コード例 #1
ファイル: test_models.py プロジェクト: eliyamelamed1/ZBite
def test_get_search_url():
    assert Rating.get_search_url() == reverse('ratings:search')
コード例 #2
# TODO add tests for MIN and MAX values of stars 
# TODO test perform_create

import pytest
from django.urls import reverse

from accounts.models import UserAccount
from factories import RatingFactory, RecipeFactory, UserFactory
from ratings.models import Rating
from recipes.models import Recipe

pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db

rating_rate_url = Rating.get_create_url()
rating_search_url = Rating.get_search_url()
create_recipe_url = Recipe.get_create_url()
class TestRatingCreateView:
    class TestAuthenticatedUsers:
        def test_rating_page_render(self, api_client):
            new_user = UserFactory()

            response = api_client.get(rating_rate_url) 

            assert response.status_code == 405
        def test_rate_post_request(self, api_client):
            new_user = UserFactory()
            new_recipe = RecipeFactory()
            new_recipe = Recipe.objects.all().get(id__exact=new_recipe.id)