def get_root_entries(self, filename, n_entries): import ROOT import rat try: # check standard root files if rat.dsreader(filename): for ds, run in rat.dsreader(filename): if n_entries == run.GetNumberOfEventsSimulated(run): break # assume simulations only do one run else: raise CheckRootException("Number of events simulated is incorrect") #check soc files elif rat.socreader(filename): for soc, run in rat.socreader(filename): if n_entries == run.GetNumberOfEventsSimulated(run): break # assume simulations only do one run else: raise CheckRootException("Number of events simulated is incorrect") #check ntuples else: tf = ROOT.TFile(filename) tt = tf.Get("output") # check entries in TTrees if n_entries == tt.GetEntries(): pass else: raise CheckRootException("Number of events simulated is incorrect") except Exception as e: raise CheckRootException("Cannot get TTree: %s" % e)
def get_root_entries(self, filename, n_entries): import ROOT import rat try: # check standard root files if rat.dsreader(filename): for ds, run in rat.dsreader(filename): if n_entries == run.GetNumberOfEventsSimulated(run): break # assume simulations only do one run else: raise CheckRootException( "Number of events simulated is incorrect") #check soc files elif rat.socreader(filename): for soc, run in rat.socreader(filename): if n_entries == run.GetNumberOfEventsSimulated(run): break # assume simulations only do one run else: raise CheckRootException( "Number of events simulated is incorrect") #check ntuples else: tf = ROOT.TFile(filename) tt = tf.Get("output") # check entries in TTrees if n_entries == tt.GetEntries(): pass else: raise CheckRootException( "Number of events simulated is incorrect") except Exception as e: raise CheckRootException("Cannot get TTree: %s" % e)
def GetEnergyWindow(): Histogram = ROOT.TH1D("recoEnergy", "recoEnergy", 100, 0.0, 5.0) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(infileName): if ds.GetEVCount() == 0: continue ev = ds.GetEV(0) if not ev.FitResultExists("scintFitter"): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetValid(): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0).ContainsPosition(): continue vertPos = ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0).GetPosition() if (vertPos.Mag() < fidVolLow) or (vertPos.Mag() >= fidVolHigh): continue vertEnergy = ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0).GetEnergy() Histogram.Fill(vertEnergy) gaussFit = ROOT.TF1("gaus", "gaus", 0.0, 5.0) Histogram.Fit(gaussFit, "RQ") lowEnergy = gaussFit.GetParameter(1) - gaussFit.GetParameter(2) highEnergy = gaussFit.GetParameter(1) + gaussFit.GetParameter(2) energyWindow = [lowEnergy, highEnergy] print "\n" print "Energy Window (mean +/- 1 sigma): " + str( lowEnergy) + "MeV to " + str(highEnergy) + "MeV" print "\n" return energyWindow
def get_PMT_hits_cone(fname, fibre_pos, max_angle, flag=5241): """Find how many times PMTs in a cone surrounding the light injection vector were hit during a run. :param fname: Name of a .root data file containing the run data. :param fibre_pos: Vector of fibre injection position, relative to the centre of the psup. :param max_angle: The angle of the cone to be projected. :return pmt_hits: Dictionary containing number of hits at PMTs activated during run. """ pmt_hits = {} pmtInfo = rat.utility().GetPMTInfo() for ds, run in rat.dsreader(fname): for iEV in range(ds.GetEVCount()): ev = ds.GetEV(iEV) if (ev.GetTrigType() != 32768): continue unCal_pmts = ev.GetUncalPMTs() for pmt in range(unCal_pmts.GetNormalCount()): uncal = unCal_pmts.GetPMT(pmt) pmtID = unCal_pmts.GetNormalPMT(pmt).GetID() pmt_pos = pmtInfo.GetPosition(pmtID) fibre_vec = ROOT.TVector3(fibre_pos.GetD("x"), fibre_pos.GetD("y"), fibre_pos.GetD("z")) fibre_to_pmt = -pmt_pos + fibre_vec angle = fibre_to_pmt.Angle(fibre_vec) * (180 / np.pi) lcn = uncal.GetID() if angle <= max_angle: if lcn != flag: if lcn not in pmt_hits: pmt_hits[lcn] = 1. else: pmt_hits[lcn] += 1. return pmt_hits
def getPEcharge(filename): ''' Obtain information on the PEs produced. Returns arrays with: - charge per event - charge per PMT - number of PEs per PMT - tracks that contribute to each PE ''' charge = [] tracks = [] pexpmt = [] charge_perev = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: mymc = ds.GetMC() # Per event charge_perev.append(0) for pmt_index in range(mymc.GetMCPMTCount()): # Per PMT mypmt = mymc.GetMCPMT(pmt_index) pexpmt.append(mypmt.GetMCPECount()) for pe_index in range(pexpmt[-1]): this_charge = mypmt.GetMCPE(pe_index).GetCharge() charge_perev[-1] += this_charge charge.append(this_charge) try: tracks.append( np.size(mypmt.GetMCPE(pe_index).GetPhotonTrackID())) except: # Photoelectron is noise None return np.array(charge_perev), np.array(charge), np.array( pexpmt), np.array(tracks)
def plot_edep_step(file_name): """ Plot the energy deposited for neutron capture track steps. see RAT/include/MCTrackStep.hh for other possible track step processes :param file_name: Path to the RAT root file to plot. :return: The histogram plot """ process = "nCapture" h_edep_step = ROOT.TH1D("hEdepStep", "Energy deposited", 500, 0, 5) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(file_name): for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): ev = ds.GetEV(iev) mc = ds.GetMC() for itrack in range(0, mc.GetMCTrackCount()): mctrack = mc.GetMCTrack(itrack) for istep in range(0, mctrack.GetMCTrackStepCount()): mctrackstep = mctrack.GetMCTrackStep(istep) #note: it is possible to get processes either by name (string) or by enum. if mctrackstep.GetProcess() == process: h_edep_step.Fill(mctrackstep.GetDepositedEnergy()) h_edep_step.SetXTitle("Energy deposited (MeV)") h_edep_step.SetYTitle("Counts per 10 keV") h_edep_step.Draw() return h_edep_step
