コード例 #1
    def act(self, obs, info):
        """Run inference and return best action."""
        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

        # Get observations and run pick prediction
        gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)
        pick_prediction = self.pick_model(gt_obs[None, Ellipsis])
        if self.use_mdn:
            pi, mu, var = pick_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            pick_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            pick_prediction = pick_prediction[:, 0, :]
        pick_prediction = pick_prediction[0]  # unbatch

        # Get observations and run place prediction
        obs_with_pick = np.hstack((gt_obs, pick_prediction))

        # since the pick at train time is always 0.0,
        # the predictions are unstable if not exactly 0
        obs_with_pick[-1] = 0.0

        place_prediction = self.place_model(obs_with_pick[None, Ellipsis])
        if self.use_mdn:
            pi, mu, var = place_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            place_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            place_prediction = place_prediction[:, 0, :]
        place_prediction = place_prediction[0]

        prediction = np.hstack((pick_prediction, place_prediction))

        # just go exactly to objects, from observations
        # p0_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[3:5], 0.02))
        # p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
        #     (0, 0, -gt_obs[5]*self.theta_scale))
        # p1_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[0:2], 0.02))
        # p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
        #     (0, 0, -gt_obs[2]*self.theta_scale))

        # just go exactly to objects, predicted
        p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, -prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))
        p1_position = np.hstack((prediction[3:5], 0.02))
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, -prediction[5] * self.theta_scale))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'

        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
コード例 #2
    def reset(self, env):
        self.total_rewards = 0

        # Add goal post.
        line_urdf = 'assets/line/line.urdf'
        self.zone_size = (0.5, 1, 0.2)
        self.zone_pose = ((0.5, -0.86, 0),
                          utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, 0)))
        env.add_object(line_urdf, self.zone_pose, fixed=True)

        # Add box.
        box_size = self.random_size(0.05, 0.25, 0.05, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05)
        box_template = 'assets/box/box-template.urdf'
        box_urdf = self.fill_template(box_template, {'DIM': box_size})
        px = self.bounds[0, 0] + 0.1 + np.random.rand() * 0.3
        position = (px, 0.3, box_size[2] / 2)
        theta = np.random.rand() * np.pi / 4 - np.pi / 8
        rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, theta))
        box_pose = (position, rotation)
        box_id = env.add_object(box_urdf, box_pose)
        self.object_points = {box_id: self.get_object_points(box_id)}

        # Move end effector to start position next to box.
        box_dim = p.getVisualShapeData(box_id)[0][3]
        start_position = np.array([0, box_dim[1] / 2 + 0.01, 0])
        start_position = utils.apply(box_pose, start_position)
        rotation = tuple(env.home_pose[3:])
        joints = env.solve_ik((tuple(start_position) + rotation))
        for i in range(len(env.joints)):
            p.resetJointState(env.ur5, env.joints[i], joints[i])
コード例 #3
  def act(self, obs, gt_act, info):
    """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""

    del gt_act
    del info


    act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}
    if not obs:
      return act

    # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
    colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)

    # Concatenate color with depth images.
    input_image = np.concatenate(
        (colormap, heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis,
        axis=2)[None, Ellipsis]

    # or just use rgb
    # input_image = colormap[None, ...]

    # Regression
    prediction = self.regression_model.forward(input_image)

    if self.use_mdn:
      mdn_prediction = prediction
      pi, mu, var = mdn_prediction
      # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
      prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
      prediction = prediction[:, 0, :]

    prediction = prediction[0]

    p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
    p1_position = np.hstack((prediction[3:5], 0.02))

    p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
        (0, 0, -prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))
    p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
        (0, 0, -prediction[5] * self.theta_scale))

    act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
    if self.task == 'sweeping':
      act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
    elif self.task == 'pushing':
      act['primitive'] = 'push'
    params = {
        'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
        'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
    act['params'] = params

    return act
コード例 #4
    def reset(self, env):

        # Random base pose
        rx = env.bounds[0, 0] + 0.2 + np.random.rand() * 0.1
        ry = env.bounds[1, 0] + 0.2 + np.random.rand() * 0.6
        rtheta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
        self.base_pos = np.array([rx, ry, 0.005])
        self.base_rot = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, rtheta))
        base_urdf = 'assets/hanoi/stand.urdf'
        p.loadURDF(base_urdf, self.base_pos, self.base_rot, useFixedBase=1)

