def question(caves, wumpus_location, super_bat_1, super_bat_2, deep_pit, player_location, player_name, arrows, add_arrows): print(f'Вы находитесь в комнате с тремя дверьми {player_location}') if wumpus_location in player_location: print('Как же неприятно пахнет! Думаю, Вампус совсем близко') elif super_bat_1 in player_location or super_bat_2 in player_location: print('Слышется шелест крыльев. Поблизости летучие мыши.') print('Какую из них открыть?') try: answer = int(input('> ')) except: print('Неверная команда. Попробуйте еще раз.') question(caves, wumpus_location, super_bat_1, super_bat_2, deep_pit, player_location, player_name, arrows, add_arrows) flag = False try: # Проверка на правильность выбора следующей комнаты while flag == False: if not int(answer) in player_location: print( f'Вы можете выбрать только одну из {player_location} комнат' ) answer = int(input('> ')) else: flag = True except: death(player_name) # Выбор действий print( 'Выберите действие для продолжения: а) выстрелить в выбранную комнату; ' 'б) войти в выбранную комнату; в) выбрать другую комнату; г) остаться на месте' ) choice = input('> ') # print('choice', choice) if choice.lower() == 'а': if arrows > 0: answer = int(answer) return shoot(caves, wumpus_location, super_bat_1, super_bat_2, deep_pit, player_location, player_name, answer, arrows, add_arrows) print( 'У вас больше нет стрел. Попробуйте поискать их в одной из комнат.' ) return question(caves, wumpus_location, super_bat_1, super_bat_2, deep_pit, player_location, player_name, arrows, add_arrows) elif choice.lower() == 'б': return cave_location(caves, wumpus_location, super_bat_1, super_bat_2, deep_pit, player_name, answer, arrows, add_arrows) elif choice.lower() == 'в': return question(caves, wumpus_location, super_bat_1, super_bat_2, deep_pit, player_location, player_name, arrows, add_arrows) elif choice.lower() == 'г': print('Вы погибли от голода и холода. Нужно было больше двигаться :(') return new_game(player_name) return death(player_name)
def family(): choice = raw_input("Our family?") if choice.lower() == "all": for i in range(len(FAMILY)): print "%s is %d years old." % (FAMILY[i][0], FAMILY[i][1]) if choice.lower().startswith("add"): FAMILY.append((raw_input("Do you have a name for your person?"), input_number_between( "Since how many years is this person on earth ?", 0, 150))) print "Oh a new family member! "
def check_user_choice(choice: str) -> str: """ Function that checks user's choice. The choice can be uppercase or lowercase string, but the choice must be either rock, paper or scissors. If it is, then return a choice that is lowercase. Otherwise return 'Sorry, you entered unknown command.' :param choice: user choice :return: choice or an error message """ choices = "rock", "paper", "scissors" return choice.lower() if choice.lower( ) in choices else 'Sorry, you entered unknown command.'
def family(): choice = raw_input("Our family?") if choice.lower() == "all": for i in range(len(FAMILY)): print "%s is %d years old." % (FAMILY[i][0], FAMILY[i][1]) if choice.lower().startswith("add"): FAMILY.append( ( raw_input("Do you have a name for your person?"), input_number_between("Since how many years is this person on earth ?", 0, 150), ) ) print "Oh a new family member! "
async def coin(self, ctx, choice, amount: int): async with as conn: user_amount = await conn.fetchrow( "SELECT * FROM user_stats WHERE user_id = $1", choice = choice.lower() if amount < 50 or amount >= 50000: return await ctx.send( "You may not bet less then 50 uwus or more than 50000 on a coinflip" ) if choice != "heads" and choice != "tails": return await ctx.send("Please only use heads or tails") if amount > user_amount['uwus']: return await ctx.send( "You don't have the funds to bet that much") status = await ctx.send("Flipping the coin...") await asyncio.sleep(3) await status.delete() side = secrets.choice(["heads", "tails"]) if side == "heads": emote = heads else: emote = tails if choice == side: await conn.execute( "UPDATE user_stats SET uwus = user_stats.uwus + $1 WHERE user_id = $2", amount, return await ctx.send(f"{emote} You won {amount} uwus!") else: await conn.execute( "UPDATE user_stats SET uwus = user_stats.uwus - $1 WHERE user_id = $2", amount, return await ctx.send(f"{emote} You lost.")
