def american(n, T, sigma, s_nil, K): dt = T*252 u = random.randn(dt)* sigma/sqrt(dt) z = cumprod(1+random.randn(n,dt)*(sigma/sqrt(dt), 1))*s_nil payoffs = (z[:,-1] - 100) * ((z[:,-1] - 100) > 0) price = mean(payoffs) print(payoffs, price)
def __init__(self, layers, l_rate, mu = 0, sigma = 0.01): self.depth = len(layers) self.l_rate = l_rate self.layers = [ mat([0 for items in range(layers[row])], dtype = float) for row in range(self.depth)] self.bias = [ mat([sigma*random.randn() for items in range(layers[row])], dtype = float) for row in range(self.depth)] self.b_grads = [ mat([0 for items in range(layers[row])], dtype = float) for row in range(self.depth)] self.weights = [ mat([ [sigma*random.randn() for z in range(layers[x+1])] for y in range(layers[x])], dtype = float) for x in range(self.depth-1)] self.w_grads = [ mat([ [0 for z in range(layers[x])] for y in range(layers[x+1])], dtype = float) for x in range(self.depth-1)] self.label = 0
def serie(size, freq, factor=None, phase=None): noise = .01 * random.randn(ts.shape[0]) if freq is None: return np.abs(fft.fft(noise, size)) if factor is None: factor = 1 + .02 * (random.rand() - .5) if phase is None: phase = 2j * np.pi * random.rand() freq_ = factor * freq ys = np.exp(2j * np.pi * freq_ * ts - phase) + noise return np.abs(fft.fft(ys, size))
def makePeriodSeries(nper=10, name=None, freq="B", dtype="int64", start=None): if dtype == "int64": data = [random.randint(0, 100) for i in range(nper)] elif dtype == "float64": data = random.randn(nper) elif dtype == 'bool': data = random.randn(nper) < 0 elif dtype == 'categorical': cat = {0: "zero", 1: "one", 2: "two"} data = pd.Categorical([random.randint(0, 3) for i in range(10)], categories=cat, ordered=True) else: raise ValueError("unsupported dtype, {}".format(dtype)) return pd.Series(data, index=makePeriodIndex(nper, freq=freq, start=start), name=name)
def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, l_rate, myrank = 0, mu = 0, sigma = 0.01): #inputs and outputs self.inputs = mat([0 for item in range(input_size)], dtype=float) self.outs = mat([0 for item in range(output_size)], dtype=float) #parameters self.bias = mat([0 for item in range(output_size)], dtype=float) self.weights = mat([[0 for col in range(output_size)] for row in range(input_size)], dtype=float) #gradients of parameters self.b_grads = mat([0 for item in range(output_size)], dtype=float) self.w_grads = mat([[0 for col in range(output_size)] for row in range(input_size)], dtype=float) #records of vector sizes self.int_sz = input_size self.out_sz = output_size #record label of current input self.label = 0 #record testing data self.accepted = 0 self.count = 0 self.record = range(10) #learning rate self.l_rate = l_rate #parameters for initialize biases and weights = mu self.sigma = sigma '''----MPI----''' #MPI rank self.rank = myrank '''----MPI----''' #initialize biases and weights for i in range(output_size): self.bias[0, i] = sigma*random.randn() for i in range(0, input_size): for j in range(0, output_size): self.weights[i, j] = sigma*random.randn()
def reset_network(n1=6, n2=7, random=np.random): global W1, W2, W3, b1, b2, b3 W1 = random.randn(n1, 1) / 2 W2 = random.randn(n2, n1) / 2 W3 = random.randn(2, n2) / 2 b1 = random.randn(n1, 1) / 2 b2 = random.randn(n2, 1) / 2 b3 = random.randn(2, 1) / 2