        # Rod poses in base coordinates
        self.rod_pos = [[0, -0.12, 0.03], [0, 0, 0.03], [0, 0.12, 0.03]]
        self.rod_pos = np.array(self.rod_pos)

        # Add disks
        env.obj = []
        if self.mode == 'train':
            self.n_disks = np.random.choice([2, 3, 5, 6])
            self.n_disks = np.random.choice([4, 7])
        for i in range(self.n_disks):
            urdf = 'assets/hanoi/slimdisk.urdf'
            pos = self.base2origin(self.rod_pos[0, :])
            pos[2] += 0.006 * (self.n_disks - i)
            obj = p.loadURDF(urdf, pos)
            cw = (self.n_disks - i - 1) / (self.n_disks - 1)
            color = [cw, 0.6, cw, 1.0]
            p.changeVisualShape(obj, -1, rgbaColor=color)

        self.goal = {'places': {}, 'steps': []}

        # Solve Hanoi sequence with dynamic programming
        steps = []  # [[obj id, from rod, to rod], ...]

        def solve_hanoi(n, t0, t1, t2):
            if n == 0:
                steps.append([n, t0, t1])
            solve_hanoi(n - 1, t0, t2, t1)
            steps.append([n, t0, t1])
            solve_hanoi(n - 1, t2, t1, t0)

        solve_hanoi(self.n_disks - 1, 0, 2, 1)
        self.n_steps = len(steps)

        self.max_steps = min(self.n_steps + 10, self.n_steps * 2)

        # Construct goal sequence [{obj id : (symmetry, pose)}, ...]
        for step in steps:
            obj = env.obj[step[0]]
            pos = self.base2origin(self.rod_pos[step[2], :])
            rot = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, 0))
            place_i = len(self.goal['places'])
            self.goal['places'][place_i] = (pos, rot)
            self.goal['steps'].append({obj: (0, [place_i])})
コード例 #5
    def act(self, obs, info):
        """Run inference and return best action."""
        del obs

        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

        # Get observations and run predictions.
        gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)

        # just for visualization
        gt_act_center = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

        prediction = self.model(gt_obs[None, Ellipsis])

        if self.use_mdn:
            mdn_prediction = prediction
            pi, mu, var = mdn_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = prediction[:, 0, :]

        prediction = prediction[0]  # unbatch

        # self.plot_act_mdn(gt_act_center[None, ...], mdn_prediction)

        # just go exactly to objects, from observations
        # p0_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[3:5], 0.02))
        # p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
        #     (0, 0, -gt_obs[5] * self.theta_scale))
        # p1_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[0:2], 0.02))
        # p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
        #     (0, 0, -gt_obs[2] * self.theta_scale))

        # just go exactly to objects, predicted
        p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, -prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))
        p1_position = np.hstack((prediction[3:5], 0.02))
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, -prediction[5] * self.theta_scale))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'

        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
コード例 #6
    def act(self, obs, info, goal=None):
        """Run inference and return best action."""
        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

        # Get observations and run predictions (second part just for visualization).
        if self.goal_conditioned:
            gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info, goal=goal)
            gt_act_center = self.info_to_gt_obs(info, goal=goal)
            gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)
            gt_act_center = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)

        prediction = self.model(gt_obs[None, ...])

        if self.USE_MDN:
            mdn_prediction = prediction
            pi, mu, var = mdn_prediction
            #prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = prediction[:, 0, :]

        prediction = prediction[0]  # unbatch

        # Just go exactly to objects, predicted. Daniel: adding 1 rotation inference case.
        p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p0_pred_rot = 0.0 if self.one_rot_inf else -prediction[
            2] * self.THETA_SCALE  # idx 2
        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, p0_pred_rot))
        p1_position = np.hstack((prediction[3:5], 0.02))
        p1_pred_rot = 0.0 if self.one_rot_inf else -prediction[
            5] * self.THETA_SCALE  # idx 5
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, p1_pred_rot))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'
        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params

        # Daniel: like transporters, determine the task stage if applicable. (AND if loading only)
        if self.task in ['bag-items-easy', 'bag-items-hard', 'bag-color-goal']:
            self._determine_task_stage(p0_position, p1_position)

        return act
コード例 #7
    def random_pose_6dof(self, env, object_size):
        """Get random collision-free pose in workspace bounds for object."""
        plane_id = 1
        max_size = np.linalg.norm(object_size[0:2])
        erode_size = int(np.round(max_size / self.pixel_size))
        _, heightmap, object_mask = self.get_object_masks(env)