def getHitRegions(filename): hits_list = [] q_list = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: for iEv in range(ds.GetMCEVCount()): mcev = ds.GetMCEV(iEv) hits = mcev.GetMCHits() hits_list.append([0, 0, 0]) q_list.append([0, 0, 0]) for iHit in range(hits.GetAllCount()): pmt = hits.GetAllPMT(iHit) pmtz = pmtinfo.GetPosition(pmt.GetID()).z() # print pmtinfo.GetType(pmt) # Top if split_middle < pmtz: hits_list[-1][0] += 1 q_list[-1][0] += pmt.GetQHS() # Middle elif -split_middle < pmtz < split_middle: hits_list[-1][1] += 1 q_list[-1][1] += pmt.GetQHS() # Bottom else: hits_list[-1][2] += 1 q_list[-1][2] += pmt.GetQHS() ratreader.close() return np.array(hits_list), np.array(q_list)
def get_nhits_hist(self, filename): """Function to get the mean and standard deviation of a nhits distribution Args: filename (string) : name of input SMELLIE root file Returns: mean (float) : mean of the nhits distribution rms (float) : standard deviation of the nhits distribution """ #define nhits histogram h_nhits = ROOT.TH1D("number of hits", "", 200, 0.0, 1000.0) #loop over file for ds, run in rat.dsreader(filename): #loop through events for iev in range(ds.GetEVCount()): ev = ds.GetEV(iev) #extract nhits of event h_nhits.Fill(ev.GetNhits()) #get mean and standard deviation from distribution self.mean = h_nhits.GetMean(1) self.rms = h_nhits.GetRMS(1) return self.mean, self.rms
def MeanRadialBias(infileName): biasPlot = ROOT.TH1D("RadialBias", "RadialBias", 200, -1000.0, 1000.0) biasFit = ROOT.TF1("biasFit", "gaus", -1000, 1000) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(infileName): if ds.GetEVCount() == 0: continue startPosition = ds.GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition() ev = ds.GetEV(0) if not ev.FitResultExists("positionTimeFit"): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("positionTimeFit").GetValid(): continue try: fitPosition = ev.GetFitResult("positionTimeFit").GetVertex( 0).GetPosition() radialBias = (fitPosition - startPosition).Dot( startPosition.Unit()) if fitPosition.Mag() < fiducialCut: biasPlot.Fill(radialBias) except: pass biasPlot.Fit(biasFit) return biasFit.GetParameter(1)
def track_photon(infile): file_iterator = rat.dsreader(infile) tracking_dict = {} for iEntry, anEntry in enumerate(file_iterator): if iEntry % 1000 == 0 and iEntry > 0: print(iEntry) tracking_dict[iEntry] = [] tempMC = anEntry.GetMC() num_tracks = tempMC.GetMCTrackCount() # print("Tracks: %d" % num_tracks) photon_track = tempMC.GetMCTrack(0) for iTrack in range(num_tracks): tempTrack = tempMC.GetMCTrack(iTrack) # print("Steps: ", tempTrack.GetMCTrackStepCount()) for iStep in range(tempTrack.GetMCTrackStepCount()): if iStep == 0: continue step = tempTrack.GetMCTrackStep(iStep) track_end_point = step.GetEndpoint() xPos = track_end_point.x() yPos = track_end_point.y() zPos = track_end_point.z() tracking_dict[iEntry] += [(xPos, yPos, zPos)] # print(tracking_dict) for particle in tracking_dict: coordinates = tracking_dict[particle] x_coordinates = [coordinate[0] for coordinate in coordinates] y_coordinates = [coordinate[1] for coordinate in coordinates] z_coordinates = [coordinate[2] for coordinate in coordinates] tracking_dict[particle] = [x_coordinates, y_coordinates, z_coordinates] fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') ax.view_init(180, 0) ax.set_xlim3d(-25 * 25.4, 25 * 25.4) ax.set_ylim3d(-25 * 25.4, 25 * 25.4) ax.set_zlim3d(-25 * 25.4, 25 * 25.4) # ax.set_ylim3d(-1,1) # ax.set_zlim3d(-1,1) # plot 10 random particles for i in range(2000): particle_number = random.randint(0, len(tracking_dict) - 1) x_array = np.array(tracking_dict[particle_number][0]) y_array = np.array(tracking_dict[particle_number][1]) z_array = np.array(tracking_dict[particle_number][2]) ax.scatter(x_array, y_array, z_array, c='blue', s=0.5)
def GetMeanNhits(infileName): Histogram = ROOT.TH1D("alphaNhits", "alphaNhits", 125, 0.0, 500.0) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(infileName): if ds.GetEVCount() == 0: continue ev = ds.GetEV(0) if not ev.FitResultExists("scintFitter"): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetValid(): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0).ContainsPosition(): continue vertPos = ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0).GetPosition() if (vertPos.Mag() < fidVolLow) or (vertPos.Mag() >= fidVolHigh): continue Histogram.Fill(ev.GetCalPMTs().GetCount()) gaussFit = ROOT.TF1("gaus", "gaus", 0.0, 500.0) Histogram.Fit(gaussFit, "RQ") meanNhits = gaussFit.GetParameter(1) return meanNhits
def getHitTimeResiduals_MC(filename): data = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: light_path = rat.utility().GetLightPathCalculator() group_velocity = rat.utility().GetGroupVelocity() pmt_info = rat.utility().GetPMTInfo() event_position = ds.GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition() for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): calibrated_pmts = ds.GetEV(iev).GetCalPMTs() #print calibrated_pmts.GetCount() for ipmt in range(0, calibrated_pmts.GetCount()): pmt_cal = calibrated_pmts.GetPMT(ipmt) light_path.CalcByPosition( event_position, pmt_info.GetPosition(pmt_cal.GetID())) inner_av_distance = light_path.GetDistInInnerAV() av_distance = light_path.GetDistInAV() water_distance = light_path.GetDistInWater() transit_time = group_velocity.CalcByDistance( inner_av_distance, av_distance, water_distance) # Assumes 400nm photon data.append(pmt_cal.GetTime() - transit_time) data = np.array(data) ratreader.close() return data