def monte_carlo_simulator(num, ttm, vol, price, strike): delta = ttm * 252 data_points = random.randn(delta) * vol / sqrt(delta) plt.hist(data_points) plt.title("Histogram") plt.xlabel("Value") plt.ylabel("Frequency") random_walk = cumprod(1 + random.randn(num, delta) * vol / sqrt(delta), 1) * price plt.plot(random_walk) plt.title("Geometric Random Walk") plt.xlabel("Time") plt.ylabel("Stock Price") for point in random_walk: plt.plot(point) plt.hist(random_walk[:,-1],40) option_payoff = (random_walk[:,-1] - 100) * ((random_walk[:,-1] - 100) > 0) price = mean(option_payoff) print(price)
def inv_speckle_noise(image, sigma=0.5): lab = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LAB) gray, a, b = cv2.split(lab) gray = gray.astype(np.float32) / 255 H, W = gray.shape noise = sigma * random.randn(H, W) noise = np.array([random.random() for i in range(H * W)]) noise = noise.reshape(H, W) noisy = gray + (1 - gray) * noise noisy = (np.clip(noisy, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8) lab = cv2.merge((noisy, a, b)) image = cv2.cvtColor(lab, cv2.COLOR_LAB2RGB) return image
def main_optimal(): x0 = random.randn(2) x0_g = random.rand(2) start_time = time.time() x_min = fmin(neg_f, x0) print(type((x_min))) delta = 3 x_glob = basinhopping(neg_f, x0_g) stop_time = time.time() print('time', stop_time - start_time) # print(stop_time-start_time) x_glob_p = x_glob['x'] x_knots = linspace(x_min[0] - delta, x_min[0] + delta, 41) y_knots = linspace(x_min[1] - delta, x_min[1] + delta, 41) X, Y = meshgrid(x_knots, y_knots) Z = zeros(X.shape) for i in range(Z.shape[0]): for j in range(Z.shape[1]): Z[i][j] = f([X[i, j], Y[i, j]]) ax = Axes3D(figure(figsize=(8, 5))) ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0.4) ax.plot([x0[0]], [x0[1]], [f(x0)], color='g', marker='o', markersize=20, label='initial') ax.plot([x_min[0]], [x_min[1]], [f(x_min)], color='k', marker='o', markersize=20, label='lokal') ax.plot([x_glob['x'][0]], [x_glob['x'][1]], [f(x_glob_p)], color='b', marker='o', markersize=10, label='glob') ax.legend() show()
def x_glob(): x0 = random.randn(2) x_min = basinhopping(neg_f, x0) print(x_min)
[0,0,0,1,0,0], [0,0,0,0,1,0], [0,0,0,0,0,1]]) BS1 = np.mat([3000, 100, 20]) BS2 = np.mat([200, 3000, 50]) BS3 = np.mat([300, 400, 3000]) BSb = np.mat([450, -200, 100]) dat = 1.35 Q = dat*np.eye(3, dtype = int) # print('Q=',Q) TSOA = math.sqrt(10) TDOA = math.sqrt(10) # W = np.sqrt(Q)*random.randn(3, 1) W = np.square(Q)*random.randn(3, 1) # print('W=',W) R = np.diag([TDOA, TDOA, TDOA]) # print('R=',R) G = np.array([[T*T/2.0, 0, 0], [0, T*T/2.0, 0], [0, 0, T*T/2.0]]) # G = np.eye(3,dtype = T^2/2) 错误代码语句 # print('G = ',G) def h_pre(x): global T, BS1, BS2, BS3, BSb # 距离公式 h1 = np.zeros((1, 3)) h1[:, 0] = math.sqrt((x[0] - BS1[0])**2 + (x[1] - BS1[1])**2 + (x[2] - BS1[2]**2)) h1[:, 1] = math.sqrt((x[0] - BS2[0])**2 + (x[1] - BS2[1])**2 + (x[2] - BS2[2]**2))
Some packages have multiple *modules*, or sets of related functions, which can be loaded separately. For example, `numpy`'s `random` module contains functions for generating random numbers. from numpy import random You can even import specific functions from packages or modules. For example, `randn` generates numbers from the standard normal distribution. from numpy.random import randn Now each of these three function calls does the same thing: generate 10 random numbers from the standard normal distribution. randn(10) random.randn(10) # Type out the third, using the np prefix from before. # Also try using tab after the dots for code completion and and open parenthesis # for function documentation. # ANSWER: np.random.randn(10) ## Vector operations in `numpy` and `pandas` Vector/array operations are integral to scientific computing in Python. Like `gen` in Stata and `apply` in R, `numpy` and `pandas` include rich sets of vectorized functions to run common code over records quickly. One way to take advantage of this is to pass lists to `numpy` functions; this often produces a new `array` with the same number of elements. np.exp([0, 1, 2])
