コード例 #1
    def set_vowels(self):
        ''' Establish which vowels exist in this language '''

        # Copy all vowels
        vowels = ALL_VOWELS[:]
        ## Make a list of common vowels
        common_vowels = []
        for i in xrange(roll(NUM_COMMON_VOWELS[0], NUM_COMMON_VOWELS[1])):
            common_vowel = vowels.pop(roll(0, len(vowels)-1) )

            freq = roll(COMMON_VOWEL_FREQS[0], COMMON_VOWEL_FREQS[1])
            self.vowel_freqs.append( (common_vowel, freq) )

        ## Shuffle the remaining list
        # Generate frequencies for remaining vowels - if they're low enough, remove them entirely from the inventory
        for vowel in vowels:
            freq = roll(REG_VOWEL_FREQS[0], REG_VOWEL_FREQS[1])
            # If frequency is low enough, we'll drop it from the language
            # Make sure that the frequency is high enough, and that we have a min number of vowels
            if freq > VOWEL_CUTOFF_FREQ or len(self.vowel_freqs) < MIN_VOWEL_INVENTORY:
                self.vowel_freqs.append( (vowel, freq) )

        # Weird, but some vowels associated more with males, or females
        # Hopefully will help distinguish male/female names
        vf_ind = roll(1, len(self.vowel_freqs)-1)
        self.vowel_F = self.vowel_freqs[vf_ind][0]
        self.vowel_M = self.vowel_freqs[vf_ind-1][0]
コード例 #2
    def add_building_to_map(self, *args):
        # Find an ok center point
        building_center = (roll(50, 100), roll(50, 100))
        building_size = (roll(15, 20), roll(15, 20))
        ## Make a nice rectangle, with walls at the corners
        for q in xrange(building_center[0], building_center[0] + building_size[0] + 1):
            for r in xrange(building_center[1], building_center[1] + building_size[1] + 1):
                g.M.tiles[q][r].building = self
                self.physical_property.append((q, r))
                ## Add wall or floor
                if q in [building_center[0], building_center[0] + building_size[0]] or r in [building_center[1], building_center[1] + building_size[1]]:

        door_coords = (int(building_center[0] + (building_size[0] / 2)), building_center[1] + building_size[1])

        g.M.make_door(x=door_coords[0], y=door_coords[1], floor_type='dirt')
        bx, by = building_center[0], building_center[1]
        for i, row in enumerate(BUILDINGS[self.template]):
            for j, tile in enumerate(row):
                x, y = bx + j, by + i
                self.physical_property.append((x, y))

                if tile == '#':
                elif tile == ' ':
                elif tile in ('d', '-'):
                    g.M.make_door(x=x, y=y, floor_type='stone')
コード例 #3
ファイル: building_info.py プロジェクト: pangal/it
    def add_building_to_map(self, *args):
        # Find an ok center point
        building_center = (roll(50, 100), roll(50, 100))
        building_size = (roll(15, 20), roll(15, 20))
        ## Make a nice rectangle, with walls at the corners
        for q in xrange(building_center[0], building_center[0] + building_size[0] + 1):
            for r in xrange(building_center[1], building_center[1] + building_size[1] + 1):
                g.M.tiles[q][r].building = self
                self.physical_property.append((q, r))
                ## Add wall or floor
                if q in [building_center[0], building_center[0] + building_size[0]] or r in [building_center[1], building_center[1] + building_size[1]]:

        door_coords = (int(building_center[0] + (building_size[0] / 2)), building_center[1] + building_size[1])

        g.M.make_door(x=door_coords[0], y=door_coords[1], floor_type='dirt')
        bx, by = building_center[0], building_center[1]
        for i, row in enumerate(BUILDINGS[self.template]):
            for j, tile in enumerate(row):
                x, y = bx+j, by+i
                self.physical_property.append((x, y))

                if tile == '#':
                elif tile == ' ':
                elif tile in ('d', '-'):
                    g.M.make_door(x=x, y=y, floor_type='stone')
コード例 #4
def rolling():
    for x in range(dice):
        x = roll(1, 6)
    print('your roll is: ', turn)
    for x in range(compdice):
        x = roll(1, 6)
コード例 #5
ファイル: textwall.py プロジェクト: areklis/arek-s_1st_repo
def randa_ola(n=328937):
    from random import randint as roll
    for i in range(n):
        if roll(0,1)==1 : b=65
        else : b=97
    return a
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, possible_vowels, possible_consonants, nordic_i=0, use_weird_symbols=0):
        # Allow specification of any symbols that are predefined
        self.mapping = {}

        # Making copies of the possible written vowel representations, to be modified here
        potential_v_rep = {}
        for vowel in possible_vowels:
            potential_v_rep[vowel] = VOWEL_WRITTEN[vowel][:]
        # Making copies of the possible written consonant representations, to be modified here
        potential_c_rep = {}
        for consonant in possible_consonants:
            potential_c_rep[consonant] = CONSONANT_WRITTEN[consonant][:]

        ## Sort of silly, but it we allow "y" to be used in place of "i", we need
        ## to make sure that "y" cannot also be a consonant (we'll replace with J for now)
        if nordic_i:
            if 101 in potential_v_rep:
                potential_v_rep[101] = ['y', chr(152)]
            if 108 in potential_v_rep:
                potential_v_rep[101] = ['y', chr(152)]

            potential_c_rep = self.replace_grapheme(mapping=potential_c_rep, phoneme=222, old='y', new='j')