def toontorial(): global cog_health global species global name tom = "Tutorial Tom: " loop = 0 while loop == 0: name = raw_input(tom + "Hi there! What is your name? ") species = raw_input(tom + "What species are you? ") if species.lower() not in toon_species: species = raw_input(tom + "That's not a species! Please input a species.") choice = raw_input(tom + "You are a %s, and your name is %s. Correct? Y/N: " % (species, name)) if choice.lower() == 'y': loop = 1 raw_input(tom + "Ok %s, as you've probably heard, Toontown has been overrun by cogs!" % name) raw_input(tom + "In order to defeat them, you must use your gags to make them happy. They HATE being happy!") raw_input(tom + "Gasp! There's a cog outside as we speak! Go defeat that cog!") addTask("Defeat a Flunky") raw_input("") print "You have encountered a Flunky! Pick a gag to damage him!" cog_health = 6 while cog_health > 0: gag = pickGag() if gag.lower() == 'cupcake': print "You threw a cupcake at the Flunky! It did 4 damage!" cog_health -= 4 raw_input("") flunky() elif gag.lower() == 'squirting flower': print "You used a squirting flower on the Flunky! It did 2 damage!" cog_health -= 2 raw_input("") flunky() cogDie() raw_input("Go back to the playground to get more gags!")
def valid_choice(choice): ''' Checks if the RPS choice is valid :param choice: RPS choice ''' choice = choice.lower() if not (choice == "rock" or choice == "paper" or choice == "scissors"): raise ValueError(f"I don't understand {choice}. Try again")
def create_hero(self): """Prompt for Hero information. return Hero with values from user Input """ name = "" health = "" while not name.isalpha(): name = input("Please input a hero name: ") while not health.isnumeric(): health = input(f"What is the starting health of {name}? ") hero = Hero(name, int(health)) choice = "" while not choice.isalpha(): choice = input(f"Does {} have abilities? (y/n) ") if choice.lower()[0] == "y": while not choice.isnumeric(): choice = input("How many? ") for _ in range(int(choice)): hero.add_ability(self.create_ability()) choice = "" while not choice.isalpha(): choice = input(f"Does {} have weapons? (y/n) ") if choice.lower()[0] == "y": while not choice.isnumeric(): choice = input("How many? ") for _ in range(int(choice)): hero.add_weapon(self.create_weapon()) choice = "" while not choice.isalpha(): choice = input(f"Does {} have armors? (y/n) ") if choice.lower()[0] == "y": while not choice.isnumeric(): choice = input("How many? ") for _ in range(int(choice)): hero.add_armor(self.create_armor()) return hero
async def coin(self, ctx, choice, amount: int): async with as conn: user_amount = await conn.fetchrow( "SELECT uwus FROM user_stats WHERE user_id = $1", choice = choice.lower() if amount < 50 or amount > 50000: return await ctx.send( "You may not bet less then `50` uwus or more than `50000` on a coinflip", delete_after=30, ) if choice != "heads" and choice != "tails": return await ctx.send("Please only use heads or tails", delete_after=30) if amount > user_amount["uwus"]: return await ctx.send( "You don't have the funds to bet that much", delete_after=30) status = await ctx.send("Flipping the coin...") await asyncio.sleep(2) await status.delete() side = secrets.choice(["heads", "tails"]) if side == "heads": emote = heads else: emote = tails if choice == side: booster = await conn.fetchrow( "SELECT boost_type, boost_amount, active_boosters FROM user_boosters WHERE user_id = $1",, ) if not booster or booster["boost_type"] == "XP": await conn.execute( "UPDATE user_stats SET uwus = user_stats.uwus + $1 WHERE user_id = $2", amount,, ) return await ctx.send(f"{emote} You won `{amount}` uwus!") if booster["boost_type"] == "uwus": amount = amount * booster["boost_amount"] await conn.execute( "UPDATE user_stats SET uwus = user_stats.uwus + $1 WHERE user_id = $2", amount,, ) return await ctx.send( f"{emote} You won `{amount}` uwus! You have an {booster['active_boosters']} activated! Enjoy the extra uwus" ) else: await conn.execute( "UPDATE user_stats SET uwus = user_stats.uwus - $1 WHERE user_id = $2", amount,, ) return await ctx.send(f"{emote} You lost.")