class BPNN(object): def __init__(self,sizes): self.sizes = sizes self.num_layers = len(sizes) self.w_ = [random.randn(x,y) for x,y in zip(sizes[1:],sizes[:-1])] self.b_ = [random.randn(y,1) for y in sizes[1:]]
def random_weight(self): w = 0.5 + random.randn() / 2 return w
def plot(self, volatilidad, Time_mature, k): print("aca") # a figure instance to plot on self.figure = Figure() # this is the Canvas Widget that displays the `figure` # it takes the `figure` instance as a parameter to __init__ self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) # this is the Navigation widget # it takes the Canvas widget and a parent self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas, self) # set the layout layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.widget_graph) layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) layout.addWidget(self.canvas) self.setLayout(layout) # self.addButton = QtGui.QPushButton('button to add other widgets') # self.mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.widget_graph) # self.mainLayout.addWidget(self.addButton) data = cumprod( 1 + random.randn(1000, int(Time_mature * 252)) * (volatilidad / sqrt(int(Time_mature * 252))), 1) * k print(data) ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111) ax.clear() avg = [ sum([subdata[j] for subdata in data]) / len(data) for j in xrange(len(data[0])) ] perc95 = percentile(95, data) perc5 = percentile(5, data) ax.plot(perc95, 'k- -') ax.plot(perc5, 'k- -') ax.plot(avg, 'r-') #for i in data: # ax.plot(i, '*-') self.canvas.draw() # data = [random.random() for i in range(10)] # # create an axis # ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111) # # discards the old graph # ax.clear() # # plot data # ax.plot(data, '*-') # # refresh canvas # self.canvas.draw() print("alla")
f = ImageFont.truetype(font, font_size) x_offset = (new_size / 8.0 * (random.random() - 0.0)) y_offset = (new_size / 4.0 * (random.random() - 0.0)) n_perline = max( 1, math.ceil((new_size - 1 * x_offset) / font_size) - 1) n_lines = math.ceil(1.0 * len(text) / n_perline) y_delta = int(font_size * 1.5) for t in range(n_lines): if t == n_lines - 1: d.text( (x_offset,y_offset+t*y_delta), \ text[ (0+t*n_perline): ], fill=0, font=f) else: d.text( (x_offset,y_offset+t*y_delta), \ text[(0+t*n_perline):((t+1)*n_perline)], fill=0, font=f) if noisy: noise = 25.5 * random.randn() * random.randn( img.size[0], img.size[1]) img = np.asarray(img, dtype=np.float) + noise img = np.maximum(np.minimum(img, 255), 0) img = Image.fromarray(img.astype('uint8'), 'L') + str(pic_count).zfill(6) + '.png') img.close() pic_count += 1 print('')
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]]) dat = 1.35 r = np.array([1, 1, 1]) G = np.mat([[t**2/2, 0, 0], [0, t**2/2, 0], [0, 0, t**2/2], [t, 0, 0], [0, t, 0], [0, 0, t]]) Q = dat*np.diag(r) TSOA = math.sqrt(10) TDOA = math.sqrt(10) random2 = random.randn(3, 1) W = sqrt(Q)*random2 L = 6 alpha = 0.3#可以调节 改变均值 kalpha = 0.54 belta = 2#对高斯分布通常是2最优100 可以改变方差 lamada = alpha*alpha*(L+kalpha)-L c = L+lamada Wm = [lamada/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c, 0.5/c] Wc = Wm Wc[0] = Wc[0]+(1-alpha**2+belta) c = sqrt(c) xsP1 = zeros((6, 6)) xsP2 = zeros((6, 6)) xsP11 = zeros((6, 6))