        # If we want to (possibly) use non-english symbols in place of some of the consonants
        if (use_weird_symbols is None and roll(1, 5) == 1) or use_weird_symbols == 1:
            # Use "thorn"/"eth" (sigma symbol in our library)
            if roll(0, 1) == 1:
                potential_c_rep = self.replace_grapheme(mapping=potential_c_rep, phoneme=211, old='th', new=chr(235))
                potential_c_rep = self.replace_grapheme(mapping=potential_c_rep, phoneme=212, old='th', new=chr(235))
            # Use ç in place of ch
            if roll(0, 1) == 1:
                potential_c_rep = self.replace_grapheme(mapping=potential_c_rep, phoneme=207, old='ch', new=chr(135))
            # Use ƒ instead of sh
            if roll(0, 1) == 1:
                potential_c_rep = self.replace_grapheme(mapping=potential_c_rep, phoneme=215, old='sh', new=chr(159))
                potential_c_rep = self.replace_grapheme(mapping=potential_c_rep, phoneme=216, old='zh', new=chr(159))

            for i in WEIRD_CONS_LIST:
                if roll(1, 5) == 1:
                    cons = choice(potential_c_rep.keys())
                    # Make sure that the cons that's being replaced is not 'empty'
                    if cons < 300:
                        potential_c_rep[cons] = [i]

        # Here's where consonants get mapped
        for consonant, grapheme_list in potential_c_rep.iteritems():
            if not consonant in self.mapping:
                grapheme = choice(grapheme_list)
                self.mapping[consonant] = grapheme
        # Here's where vowels get mapped
        for vowel, grapheme_list in potential_v_rep.iteritems():
            if not vowel in self.mapping:
                grapheme = choice(grapheme_list)
                self.mapping[vowel] = grapheme
コード例 #7
def gen_creature_description(creature_name, creature_size=2):
    # Using the human template for now, this will be updated to include actual procedurally generated creatures eventually

    possible_flavor_text_values = ['eyes', 'teeth', 'ears', 'face']
    flavor_text_values = []

    for i in xrange(2):
        flavor_text = describe_feature(
                     len(possible_flavor_text_values) - 1)))

    # Creature generator will need to be expanded in the future, for now a working prototype lets us hack in a pre-specified size
    # (All sentient humanoids are size 2, whereas large ones become unintelligent for now
    if creature_size == 1:
        size = '{0} {1}'.format(random.choice(('small', 'smallish')),
    elif creature_size == 2:
        size = describe_feature('size')
    elif creature_size == 3:
        size = '{0}, {1}'.format(
            random.choice(('large', 'large', 'hulking', 'hefty')),
            'barely intelligent humanoid')

    skin_type = random.choice(('skin_naked', 'skin_naked', 'skin_naked',
                               'skin_naked', 'skin_scaled', 'skin_chitin'))
    skin = describe_feature(skin_type)

    if skin_type == 'skin_naked' and roll(1, 10) > 2:
        if roll(0, 1): hair = describe_feature('skin_covering_hair')
        else: hair = describe_feature('skin_covering_fur')
        hair = describe_feature('skin_covering_hairless')

    description = random.choice([
        'A {0} with {1} and {2}. It has {3} and its body is {4}.',
        'A {0} with {1} and {2}. It has {3} and is {4}.',
        'A {0} with {1} and {2}. It is {4} and has {3}.',
        'A {0} with {1} and {2}. Is body is {4} and has {3}.',
        'A {0} with {3}. It has {1} and {2}. It is {4}.',
        'A {0} with {3}. It has {1} and {2}. Its body is {4}.',
        'A {0} that is {4}. It has {3}, {1}, and {2}.',
        'This {0} has {3} and is {4}. It has {1} and {2}.',
        'This {0} is {4} and has {3}. It has {1} and {2}.',
        'The {5}s are {0}s who are {4} and have {3}. They have {1} and {2}.',
        '{5}s are a race of {0}s who are {4} and have {3}. They have {1} and {2}.',

    description = description.format(size, flavor_text_values[0],
                                     flavor_text_values[1], skin, hair,

    return description
コード例 #8
ファイル: religion.py プロジェクト: engwalker/it
    def create_misc_gods(self, num_misc_gods):
        # Create misc gods
        for i in xrange(num_misc_gods):
            sphere = self.available_spheres.pop(roll(0, len(self.available_spheres)-1))
            name = self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)

            self.gods.append(God(name=name, sphere=sphere))

        # Further shuffle gods
コード例 #9
def preprocess(img, augment=True):
    img = CLAHE3d(np.uint16(img))
    img = standardize(img)
    if augment:
        y_shift = roll(-scale, scale)
        x_shift = roll(0, scale)
        img = crop(img, y_shift, x_shift, img_rows, img_cols)
        img = add_gaussian_noise(img, 0.01)
        return normalize(img)
        img = crop(img, 0, 0, img_rows, img_cols)
        return normalize(img)
コード例 #10
ファイル: religion.py プロジェクト: engwalker/it
    def create_celestial_gods(self):
        # Create gods for each celestial body
        for c_body in self.astrology.suns + self.astrology.moons:
            name = self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)

            self.gods.append(God(name=name, sphere=c_body.describe()) )
コード例 #11
    def set_name(self):
        if self.type_ == 'Tavern':
            num = roll(1, 5)
            if num == 1:
                front = 'The {0} {1}'.format(
                ending = random.choice([
                    '', '', '', ' Inn', ' Tavern', ' Tavern', ' Lodge',
                    ' Bar and Inn'
            elif num == 2:
                front = 'The {0}\'s {1}'.format(
                ending = ''
            elif num == 3:
                front = '{0}\'s {1}'.format(random.choice(g.TAVERN_NOUNS),
                ending = random.choice(
                    [' Inn', ' Tavern', ' Tavern', ' Lodge', ' Bar and Inn'])
            elif num == 4:
                front = '{0}\'s {1}'.format(self.site.name,
                ending = ''
            elif num == 5:
                front = 'The {0} of the {1} {2}'.format(
                    random.choice(('Inn', 'Tavern', 'Lodge')),
                ending = ''

            self.name = front + ending
コード例 #12
    def generate_weapon(self, wtype, material, special_properties):
        ''' Will take a weapon blueprint, vary some of the parameters, and return the full blueprint for the object '''