def check_version(): # check github for latest microDEX version try: latest_version = download_text("version") latest = latest_version.split(maxsplit=21)[:20] for j in latest: try: latest = float( "".join(i for i in j if i in "0123456789.") ) break except: pass current = float( "".join(i for i in VERSION if i in "0123456789.") ) if latest > current: print(it("red", " WARN: NEW VERSION AVAILABLE!")) print( it( "yellow", " github/litepresence/extinction-event/EV", ) ) choice = "" while choice.lower() not in ["y", "n"]: choice = input(" Y/N UPGRADE? ") if choice == "y": # backup and overwrite current_version = race_read("") backup = "microDEX" + ("%.8f" % current) + ".py" race_write(backup, current_version) race_write("", latest_version) sys.exit("microDEX version updated please RESTART") else: print(" This is the latest microDEX version.") except: print(it("yellow", " WARN: Skipping version test...")) print("") print(it("cyan", "AFFIRMING system compatibility...")) # confirm python 3 and linux OS if "linux" not in platform: raise Exception( "not a linux box, format drive and try again..." ) if version_info[0] < 3: raise Exception( "% is DED, long live Python 3.4+" % version_info[0] ) print("") print(" found python", version_info[0], "running on", platform) print("") time.sleep(0.2)
def rmode(self): """适用于屏幕阅读器用户的显示方式""" choice = input("以适宜屏幕阅读器的方式显示(y): ") if choice and choice.lower() == 'y': config.reader_mode = True self._reader_mode = True info("已启用 Reader Mode") else: config.reader_mode = False self._reader_mode = False info("已关闭 Reader Mode")
async def rps(ctx, choice: str = None): if not choice: await ctx.send("Please give a choice! (Rock, Paper or Scissors)") return choice.lower() choices = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] computer = choices[randint(0, 2)] if choice == "rock": if computer == "paper": await ctx.send( f"You lost! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") elif computer == "rock": await ctx.send( f"It's a tie! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") else: await ctx.send( f"You won! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") elif choice == "paper": if computer == "scissors": await ctx.send( f"You lost! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") elif computer == "paper": await ctx.send( f"It's a tie! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") else: await ctx.send( f"You won! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") elif choice == "scissors": if computer == "rock": await ctx.send( f"You lost! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") elif computer == "scissors": await ctx.send( f"It's a tie! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") else: await ctx.send( f"You won! (Your choice: {choice}, My choice: {computer})") else: await ctx.send("Please give a valid choice! (Rock, Paper or Scissors)")
def look_around(self): room = self.investigator.location print(room.description + "\n") for suspect in room.characters_present: print(suspect.description + "\n") if room.dead_body: print("And in the center of the room there is a dead body.") choice = input("Would you like to take a closer look? Yes or no?") if choice.lower() == "yes": self.inspect_body() else: print("Ew gross who wants to see a dead body?!")
async def coin_flip(self, ctx, choice, amount: int): won = False points = db.field( "SELECT points FROM member_points WHERE member_id = ? AND guild_id = ?;",, if amount > points: await ctx.send("You don't have enough :coin: !") return if amount < 10: await ctx.send("Minimum bet of 10 :coin:.") return # for some reason choice() not working so using randint flip = randint(0, 1) if flip == 0: flip = "tails" else: flip = "heads" await ctx.send(f"**{flip}**!") if flip not in ["tail", "tails", "t", "head", "heads", "h"]: await ctx.send("Wrong argument. Try 'heads' or 'tails'.") elif flip == "tails" and choice.lower() in ["tail", "tails", "t"]: won = True elif flip == "heads" and choice.lower() in ["head", "heads", "h"]: won = True else: won = False if won: await self.reward_points(ctx, amount) await ctx.send(f"You win {amount * 2} :coin:!") else: await self.remove_points(ctx, amount) await ctx.send(f"You lost {amount} :coin:...") db.commit()
