コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: tanglu-org/rapidumo
def get_url(url):
        return url_cache[url]
    except KeyError:

        data = urllib.urlopen(url)
    except IOError, e:
        debug('Unable to open URL: %s, %s' % (url, e.strerror))
        return []
コード例 #2
ファイル: versions.py プロジェクト: tanglu-org/rapidumo
    def run (self):
        # Get Tanglu version
        if self.package.source in pkgs_tanglu:
            self.package.tanglu_version = pkgs_tanglu[self.package.source].version
            debug ("Package %s not found in Tanglu!" % (self.package.source))

        # Get Debian version
            debian_source = debian_naming_translation.get (self.package.source, self.package.source)
            if debian_source in pkgs_debian_unstable:
                self.package.debian_version = pkgs_debian_unstable[debian_source].version
                self.package.debian_version = "0~"
            if debian_source in pkgs_debian_experimental:
                self.package.debian_version = self.max_version (self.package.debian_version, pkgs_debian_experimental[debian_source].version);
            self.package.debian_version = self.max_version (self.package.debian_version, self.get_svn_version ('experimental', debian_source));
            self.package.debian_version = self.max_version (self.package.debian_version, self.get_svn_version ('unstable', debian_source));
            debug (traceback.format_exc ())

        # Get upstream versions
            (self.package.upstream_version, self.package.upstream_unstable_version) = self.get_upstream_version ()
            debug (traceback.format_exc ())

        self.queue.put (self)
コード例 #3
ファイル: versions.py プロジェクト: tanglu-org/rapidumo
def write_page (name, section_label, tags = [], invert = False):
    html, foot_html = generate_page (tags, invert)
    render_template("package-watch/pkgwatch.html", name,
                page_name="pkg-watch", content=html, extra_footer=foot_html, section_label=section_label)
    debug('Wrote %s' % name)
コード例 #4
ファイル: versions.py プロジェクト: tanglu-org/rapidumo
def generate_page (tags = [], invert = False):
    html = '''<table class="table">
<th><b>Upstream version</b></th>

    debug('Building table...')
    style_total = 0
    style_count = {}
    for source in sources:
        package = packages[source]

        have_tag = False
        for tag in tags:
            if tag in package.tags:
                have_tag = True
        if invert:
            have_tag = not have_tag
        if not have_tag:

            style_count[package.style] += 1
        except KeyError:
            style_count[package.style] = 1
        style_total += 1

        html += '<tr class="%s">\n' % package.style

        status = ""
        # TODO: Adjust for Tanglu bugs!
        #if len(package.lp_bugs) > 0:
            #bug_text = []
            #for (number, importance, assignee, fix_committed) in package.lp_bugs:
                #img = 'https://launchpad.net/@@/bug-%s' % importance.lower()
                #if fix_committed:
                    #color_link = 'style="color:grey"'
                    #color_link = ''

                #text = '<a href="https://launchpad.net/bugs/%s" %s>' % (number, color_link)
                #text += '<img alt="" src="%s" />%s</a>' % (img, number)
                #if assignee is not None:
                    #text += '<br/><a href="https://launchpad.net/~%s" %s>' % (assignee, color_link)
                    #text += '<img alt="" src="https://launchpad.net/@@/person" />%s' % assignee
                    #text += '</a>'
            #status += ', '.join(bug_text)
        #elif package.tanglu_version == '':
            #status += '<a href="https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug?field.title=[needs-packaging] %s&field.tags=needs-packaging&no-redirect">' % package.source
            #status += 'Open Bug...'
            #status += '</a>'
        #elif package.is_upstream_newer:
            #status += '<a href="https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s/+filebug?field.title=Update to %s&field.tags=upgrade-software-version&no-redirect">' % (package.source,package.upstream_version)
            #status += 'Open Bug...'
            #status += '</a>'
        #elif package.is_debian_newer:
            #status += '<a href="https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s/+filebug?field.title=Merge with Debian %s&field.tags=upgrade-software-version&no-redirect">' % (package.source,package.debian_version)
            #status += 'Open Bug...'
            #status += '</a>'

        html += '  <td>\n'
        html += '    <img alt="" src="https://launchpad.net/@@/package-source" />\n'
        html += '    <a href="http://packages.tanglu.org/source/%s">%s</a>\n' % (package.source, package.source)
        html += '  </td>\n'
        # version = '<a class="versionlink" href="http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s/%s">%s</a>' % (package.source, package.tanglu_version, package.tanglu_version)
        # FIXME: Add Tanglu PTS link instead!
        version = '<a class="versionlink" href="http://buildd.tanglu.org/source/default/%s/%s/">%s</a>' % (package.source, package.tanglu_version, package.tanglu_version)
        if package.in_queue:
            version = '%s Q' % version
        for (arch, url) in package.build_failures:
            version += '<img src="https://launchpad.net/@@/build-failed"/><a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, arch)
        for merge in package.merges:
            version += '<a href="%s"><img src="https://launchpad.net/@@/branch"/></a>' % merge

        html += '  <td>%s</td>\n' % version
        #FIXME: Doesn't correct things like iceweasel and gdm3
        html += '  <td><a class="versionlink" href="http://ftp-master.metadata.debian.org/changelogs/main/%c/%s/%s_%s_changelog">%s</a>' % (package.source[0], package.source, package.source, package.debian_version, package.debian_version)
        html += '&nbsp;(<a href="https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/%s">PTS</a>)</td>\n' % (package.source)
        version = package.upstream_version
        if package.upstream_version_link is not None:
            version = '<a class="versionlink" href="%s">%s</a>' % (package.upstream_version_link, version)
        if package.upstream_unstable_version is not None:
            unstable_version = package.upstream_unstable_version
            if package.upstream_unstable_version_link is not None:
                unstable_version = '<a class="versionlink" href="%s">%s</a>' % (package.upstream_unstable_version_link, unstable_version)
            version = '%s / %s' % (version, unstable_version)
        html += '  <td>%s</td>\n' % version
        html += '  <td>%s</td>\n' % status

    html += """
<tr class='spacing'><td><br></td>
<tr class='untracked'><td colspan='5'>Untracked packages</td>
<tr class='uptodate'><td colspan='5'>Tanglu package is latest upstream</td>
<tr class='newunstable'><td colspan='5'>New unstable version available</td>
<tr class='newdebian'><td colspan='5'>Newer version available in Debian</td>
<tr class='syncnewupstream'><td colspan='5'>Synchronised with Debian but newer version available upstream</td>
<tr class='newupstream'><td colspan='5'>Unsynchronised and newer version available upstream</td>
<tr class='newboth'><td colspan='5'>Newer upstream and Debian versions available</td>
<tr class='spacing'><td><br></td>
<tr class='newboth' style="color:grey"><td colspan='5'>Associated bug in "Fix Committed" state</td>
<tr class='spacing'><td><br></td>

    # Pie chart of status
    SIZE = 200
    offset = 0
    styles = [('uptodate', '#bcfc7e'), ('newunstable', '#ddfd7f'), ('newdebian', '#ffff80'), ('syncnewupstream', '#ffd280'), ('newupstream', '#ffb97f'), ('newboth', '#ffa17e'), ('untracked', '#e0e0e0')]
    html += '<svg with="%d" height="%d">\n' % (SIZE, SIZE)
    for (name, color) in styles:
        r = SIZE * 0.5
        if not style_count.has_key (name):
        step = style_count[name]
        a0 = 2 * math.pi * offset / style_total
        a1 = 2 * math.pi * (offset + step) / style_total
        large_arc = 0
        if a1 - a0 > math.pi:
            large_arc = 1
        x0 = r + r * math.sin (a0)
        y0 = r + r * math.cos (a0)
        x1 = r + r * math.sin (a1)
        y1 = r + r * math.cos (a1)
        html += '<path d="M%f,%f L%f,%f A%f,%f 0 %d,0 %r,%r" fill="%s"/>\n' % (r, r, x0, y0, r, r, large_arc, x1, y1, color)
        offset += step
    html += '</svg>\n'

    # Warn about packages without tags
    untagged_packages = []
    for p in packages:
        if len (packages[p].tags) == 0:
            untagged_packages.append (packages[p].source)
    untagged_packages.sort ()
    if len (untagged_packages) > 0:
        html += '<p>\n'
        html += '<a href="untagged.html">Untagged packages</a> (%d):<br>\n' % len (untagged_packages)
        for (n, p) in enumerate (untagged_packages):
            if n != 0:
                html += ', '
            html += '<a href="http://packages.tanglu.org/source/%s">%s</a>' % (p, p)
        html += '</p>\n'

    foot_html = '<p>\n'
    foot_html += 'Last updated: %s, took %d minutes, %d seconds<br>\n' % (time.strftime('%A %B %d %Y %H:%M:%S %z'), n_minutes, n_seconds)
    foot_html += '</p>\n'
    foot_html += '<p style="font-size: xx-small;">These pages are generated by pkgcheck (part of Rapidumo) (<a href="https://gitlab.com/tanglu/rapidumo">sources</a>). It contains code originally written for Ubuntu.\n'
    foot_html += '</p>\n'

    return html, foot_html
コード例 #5
ファイル: versions.py プロジェクト: tanglu-org/rapidumo
import apt_pkg

from packages import package_info, package_sets, DEBIAN, TANGLU, UNTRACKED, germinate_tags
from utils import compare_versions, load_germinate
from rapidumo.utils import debug

if 'PACKAGE_SET' in os.environ:
    PACKAGE_SET = os.environ['PACKAGE_SET']
    PACKAGE_SET = 'all'

# this is a limited list of packages for quicker testing
# PACKAGE_SET = 'dummy'

debug ('Starting')

from rapidumo.pkginfo import *
from rapidumo.config import *
from rapidumo.utils import render_template

class Package:
    def __init__(self, name, stable_url, unstable_url):
        self.source = name
        self.tags = []
        self.on_cd = False
        self.stable_url = stable_url
        self.unstable_url = unstable_url
        self.is_debian_newer = False
        self.is_upstream_newer = False
        self.is_upstream_unstable_newer = False