        # Important to deepcopy ths dict or bad things may happen (components/layers referencing the same object...)
        weapon_info_dict = copy.deepcopy(blueprint_dict[wtype])
        # Loop through all components to vary their parameters
        for component in weapon_info_dict['components']:
            # Loop through all layers of the component
            for layer in component['layers']:
                # There is a "dimensions" tuple: width/height/depth/filled.
                # TODO - Vary this a bit. Also handle cases for multiple layers so they fit inside each other correctly
                ndims = []
                for dim in layer['dimensions']:
                    ndim = round(dim + (dim * (roll(0, 15) / 100)), 3)
                ndims = tuple(ndims)
                # Re-assign the new dimensions to the layer
                layer['dimensions'] = ndims

        # Properties specified just by the weapon type
        properties = WEAPON_PROPERTIES[wtype].copy()
        # Add any other special properties
        for wproperty, value in special_properties.iteritems():
            if wproperty in properties:
                properties[wproperty] += value + random.choice(
                    (-10, -5, 0, 0, 10, 20))
                properties[wproperty] = value + random.choice(
                    (-10, -5, 0, 0, 10, 20))

        weapon_component = {'wtype': wtype, 'properties': properties}
        weapon_info_dict['weapon_component'] = weapon_component

        return weapon_info_dict
コード例 #13
ファイル: encounter.py プロジェクト: w4rm15h/ETA
def enemyTurn():
    #50/50 chance if enemy attacks or defends.
    move = roll(1, 2)
    if move == 1:
    if move == 2:
コード例 #14
ファイル: goap.py プロジェクト: ZacharyWFox/it
    def __init__(self, initial_location, target_location, entity, travel_verb='travel'):
        self.behavior = 'move'
        self.initial_location = initial_location
        self.target_location = target_location
        self.entity = entity

        self.travel_verb = travel_verb

        self.preconditions = [AmAvailableToAct(self.entity)]

        self.costs = {'money':0, 'time':0, 'distance':0, 'morality':0, 'legality':0}

        if g.WORLD: # This would otherwise stop this module running as __main__, leaving this in for testing purposes
            target_site = g.WORLD.tiles[self.target_location[0]][self.target_location[1]].site
            current_site = g.WORLD.tiles[self.entity.wx][self.entity.wy].site

            if target_site in g.WORLD.cities and current_site in g.WORLD.cities:
                full_path = current_site.path_to[target_site][:]
                # Default - use libtcod's A* to create a path to destination
                path = libtcod.path_compute(p=g.WORLD.path_map, ox=self.entity.wx, oy=self.entity.wy, dx=self.target_location[0], dy=self.target_location[1])
                full_path = libtcod_path_to_list(path_map=g.WORLD.path_map)

            # Add path to brain
            self.entity.world_brain.path = full_path
            # Update the cost of this behavior
            self.costs['time'] += len(full_path)
            self.costs['distance'] += len(full_path)

            # Stuff to give this movement a random cost
            cost = roll(1, 10)
            self.costs['distance'] = cost
            self.costs['time'] = cost
コード例 #15
ファイル: physics.py プロジェクト: ZacharyWFox/it
    def generate_weapon(self, wtype, material, special_properties):
        ''' Will take a weapon blueprint, vary some of the parameters, and return the full blueprint for the object '''

        # Important to deepcopy ths dict or bad things may happen (components/layers referencing the same object...)
        weapon_info_dict = copy.deepcopy(blueprint_dict[wtype])
        # Loop through all components to vary their parameters
        for component in weapon_info_dict['components']:
            # Loop through all layers of the component
            for layer in component['layers']:
                # There is a "dimensions" tuple: width/height/depth/filled.
                # TODO - Vary this a bit. Also handle cases for multiple layers so they fit inside each other correctly
                ndims = []
                for dim in layer['dimensions']:
                    ndim = round(dim + (dim * (roll(0, 15)/100)), 3)
                ndims = tuple(ndims)
                # Re-assign the new dimensions to the layer
                layer['dimensions'] = ndims

        # Properties specified just by the weapon type
        properties = WEAPON_PROPERTIES[wtype].copy()
        # Add any other special properties
        for wproperty, value in special_properties.iteritems():
            if wproperty in properties:
                properties[wproperty] += value + random.choice((-10, -5, 0, 0, 10, 20))
                properties[wproperty] = value + random.choice((-10, -5, 0, 0, 10, 20))

        weapon_component = {'wtype':wtype, 'properties':properties}
        weapon_info_dict['weapon_component'] = weapon_component

        return weapon_info_dict
コード例 #16
ファイル: gen_creatures.py プロジェクト: ZacharyWFox/it
def gen_creature_description(creature_name, creature_size=2):
    # Using the human template for now, this will be updated to include actual procedurally generated creatures eventually

    possible_flavor_text_values = ['eyes', 'teeth', 'ears', 'face']
    flavor_text_values = []

    for i in xrange(2):
        flavor_text = describe_feature(possible_flavor_text_values.pop(roll(0, len(possible_flavor_text_values)-1)))

    # Creature generator will need to be expanded in the future, for now a working prototype lets us hack in a pre-specified size
    # (All sentient humanoids are size 2, whereas large ones become unintelligent for now
    if creature_size == 1:
        size = '{0} {1}'.format(random.choice(('small', 'smallish')), 'humanoid')
    elif creature_size == 2:
        size = describe_feature('size')
    elif creature_size == 3:
        size = '{0}, {1}'.format(random.choice(('large', 'large', 'hulking', 'hefty')), 'barely intelligent humanoid')

    skin_type = random.choice(('skin_naked', 'skin_naked', 'skin_naked', 'skin_naked', 'skin_scaled', 'skin_chitin'))
    skin = describe_feature(skin_type)

    if skin_type == 'skin_naked' and roll(1, 10) > 2:
        if roll(0, 1):  hair = describe_feature('skin_covering_hair')
        else:           hair = describe_feature('skin_covering_fur')
        hair = describe_feature('skin_covering_hairless')

    description = random.choice([
                    'A {0} with {1} and {2}. It has {3} and its body is {4}.',
                    'A {0} with {1} and {2}. It has {3} and is {4}.',
                    'A {0} with {1} and {2}. It is {4} and has {3}.',
                    'A {0} with {1} and {2}. Is body is {4} and has {3}.',
                    'A {0} with {3}. It has {1} and {2}. It is {4}.',
                    'A {0} with {3}. It has {1} and {2}. Its body is {4}.',
                    'A {0} that is {4}. It has {3}, {1}, and {2}.',
                    'This {0} has {3} and is {4}. It has {1} and {2}.',
                    'This {0} is {4} and has {3}. It has {1} and {2}.',

                    'The {5}s are {0}s who are {4} and have {3}. They have {1} and {2}.',
                    '{5}s are a race of {0}s who are {4} and have {3}. They have {1} and {2}.',

    description = description.format(size, flavor_text_values[0], flavor_text_values[1], skin, hair, creature_name)

    return description
コード例 #17
ファイル: religion.py プロジェクト: engwalker/it
def create_astronomy():
    moons= []
    suns = []

    num_moons = random.choice(moon_nums)
    num_suns = random.choice(sun_nums)

    available_moon_colors = moon_colors[:]
    available_sun_colors = moon_colors[:]

    for i in xrange(num_moons):
        moons.append(available_moon_colors.pop(roll(0, len(available_moon_colors)-1)))

    for i in xrange(num_suns):
        suns.append(available_sun_colors.pop(roll(0, len(available_sun_colors)-1)))

    return moons, suns
コード例 #18
 def reroll(self, kept):
     kept = re.sub(' ', '', kept)
     kept = re.sub(',', '', kept)
     for dice in kept:
         self.roll[int(dice) - 1] = int(roll(1, 7))
     self.roll = sorted(self.roll)
     self.rerolls -= 1
     return self.roll
コード例 #19
def main():
    lista = []
    length = 20
    for i in range(length):
        lista.append(roll(1, 20))
    MO = stats(lista)
    SD = stats(lista, MO)
    print(f"\nThe list's mean is {MO} with a \n standart deviation of {SD}\n")
コード例 #20
    def gen_structs(self, phonological_inv_size):
        ''' Generate possible structures (consonants, syllables, codas) for the language
        based on size of phonological inventory '''

        consonant_drop_chance = PHONOLOGICAL_INV_DROP_CHANCES[phonological_inv_size]

        consonant_possibilities = []

        # Now we check to see which ones (if any) are dropped
        for consonant in CONSONANTS[:]:
            if roll(1, 100) <= consonant_drop_chance:
        # Give each one a frequency. Currently very weird because
        # the only time this frequency is really used is computing
        # consonants that make up a syllable onset or coda
        # The onset and coda structures themselves have their own frequencies
        for cons in consonant_possibilities:
            cons.freq = roll(1, 70)

        # Now it's time to use brute force and see which of all possible
        # onsets/codas can  be used. If phon_list returns empty, it means
        # our language can't find phonemes for that onset/coda, and so must be discarded
        # Tricky here - need to copy all of the sublists to make sure original lists aren't modified
        for onset in POSSIBLE_ONSETS[:]:
            all_valid_phonemes = 1
            for phoneme_properties in onset[:]:
                phon_list = self.find_phoneme(phoneme_properties[0], phoneme_properties[1], phoneme_properties[2])
                if phon_list == []:
                    all_valid_phonemes = 0

            if all_valid_phonemes:

        # Same for codas
        for coda in POSSIBLE_CODAS[:]:
            all_valid_phonemes = 1
            for phoneme_properties in coda[:]:
                phon_list = self.find_phoneme(phoneme_properties[0], phoneme_properties[1], phoneme_properties[2])
                if phon_list == []:
                    all_valid_phonemes = 0

            if all_valid_phonemes:
コード例 #21
    def create_script(self):
        ''' Here's where the mapping of phonemes to graphemes gets established '''
        possible_vowels = [vowel for (vowel, freq) in self.vowel_freqs]
        possible_consonants = [consonant.num for consonant in self.consonants]
        possible_consonants.extend([300, 301])

        if roll(0, 10) == 10: nordic_i = 1
        else:                 nordic_i = 0

        self.orthography = Orthography(possible_vowels=possible_vowels, possible_consonants=possible_consonants, nordic_i=nordic_i)
コード例 #22
ファイル: combat.py プロジェクト: ZacharyWFox/it
def calculate_winner_of_opening_round(c1_dict, c2_dict):
    c1_total = max(1, sum(c1_dict.values()))
    c2_total = max(1, sum(c2_dict.values()))

    num = roll(0, c1_total + c2_total)

    if num <= c1_total:
        return 1
        return 2
コード例 #23
ファイル: religion.py プロジェクト: engwalker/it
    def __init__(self, moons, suns, language):

        self.moons = []
        self.suns = []

        self.language = language
        self.earth_name = lang.spec_cap(self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20)))

        for moon_color in moons:
            name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)
            self.moons.append(Moon(name=name, earth_name=self.earth_name, astronomy=self, color=moon_color))

        for sun_color in suns:
            name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)
            self.suns.append(Sun(name=name, earth_name=self.earth_name, astronomy=self, color=sun_color))
コード例 #24
ファイル: combat.py プロジェクト: pangal/it
def calculate_winner_of_opening_round(c1_dict, c2_dict):
    c1_total = max(1, sum(c1_dict.values()))
    c2_total = max(1, sum(c2_dict.values()))

    num = roll(0, c1_total + c2_total)

    if num <= c1_total:
        return 1
        return 2
コード例 #25
ファイル: religion.py プロジェクト: engwalker/it
    def create_nature_gods(self, num_nature_gods):
        # Create misc gods
        for i in xrange(num_nature_gods):
            sphere = random.choice([s for s in natural_spheres if s in self.available_spheres])

            name = self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            name = lang.spec_cap(name)

            self.gods.append(God(name=name, sphere=sphere))
コード例 #26
 def get_vowel(self, vowel_pref=None):
     ## Weird little function. Here I'm attempting to bypass the normal
     ## weighted vowel thing in favor of the masc or fem vowel.
     ## The main reason to do this is try to distinguish masc or fem names
     num = roll(1, 9)
     if num >= 5 and vowel_pref == 'f':
         return self.vowel_F
     elif num >= 5 and vowel_pref == 'm':
         return self.vowel_M
         return w_rand(self.vowel_freqs)
コード例 #27
ファイル: religion.py プロジェクト: engwalker/it
    def update_god_relationships(self):
        # Gods have relationships with each other
        for god in self.gods:
            if god.gender == 1 and roll(0, 1):
                potential_spouses = [g for g in self.gods if g.gender == 0 and g.spouse is None]
                if len(potential_spouses):

                    choice = random.choice(potential_spouses)

                    # Kids
                    for j in xrange(roll(0, 2)):
                        sphere = self.available_spheres.pop(roll(0, len(self.available_spheres)-1))
                        name = self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
                        name = lang.spec_cap(name)

                        child = God(name=name, sphere=sphere)

コード例 #28
    def set_onsets(self, onsets=None, no_onset_chance=NO_ONSET_C_CHANCE):
        ''' Establish which syllable onsets are valid in this language '''
        if onsets is not None:
            self.valid_onsets = onsets
        ## Otherwise, create the possible onsets randomly

            common_onset_nums = min(roll(COMMON_ONSET_NUMS[0], COMMON_ONSET_NUMS[1]), len(self.valid_onsets) )

            for i, onset in enumerate(self.valid_onsets):
                if i <= common_onset_nums:
                    freq = roll(COMMON_ONSET_FREQS[0], COMMON_ONSET_FREQS[1])

                    freq = roll(REG_ONSET_FREQS[0], REG_ONSET_FREQS[1])

            ## Some languages have a high occurance of syllables with no onset consonant
            if roll(1, 100) >= no_onset_chance:
                perc_sylls_with_no_onset = roll(HIGH_ONSET_C_FREQS[0], HIGH_ONSET_C_FREQS[1])
                self.valid_onsets.append( [(300, None, []), perc_sylls_with_no_onset] )
                perc_sylls_with_no_onset = roll(LOW_ONSET_C_FREQS[0], LOW_ONSET_C_FREQS[1])
                self.valid_onsets.append( [(300, None, []), perc_sylls_with_no_onset] )

        # Now get a list of tuples, only containing the valid onsets (in num or long form) and their freqs (out of 1000, roughly?)
            for entry in range(0, len(self.valid_onsets)):
                self.valid_onset_freqs.append((entry, self.valid_onsets[entry][-1]))
コード例 #29
    def set_codas(self, codas=None, no_coda_chance=NO_CODA_C_CHANCE):
        ''' Establish which syllable codas are valid in this language '''
        if codas is not None:
            self.valid_codas = codas
        ## Otherwise, create the possible codas randomly

            common_coda_nums = min(roll(COMMON_CODA_NUMS[0], COMMON_CODA_NUMS[1]), len(self.valid_codas) )

            for i, coda in enumerate(self.valid_codas):
                if i < common_coda_nums:
                    freq = roll(COMMON_CODA_FREQS[0], COMMON_CODA_FREQS[1])

                    freq = roll(REG_CODA_FREQS[0], REG_CODA_FREQS[1])

            ## Some languages have a high occurance of syllables with no coda consonant
            if roll(1, 100) >= no_coda_chance:
                perc_sylls_with_no_coda = roll(HIGH_CODA_C_FREQS[0], HIGH_CODA_C_FREQS[1])
                self.valid_codas.append( [(301, None, []), perc_sylls_with_no_coda] )
                perc_sylls_with_no_coda = roll(LOW_CODA_C_FREQS[0], LOW_CODA_C_FREQS[1])
                self.valid_codas.append( [(301, None, []), perc_sylls_with_no_coda] )

        for entry in range(0, len(self.valid_codas)):
            self.valid_coda_freqs.append((entry, self.valid_codas[entry][-1]))
コード例 #30
    def gen_vocabulary(self):
        ''' This will generate some sample vocabulary of the language '''

        # Generate some "Masculine", "Feminine", and "neutral" words
        word_lists = ( (VOCAB_M, 'm', self.vocab_m), (VOCAB_F, 'f', self.vocab_f), (VOCAB_N, None, self.vocab_n) )
        for (eng_list, vowel_pref, append_list) in word_lists:
            # Basically, make sure the word is "valid" (not too short), and if so, use it
            for eng_word in eng_list:

                syllables = roll(1, 2)
                # Here's where the "Masculine" or "feminine" words come into play
                word = self.gen_word(syllables, num_phonemes=(3, 20), use_onset=1, onset_can_have_no_consonant=1, use_coda=1, vowel_pref=vowel_pref)

                self.vocabulary[eng_word] = word
                append_list[eng_word] = word

        # Generate function words
        for eng_word in VOCAB_FUNC:
            use_onset, use_coda = choice( ( (0, 1), (1, 0) ) )
            onset_cons = roll(0, 1)
            word = self.gen_word(syllables=1, num_phonemes=(1, 4), use_onset=use_onset, onset_can_have_no_consonant=onset_cons, use_coda=use_coda, vowel_pref=None)
            self.vocab_function[eng_word] = word
コード例 #31
    def __init__(self):

        # The language will name itself in a later step
        self.name = None

        # Orthography will be set in a later step
        self.orthography = None

        # Start with empty list of consonants, will build up later
        self.consonants = []

        # Vocabulary will also be set later
        self.vocabulary = {}

        self.vocab_m = {}
        self.vocab_f = {}
        self.vocab_n = {}
        self.vocab_function = {}

        # Onsets and codas which are valid in this language
        self.valid_onsets = []
        self.valid_onset_freqs = []
        self.valid_codas = []
        self.valid_coda_freqs = []

        self.vowel_freqs = []

        # To distinguish male/female names, some vowels will later be associated as "male" or "female"
        self.vowel_F = None
        self.vowel_M = None

        # Generate a phonological inventory - but make sure it leaves us with valid onsets/offsets
        while 1:
            # This continuously generates a phonological inventory, but makes sure there are
            # always at least 1 valid syllable onset and coda
            if len(self.valid_onsets) > 0 and len(self.valid_codas) > 0:

        # These will generate frequencies for syllable onsets, codas, and vowels

        # Create transcription - map letters to writing symbols
        # Have the language name itself
        self.name = spec_cap( self.gen_word( syllables=roll(2, 3), num_phonemes=(3, 20) ) )
        # Have the language generate some vocabulary
コード例 #32
def rlist():
    while True:
            n = int(input("mege8os listas plz: \n"))
        except TypeError:
            print("me akeraio ari8mo to", end=' ')
    lista = []

    for i in range(n):
        lista.append(roll(1, 6))

    return (lista)
コード例 #33
    def __init__(self,
        self.behavior = 'move'
        self.initial_location = initial_location
        self.target_location = target_location
        self.entity = entity

        self.travel_verb = travel_verb

        self.preconditions = [AmAvailableToAct(self.entity)]

        self.costs = {
            'money': 0,
            'time': 0,
            'distance': 0,
            'morality': 0,
            'legality': 0

        if g.WORLD:  # This would otherwise stop this module running as __main__, leaving this in for testing purposes
            target_site = g.WORLD.tiles[self.target_location[0]][
            current_site = g.WORLD.tiles[self.entity.wx][self.entity.wy].site

            if target_site in g.WORLD.cities and current_site in g.WORLD.cities:
                full_path = current_site.path_to[target_site][:]
                # Default - use libtcod's A* to create a path to destination
                path = libtcod.path_compute(p=g.WORLD.path_map,
                full_path = libtcod_path_to_list(path_map=g.WORLD.path_map)

            # Add path to brain
            self.entity.world_brain.path = full_path
            # Update the cost of this behavior
            self.costs['time'] += len(full_path)
            self.costs['distance'] += len(full_path)

            # Stuff to give this movement a random cost
            cost = roll(1, 10)
            self.costs['distance'] = cost
            self.costs['time'] = cost
コード例 #34
ファイル: building_info.py プロジェクト: pangal/it
    def fill_position(self, profession):
        # Give temples and nobles and stuff an initial dynasty to begin with
        potential_employees = [figure for figure in g.WORLD.tiles[self.site.x][self.site.y].entities if
                               figure.creature.profession is None and figure.creature.sex == 1 and figure.creature.get_age() > g.MIN_MARRIAGE_AGE]

        # Mostly try to use existing folks to fill the position
        if not profession.name in ('Assassin', ) and len(potential_employees) > 0:
            human = random.choice(potential_employees)
        # Otherwise, create a new person
            born = g.WORLD.time_cycle.years_ago(roll(18, 40))
            human = self.site.create_inhabitant(sex=1, born=born, dynasty=None, important=0, house=None)

        ## Actually give profession to the person ##
コード例 #35
ファイル: building_info.py プロジェクト: pangal/it
    def set_name(self):
        if self.type_ == 'Tavern':
            num = roll(1, 5)
            if num == 1:
                front = 'The {0} {1}'.format(random.choice(g.TAVERN_ADJECTIVES), random.choice(g.TAVERN_NOUNS))
                ending = random.choice(['', '', '', ' Inn', ' Tavern', ' Tavern', ' Lodge', ' Bar and Inn'])
            elif num == 2:
                front = 'The {0}\'s {1}'.format(random.choice(g.TAVERN_NOUNS), random.choice(g.TAVERN_OBJECTS))
                ending = ''
            elif num == 3:
                front = '{0}\'s {1}'.format(random.choice(g.TAVERN_NOUNS), random.choice(g.TAVERN_OBJECTS))
                ending = random.choice([' Inn', ' Tavern', ' Tavern', ' Lodge', ' Bar and Inn'])
            elif num == 4:
                front = '{0}\'s {1}'.format(self.site.name, random.choice(g.TAVERN_OBJECTS))
                ending = ''
            elif num == 5:
                front = 'The {0} of the {1} {2}'.format(random.choice(('Inn', 'Tavern', 'Lodge')), random.choice(g.TAVERN_ADJECTIVES), random.choice(g.TAVERN_NOUNS))
                ending = ''

            self.name = front + ending
コード例 #36
ファイル: goap.py プロジェクト: engwalker/it
    def choose_target_building(self, target_building):
        ''' Pick a building to move into '''
        if target_building:
            return target_building

        # Else do some magic to look at nearby buildings, pick one if empty, or construct a new one
            entity_region = g.WORLD.tiles[self.entity.wx][self.entity.wy]
            nearby_chunks = g.WORLD.get_nearby_chunks(
                chunk=entity_region.chunk, distance=3)

            # Find some nearby non-city non-village sites, and then find any empty buildings within these
            nearby_sites = [
                site for chunk in nearby_chunks
                for site in chunk.get_all_sites()
                if site.type_ not in ('city', 'village')
            nearby_empty_buildings = [
                building for site in nearby_sites
                for building in site.buildings if not building.inhabitants

            # If there are nearby empty buildings, choose one at random
            if nearby_empty_buildings and roll(0, 1):
                building = random.choice(nearby_empty_buildings)
            # If not, make a building object to send to the parent (but this doesn't actually exist yet - it will be added to a site later)
                building = building_info.Building(
                    construction_material='stone cons materials',

            return building
コード例 #37
ファイル: goap.py プロジェクト: pangal/it
    def choose_target_building(self, target_building):
        ''' Pick a building to move into '''
        if target_building:
            return target_building

        # Else do some magic to look at nearby buildings, pick one if empty, or construct a new one
            entity_region = g.WORLD.tiles[self.entity.wx][self.entity.wy]
            nearby_chunks = g.WORLD.get_nearby_chunks(chunk=entity_region.chunk, distance=3)

            # Find some nearby non-city non-village sites, and then find any empty buildings within these
            nearby_sites = [site for chunk in nearby_chunks for site in chunk.get_all_sites() if site.type_ not in ('city', 'village')]
            nearby_empty_buildings = [building for site in nearby_sites for building in site.buildings if not building.inhabitants]

            # If there are nearby empty buildings, choose one at random
            if nearby_empty_buildings and roll(0, 1):
                building = random.choice(nearby_empty_buildings)
            # If not, make a building object to send to the parent (but this doesn't actually exist yet - it will be added to a site later)
                building = building_info.Building(zone='residential', type_='hideout', template='TEST', construction_material='stone cons materials',
                                                  site=None, professions=[], inhabitants=[], tax_status='commoner', wx=None, wy=None, constructed=0)

            return building
コード例 #38
    def fill_position(self, profession):
        # Give temples and nobles and stuff an initial dynasty to begin with
        potential_employees = [
            for figure in g.WORLD.tiles[self.site.x][self.site.y].entities
            if figure.creature.profession is None and figure.creature.sex == 1
            and figure.creature.get_age() > g.MIN_MARRIAGE_AGE

        # Mostly try to use existing folks to fill the position
        if not profession.name in (
                'Assassin', ) and len(potential_employees) > 0:
            human = random.choice(potential_employees)
        # Otherwise, create a new person
            born = g.WORLD.time_cycle.years_ago(roll(18, 40))
            human = self.site.create_inhabitant(sex=1,

        ## Actually give profession to the person ##
コード例 #39
ファイル: religion.py プロジェクト: ZacharyWFox/it
    def create_myth(self):

        creation_type = r(['ex nihilo', 'diver', 'chaos'])#, #'iteration', 'dismember'])

        opening = r(['In a time before time, ', 'In the beginning, ',
                    'Ages ago, ', 'Eons ago, '])

        ctitle = r(['He Who Has Always Been', 'The One', 'The Creator', 'The First',
                      'God of gods', 'The Prime Being', 'The Mover'])

        c_fullname = r([self.creator.name + ', ' + ctitle + ',',
                        self.creator.name + ', ' + ctitle + ',',
                        ctitle + ', ' + self.creator.name + ','

        if creation_type == 'ex nihilo':
            #### giants/titans

            cverb = r([' created ',
                      ' summoned ', ' brought forth ', ' willed there to be '])

            s1 = r([self.creator.name + ', ' + ctitle + ',' +
                         cverb + self.astrology.list_celestial_bodies() + '.',

                         c_fullname + cverb + self.astrology.list_celestial_bodies() + '.',

                         c_fullname + cverb + self.earth_name + '; the earth.',

                         c_fullname + cverb + r(['the world, and named it ',
                                                 'the earth, and named it ',
                                                 'the world, calling it ',
                                                 'the earth, naming it ',
                                                 'all that is. The center of creation was the world, '
                                                 ]) + self.earth_name + '.',

                         c_fullname + cverb + self.astrology.list_celestial_bodies() + '.'

            s2 = r([self.creator.name + r([' looked upon ', ' looked down upon ']) + self.earth_name + ' and created the oceans, the peaks and the valleys, the hills and the plains.',
                    self.creator.name + ' flooded ' + self.earth_name + ', creating oceans where the water settled and the land where it did not.',
                    self.creator.name + ' then shaped ' + self.earth_name + ' and formed its surface. Next, ' + ctitle + ' created the oceans, lakes, and rivers.'])

            self.story_text.append(' '.join([opening + s1, s2 ]) )

            s3 = r([self.creator.name + ' saw the earth, and, feeling it empty, created the all the flora, trees, and plants. ' \
                                        'Thus the first living things were made. Even so, ' + ctitle + ' still felt it empty. '\
                                        'All manner of creatures thus came to be. But ' + self.creator.name + 'still felt it empty. '\
                                        'Thus was the race of Man created, so that others could appreciate the earth.',

                    self.creator.name + ' created Man in ' + self.creator.get_pronoun(s=0) + ' image. So that Man was not alone, '\
                                        'all manner of beasts were created to populate ' + self.earth_name + ', along with various flora '\
                                        'to sustain both man and beast alike.',

                    self.creator.name + ' then created all living things; trees, insects, fish, and animals. Man alone received the '\
                                        'gift of Knowledge, and this elevated him above all other creatures.'

            self.story_text.append(' '.join([s3]))

        elif creation_type == 'diver':
            ### Covered story

            l_adj = ['inundated with', 'covered in', 'only']

            liq = r(['water'])

            s1 = self.earth_name + ', the earth, was ' + r(l_adj) + ' ' + liq + '.'
            s2 = ''
            s3 = ''

            #method = r(['raised', 'animal'])
            method = r(['animal'])

            if method == 'raised':

                fl_action = r([' saw the emptiness and '])

                action = r(['raised mountains from the deep.',
                            'formed the continents.',
                            'formed land.',
                            'bombarded the ' + liq + ' with great boulders until land had formed.',

                s2 = c_fullname + r([' ', fl_action]) + action

            elif method == 'animal':
                land = r(['sand', 'mud'])
                a_type = r(['bird', 'amphibian'])
                a_name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
                a_name = lang.spec_cap(a_name)

                expand_phrase = r(['which expanded into ' + r(['land.', 'the earth.']),
                                  'which became ' + r(['land.', 'the earth.', 'the continent.']),
                                  'which grew into ' + r(['land.', 'the earth.', 'the continent.']),
                                  ' which begat ' + r(['land.', 'the earth.', 'the continent.'])