def roulette(bet, choice): bet = int(bet) n = randint(0, 36) print(f'The number is {n}.') if choice.lower() == 'even': if n % 2 == 0: print('You won!') return bet else: print('You lose!') return -bet elif choice.lower() == 'odd': if n % 2 == 0: print('You lose!') return -bet else: print('You won!') return bet elif choice == str(n): print('You won!') return bet else: print('You lose!') return -bet
async def rps(self, ctx, choice: str): """Play rock-paper-scissors""" try: userChoice = choice.lower() if userChoice != "rock" and userChoice != "paper" and userChoice != "scissors": await ctx.send( "You can only choose from rock, paper or scissors") else: temp = random.randint(1, 3) if temp == 1: botChoice = "rock" elif temp == 2: botChoice = "paper" elif temp == 3: botChoice = "scissors" # This is kind of ugly but it works if userChoice == botChoice: await ctx.send( "I choose **{}**. The game was a tie!".format( botChoice)) elif userChoice == "rock": if botChoice == "paper": await ctx.send( "I choose **{}**. I win!".format(botChoice)) elif botChoice == "scissors": await ctx.send( "I choose **{}**. You win!".format(botChoice)) elif userChoice == "paper": if botChoice == "scissors": await ctx.send( "I choose **{}**. I win!".format(botChoice)) elif botChoice == "rock": await ctx.send( "I choose **{}**. You win!".format(botChoice)) elif userChoice == "scissors": if botChoice == "rock": await ctx.send( "I choose **{}**. I win!".format(botChoice)) elif botChoice == "paper": await ctx.send( "I choose **{}**. You win!".format(botChoice)) except Exception as e: await ctx.send(e)
def cho_han(bet, choice): bet = int(bet) n = randint(1,12) print(f'The number is {n}.') if choice.lower() == 'even': if n % 2 == 0: print('You won!') return bet else: print('You lose!') return -bet else: if n % 2 == 0: print('You lose!') return -bet else: print('You won!') return bet
async def rps(self, ctx, choice: str): """`Play Rock Paper Sccisors with the bot`""" choice = choice.lower() rps = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] bot_choice = rps[randint(0, len(rps) - 1)] await ctx.reply(f"You chose ***{choice.capitalize()}***." + f" I chose ***{bot_choice.capitalize()}***.") if bot_choice == choice: await ctx.reply("It's a Tie!") elif bot_choice == rps[0]: def f(x): return { "paper": "Paper wins!", "scissors": "Rock wins!" }.get(x, "Rock wins!") result = f(choice) elif bot_choice == rps[1]: def f(x): return { "rock": "Paper wins!", "scissors": "Scissors wins!" }.get(x, "Paper wins!") result = f(choice) elif bot_choice == rps[2]: def f(x): return { "paper": "Scissors wins!", "rock": "Rock wins!" }.get(x, "Scissors wins!") result = f(choice) else: return if choice == "noob": result = "Noob wins!" await ctx.reply(result)
def write_tweet_REPL(random_text): """takes <140 text and returns it plus twitter options""" while True: # This will print info about credentials to make sure # they're correct print api.VerifyCredentials() #tweet the tweet status = api.PostUpdate(random_text) #print the tweeted tweet and verify successful posting #if successful. print status.text choice = raw_input("Enter to tweet again [q to quit] > ") choice = choice.lower() if choice == 'q': print 'Thank you for tweeting.' break else: random_text = make_text(chains, n_gram_size)
def getWebdata(choice): print('웹 크롤링을 시작합니다.') # 발급된 계정의 인증키 GEVOLUTION_API_KEY = 'MNOP826189' # g:구글플레이, a:애플 앱스토어 market = choice.lower() # game:게임, app:일반앱, all:전체(게임+일반앱) app_type = 'game' # 1:무료, 2:유료,3:매출,4:신규무료,5:신규유료 rank_type = 1 # 1~OO위까지 출력 (max:100) rank = 100 url = '{code}&market={market}&appType={app_type}&rankType={rank_type}&rank={rank}'.format(code=GEVOLUTION_API_KEY, market=market, app_type=app_type, rank_type=rank_type, rank=rank) fp = urlopen(url) doc = xmltodict.parse( ) print('웹 크롤링이 완료되었습니다.') fp.close() game_df = makeDataFrame(doc, rank) checkData(game_df)