def sample(self): """Update internal state and return it as a noise sample.""" x = self.state dx = self.theta * ( - x) + self.sigma * np.array([random.randn() for i in range(len(x))]) self.state = x + dx return self.state
# POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Revision $Id$ ## Simple talker demo that published std_msgs/Strings messages ## to the 'chatter' topic import rospy from assignment.msg import iotsensor from std_msgs.msg import String import random pub = rospy.Publisher('iot_sensor_topic', iotsensor, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('iot_sensor_publisher_node', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(1) i = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): iot_sensor = iot_sensor() = 1 = "iot_parking_01" iot_sensor.temperature = 24.33 + (random.randn() * 2) iot_sensor.humidity = 33.4 + (random.randn() * 2) rospy.loginfo("I publish") rospy.loginfo(iot_sensor) pub.publish(iot_sensor) i = i + 1 rate.sleep()
r = -i - 1 axis_x.append(i) axis_y_l.append(data[l]) axis_y_r.append(data[r]) plt.plot(axis_x, axis_y_r, label=r"$x_i^{max}(k)$") plt.plot(axis_x, axis_y_l, label=r"$x_i^{min}(k)$") plt.xlabel(r"iteration number $k$") plt.ylabel(r"$x_i^{max}(k)$ and $x_i^{min}(k)$") plt.legend() def variance_consensus(): size = 40 data = read_data("data40.txt") net = Network(new_top=True, num=size, s_dis=40) net.set_data(data) net.variance_consensus(max_iter=60) def generic_pdf(): size = 40 data = read_data("data40.txt") net = Network(new_top=True, num=size, s_dis=40) net.set_data(data) net.generic_pdf_consensus(sections=20, sim=True, max_iter=60) A = random.randn(4, 3) B = sum(A, axis=1, keepdims=True) print(B.shape)
def br_corner(): return random.randn(2) * 100.0 + (SCREEN - array([VISION,VISION]))
def random_corner(): if random.rand() > 0.5: return random.randn(2) * 10.0 + (SCREEN - array([VISION,VISION])) else: return random.randn(2) * 10.0 + (zeros(2) + array([VISION,VISION]))
def fun(): x = random.randn(2) / 10 print(x) return ((1 + x[0]**2 + x[1]**2))
N = 10001 Nf = 3 t = arange(N, dtype=float) Ts = random.rand(Nf) * 200 + 100 fs = 1 / Ts print('The real unknown frequencies are:', fs) amp = random.rand(Nf) * 200 + 100 phi = random.rand(Nf) * 2 * pi h = zeros(N) for j in range(len(fs)): h += amp[j] * np.sin(2 * pi * t * fs[j] + phi[j]) hn = h + random.randn(N) * 3 * h + random.randn(N) * 700 plt.scatter(t, hn, s=3) #Frequency Sampling ind = arange(1, int(N / 2 + 1)) # Sampling of real space allfreqs = fftfreq(N) # Sampling of frequency space realfreqs = fftfreq( N )[ind] # Frequencies in which we are interested (we omit redundancies due to complex conjugates) #We now put the fourier transform coefficients Hn = scipy.fftpack.fft(hn) plt.plot(allfreqs, Hn)
slpsigma=sigma*.1/sqrt(2) windsigma=sigma*5./sqrt(2) cenx=nx*dx/2. ceny=ny*dy/2. dz=sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) ignr=dz*2 historys=runtime timestep=dz*1.0/6. ignxsigma=sigma*dx*nx/10. ignysigma=sigma*dy*ny/10. seed() slpx=randn(0,slpsigma) slpy=randn(0,slpsigma) windx=randn(0,windsigma) windy=randn(0,windsigma) fuel=randint(1,13) ignx=randn(cenx,ignxsigma) igny=randn(ceny,ignysigma) args=['--nx',nx,'--ny',ny,'--dx',dx,'--dy',dy, '--windx',windx,'--windy',windy,'--slopex',slpx,'--slopey',slpy, '--fuelcat',fuel,'--timestep',timestep,'--runtime',runtime,'--history',historys, '--ignx1',ignx,'--ignx2',ignx,'--igny1',igny,'--igny2',igny, '--ignr',ignr,'--ignt1',igntime,'--ignt2',igntime] args=[ str(a) for a in args]
