コード例 #1
    def callback(self, data):

        # signals
        s1, s2 = data.delta_encoder1, data.delta_encoder2

        # estimated velocities
        r = 0.0352
        b = 0.115
        f = 10
        tpr = 360
        vw1, vw2 = 2 * np.pi * r * f * s1 / tpr, 2 * np.pi * r * f * s2 / tpr

        # errors
        e1, e2 = self.vw1 - vw1, self.vw2 - vw2

        # integration error
        self.int1 += e1 * 0.1
        self.int2 += e2 * 0.1

        # control signals
        sig = PWM()
        sig.PWM1 = self.kp * e1 + self.ki * self.int1
        sig.PWM2 = self.kp * e2 + self.ki * self.int2

        #print(e1, e2)

コード例 #2
ファイル: follower.py プロジェクト: cisprague/kobuki_scripts
    def cb_enc(self, data):

        # signals
        s1, s2 = data.delta_encoder1, data.delta_encoder2

        # estimated velocities
        vw1, vw2 = [2*np.pi*self.r*self.f*s/self.tpr for s in (s1, s2)]

        # error from final translational speed
        e1, e2 = [self.v - v for v in [vw1, vw2]]

        # error from angle
        ew = 10*(self.d1 - self.d2)
        e1 -= ew
        e2 += ew

        # error from distance
        d = (self.d1 + self.d2/2)
        print("Distance to wall: " + str(d))
        d = 0.5*(self.d - d)
        e1 += d
        e2 -= d

        # integration error
        self.int1 += e1*0.1
        self.int2 += e2*0.1

        # control signals
        sig = PWM()
        sig.PWM1 = self.kp*e1 + self.ki*self.int1
        sig.PWM2 = self.kp*e2 + self.ki*self.int2

コード例 #3
def publisher_pwm():
    pub_pwm = rospy.Publisher('/kobuki/pwm', PWM, queue_size=10)
    rospy.init_node('talker', anonymous=True)
    # publishing rate is 10 Hz, or every 100 milli sec
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)

    pwm_msg = PWM()
    pwm_msg.PWM1 = 110
    pwm_msg.PWM2 = 100

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    def __init__(self):
        [[[[[STEP -1]]]]] 
        set design variables of robot
        self.ticks_per_rev = 360
        self.b = 0.23           # in meters
        self.r = 0.0352         # in meters
        self.control_freq = 10  # in Hz
        self.dt = 1/self.control_freq
        # set PI control variables
        # NOTE: index 1 is Left and index 2 is Right
        self.error = 0
        self.int_error = 0
        self.alpha1 = 15    
        self.alpha2 = 13.2
        self.beta1 = 0.4
        self.beta2 = 0.5
        self.desired_w1 = 0 
        self.estimated_w1 = 0
        self.desired_w2 = 0 
        self.estimated_w2 = 0

        # formulate PWM message 
        self.pwm_msg = PWM()
        # self.twist_desired = Twist()
        # self.twist_desired.linear.x = 0.5
        # self.twist_desired.linear.y = 0.5
        # self.twist_desired.angular = 0.5

コード例 #5
ファイル: arbitrary.py プロジェクト: cisprague/kobuki_scripts
def arbitrary(left, right):

    # publisher
    pub = rospy.Publisher('/kobuki/pwm', PWM)

    # node

    # signal rate
    rate = rospy.Rate(10)

    # signal
    sig = PWM()

    # left and right wheel signals
    sig.PWM1, sig.PWM2 = int(left), int(right)

    while not rospy.is_shutdown():


コード例 #6
#!/usr/bin/env python
# license removed for brevity
import rospy
from ras_lab1_msgs.msg import PWM
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from ras_lab1_msgs.msg import Encoders
import math

# robot model
ticks = 360
b = 0.115
r = 0.0352
freq = 10

pwm = PWM()

# desired velocity
vw1d = 0
vw2d = 0

# error sum
error_sum1 = 0.0
error_sum2 = 0.0

# controller
Kp = 1.0
Ki = 0.005
Kd = 0.1

# last erros
le1 = 0
コード例 #7
def start():
    # Node initalization
    # Subscriber definitions
    rospy.Subscriber("/kobuki/encoders", Encoders, enc_feedback)
    rospy.Subscriber("/motor_controller/twist", Twist, twist_input)
    # PWM Publisher definition
    pwm_pub = rospy.Publisher("/kobuki/pwm", PWM, queue_size=1)
    # Setting Publishing frequency
    r = rospy.Rate(10)
    # PWM message type object declaration
    pwm_var = PWM()

    # Global assignment
    global error_integral_1
    global error_integral_2

    # Condition for the while loop
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if ENC_VAR == None:

        # Assigning the values of current wheel angular velocities to a variable
        omega_1 = ENC_VAR.delta_encoder1
        omega_2 = ENC_VAR.delta_encoder2

        # Calculating corresponding wheel linear velocities frim the formula V = W.r
        velocity_1 = omega_1 * R
        velocity_2 = omega_2 * R
        #print "Velocity1:",velocity_1, "Velocity2:",velocity_2

        # Calculating the current linear velocity of the Kobuki robot
        current_velocity = 0.5 * (velocity_1 + velocity_2)

        # Calculating the current angular velocity of the Kobuki robot
        current_angular_velocity = (velocity_2 - velocity_1) / (2 * b)

        # Defining the desired linear and angular velocity
        desired_velocity = TW_VAR.linear.x
        desired_angular_velocity = TW_VAR.angular.z

        # Calculating the desired wheel velocities
        desired_velocity_1 = desired_velocity - (b * desired_angular_velocity)
        desired_velocity_2 = desired_velocity + (b * desired_angular_velocity)

        # Calculating the linear velocity errors of both the wheels
        error_velocity_1 = desired_velocity_1 - velocity_1
        error_velocity_2 = desired_velocity_2 - velocity_2

        # Reimann Sum approximation of the integral terms
        error_integral_1 = error_integral_1 + (error_velocity_1 * dt)
        error_integral_2 = error_integral_2 + (error_velocity_2 * dt)

        # Control Outputs
        U_wheel_1 = Kp1 * error_velocity_1 + Ki1 * error_integral_1
        U_wheel_2 = Kp2 * error_velocity_2 + Ki2 * error_integral_2

        # Assigning the pwm values to the pwm_var
        pwm_var.PWM1 = U_wheel_1
        pwm_var.PWM2 = U_wheel_2

        # Publishing the message