def main(pswd): key = bytes(pswd, 'UTF-8') key_len = len(key) sen_len = str(key_len).encode('UTF-8') sen_len += b' ' * (32 - len(sen_len)) key = base64.b64encode(sen_len) fkey = Fernet(key) global masterpass while True: menu() while True: with open('passwords.txt', 'r') as fl: contents = choice = input() if choice.lower().strip() == 'q' or choice.lower().strip( ) == 'n' or choice.lower().strip() == 'r' or choice.lower().strip( ) == 'd' or choice.lower().strip() == 'c': break else: print('Please enter \'q\', \'n\', \'d\', \'r\', or \'c\'') if choice.lower().strip() == 'q': exit() elif choice.lower().strip() == 'n': pltfm = input( 'What platform will this password be used for? Type \'q\' to go back. ' ) pltfm = pltfm.lower().strip() if pltfm == 'q': continue with open('passwords.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('\n') pfmss = re.findall('Platform: \'(.*)\', Password:'******'There is already a password for that platform stored.' ) continue passw = randomString(15) passw1 = bytes(passw, 'UTF-8') passw1 = fkey.encrypt(passw1) passw1 = str(passw1) passw1 = passw1.strip('b\'\'') f.write(f'Platform: \'{pltfm}\', Password: \'{passw1}\'') print(f'A password has been created for {pltfm}: {passw}') elif choice.lower().strip() == 'r': with open('passwords.txt', 'r') as fl: contents = pltfrm = input( 'What platform do you want the password for? Type \'q\' to go back. Type \'l\' for a list of all ' 'platforms. ') if pltfrm.lower().strip() == 'q': continue elif pltfrm.lower().strip() == 'l': pfms = re.findall('Platform: \'(.*)\', Password:'******'Platform: \'(.*)\', Password: '******'Platform: \'{pltfrm}\', Password: \'(.*)\'', contents) password = pwds[0] password = bytes(fkey.decrypt(bytes(password, 'UTF-8'))) password = str(password) password = password.strip('b\'\'') print(f'Your password for {pltfrm} is {password}') else: print('You dont have a password stored for that platform.') elif choice.lower().strip() == 'c': while True: oldpass = input( 'Please enter the old password. Type \'q\' to go back. ') if oldpass.lower().strip() == 'q': break if bcrypt.checkpw(bytes(oldpass, 'UTF-8'), masterpass): newpass = bytes( input( 'Please now enter your new password. Type \'q\' to go back. ' ), 'UTF-8') if newpass.lower().strip() == 'q': break newpass = bcrypt.hashpw(newpass, bcrypt.gensalt()) newpass = str(newpass) newpass = newpass.strip('b\'\'') cfl = open('passwords.txt', 'r') lines = cfl.readlines() lines[0] = f'MasterPassword: \'{newpass}\'\n' cfl = open('passwords.txt', 'w') cfl.writelines(lines) cfl.close() break else: continue elif choice.lower().strip() == 'd': pf = input( 'What is the name of the platform you want to delete? Type \'q\' to go back. Type \'l\' for a list of ' 'all platforms. ').lower().strip() pfs = re.findall('Platform: \'(.*)\', Password:'******'q': continue elif pf == 'l': for p in pfs: print(p) continue if pfs.__contains__(pf): print('Sorry, this feature is still in development.') continue else: print('You dont have a password stored for that platform.')
def getChoice(menu): print menu choice = raw_input("Make your choice: ") choice = choice.lower() return choice
def valid_choice(choice): choice = choice.lower() if choice == "rock" or choice == "paper" or choice == "scissors": return True else: raise Exception(f"I don't understand {your_choice}. Try again.")
def check(m): user = if == and m.content.lower() == choice.lower(): return True return False
deck = Standard_deck() deck.shuffle_card() new_card = deck.nextCard() print("\n",new_card) choice = input("Higher (h) or lower (l): ") streak = 0 while(choice == 'h' or choice=='l'): if not deck.hasCard(): deck = Standard_deck() deck.shuffle_card() old_card = new_card new_card = deck.nextCard() if (choice.lower()=='h' and new_card.value > old_card.value or\ choice.lower() =='l' and new_card.value < old_card.value): streak += 1 print('right! that is',streak,'in a row') elif (choice.lower()=='h' and new_card.value < old_card.value or\ choice.lower() =='l' and new_card.value > old_card.value): streak = 0 print("Wrong") else: print('Push') print('\n',new_card) choice = input('higher (h) or lower (l): ') ## Tic-Tac-Toy class tic_tac_toe: