コード例 #1
def remove_points(table):
    f = open('output.txt', 'a')
    #sys.stdout = f    
    error = {}
    start_time = ''
    end_time = ''
    ts_list = []
    sql = "SELECT timestamp, error from {}".format(table)
    db = connect_db()
    c = db.cursor()
    rows = [list(i) for i in list(c.fetchall())]
    # print(type(rows[0][0]))
    indeces = []
    for i in range(len(rows)):
        if rows[i][1] == 1:
            error[rows[i][0]] = rows[i][1]

    error_sorted = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(error.items()))
    for key, value in error_sorted.iteritems():
    dataset = get_data(db, table)
    for i in range(len(ts_list)-1):
        j = i+1
        timeDiff = ts_list[j] - ts_list[i]
        # print("Time before next error occurs : {} days : {} hours : {} minutes".format(timeDiff.days,
        # timeDiff.seconds/3600, (timeDiff.seconds/60)%60))
        hours = timeDiff.seconds/3600
        if hours >= 7:
            print("Time before next error occurs : {} days : {} hours : {} minutes".format(timeDiff.days,
            print("Next error occurs at : {} and today's date : {}".format(ts_list[j], ts_list[i].date()))
            print("Conserving 6hr of data before an error occurs, we can remove {} hours of data points".format(timeDiff
                                                                                        - datetime.timedelta(hours=6)))
            # choice = raw_input("Enter choice of method (1/2)")
            choice = '1'
            if choice == '1':
                dataset = method1(ts_list[i], ts_list[j], dataset)
                print("Final length of dataset is : ",len(dataset))
                table = 'balanced_manual_new_small_ds1_tse_temporal_lookback4_m1_29_04'
            elif choice == '2':
                dataset = method2(ts_list[i], dataset)
                print("Final length of dataset is : ",len(dataset))
                table = 'balanced_manual_new_small_ds1_tse_temporal_lookback4_method2'
    print type(dataset)
    ll_dataset = dict_to_list(dataset)
    ts = []
    for i in range(len(ll_dataset)):
    print "Length of ts list :",len(set(ts))
    push_to_db(ll_dataset, table)
    ds = list(set(ts))
    start(table, ds)
コード例 #2
def main():
    # option1 = raw_input("Enter your choice on how to balance dataset.:\nEnter 1 for Over-Sampling\nEnter 2 for Under-Sampling\n")
    option1 = 1
    option1 = int(option1)
    if option1 == 1:
        category = 'over_sampling'
        print "The following Algorighm will be used for over-sampling :"
        print "1 : Random Over Sampler"
        print "2 : SMOTE"
        print "3 : SMOTE-Boderline 1"
        print "4 : SMOTE-Boderline 2"
        print "5 : SMOTE-SVM"
        print "6 : SMOTE-Tomek Links"
        print "7 - SMOTE-ENN"
        print "8 : EasyEnsemble"
        print "9 : BalanceCascade"
        choice = raw_input("Enter your choice : ")
        #choice = randint(1,4)
        choice = int(choice)
        if choice == 1:
            algorithm = 'random_over_sampling'
        elif choice == 2:
            algorithm = 'smote'
        elif choice == 3:
            algorithm = 'smote_boderline1'
        elif choice == 4:
            algorithm = 'smote_boderline2'
        elif choice == 5:
            algorithm = 'smote_svm'
        elif choice == 6:
            algorithm = 'smote_tomek_links'
        elif choice == 7:
            algorithm = 'smote_enn'
        elif choice == 8:
            algorithm = 'easy_ensemble'
        elif choice == 9:
            algorithm = 'balance_cascade'

    elif option1 == 2:
        category = 'under_sampling'
        print "The following Algorighm will be used for under-sampling :"
        print "1 : Random Under Sampler"
        print "2 : Tomek links"
        print "3 : Clustering centroids"
        print "4 : NearMiss-1"
        print "5 : NearMiss-2"
        print "6 : NearMiss-3"
        print "7 : Condensed Nearest Neighbour"
        print "8 : One-Sided Selection"
        print "9 : Neighboorhood Cleaning Rule"
        # choice = raw_input("Enter your choice : ")
        choice = randint(1,9)
        choice = int(choice)
        if choice == 1:
            algorithm = 'under_sampling'
        elif choice == 2:
            algorithm = 'tomek_links'
        elif choice == 3:
            algorithm = 'clustering_centroids'
        elif choice == 4:
            algorithm = 'near_miss1'
        elif choice == 5:
            algorithm = 'near_miss2'
        elif choice == 6:
            algorithm = 'near_miss3'
        elif choice == 7:
            algorithm = 'condensed_nn'
        elif choice == 8:
            algorithm = 'one_sided_selection'
        elif choice == 9:
            algorithm = 'neighbourhood_cleaning_rule'

    tx, ty, ts_epoch, response = balanceIt(category, algorithm)
    new_ds = [None] * len(tx)
    print "Length of transformed Predictor set : {} and that of response set : {}".format(len(tx), len(ty))

    for i in xrange(len(tx)):
        new_ds[i] = [ts_epoch[int(tx[i][-1])][0]] + list(tx[i][0:-1]) + [int(ty[i])] + response[int(tx[i][-1])]


    # f.close()

    '''Todo : Append tx & ty side by side thus forming new dataset. This new 2d list (Dataset) is passed to RF and replaced this line\