def getPEcharge_light(filename): ''' Obtain information on the PEs produced. Returns arrays with: - charge per event - charge per PMT - number of PEs per PMT ''' charge = [] pexpmt = [] charge_perev = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: mymc = ds.GetMC() # Per event charge_perev.append(0) for pmt_index in range(mymc.GetMCPMTCount()): # Per PMT mypmt = mymc.GetMCPMT(pmt_index) pexpmt.append(mypmt.GetMCPECount()) for pe_index in range(pexpmt[-1]): this_charge = mypmt.GetMCPE(pe_index).GetCharge() charge_perev[-1] += this_charge charge.append(this_charge) return np.array(charge_perev), np.array(charge), np.array(pexpmt)
def plot_hit_time_residuals_mc_position(file_name): """ Plot the hit time residuals for the MC position. :param file_name: Path to the RAT DS file to plot. :return: The created histogram """ hit_time_residuals = ROOT.TH1D( "hHitTimeResidualsMC", "Hit time residuals using the MC position", 1000, -500.0, 500.0 ); hit_time_residuals.SetDirectory(0) light_path = rat.utility().GetLightPath() group_velocity = rat.utility().GetGroupVelocity() pmt_info = rat.utility().GetPMTInfo() for ds, run in rat.dsreader(file_name): event_position = ds.GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition() # At least 1 is somewhat guaranteed for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): calibrated_pmts = ds.GetEV(iev).GetCalPMTs() for ipmt in range(0, calibrated_pmts.GetCount()): pmt_cal = calibrated_pmts.GetPMT(ipmt) scint_distance = ROOT.Double() av_distance = ROOT.Double() water_distance = ROOT.Double() light_path.CalcByPosition(event_position, pmt_info.GetPosition(pmt_cal.GetID()), scint_distance, av_distance, water_distance) transit_time = group_velocity.CalcByDistance(scint_distance, av_distance, water_distance) # Assumes 400nm photon hit_time_residuals.Fill(pmt_cal.GetTime() - transit_time) hit_time_residuals.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Count per 1 ns bin") hit_time_residuals.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Hit time residuals [ns]") hit_time_residuals.Draw() return hit_time_residuals
def plot_ticks_vs_events(fname): c, start_clock = 0, 0 time, x, y, y_error = np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array( []) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(fname): for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): ev = ds.GetEV(iev) if dqp.check_trig_type( ev.GetTrigType()) and ev.GetClockCount50() != 0: c = c + 1 time = np.hstack((time, [ev.GetClockCount50()])) x = np.hstack((x, [c])) # Sort stuff order = np.argsort(time) time_sort = np.array(time)[order] x_sort = np.array(x)[order] graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x), x, time) graph.SetTitle("Clock tick as a function of event number") graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Event number") graph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("50MHz clock tick") graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) graph.SetMarkerStyle(33) graph = ROOT.TGraph(len(x), x, time_sort) sort_graph.SetTitle("Clock tick as a function of event number - SORTED") sort_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Event number") sort_graph.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) sort_graph.GetYaxis().SetTitle("50MHz clock tick") sort_graph.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.2) sort_graph.SetMarkerStyle(33) return graph, sort_graph
def fill_histogram(self, hist_label="default"): """ Overloads SpectrumData.fill_histogram, to read DS, extract total KE for each event, then apply a gaussian smearing before filling the histogram. """ if (hist_label == "default"): hist_label = self._label histogram = self._histograms.get(hist_label) assert isinstance(histogram, TH1D), \ "SpectrumData.fill_histogram: histogram is not a TH1D object" energy_resolution = defaults.analysis.get("production_label").\ get(self._rat_release).get("energy_resolution") seed = 12345 random = TRandom3(seed) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(self._path): for event in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): mc = ds.GetMC(); truth_energy = 0 for particle in range (0, mc.GetMCParticleCount()): # Check they are electrons if (mc.GetMCParticle(particle).GetPDGCode() == 11): truth_energy += mc.GetMCParticle(particle).GetKE() # Gausian smearing of events mu = truth_energy sigma = math.sqrt(truth_energy*energy_resolution) sigma /= energy_resolution reconstructed_energy = random.Gaus(mu, sigma) histogram.Fill(reconstructed_energy)
def plot_hit_time_residuals_fit_position(file_name): """ Plot the hit time residuals for the fit position. :param file_name: Path to the RAT DS file to plot. :return: The created histogram """ hit_time_residuals = ROOT.TH1D( "hHitTimeResidualsFit", "Hit time residuals using the fit position", 1000, -500.0, 500.0 ); hit_time_residuals.SetDirectory(0) light_path = rat.utility().GetLightPath() group_velocity = rat.utility().GetGroupVelocity() pmt_info = rat.utility().GetPMTInfo() for ds, run in rat.dsreader(file_name): for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): ev = ds.GetEV(iev) if not ev.DefaultFitVertexExists() or not ev.GetDefaultFitVertex().ContainsPosition() or not ev.GetDefaultFitVertex().ValidPosition(): continue #Didn't fit correctly event_position = ev.GetDefaultFitVertex().GetPosition(); calibrated_pmts = ev.GetCalPMTs() for ipmt in range(0, calibrated_pmts.GetCount()): pmt_cal = calibrated_pmts.GetPMT(ipmt) scint_distance = ROOT.Double() av_distance = ROOT.Double() water_distance = ROOT.Double() light_path.CalcByPosition(event_position, pmt_info.GetPosition(pmt_cal.GetID()), scint_distance, av_distance, water_distance) transit_time = group_velocity.CalcByDistance(scint_distance, av_distance, water_distance) # Assumes 400nm photon hit_time_residuals.Fill(pmt_cal.GetTime() - transit_time) hit_time_residuals.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Count per 1 ns bin") hit_time_residuals.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Hit time residuals [ns]") hit_time_residuals.Draw() return hit_time_residuals
def ProduceTimeResAndEnergyPDF(infileName): energyList = [] nbins = (TimeRes_upperBound - TimeRes_lowerBound) / TimeRes_stepSize Histogram = ROOT.TH1D(infileName, "", nbins, TimeRes_lowerBound, TimeRes_upperBound) effectiveVelocity = rat.utility().GetEffectiveVelocity() lightPath = rat.utility().GetLightPathCalculator() pmtInfo = rat.utility().GetPMTInfo() for ds, run in rat.dsreader(infileName): if ds.GetEVCount() > 0: mcParticle = ds.GetMC().GetMCParticle(0) mcPos = mcParticle.GetPosition() mcTime = mcParticle.GetTime() ev = ds.GetEV(0) if not ev.FitResultExists("scintFitter"): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetValid(): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex( 0).ContainsPosition(): continue fitVertex = ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0) vertPos = fitVertex.GetPosition() vertTime = fitVertex.GetTime() if (fitVertex.ContainsEnergy()): energyList.append(fitVertex.GetEnergy()) calibratedPMTs = ev.GetCalPMTs() for iPMT in range(0, calibratedPMTs.GetCount()): pmtPos = pmtInfo.GetPosition( calibratedPMTs.GetPMT(iPMT).GetID()) pmtTime = calibratedPMTs.GetPMT(iPMT).GetTime() lightPath.CalcByPosition(vertPos, pmtPos) distInScint = lightPath.GetDistInInnerAV() distInAV = lightPath.GetDistInAV() distInWater = lightPath.GetDistInWater() flightTime = effectiveVelocity.CalcByDistance( distInScint, distInAV, distInWater) timeResidual = pmtTime - flightTime - vertTime Histogram.Fill(timeResidual) Histogram.Scale(1.0 / Histogram.Integral()) pdfVector = [] for i in range(1, Histogram.GetNbinsX()): pdfVector.append(Histogram.GetBinContent(i)) Histogram.Delete() return (pdfVector, energyList)
def test_read_from_file(self): entries = 0 events = 0 for ds, run in rat.dsreader(self._spectrum._path): entries += 1 events += ds.GetEVCount() self.assertEqual(entries, 1000) self.assertEqual(events, 1021)
def get_dq_masks(self): """ Reads the RAT DS in DQ-processed root file. Returns DQ status word """ events = rat.dsreader(self._path) ds, run = self._dq_flags = run.GetDataQualityFlags().GetFlags(0) print self._dq_flags self._dq_applied = run.GetDataQualityFlags().GetApplied(0) print self._dq_applied return self._dq_flags, self._dq_applied
def PlotHitTimeResiduals(material): # Select which energy and fitter to use based on the material in the detector energy = 0.0 fitter = "" if material == "lightwater_sno": energy = 5.0 fitter = "waterResult" else: energy = 2.5 fitter = "scintFitter" energy = 5.0 infileName = material + "_P=" + str(int(0.0)) + "mm_E=" + str(int(energy * 1000)) + "keV_sf=0.root" print infileName hit_time_residuals = ROOT.TH1D( "hHitTimeResidualsMC", "Hit time residuals using the MC position", 120, -20.0, 100.0 ) hit_time_residuals.SetDirectory(0) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(infileName): # rat.utility().GetLightPath() must be called *after* the rat.dsreader constructor. light_path = rat.utility().GetLightPathCalculator() group_velocity = rat.utility().GetGroupVelocity() pmt_info = rat.utility().GetPMTInfo() event_position = ds.GetMC().GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition() # At least 1 is somewhat guaranteed for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): ev = ds.GetEV(iev) # Check fit worked if not ev.FitResultExists(fitter) or not ev.GetFitResult(fitter).GetVertex(0).ContainsTime() or not ev.GetFitResult(fitter).GetVertex(0).ValidTime(): continue event_time = ev.GetFitResult(fitter).GetVertex(0).GetTime() calibrated_pmts = ds.GetEV(iev).GetCalPMTs() for ipmt in range(0, calibrated_pmts.GetCount()): pmt_cal = calibrated_pmts.GetPMT(ipmt) light_path.CalcByPosition(event_position, pmt_info.GetPosition(pmt_cal.GetID())) inner_av_distance = light_path.GetDistInInnerAV() av_distance = light_path.GetDistInAV() water_distance = light_path.GetDistInWater() transit_time = group_velocity.CalcByDistance(inner_av_distance, av_distance, water_distance) # Assumes 400nm photon hit_time_residuals.Fill(pmt_cal.GetTime() - transit_time - event_time) hit_time_residuals.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Count per 1 ns bin") hit_time_residuals.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Hit time residuals [ns]") hit_time_residuals.SetTitle("Hit Time Residuals") canvas = ROOT.TCanvas() canvas.SetLogy() hit_time_residuals.Draw() canvas.Update(); canvas.SaveAs("HitTimeResiduals.eps") raw_input("Press 'Enter' to exit")
