1) thirtytwo=add_RamanSpectra(thirtytwo,x) thirtytwo.autobaseline((740,764,1052,1141,1321,1425,1441),specialoption='points',order=2) # thirtytwo.smooth() oneseventynine=RamanSpectrum('/home/chris/Dropbox/DataWeiss/150623/150623_16.txt') ###### 179 equivalents # oneseventynine=removespikes(oneseventynine) oneseventynine.autobaseline((300,793),order = 1,join='start') oneseventynine.autobaseline((793,862),order = 1,join='start') oneseventynine.autobaseline((862,1460),order = 1,join='start') oneseventynine.autobaseline((1460,1486),order = 1,join='start') oneseventynine.autobaseline((1486,2000),order = 1,join='start') oneseventynine.autobaseline((740,764,1052,1141,1321,1425,1441,1700),specialoption='points',order=2) #oneseventynine.smooth() mbt = CdMethylTPRef.copy() mbt[:]/=10 lw = 2 thirtytwo[:]+=200 eightyfour[:]+=700 oneseventynine[:]+=1000 sixhundredforty[:]+=1550 mbt[:]+=1950 chtwistarea=array([native.calc_area((1285,1332)),thirtytwo.calc_area((1285,1332)),eightyfour.calc_area((1285,1332)),oneseventynine.calc_area((1285,1332)),sixhundredforty.calc_area((1285,1332)),mbt.calc_area((1285,1332))]) chdefarea=array([native.calc_area((1413,1475)),thirtytwo.calc_area((1413,1475)),eightyfour.calc_area((1413,1475)),oneseventynine.calc_area((1413,1475)),sixhundredforty.calc_area((1413,1475)),mbt.calc_area((1413,1475))]) thiolarea1=array([native.calc_area((1587,1611)),thirtytwo.calc_area((1587,1611)),eightyfour.calc_area((1587,1611)),oneseventynine.calc_area((1587,1611)),sixhundredforty.calc_area((1587,1611)),mbt.calc_area((1587,1611))]) fits1 = list() fits2 = list() a = [thirtytwo, eightyfour, oneseventynine, sixhundredforty, mbt] a.reverse() for i in a: i.plot(linewidth=lw,axes=ax1) native.plot(linewidth = lw,axes=ax1) ax1.set_ylabel('Intensity (a.u.)') ax1.set_xlabel('Raman shift (cm$^{-1}$') legend(['solid', '640eq','179', '84eq','32eq','0']) ax1.set_xlim(500,1800) ax1.set_ylim(0,10000) ax2 = figure().add_subplot(111) for i in [thirtytwo, eightyfour, oneseventynine, sixhundredforty]: guess = [100,500,500,1065,1080,1085,7, 7,7,0,i[1100]] r = fitspectrum(i,(1050,1105), 'xGaussian', guess) for p in r.peaks: ax1.plot(r.x, p,'k', linewidth = 2) fits1.append(r.areas[1]/r.areas[2]) ax2.plot([32,84,179,640],fits1,'rs-', label='1') return None
def indivQY( UVVisfile, UVViscolumn, anthracenecolumn, fluorescencefile, anthracenefluorescencefile, subtractfluorfile=None, UVVisplot=None, fluorplot=None, fluorescencerange=(410, 473), excitationwavelength=350, nliq=1.333, day=0, label=None, color="k", _plot_standard=False, subtract_smooth_background_for_anthracene=False, ): print "-------------------------------------" print "calculating fluorescence yield for", label, "file", fluorescencefile alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" if len(UVViscolumn) == 1: numuvviscolumn = alphabet.find(UVViscolumn) elif len(UVViscolumn) == 2: numuvviscolumn = alphabet.find(UVViscolumn[0]) * 26 + alphabet.find(UVViscolumn[1]) a = loadtxt( UVVisfile, delimiter=",", unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, numuvviscolumn, alphabet.find(anthracenecolumn)) ) a[1:] -= transpose([a[1:, 0]]) anthracene = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(a[2][::-1], a[0][::-1])) dot = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(a[1][::-1], a[0][::-1])) if subtract_smooth_background_for_anthracene: anthracene.smoothbaseline((290, 300), (390, 400)) anthracene[:] -= anthracene[389] anthraceneabsorbance350 = anthracene[excitationwavelength] absvalues = dot[excitationwavelength] nE = 1.359 nQ = 1.44 nW = 1.333 ## refractive index water a = loadtxt(anthracenefluorescencefile, delimiter="\t", unpack=True, skiprows=2, usecols=(0, 3)) a[1] -= a[1, -1] anthracenefluorescence = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(a[1], a[0])) ###Normalizing to value of anthracene at 420 nm The area for the anthracene fluorescence is related to this value by 78.203 # anthracenefluorescencearea = anthracenefluorescence[420]*78.2032212661 # anthracenefluorescencearea = anthracenefluorescence[440]*292.86 anthracenefluorescencearea = anthracenefluorescence[470] * 1257 print "anthracene fluorescence area=", "%.2E" % anthracenefluorescencearea print anthracenefluorescence.calc_area((355, 550)) / anthracenefluorescence[ 470 ], "ratio of total anthracene fluorescence area to value at 470" oneminusTdot = 1 - 10 ** (-absvalues) ##### gives