                if a_type == 'bird':
                    animal = r(['sparrow', 'lark', 'eagle', 'hawk', 'vulture'])

                    a_method = r(['traveled to ' + self.earth_name + ' from the heavens. It',
                                  'descended to ' + self.earth_name + ' on a rope. It',
                                  'glided to ' + self.earth_name + '. It',
                                  'came upon ' + self.earth_name + '. It',
                                  'fell to ' + self.earth_name + '. Confused, it'])

                    a_action = r(['flapped its wings until the ocean gave way to land.',
                                  'splashed the water aside and packed the '+land+' into earth.',
                                  'dove into the waters to find ' + land + '. Slowly the ' +land+ ' was piled together to form land.',
                                  'dove into the waters and brought ' +land+ ' to the surface, ' + expand_phrase,
                                  'had nowhere to rest and dove into the waters in search of ' + land + '. ' + a_name + ' brought ' +land+ ' to the surface, ' + expand_phrase])

                elif a_type == 'amphibian':
                    animal = r(['toad', 'salamander', 'frog'])

                    a_method = r(['traveled to ' + self.earth_name + ' from the heavens. It',
                                  'descended to ' + self.earth_name + ' on a rope. It',
                                  'was cast down to ' + self.earth_name + '. It',
                                  'fell to ' + self.earth_name + '. Confused, it'])

                    a_action = r(['dove into the waters to find ' + land + '. Slowly the ' + land + ' was piled together to form land.',
                                  'had nowhere to rest, and dove into the waters in search of ' + land + '. ' + a_name + ' brought ' +land+ ' to the surface, ' + expand_phrase])

                s2 = r([a_name + ', the ' + animal + ', ' + a_method + ' ' + a_action,
                        self.creator.name + ' sent ' + a_name + ', the ' + animal + ', to ' + self.earth_name + '. It ' + a_action])

                animal_follow_up = roll(0, 1)
                if animal_follow_up:
                    a_name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
                    a_name = lang.spec_cap(a_name)
                    animal = r(['sparrow', 'lark', 'eagle', 'hawk', 'vulture'])

                    s3 = r([a_name + ', the ' + animal + ', was sent to see if the landmass was dry. It was still soft, and ' +
                            a_name + '\'s wings grazed the earth, creating the mountains and the valleys.',

                            a_name + ', the ' + animal + ', was sent to see if the landmass was dry. It was still soft, and ' +
                            a_name + '\'s claws scraped the earth, creating the valleys and the mountains.'])
                    s3 = r([c_fullname + ' saw the earth, and shaped the land.',
                            c_fullname + ' saw the earth, and formed the land into mountains, and hills, and valleys.'])

            self.story_text.append( opening + ' '.join([s1, s2, s3]) )

        elif creation_type == 'chaos':
            cosmos = r(['universe ', 'cosmos ', 'entirety of existence ', 'world '])
            v_name = self.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))
            v_name = lang.spec_cap(v_name)

            v_adj = r(['Expanse', 'Void'])

            form = r(['formless.', 'without form.',  'an endless expanse.',
                      'formless and shapeless.', 'devoid of form.', 'void.', 'a void.',
                      'an abyss.', 'darkness.', 'shrouded in darkness.'])
            s1 = r(['the ' + cosmos + 'was ' + form])

            s2 = r([v_name + ', the ' + v_adj + ', was ' + r(['filled with ', 'composed of ', 'made up of ']) +
                    r(['a thick, foggy vapor.', 'dense, obscuring fog.', 'swirling, gaseous matter.']),

                    'The ' + v_adj + ' seethed freely with ' +
                    r(['a thick, foggy vapor.', 'dense, obscuring fog.', 'gaseous matter.'])

            prep = r(['From this state, ', 'From the chaos, ', 'Using this material, ', ''])
            cverb = r([' brought order to the unformed void and fashioned ',
                      ' created ', ' brought forth '])

            s3 = r([ prep + c_fullname + cverb + self.earth_name + '; the earth.',

                     prep + c_fullname + cverb + r(['the world, and named it ',
                                                 'the earth, and named it ',
                                                 'the world, calling it ',
                                                 'the earth, naming it ',
                                                 'all that is. The center of this creation was the world, '
                                                 ]) + self.earth_name + '.',

                      prep  +   c_fullname + cverb + self.astrology.list_celestial_bodies() + '.'

            s4 = r([self.creator.name + r([' then looked upon ', ' looked down upon ']) + self.earth_name + ' and created the oceans, the peaks and the valleys, the hills and the plains.',
                    self.creator.name + ' then flooded ' + self.earth_name + ', creating oceans ' + r([' in the basins', ' where the water settled']) + ' and dry land elsewhere.',
                    self.creator.name + ' then shaped ' + self.earth_name + ' and formed its surface. Next, ' + ctitle + ' created the oceans, lakes, and rivers.'])
            self.story_text.append(opening + ' '.join([s1, s2, s3, s4]) )
            s5 = r([self.creator.name + ' saw the earth, and, feeling it empty, created the all the flora, trees, and plants. ' \
                                        'Thus the first living things were made. Even so, ' + ctitle + ' still felt it empty. '\
                                        'All manner of creatures thus came to be. But ' + self.creator.name + 'still felt it empty. '\
                                        'Thus was the race of Man created, so that others could appreciate the earth.',

                    self.creator.name + ' created Man in ' + self.creator.get_pronoun(s=0) + ' image. So that Man was not alone, '\
                                        'all manner of beasts were created to populate ' + self.earth_name + ', along with various flora '\
                                        'to sustain both man and beast alike.',

                    self.creator.name + ' then created all living things; trees, insects, fish, and animals. Man alone received the '\
                                        'gift of Knowledge, and this elevated him above all other creatures.'

            self.story_text.append(' '.join([s5]))
コード例 #40
ファイル: religion.py プロジェクト: ZacharyWFox/it
 def set_name(self):
     if roll(1, 2) == 1:
         self.name = 'Pantheon of {0}'.format(self.gods[0].name)
         self.name = '{0}mites'.format(lang.spec_cap(self.astrology.language.gen_word(syllables=roll(1, 2), num_phonemes=(3, 20))))
コード例 #41
ファイル: goap.py プロジェクト: ZacharyWFox/it
 def get_behavior_location(self, current_location):
     return roll(0, 10), roll(0, 10)
コード例 #42
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: pangal/lang_gen
def chance(number, top=100):
    ''' A simple function for automating a chance (out of 100) of something happening '''
    return roll(1, top) <= number