def getHitTimes_MC(filename): data = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: for iev in range(0, ds.GetMCEVCount()): mc_hits = ds.GetMCEV(iev).GetMCHits() for imc in range(0, mc_hits.GetAllCount()): data.append(mc_hits.GetAllPMT(imc).GetTime()) data = np.array(data) ratreader.close() return data
def getMChits(filename): ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) data = [] counter = 0 for ds, run in ratreader: counter += 1 for imc in range(0, ds.GetMCEVCount()): data.append(ds.GetMCEV(imc).GetMCHits().GetAllCount()) data = np.array(data) ratreader.close() return data
def getPETimes_MC(filename): data = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: mc = ds.GetMC() for imcpmt in range(0, mc.GetMCPMTCount()): mcpmt = mc.GetMCPMT(imcpmt) for imcphotoelectron in range(0, mcpmt.GetMCPECount()): data.append(mcpmt.GetMCPE(imcphotoelectron).GetCreationTime()) data = np.array(data) ratreader.close() return data
def getPEinfo(filename): elist = [] trackid = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: mymc = ds.GetMC() for pmt_index in range(mymc.GetMCPMTCount()): mypmt = mymc.GetMCPMT(pmt_index) for pe_index in range(mypmt.GetMCPECount()): elist.append(mypmt.GetMCPE(pe_index).GetCharge()) trackid.append(mypmt.GetMCPE(pe_index).GetPhotonTrackID()) ratreader.close() return np.array(elist), np.array(trackid)
def getPhotonWlen(filename): elist = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: mymc = ds.GetMC() for itrack in range(mymc.GetMCTrackCount()): mytrack = mymc.GetMCTrack(itrack) # Take only the first step of each track mystep = mymc.GetMCTrack(itrack).GetMCTrackStep(0) elist.append(mystep.GetKineticEnergy()) ratreader.close() return energyToWlen(elist)
def ProduceRatioHistogram(infileName, t1, t2): Histogram = ROOT.TH1D(infileName, infileName + ": Prompt PMTs/Total PMTs in Event", 100, 0.0, 1.0) effectiveVelocity = rat.utility().GetEffectiveVelocity() lightPath = rat.utility().GetLightPathCalculator() pmtInfo = rat.utility().GetPMTInfo() for ds, run in rat.dsreader(infileName): if ds.GetEVCount() == 0: continue ev = ds.GetEV(0) if not ev.FitResultExists("scintFitter"): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetValid(): continue if not ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0).ContainsPosition(): continue vertPos = ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0).GetPosition() if vertPos.Mag() > maxRadius: continue vertTime = ev.GetFitResult("scintFitter").GetVertex(0).GetTime() calibratedPMTs = ev.GetCalPMTs() peak = total = 0.0 for j in range(0, calibratedPMTs.GetCount()): pmtPos = pmtInfo.GetPosition(calibratedPMTs.GetPMT(j).GetID()) pmtTime = calibratedPMTs.GetPMT(j).GetTime() lightPath.CalcByPosition(vertPos, pmtPos) distInScint = lightPath.GetDistInScint() distInAV = lightPath.GetDistInAV() distInWater = lightPath.GetDistInWater() flightTime = effectiveVelocity.CalcByDistance( distInScint, distInAV, distInWater) timeResid = pmtTime - flightTime - vertTime if timeResid > t1 and timeResid < t2: peak += 1.0 if timeResid > t1 and timeResid < maxTimeResid: total += 1.0 ratio = peak / total Histogram.Fill(ratio) return Histogram
def getPMTWlen(filename): elist = [] trackid = [] ratreader = rat.dsreader(filename) for ds, run in ratreader: mymc = ds.GetMC() for pmt_index in range(mymc.GetMCPMTCount()): mypmt = mymc.GetMCPMT(pmt_index) for photon_index in range(mypmt.GetMCPhotonCount()): elist.append(mypmt.GetMCPhoton(photon_index).GetEnergy()) trackid.append( mypmt.GetMCPhoton(photon_index).GetPhotonTrackID()) ratreader.close() return energyToWlen(elist), np.array(trackid)
def GetHParameterAtCentre(material): '''Extract and store the h parameters as a function of energy at the centre of the detector. Fit each histogram with a gaussian before saving. ''' hFile = ROOT.TFile(CentralHistFilename, "recreate") hGraph = ROOT.TGraphErrors() # tgraph of hparameter vs energy for i, energy in enumerate(CentralEnergies): infilename = CentralFilename(material, energy) + ".root" hHist = ROOT.TH1F(CentralHistname(energy), ";H parameter", 10000, 0, 10000) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(infilename): if ds.GetEVCount() == 0: continue segmentor = rat.utility().GetSegmentor() segmentor.SetNumberOfDivisions(NumberOfSegments) rawPMTSegmentIDs = segmentor.GetSegmentIDs() rawPMTSegmentPopulations = segmentor.GetSegmentPopulations() hitPMTSegmentPopulations = [0] * len(rawPMTSegmentPopulations) calPMTs = ds.GetEV(0).GetCalPMTs() for j in range(0, calPMTs.GetCount()): hitPMTSegmentPopulations[rawPMTSegmentIDs[calPMTs.GetPMT(j).GetID()]] += 1 hValue = 0.0 for s in range(len(rawPMTSegmentPopulations)): if (hitPMTSegmentPopulations[s] >= rawPMTSegmentPopulations[s]): correctedHitPMTSegmentPopulation = rawPMTSegmentPopulations[s] - 1 else: correctedHitPMTSegmentPopulation = hitPMTSegmentPopulations[s] hValue += (rawPMTSegmentPopulations[s] * math.log(1.0 - (float(correctedHitPMTSegmentPopulation) / float(rawPMTSegmentPopulations[s])))) hValue *= -1.0 hHist.Fill(hValue) hHist.Fit("gaus", "Q") hHist.Write() hGraph.SetPoint(i, energy, hHist.GetFunction("gaus").GetParameter(1)) hGraph.SetPointError(i, 0, hHist.GetFunction("gaus").GetParError(1)) hGraph.SetName("grHVsEnergy") hGraph.Write()
