def rankings(self, irc, msg, args, howmany): """[how many] Get the top [how many] players.""" if howmany not in range(1,50): irc.error("Cannot do that many players.") else: irc.reply("Top %s players: %s" % (howmany,', '.join(["%s(%s)" % (rank[1],rank[4]) for rank in rankingsGetter()[:howmany]])))
def rankings(self, irc, msg, args, howmany): """[how many] Get the top $(how many) players.""" if howmany not in range(1,50): irc.error("Cannot do that many players.") else: try: print repr(howmany) irc.reply("Top %s players: %s" % (howmany,', '.join(["%s(%.1f)" % (user["username"],float(user["skill"])) for user in rankingsGetter()[:howmany]]))) except URLError: irc.error("There was a problem accessing the interface to")