        # Sample freespace regions in workspace.
        mask = np.uint8(object_mask == plane_id)
        mask[0, :], mask[:, 0], mask[-1, :], mask[:, -1] = 0, 0, 0, 0
        mask = cv2.erode(mask, np.ones((erode_size, erode_size), np.uint8))
        if np.sum(mask) == 0:
        pixel = utils.sample_distribution(np.float32(mask))
        position = utils.pixel_to_position(pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,

        z_above_table = (np.random.rand(1)[0] / 10) + 0.03

        position = (position[0], position[1],
                    object_size[2] / 2 + z_above_table)

        roll = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 0.5 * np.pi
        pitch = (np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 0.5 * np.pi
        yaw = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
        rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((roll, pitch, yaw))

        print(position, rotation)

        return position, rotation
コード例 #8
    def act(self, obs, info):
        """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""
        del info

        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}
        if not obs:
            return act

        # [Optional] Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
        colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

        # Do something here.

        # Dummy behavior: move to the middle of the workspace.
        p0_position = (self.bounds[:, 1] - self.bounds[:, 0]) / 2
        p0_position += self.bounds[:, 0]
        p1_position = p0_position
        rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, 0))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'

        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
コード例 #9
    def sweep(self, pose0, pose1):
        """Execute sweeping primitive."""
        success = True
        position0 = np.float32(pose0[0])
        position1 = np.float32(pose1[0])
        position0[2] = 0.001
        position1[2] = 0.001
        direction = position1 - position0
        length = np.linalg.norm(position1 - position0)
        if length == 0:
            direction = np.float32([0, 0, 0])
            direction = (position1 - position0) / length

        theta = np.arctan2(direction[1], direction[0])
        rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, theta))

        over0 = position0.copy()
        over0[2] = 0.3
        over1 = position1.copy()
        over1[2] = 0.3

        success &= self.movep(np.hstack((over0, rotation)))
        success &= self.movep(np.hstack((position0, rotation)))

        num_pushes = np.int32(np.floor(length / 0.01))
        for _ in range(num_pushes):
            target = position0 + direction * num_pushes * 0.01
            success &= self.movep(np.hstack((target, rotation)), speed=0.003)

        success &= self.movep(np.hstack((position1, rotation)), speed=0.003)
        success &= self.movep(np.hstack((over1, rotation)))
        return success
コード例 #10
ファイル: aligning.py プロジェクト: zp2388/google-research
    def reset(self, env):
        self.num_steps = 1
        self.goal = {'places': {}, 'steps': []}

        # Generate randomly shaped box.
        box_size = self.random_size(0.05, 0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.01, 0.06)

        # Add corner.
        dimx = (box_size[0] / 2 - 0.025 + 0.0025, box_size[0] / 2 + 0.0025)
        dimy = (box_size[1] / 2 + 0.0025, box_size[1] / 2 - 0.025 + 0.0025)
        corner_template = 'assets/corner/corner-template.urdf'
        replace = {'DIMX': dimx, 'DIMY': dimy}
        corner_urdf = self.fill_template(corner_template, replace)
        corner_size = (box_size[0], box_size[1], 0)
        corner_pose = self.random_pose(env, corner_size)
        env.add_object(corner_urdf, corner_pose, fixed=True)

        # Add possible placing poses.
        theta = utils.get_rot_from_pybullet_quaternion(corner_pose[1])[2]
        flipped_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, theta + np.pi))
        flipped_pose = (corner_pose[0], flipped_rotation)
        alt_x = (box_size[0] / 2) - (box_size[1] / 2)
        alt_y = (box_size[1] / 2) - (box_size[0] / 2)
        alt_position = (alt_x, alt_y, 0)
        alt_rotation0 = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, np.pi / 2))
        alt_rotation1 = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, 3 * np.pi / 2))
        alt_pose0 = utils.multiply(corner_pose, (alt_position, alt_rotation0))
        alt_pose1 = utils.multiply(corner_pose, (alt_position, alt_rotation1))
        self.goal['places'] = {
            0: corner_pose,
            1: flipped_pose,
            2: alt_pose0,
            3: alt_pose1

