コード例 #1
def test_prob_to_cum_freq():
    Tests whether prob_to_cum_freq produces a table with the expected number
    of entries, number of samples, and that non-zero probabilities are
    represented by non-zero increases in frequency.

    Tests that cum_freq_to_prob is normalized and consistent with prob_to_cum_freq.

    randomState = np.random.RandomState(190)
    resolution = 1024

    p0 = randomState.dirichlet([.1] * 50)
    cumFreq0 = prob_to_cum_freq(p0, resolution)
    p1 = cum_freq_to_prob(cumFreq0)
    cumFreq1 = prob_to_cum_freq(p1, resolution)

    # number of hypothetical samples should correspond to resolution
    assert cumFreq0[-1] == resolution
    assert len(cumFreq0) == len(p0) + 1

    # non-zero probabilities should have non-zero frequencies
    assert np.all(np.diff(cumFreq0)[p0 > 0.] > 0)

    # probabilities should be normalized.
    assert np.isclose(np.sum(p1), 1.)

    # while the probabilities might change, frequencies should not
    assert cumFreq0 == cumFreq1
コード例 #2
def test_prob_to_cum_freq_zero_prob():
    Tests whether prob_to_cum_freq handles zero probabilities as expected.

    prob1 = [0.5, 0.25, 0.25]
    cumFreq1 = prob_to_cum_freq(prob1, resolution=8)

    prob0 = [0.5, 0., 0.25, 0.25, 0., 0.]
    cumFreq0 = prob_to_cum_freq(prob0, resolution=8)

    # removing entries corresponding to zeros
    assert [cumFreq0[0]
            ] + [cumFreq0[i + 1]
                 for i, p in enumerate(prob0) if p > 0.] == cumFreq1
コード例 #3
    def build_latent_distribution(self, alpha: int = 1):
        """Two passes:num_images_pixels
            1. we calculate the minimum latent value across our entire training
            2. we then add |min| to the latent values such that they are all >= 0 and
                then use torch.bincount to get discrete value counts
          -> which we then laplace smooth and convert into a CDF.
          If a code is in multiple parts, e.g lateral FPN features, they are flattened and concatenated.
        self.cdf = dict()
        self.min_val = torch.tensor(0.0).to(self.device).long()
        num_images = 0
        if self.negative_codes:
            for batch in self.train_loader:
                with torch.no_grad():
                    out_dict = self.model(batch)
                    for code_feat in self.code_feats:
                        self.min_val = torch.min(
                num_images += len(batch)
                if num_images > self.num_train_images:

        self.min_val = self.min_val.abs()
        self.bins = torch.tensor([0.0]).to(self.device).long()
        num_images = 0
        for batch in self.train_loader:
            with torch.no_grad():
                out_dict = self.model(batch)
                flat_codes = []
                for code_feat in self.code_feats:
                    flat_codes.append(out_dict[code_feat].long().flatten() +
                batch_bins = torch.bincount(torch.cat(flat_codes))
                if len(batch_bins) > len(self.bins):
                    batch_bins[:len(self.bins)] += self.bins
                    self.bins = batch_bins
                elif len(self.bins) > len(batch_bins):
                    self.bins[:len(batch_bins)] += batch_bins
                    self.bins += batch_bins
            num_images += len(batch)
            if num_images > self.num_train_images:

        bins = self.bins.float()
        bins_smooth = ((bins + alpha) / (bins.sum() + len(bins) * alpha)
                       ).cpu()  # additive smooth counts using alpha
        self.cdf = rc.prob_to_cum_freq(bins_smooth,
                                       resolution=2 *
                                       len(bins_smooth))  # convert pdf -> cdf
コード例 #4
def apply_range_encoder(seq_data, encodepath, args, config):
    resolution = config['resolution']
    prob = np.load('data_info/distribution_info_{}.npy'.format(args.model_num))

    # Avoid zero prob
    modified_freq = prob * resolution + 1
    modified_prob = modified_freq / np.sum(modified_freq)

    # print(modified_prob)

    cum_freq = range_coder.prob_to_cum_freq(modified_prob,

    # print('-----')
    # print(cum_freq)

    # cum_freq = [0] + [i for i in range(1, 256 + 1)]

    range_encoder = range_coder.RangeEncoder(encodepath)
    # Whether cum_freq resolution influences performance ?
    range_encoder.encode(seq_data, cum_freq)
コード例 #5
def test_range_coder_overflow():
    Cumulative frequencies must fit in an unsigned integer (assumed to be represented by 32 bits).
    This test checks that no error is thrown if the frequencies exceed that limit.

    numBytes = 17
    filepath = mkstemp()[1]

    # encoding one sequence should require 1 byte
    prob = [4, 6, 8]
    prob = np.asarray(prob, dtype=np.float64) / np.sum(prob)
    cumFreq = prob_to_cum_freq(prob, 128)
    cumFreq[-1] = 2**32

    sequence = [2, 2]
    data = sequence * numBytes

    encoder = RangeEncoder(filepath)
    with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
        encoder.encode(data, cumFreq)
コード例 #6
def apply_range_decoder(seq_data_len, decodepath, config):
  resolution = config['resolution']
  prob = np.load('data_info/distribution_info.npy')

  # Avoid zero prob
  modified_freq = prob * resolution + 1
  modified_prob = modified_freq / np.sum(modified_freq)

  # print(modified_prob)

  cum_freq = range_coder.prob_to_cum_freq(modified_prob, resolution=resolution)

  # print('-----')
  # print(cum_freq)

  # cum_freq = [0] + [i for i in range(1, 256 + 1)]

  range_decoder = range_coder.RangeDecoder(decodepath)

  # Whether cum_freq resolution influences performance ?
  seq_data = range_decoder.decode(seq_data_len, cum_freq)

  return seq_data
コード例 #7
from range_coder import RangeEncoder, RangeDecoder, prob_to_cum_freq
import os

data = [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2]
prob = [0.5, 0.2, 0.3]

# convert probabilities to cumulative integer frequency table
cumFreq = prob_to_cum_freq(prob, resolution=4)


# encode data
encoder = RangeEncoder(filepath)
encoder.encode(data, cumFreq)

# decode data
decoder = RangeDecoder(filepath)
dataRec = decoder.decode(len(data), cumFreq)

print (dataRec)