def saveTree(fname): ''' Print fitted positions ''' use_retriggers = 0 simCounter, evCounter = 0, 0 for ds, run in rat.dsreader(fname): if simCounter > 0: continue simCounter += 1 for iev in range(0, 1): # Use retriggers? if use_retriggers == 0 and iev > 0: continue # Increment counter evCounter += 1 # Get DS variables ev = ds.GetEV(iev) mc = ds.GetMC() xTrue = mc.GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition().X() yTrue = mc.GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition().Y() zTrue = mc.GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition().Z() # Get fitter vertex try: fitResult = ev.GetFitResult("MultiPDFFitter") fitVertex = fitResult.GetVertex(0) except Exception as e: msg = "No {0} for event {1:d}, GTID {2:d} : {3}" msg = msg.format("MultiPDFFitter", evCounter, ev.GetGTID(), e) print(msg) continue xFit = fitVertex.GetPosition().X() yFit = fitVertex.GetPosition().Y() zFit = fitVertex.GetPosition().Z() print("True (x y z) = (", xTrue, yTrue, zTrue) print("Fit (x y z) = (", xFit, yFit, zFit)
def NhitsVsEnergyPosition(material): # Select which energies to use based on the material in the detector energies = [] if material == "lightwater_sno": energies = WaterEnergies else: energies = ScintEnergies nHitsTable = [] for energy in energies: singleEnergyNhitsTable = [] for position in Positions: infileName = material + "_P=" + str(int(position)) + "mm_E=" + str( int(energy * 1000)) + "keV" Histogram = ROOT.TH1D(infileName, "Nhits", 1000, 0.0, 10000.0) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(infileName): if ds.GetEVCount() == 0: continue Histogram.Fill(ds.GetEV(0).GetCalPMTs().GetCount()) tolerance = 10 lowBin = Histogram.FindFirstBinAbove(0.0) lowBin = lowBin - tolerance highBin = Hitogram.FindLastBinAbove(0.0) highBin = highBin + tolerance if lowBin < 1: lowBin = 1 if highBin > Histogram.GetNbinsX(): highBin = Histogram.GetNbinsX() gaussFit = ROOT.TF1("gaus", "gaus", Histogram.GetBinCenter(lowBin), Histogram.GetBinCenter(highBin)) Histogram.Fit(gaussFit, "RQN") singleEnergyNhitsTable.append(gaussFit.GetParameter(1)) del gaussFit del Histogram nHitsTable.append(singleEnergyNhitsTable) return nHitsTable
def ProduceNhitsOriginHistogram(): nhitsOriginHisto = ROOT.TH1D("nhitsOriginHisto", "nhitsOriginHisto", 1000, 0, 1000) for ds, run in rat.dsreader("events_E=1MeV.root"): if ds.GetEVCount() == 0: continue mc = ds.GetMC() ev = ds.GetEV(0) if (mc.GetMCParticle(0).GetPosition().Mag() < 10): nhitsOriginHisto.Fill(ev.GetCalPMTs().GetCount()) return nhitsOriginHisto
def plot_mc_photoelectron_nhit(file_name): """ Plot the number of MC photoelectrons per event (or NumPE). :param file_name: Path to the RAT DS file to plot. :return: The histogram plot """ h_num_pe = ROOT.TH1D( "hNumPE", "Number of photoelectrons per event", 2000, 0.0, 2000.0 ) h_num_pe.SetDirectory(0) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(file_name): for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): ev = ds.GetEV(iev) h_num_pe.Fill(ds.GetMC().GetPhotoelectronCount()) h_num_pe.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Count per 1 pe bin" ) h_num_pe.GetXaxis().SetTitle( "Number of photoelectrons per event" ) h_num_pe.Draw() return h_num_pe
def plot_calibrated_nhit(file_name): """ Plot the number of Calibrated hits per event. :param file_name: Path to the RAT DS file to plot. :return: The histogram plot """ h_cal_hits = ROOT.TH1D( "hCalHits", "Number of Calibrated hits per event", 2000, 0.0, 2000.0 ) h_cal_hits.SetDirectory(0) for ds, run in rat.dsreader(file_name): for iev in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): ev = ds.GetEV(iev) h_cal_hits.Fill(ev.GetCalPMTs().GetAllCount()) h_cal_hits.GetYaxis().SetTitle( "Count per 1 Calibrated hit bin" ) h_cal_hits.GetXaxis().SetTitle( "Number of Calibrated hits per event" ) h_cal_hits.Draw() return h_cal_hits
def fill_histogram(self, hist_label="default"): """ Method to read DS, extract total KE for each event and fill histogram. :param hist_label: histogram key in self._histograms :type hist_label: str """ if (hist_label == "default"): hist_label = self._label histogram = self._histograms.get(hist_label) assert isinstance(histogram, TH1D), \ "SpectrumData.fill_histogram: histogram is not a TH1D object" for ds, run in rat.dsreader(self._path): for event in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): mc = ds.GetMC(); truth_energy = 0 for particle in range (0, mc.GetMCParticleCount()): # Check they are electrons if (mc.GetMCParticle(particle).GetPDGCode() == 11): truth_energy += mc.GetMCParticle(particle).GetKE() histogram.Fill(truth_energy)
from rat import ROOT, dsreader import beta14 if __name__ == '__main__': h = { 1: ROOT.TH1F('hbeta_1', 'hbeta_1', 100, 1, 2), 2: ROOT.TH1F('hbeta_2', 'hbeta_2', 100, 3.5, 4.5), 3: ROOT.TH1F('hbeta_3', 'hbeta_3', 100, 12.2, 13.2), 4: ROOT.TH1F('hbeta_4', 'hbeta_4', 100, 47.9, 48.9), '14': ROOT.TH1F('hbeta14', 'hbeta14', 200, 194.0, 196.0) } f = ROOT.TFile('betas_e.root', 'recreate') for jobnum in range(10): count = 0 for ds in dsreader('e_%i.root' % jobnum): for ev in [ds.GetEV(n) for n in range(1)]: print 'Processing job %i, event %i (GTID %x)' % (jobnum, count, ev.GetEventID()) betas = beta14.calculate_betas(ev) for l in betas: if l in h: h[l].Fill(betas[l]) h[l].Write() count += 1 f.Close()