the fraction of photons absorbed by dots oneminusT_anthracene350 = 1 - 10 ** (-anthraceneabsorbance350) print "anthracene absorbance at 350 nm:", anthraceneabsorbance350, ". Fraction photons absorbed:", oneminusT_anthracene350 print "dot absorbance at 350 nm:", absvalues, ". Fraction photons absorbed:", oneminusTdot a = loadtxt(fluorescencefile, delimiter="\t", unpack=True, skiprows=2, usecols=(0, 3)) hi = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(a[1], a[0])) if subtractfluorfile != None: b = loadtxt(subtractfluorfile, delimiter="\t", unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 3)) fluorbackground = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(b[1], b[0])) hi[:] -= fluorbackground[:] fluorbackground.plot(ax=fluorplot) hi.plot(ax=fluorplot) hi[:] -= min(hi[400:500]) hi[:] *= ( 0.27 / (1 + 0.00145 * 158) * oneminusT_anthracene350 * nliq ** 2 / nE ** 2 / anthracenefluorescencearea / oneminusTdot ) dotfluorescencearea = hi.calc_area(fluorescencerange, fill=False) ## quantum yield of dots using 0.27 as QY for anthracene with o2 quenching corrrection print "fluorescence (bande edg) yield of dot", dotfluorescencearea if UVVisplot is not None: if _plot_standard: anthracene.plot(ax=UVVisplot) # plot(a[0],anthracene) dot.plot(ax=UVVisplot, label=label) if fluorplot is not None: hi.plot(ax=fluorplot, label=label) if _plot_standard: anthracenefluorescence.plot(ax=fluorplot, label=label) return dotfluorescencearea
def indivCdSeQY( UVVisfile, UVViscolumn, rhodaminecolumn, fluorescencefile, rhodaminefluorescencefile, excitationwavelength=None, standardfluorescencerange=None, baselineabsorbanceat=None, UVVisplot=None, fluorplot=None, fluorescencerange=(500, 600), nliq=1.333, day=0, label=None, color="k", ): print "-------------------------------------" print "calculating fluorescence yield for", label, "file", fluorescencefile alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" if len(UVViscolumn) == 1: numuvviscolumn = alphabet.find(UVViscolumn) elif len(UVViscolumn) == 2: # print 'longer',alphabet.find(UVViscolumn[0]),alphabet.find(UVViscolumn[1]) numuvviscolumn = (alphabet.find(UVViscolumn[0]) + 1) * 26 + alphabet.find(UVViscolumn[1]) a = loadtxt( UVVisfile, delimiter=",", unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, numuvviscolumn, alphabet.find(rhodaminecolumn)) ) a[1:] -= transpose([a[1:, 0]]) rhodamine = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(a[2][::-1], a[0][::-1])) dot = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(a[1][::-1], a[0][::-1])) if baselineabsorbanceat != None: dot -= dot[baselineabsorbanceat] rhodamine[:] -= rhodamine[700] rhodamineabsorbance350 = rhodamine[excitationwavelength] # (rhodamine[374]-anthracene[389])*0.6735# absvalues = dot[excitationwavelength] nE = 1.359 nQ = 1.44 nW = 1.333 ## refractive index water a = loadtxt(rhodaminefluorescencefile, delimiter="\t", unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 3)) a[1] -= a[1, -1] standardfluorescence = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(a[1], a[0])) ###Normalizing to area of rhodamine B # pdb.set_trace() standardfluorescencearea = standardfluorescence.calc_area(standardfluorescencerange) print "standard fluorescence area=", "%.2E" % standardfluorescencearea oneminusTdot = 1 - 10 ** (-absvalues) ##### gives the fraction of photons absorbed by dots oneminusT_rhodamine350 = 1 - 10 ** ( -rhodamineabsorbance350 ) ##### gives the fraction of photons absorbed by standard print "rhodamine absorbance at", excitationwavelength, "nm:", rhodamineabsorbance350, ". Fraction photons absorbed:", oneminusT_rhodamine350 print "dot absorbance at ", excitationwavelength, " nm:", absvalues, ". Fraction photons absorbed:", oneminusTdot a = loadtxt(fluorescencefile, delimiter="\t", unpack=True, skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 3)) hi = RamanSpectrum(pandas.Series(a[1], a[0])) hi[:] -= min(hi) hi[:] *= 0.65 * oneminusT_rhodamine350 * nliq ** 2 / nE ** 2 / standardfluorescencearea / oneminusTdot dotfluorescencearea = hi.calc_area(fluorescencerange, fill=False) print "fluorescence (bande edge) yield of dot", dotfluorescencearea if UVVisplot is not None: # rhodamine.plot(ax=UVVisplot)) dot.plot(ax=UVVisplot, label=label) if fluorplot is not None: hi.plot(ax=fluorplot, label=label) # standardfluorescence.plot(ax = fluorplot,label=label) return dotfluorescencearea