def createRun(): file_runlist = open(filename_runlist,'w') file_truth = open(filename_truth,'w') truth_header = '# true_si true_hlr true_g1 true_g2 model_si model_hlr model_g1 model_g2 noise_hlr noise_g1 noise_g2\n' file_truth.write(truth_header) grid_sersic_index = arange(config['grid']['min'],config['grid']['max']+config['grid']['step'],config['grid']['step']) file_conf_templ = open(filename_yaml_templ,'r') conf_templ = file_ini_templ = open(filename_ini_templ,'r') ini_templ ='got %d galaxies' % len(config['gals'])) for iser,ser in enumerate(grid_sersic_index): ini_filled = ini_templ % (config['n_pix'],ser) filename_ini = 'si%02d.ini' % iser filepath_ini = os.path.join(dirname_ini,filename_ini) file_ini = open(filepath_ini,'w') file_ini.write(ini_filled) file_ini.close() for igal,gal in enumerate(config['gals']): # get the real galaxy n_tile=config['n_tile'] n_pix=config['n_pix'] hlr = gal['half_light_radius'] g1 = gal['g1'] g2 = gal['g2'] sersic_index_real = gal['sersic_index'] filename_real = 'real%02d.fits' % (igal) filepath_real = os.path.join(dirname_images,filename_real) conf_filled = conf_templ % (sersic_index_real,hlr,g1,g2,n_tile,n_tile,n_pix,n_pix,filepath_real) filename_conf = 'real%02d.yaml' % igal filepath_conf = os.path.join(dirname_yaml,filename_conf) file_conf = open(filepath_conf,'w') file_conf.write(conf_filled) file_conf.close() filename_cmd = '' file_cmd = open(filename_cmd,'w') file_cmd.write('python %s %s\n' % (filepath_galsim_yaml, filepath_conf)) file_cmd.close() if (not args.reimage) and os.path.isfile(filepath_real):'NOT creating %s' % filepath_real) else:'sh',filename_cmd)) # filename_ini = os.path.join(dirname_ini,'si%02d.ini' % ser) image_tiled = pyfits.getdata(filepath_real) image_stamp = image_tiled[0:n_pix,0:n_pix] noise_std = linalg.norm(image_stamp)/config['snr'] img_real = image_tiled noise_same = [] for nn in range(config['n_reps_diff']): noise = random.randn(img_real.shape[0],img_real.shape[1])*noise_std filename_noisy_real_diff = filename_real + ('.d%02d' % nn) filepath_noisy_real_diff = os.path.join(dirname_images,filename_noisy_real_diff) img_real_noisy_diff = img_real + noise if (not args.reimage) and os.path.isfile(filepath_noisy_real_diff):'NOT creating noisy images %s' % (filepath_noisy_real_diff)) else: pyfits.writeto(filepath_noisy_real_diff,img_real_noisy_diff.astype(float32),clobber=True) for iser,ser in enumerate(grid_sersic_index): filename_ini = 'si%02d.ini' % iser filepath_ini = os.path.join(dirname_ini,filename_ini) file_runlist.write('%s\t%s\n' % (filename_noisy_real_diff,filename_ini)) for nn in range(config['n_reps_same']): noise_same.append(random.randn(img_real.shape[0],img_real.shape[1])*noise_std) filename_noisy_real_same = filename_real + ('.s%02d' % nn) filepath_noisy_real_same = os.path.join(dirname_images,filename_noisy_real_same) img_real_noisy_same = img_real + noise_same[nn] if (not args.reimage) and os.path.isfile(filepath_noisy_real_same):'NOT creating noisy images %s' % (filepath_noisy_real_same)) else: pyfits.writeto(filepath_noisy_real_same,img_real_noisy_same.astype(float32),clobber=True) for iser,ser in enumerate(grid_sersic_index): filename_ini = 'si%02d.ini' % iser filepath_ini = os.path.join(dirname_ini,filename_ini) file_runlist.write('%s\t%s\n' % (filename_noisy_real_same,filename_ini)) # now create the bestfit images for iser,ser in enumerate(grid_sersic_index): # this should have been created already filename_ini = 'si%02d.ini' % iser filepath_ini = os.path.join(dirname_ini,filename_ini)'running im3shape') i3gal = getBestFit(image_stamp,filepath_ini) ser_g1 = i3gal.params_gal_measured[2] ser_g2 = 0 ser_hlr = i3gal.params_gal_measured[4] truth_line = '%2.2f\t%2.8f\t% 2.8f\t% 2.8f\t%2.2f\t%2.8f\t% 2.8f\t% 2.8f\n' % (sersic_index_real,hlr,g1,g2,ser,ser_hlr,ser_g1,ser_g2) file_truth.write(truth_line) filename_bfit = 'real%02d.bfit%02d.fits' % (igal,iser) filepath_bfit = os.path.join(dirname_images,filename_bfit) conf_filled = conf_templ % (ser,ser_hlr,ser_g1,ser_g2,n_tile,n_tile,n_pix,n_pix,filepath_bfit) filename_conf = 'real%02d.bfit%02d.yaml' % (igal,iser) filepath_conf = os.path.join(dirname_yaml, filename_conf) file_conf = open(filepath_conf,'w') file_conf.write(conf_filled) file_conf.close() filename_cmd = '' file_cmd = open(filename_cmd,'w') file_cmd.write('python %s %s\n' % (filepath_galsim_yaml, filepath_conf)) file_cmd.close() if (not args.reimage) and os.path.isfile(filepath_bfit):'NOT creating %s' % filepath_bfit) else:'sh',filename_cmd)) # create nosiy versions noise_std = linalg.norm(image_stamp)/config['snr'] img_real = pyfits.getdata(filepath_real) img_bfit = pyfits.getdata(filepath_bfit) for nn in range(config['n_reps_diff']): # add different noise maps filename_noisy_bfit_diff = filename_bfit + ('.d%02d' % nn) filepath_noisy_bfit_diff = os.path.join(dirname_images,filename_noisy_bfit_diff) noise = random.randn(img_bfit.shape[0],img_bfit.shape[1])*noise_std img_bfit_noisy_diff = img_bfit + noise if (not args.reimage) and os.path.isfile(filepath_noisy_bfit_diff):'NOT creating noisy images %s' % (filepath_noisy_bfit_diff)) else: pyfits.writeto(filepath_noisy_bfit_diff,img_bfit_noisy_diff.astype(float32),clobber=True) file_runlist.write('%s\t%s\n' % (filename_noisy_bfit_diff,filename_ini)) for nn in range(config['n_reps_same']): # add same noise maps filename_noisy_bfit_same = filename_bfit + ('.s%02d' % nn) filepath_noisy_bfit_same = os.path.join(dirname_images,filename_noisy_bfit_same) img_bfit_noisy_same = img_bfit + noise_same[nn] if (not args.reimage) and os.path.isfile(filepath_noisy_bfit_same):'NOT creating noisy image %s' % (filepath_noisy_bfit_same)) else: pyfits.writeto(filepath_noisy_bfit_same,img_bfit_noisy_same.astype(float32),clobber=True) file_runlist.write('%s\t%s\n' % (filename_noisy_bfit_same,filename_ini))
def generate_latent_points(latent_dim, n_samples): # generate points in the latent space x_input = random.randn(latent_dim * n_samples) # reshape into a batch of inputs for the network x_input = x_input.reshape(n_samples, latent_dim) return x_input
import random import sys import os import pandas as pd from pylab import * from scipy.cluster.vq import * from numpy import * from PIL import * # generate test data # generate 100 rows and 2 columns class1 = 1.5 * random.randn(100, 2) print(class1) class2 = random.randn(100, 2) + array([5, 5]) # print(class2) features = vstack((class1, class2)) #print(features[0:1]) #print("wanttttt") # K-Means clustering centroids, variance = kmeans(features, 2) # print(centroids) #print("varancccc") # print(variance) code, distance = vq(features, centroids) print(vq(features, centroids)) # print(distance) figure() ndx = where(code == 0)[0]