import rat import ROOT import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import math import RootPlotLibs as RPL import sys import json pathToData = '/data/snoplus/home/cbenson/VUV/VUV_Analysis/geoFactorSim/' fileName = sys.argv[1] fileIterator = rat.dsreader(pathToData+'data/'+fileName+'.root') numTracksHist = ROOT.TH1D('numTracks','numTracks',50,0,50) outgoingDotProdHist = ROOT.TH1D('outDotProd','outDotProd',200,-1,1) incidentDotProd = ROOT.TH1D('incidentDotProd','incidentDotProd',200,-1,1) reemissionAngleHist = ROOT.TH1D('angle','angle',200,0,math.pi) # Some tracking vectors secondVertexPoints = [] ### geoEffNums geoEffUV = 0 geoEffVisible = 0 AbsorbedTrackSet = [] UVTrackSet = [] runQuiet = True
hist_dq_applied = TH1D("TH1D_dq_applied", hist_title, max_bits, 0, max_bits) hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(1, "run_type") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(2, "mc_flag") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(3, "trigger") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(4, "run_length") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(5, "general_coverage") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(6, "crate_coverage") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(7, "panel_coverage") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(8, "run_header") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(9, "delta_t_comparison") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(10, "clock_forward") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(11, "event_separation") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(12, "retriggers") hist_dq_applied.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(13, "event_rate") for file in file_list: events = rat.dsreader(file) ds, run = flags = run.GetDataQualityFlags().GetFlags(0) applied = run.GetDataQualityFlags().GetApplied(0) if(flags.Get(dq_bits.GetBitIndex("run_type"))): hist_dq_flags.AddBinContent(1) if(applied.Get(dq_bits.GetBitIndex("run_type"))): hist_dq_applied.AddBinContent(1) if(flags.Get(dq_bits.GetBitIndex("mc_flag"))): hist_dq_flags.AddBinContent(2) if(applied.Get(dq_bits.GetBitIndex("mc_flag"))): hist_dq_applied.AddBinContent(2) if(flags.Get(dq_bits.GetBitIndex("trigger"))): hist_dq_flags.AddBinContent(3) if(applied.Get(dq_bits.GetBitIndex("trigger"))): hist_dq_applied.AddBinContent(3)
import beta14 if __name__ == '__main__': h = { 1: ROOT.TH1F('hbeta_1', 'hbeta_1', 100, 1, 2), 2: ROOT.TH1F('hbeta_2', 'hbeta_2', 100, 3.5, 4.5), 3: ROOT.TH1F('hbeta_3', 'hbeta_3', 100, 12.2, 13.2), 4: ROOT.TH1F('hbeta_4', 'hbeta_4', 100, 47.9, 48.9), '14': ROOT.TH1F('hbeta14', 'hbeta14', 200, 194.0, 196.0) } f = ROOT.TFile('betas_g.root', 'recreate') for jobnum in range(10): count = 0 for ds in dsreader('30cm_%i.root' % jobnum): for ev in [ds.GetEV(n) for n in range(1)]: print 'Processing job %i, event %i (GTID %x)' % (jobnum, count, ev.GetEventID()) betas = beta14.calculate_betas(ev) print betas for l in betas: if l in h: h[l].Fill(betas[l]) h[l].Write() count += 1 f.Close()
import rat import ROOT import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D #dataPath = '~/VUV_Analysis/geoFactorSim/newGeoSim/data/config_31/pos13.root' dataPath = '~/VUV_Analysis/Chrisdata.root' fileIterator = rat.dsreader(dataPath) rays = [] for i in range(1000): node = tempMC = node.GetMC() print 'Num Tracks: '+str(tempMC.GetMCTrackCount()) tempTrack = tempMC.GetMCTrack(0) tempRay = [] for iStep in range(tempTrack.GetMCTrackStepCount()): tempStep = tempTrack.GetMCTrackStep(iStep) tempRay.append({'x':tempStep.GetEndpoint().x(),'y':tempStep.GetEndpoint().y(),'z':tempStep.GetEndpoint().z()}) rays.append(tempRay) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot((111), projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('equal')
import rat import ROOT import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D dataPath = '../data/config_1/' fileIterator = rat.dsreader(dataPath+'pos12.root') rays = [] for i in range(1000): tempEntry = tempMC = tempEntry.GetMC() print 'Num Tracks: '+str(tempMC.GetMCTrackCount()) tempTrack = tempMC.GetMCTrack(0) tempRay = [] for iStep in range(tempTrack.GetMCTrackStepCount()): tempStep = tempTrack.GetMCTrackStep(iStep) tempRay.append({'x':tempStep.GetEndpoint().x(),'y':tempStep.GetEndpoint().y(),'z':tempStep.GetEndpoint().z()}) rays.append(tempRay) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') for line in rays: tempX = [] tempY = []
#!usr/bin/env python import ROOT import rat import sys # Read in the root file # Prepare the plots pmtPositions = ROOT.TGraph2D() telliePositions = ROOT.TGraph2D() amelliePositions = ROOT.TGraph2D() smelliePositions = ROOT.TGraph2D() for ds in rat.dsreader("pmt_ellie_pos.root"): pmtProp=ds[1].GetPMTProp() for pmt in range (0,pmtProp.GetPMTCount()): if pmtProp.GetType(pmt) == 1: pmtPositions.SetPoint(pmt, pmtProp.GetPos(pmt).x(), pmtProp.GetPos(pmt).y(), pmtProp.GetPos(pmt).z()) ellieProp=ds[1].GetELLIEProp() for tellie in range (0,ellieProp.GetTELLIECount()): telliePositions.SetPoint(tellie, ellieProp.GetTELLIEPos(tellie).x(), ellieProp.GetTELLIEPos(tellie).y(), ellieProp.GetTELLIEPos(tellie).z()) for amellie in range (0,ellieProp.GetAMELLIECount()): amelliePositions.SetPoint(amellie, ellieProp.GetAMELLIEPos(amellie).x(), ellieProp.GetAMELLIEPos(amellie).y(), ellieProp.GetAMELLIEPos(amellie).z()) for smellie in range (0,ellieProp.GetSMELLIECount()): smelliePositions.SetPoint(smellie, ellieProp.GetSMELLIEPos(smellie).x(), ellieProp.GetSMELLIEPos(smellie).y(), ellieProp.GetSMELLIEPos(smellie).z()) # Make the plots pretty pmtPositions.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) telliePositions.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kYellow);