        # Add box.
        box_template = 'assets/box/box-template.urdf'
        box_urdf = self.fill_template(box_template, {'DIM': box_size})
        box_pose = self.random_pose(env, box_size)
        box_id = env.add_object(box_urdf, box_pose)
        self.goal['steps'].append({box_id: (2 * np.pi, [0, 1, 2, 3])})
コード例 #11
    def visualize_train_input(self, in_img, p, q, theta, z, roll, pitch):
        """Visualize the training input."""
        points = []
        colors = []
        height = in_img[:, :, 3]

        for i in range(in_img.shape[0]):
            for j in range(in_img.shape[1]):
                pixel = (i, j)
                position = utils.pixel_to_position(pixel, height, self.bounds,
                colors.append(in_img[i, j, :3])

        points = np.array(points).T  # shape (3, N)
        colors = np.array(colors).T / 255.0  # shape (3, N)

            g.PointCloud(position=points, color=colors))

        pick_position = utils.pixel_to_position(p, height, self.bounds,
        label = "pick"
        utils.make_frame(self.vis, label, h=0.05, radius=0.0012, o=0.1)

        pick_transform = np.eye(4)
        pick_transform[0:3, 3] = pick_position

        place_position = utils.pixel_to_position(q, height, self.bounds,
        label = "place"
        utils.make_frame(self.vis, label, h=0.05, radius=0.0012, o=0.1)

        place_transform = np.eye(4)
        place_transform[0:3, 3] = place_position
        place_transform[2, 3] = z

        rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (roll, pitch, -theta))
        quaternion_wxyz = np.asarray(
            [rotation[3], rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2]])

        place_transform[0:3, 0:3] = mtf.quaternion_matrix(quaternion_wxyz)[0:3,

        _, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
        ax[0].imshow(in_img.transpose(1, 0, 2)[:, :, :3] / 255.0)
        ax[0].scatter(p[0], p[1])
        ax[0].scatter(q[0], q[1])
        ax[1].imshow(in_img.transpose(1, 0, 2)[:, :, 3])
        ax[1].scatter(p[0], p[1])
        ax[1].scatter(q[0], q[1])
コード例 #12
ファイル: palletizing.py プロジェクト: zp2388/google-research
    def reset(self, env):

        # Add pallet.
        self.zone_size = (0.3, 0.25, 0.25)
        zone_urdf = 'assets/pallet/pallet.urdf'
        rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, 0))
        self.zone_pose = ((0.5, 0.25, 0.02), rotation)
        env.add_object(zone_urdf, self.zone_pose, fixed=True)

        # Add stack of boxes on pallet.
        margin = 0.01
        self.object_points = {}
        stack_size = (0.19, 0.19, 0.19)
        box_template = 'assets/box/box-template.urdf'
        stack_dim = np.random.randint(low=2, high=4, size=3)  # (3, 3, 3)
        box_size = (stack_size - (stack_dim - 1) * margin) / stack_dim
        for z in range(stack_dim[2]):

            # Transpose every layer.
            stack_dim[0], stack_dim[1] = stack_dim[1], stack_dim[0]
            box_size[0], box_size[1] = box_size[1], box_size[0]

            for y in range(stack_dim[1]):
                for x in range(stack_dim[0]):
                    position = (x + 0.5, y + 0.5, z + 0.5) * box_size
                    position[0] += x * margin - stack_size[0] / 2
                    position[1] += y * margin - stack_size[1] / 2
                    position[2] += z * margin + 0.03
                    pose = (position, (0, 0, 0, 1))
                    pose = utils.multiply(self.zone_pose, pose)
                    urdf = self.fill_template(box_template, {'DIM': box_size})
                    box_id = env.add_object(urdf, pose)
                    self.object_points[box_id] = self.get_object_points(box_id)

        # Randomly select top box on pallet and save ground truth pose.
        self.goal = {'places': {}, 'steps': []}
        boxes = env.objects.copy()
        while boxes:
            _, height, object_mask = self.get_object_masks(env)
            top = np.argwhere(height > (np.max(height) - 0.03))
            rpixel = top[int(np.floor(np.random.random() * len(top)))]  # y, x
            box_id = int(object_mask[rpixel[0], rpixel[1]])
            if box_id in boxes:
                position, rotation = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(box_id)
                rposition = np.float32(position) + np.float32([0, -10, 0])
                p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(box_id, rposition, rotation)
                self.goal['places'][box_id] = (position, rotation)
                symmetry = 0  # zone-evaluation: symmetry does not matter
                self.goal['steps'].append({box_id: (symmetry, [box_id])})
        self.goal['steps'].reverse()  # time-reverse depalletizing
        self.total_rewards = 0
        self.max_steps = len(self.goal['steps']) * 2
コード例 #13
    def act(self, obs, gt_act, info):
        """Run inference and return best action."""
        del gt_act

        assert False, 'this needs to have the ordering switched for act inference -- is now xytheta, rpz'  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

        # Get observations and run predictions.
        gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)
        prediction = self.model(gt_obs[None, Ellipsis])

        if self.use_mdn:
            mdn_prediction = prediction
            pi, mu, var = mdn_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            prediction = prediction[:, 0, :]

        prediction = prediction[0]  # unbatch

        p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, -prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))

        p1_position = prediction[3:6]
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (prediction[6] * self.theta_scale,
             prediction[7] * self.theta_scale,
             -prediction[8] * self.theta_scale))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place_6dof'

        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
コード例 #14
ファイル: hanoi.py プロジェクト: zp2388/google-research
    def reset(self, env):

        # Add stand.
        base_size = (0.12, 0.36, 0.01)
        base_urdf = 'assets/hanoi/stand.urdf'
        base_pose = self.random_pose(env, base_size)
        env.add_object(base_urdf, base_pose, fixed=True)

        # Rod positions in base coordinates.
        rod_positions = ((0, -0.12, 0.03), (0, 0, 0.03), (0, 0.12, 0.03))

        # Add disks.
        num_disks = 3
        for i in range(num_disks):
            disk_urdf = 'assets/hanoi/disk%d.urdf' % i
            position = utils.apply(base_pose, rod_positions[0])
            z_offset = 0.015 * (num_disks - i - 2)
            position = (position[0], position[1], position[2] + z_offset)
            env.add_object(disk_urdf, (position, base_pose[1]))

        # Solve Hanoi sequence with dynamic programming.
        hanoi_steps = []  # [[object index, from rod, to rod], ...]

        def solve_hanoi(n, t0, t1, t2):
            if n == 0:
                hanoi_steps.append([n, t0, t1])
            solve_hanoi(n - 1, t0, t2, t1)
            hanoi_steps.append([n, t0, t1])
            solve_hanoi(n - 1, t2, t1, t0)

        solve_hanoi(num_disks - 1, 0, 2, 1)
        self.num_steps = len(hanoi_steps)

        # Construct goal sequence [{object id : (symmetry, pose)}, ...]
        self.goal = {'places': {}, 'steps': []}
        for step in hanoi_steps:
            object_id = env.objects[step[0]]
            rod_position = rod_positions[step[2]]
            place_position = utils.apply(base_pose, rod_position)
            place_pose = (place_position,
                          utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, 0)))
            place_id = len(self.goal['places'])
            self.goal['places'][place_id] = place_pose
            self.goal['steps'].append({object_id: (0, [place_id])})
コード例 #15
    def reset(self, env):
        self.total_rewards = 0

        # Add zone.
        zone_urdf = 'assets/zone/zone.urdf'
        self.zone_size = (0.12, 0.12, 0)
        self.zone_pose = self.random_pose(env, self.zone_size)
        env.add_object(zone_urdf, self.zone_pose, fixed=True)

        # Add morsels.
        self.object_points = {}
        morsel_urdf = 'assets/morsel/morsel.urdf'
        for _ in range(50):
            rx = self.bounds[0, 0] + 0.15 + np.random.rand() * 0.2
            ry = self.bounds[1, 0] + 0.4 + np.random.rand() * 0.2
            position = (rx, ry, 0.01)
            theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
            rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, theta))
            pose = (position, rotation)
            object_id = env.add_object(morsel_urdf, pose)
            self.object_points[object_id] = self.get_object_points(object_id)
コード例 #16
    def act(self, obs, info, goal=None):
        """Run inference and return best action."""
        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

        # Get observations and run pick prediction
        if self.goal_conditioned:
            gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info, goal=goal)
            gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)
        pick_prediction = self.pick_model(gt_obs[None, ...])
        if self.USE_MDN:
            pi, mu, var = pick_prediction
            #prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            pick_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            pick_prediction = pick_prediction[:, 0, :]
        pick_prediction = pick_prediction[0]  # unbatch