def test_dsreader(self): events = rat.dsreader(self._spectrum._path) ds, run = self.assertIsInstance(ds, ROOT.RAT.DS.Root) self.assertIsInstance(run, ROOT.RAT.DS.Run)
#!/bin/python import rat import ROOT import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D pathToData = '/Users/chrisbenson/Documents/Research/VUV/RATSims/simData/' fileName = 'test.root' fileIterator = rat.dsreader(pathToData+fileName) dataVect = [] housingPoints = [] keepGoing = True while keepGoing: try: tempEntry = except: keepGoing = False continue tempMC = tempEntry.GetMC() for trackIndex in range(tempMC.GetMCTrackCount()): tempTrack = tempMC.GetMCTrack(trackIndex) tempData = [] trigStore = False monoHousStore = False for j in range(tempTrack.GetMCTrackStepCount()): tempStep = tempTrack.GetMCTrackStep(j) tempCoords = tempStep.GetEndpoint()
# # Plot nhit numbers # # Author T - //2013 <> : First revision #################################################################################################### import ROOT import rat import sys #define the histograms evNhits = ROOT.TH1D("evNits", "evNhits", 150, 0, 3000) MCPMThits = ROOT.TH1D("MCPMThits", "MCPMThits", 150, 0, 3000) MCPECount = ROOT.TH1D("MCPECount", "MCPECount", 150, 0, 3000) #read in the root file, which should be the first argument of the script for ds, run in rat.dsreader("nhits.root"): for iEV in range(0, ds.GetEVCount()): evNhits.Fill(ds.GetEV(iEV).GetNhits()) #fill Nhits, retriggers included MCPECount.Fill(ds.GetMC().GetNumPE()) #fill the MC photo electron histo MCPMThits.Fill(ds.GetMC().GetMCPMTCount()) #fill the MC PMT hits histo #make things pretty #set the line width larger than default evNhits.SetLineWidth(2) MCPMThits.SetLineWidth(2) MCPECount.SetLineWidth(2) #Set the line color evNhits.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) MCPMThits.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) MCPECount.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue)
import ROOT import rat tempFile = rat.dsreader("../../data/config_1/pos13.root") trackNumHist = ROOT.TH1D("TrackCounts","TrackCounts",10,0,10) firstTrackLengthHist = ROOT.TH1D("TrackLengths","TrackLengths",100,0,1000) histLengthFirstTracksWithAdditionalTracks = ROOT.TH1D("TrackLengthsFirstWithOthers","TrackLengthsFirstWithOthers",100,0,1000) histLengthFirstTrackWithNoAdditionalTracks = ROOT.TH1D("TrackLengthsFirstWithNoOthers","TrackLengthsFirstWithNoOthers",100,0,1000) for index,anEvent in enumerate(tempFile): tempMC = anEvent.GetMC() #print str(index)+':'+str(tempMC.GetMCTrackCount()) #tempTrack = tempMC.GetMCTrack( trackNumHist.Fill(tempMC.GetMCTrackCount()) # Get the endpoints of the first track to get distributions firstTrack = tempMC.GetMCTrack(0) firstTrackLengthHist.Fill(firstTrack.GetLength()) if tempMC.GetMCTrackCount() > 1: histLengthFirstTracksWithAdditionalTracks.Fill(firstTrack.GetLength()) if tempMC.GetMCTrackCount() == 1: histLengthFirstTrackWithNoAdditionalTracks.Fill(firstTrack.GetLength()) # Length of first track with additoinal tracks after it, should be a subset of first tracks for tIndex in range(tempMC.GetMCTrackCount()):
def __init__(self,fileName,saveTrack=False,targetType=1): ## Create a file iterator self.fileName = fileName fileIter = rat.dsreader(fileName) # start a loop over all of tree entries breakout of loop if at end. keepLooping = True entryIndex = -1 showStartCoords = True #self.testFigure = plt.figure() = self.testFigure.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') self.caseCount = [0]*9 self.WLS_Start = [] self.WLS_End = [] self.checkpointEventCount = [] self.geometricFactorCheckPoint = [] self.caseCountCheckpoint = [] self.targetTracks = [] while keepLooping: try: tempEntry = entryIndex += 1 #if entryIndex%1000 == 0: #print entryIndex except: keepLooping = False continue tempMC = tempEntry.GetMC() # Get number of MC tracks and loop over them for iTrack in range(tempMC.GetMCTrackCount()): tempTrack = tempMC.GetMCTrack(iTrack) if showStartCoords == True: # This will store the coords or the very first simulated photon step 0, for source tracking. tempEndpoint = tempTrack.GetMCTrackStep(0).GetEndpoint() if tempEndpoint.x() < 0.0 and tempEndpoint.y() > 0.0: self.startCoords = [tempEndpoint.x(),tempEndpoint.y(),tempEndpoint.z()] tempEndpoint = False ### Sort that track trackResult = self.endPointSorter(tempTrack) self.caseCount[trackResult] += 1 if trackResult in [4,5,6,7,8]: wavelengthResults = self.getTrackStartEndWavelengths(tempTrack) self.WLS_Start.append(wavelengthResults[0]) self.WLS_End.append(wavelengthResults[1]) if trackResult == 8: #wavelengthResults = self.getTrackStartEndWavelengths(tempTrack) #self.WLSStart.append(wavelengthResults[0]) coordsToPlot = convertTrackToXYZVect(tempTrack)[0],coordsToPlot[1],coordsToPlot[2]) #coordsToPlot = convertTrackToEndpoint(tempTrack,0)[0],coordsToPlot[1],coordsToPlot[2],color='b') #coordsToPlot = convertTrackToEndpoint(tempTrack,1)[0],coordsToPlot[1],coordsToPlot[2],color='r') if entryIndex % 10000 == 0: self.checkpointEventCount.append(entryIndex) tempCaseCount = self.caseCount[:] self.caseCountCheckpoint.append(tempCaseCount) self.printResuts()