        # Get observations and run place prediction
        obs_with_pick = np.hstack((gt_obs, pick_prediction))

        # since the pick at train time is always 0.0,
        # the predictions are unstable if not exactly 0
        obs_with_pick[-1] = 0.0

        place_prediction = self.place_model(obs_with_pick[None, ...])
        if self.USE_MDN:
            pi, mu, var = place_prediction
            #prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            place_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            place_prediction = place_prediction[:, 0, :]
        place_prediction = place_prediction[0]

        prediction = np.hstack((pick_prediction, place_prediction))

        # Daniel: like with gt_state, guessing this is just for insertion.
        # just go exactly to objects, from observations
        # p0_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[3:5], 0.02))
        # p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, -gt_obs[5]*self.THETA_SCALE))
        # p1_position = np.hstack((gt_obs[0:2], 0.02))
        # p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, -gt_obs[2]*self.THETA_SCALE))

        # Just go exactly to objects, predicted. Daniel: adding 1 rotation  inference case.
        p0_position = np.hstack((prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p0_pred_rot = 0.0 if self.one_rot_inf else -prediction[
            2] * self.THETA_SCALE  # idx 2
        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, p0_pred_rot))
        p1_position = np.hstack((prediction[3:5], 0.02))
        p1_pred_rot = 0.0 if self.one_rot_inf else -prediction[
            5] * self.THETA_SCALE  # idx 5
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (0, 0, p1_pred_rot))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'
        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params

        # Daniel: like transporters, determine the task stage if applicable. (AND if loading only)
        if self.task in ['bag-items-easy', 'bag-items-hard']:
            self._determine_task_stage(p0_position, p1_position)

        return act
コード例 #17
    def act(self, obs, info, goal=None):
        """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""
        del info

        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}
        if not obs:
            return act

        # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
        colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)
        if goal is not None:
            colormap_g, heightmap_g = self.get_heightmap(
                goal, self.camera_config)

        # Concatenate color with depth images.
        input_image = self.concatenate_c_h(colormap, heightmap)

        # Make a goal image if needed, and for consistency stack with input.
        if self.use_goal_image:
            goal_image = self.concatenate_c_h(colormap_g, heightmap_g)
            input_image = np.concatenate((input_image, goal_image), axis=2)
            assert input_image.shape[2] == 12, input_image.shape

        # Attention model forward pass.
        if self.use_goal_image:
            half = int(input_image.shape[2] / 2)
            input_only = input_image[:, :, :half]  # ignore goal portion
            attention = self.attention_model.forward(input_only)
            attention = self.attention_model.forward(input_image)
        argmax = np.argmax(attention)
        argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=attention.shape)
        p0_pixel = argmax[:2]
        p0_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / attention.shape[2])

        # Transport model forward pass.
        if isinstance(self.transport_model, TransportGoal):
            half = int(input_image.shape[2] / 2)
            img_curr = input_image[:, :, :half]
            img_goal = input_image[:, :, half:]
            transport = self.transport_model.forward(img_curr, img_goal,
            transport = self.transport_model.forward(input_image, p0_pixel)

        argmax = np.argmax(transport)
        argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=transport.shape)

        p1_pixel = argmax[:2]
        p1_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / transport.shape[2])

        # Pixels to end effector poses.
        p0_position = utils.pixel_to_position(p0_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,
        p1_position = utils.pixel_to_position(p1_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,

        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, -p0_theta))
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, -p1_theta))

        return self.p0_p1_position_rotations_to_act(act, p0_position,
                                                    p0_rotation, p1_position,
コード例 #18
    def act(self, obs, info, compute_error=False, gt_act=None):
        """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""

        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}
        if not obs:
            return act

        # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
        colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)

        # Concatenate color with depth images.
        input_image = np.concatenate(
            (colormap, heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None],
             heightmap[Ellipsis, None]),

        # Attention model forward pass.
        attention = self.attention_model.forward(input_image)
        argmax = np.argmax(attention)
        argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=attention.shape)
        p0_pixel = argmax[:2]
        p0_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / attention.shape[2])

        # Transport model forward pass.
        transport = self.transport_model.forward(input_image, p0_pixel)
        _, z, roll, pitch = self.rpz_model.forward(input_image, p0_pixel)

        argmax = np.argmax(transport)
        argmax = np.unravel_index(argmax, shape=transport.shape)

        # Index into 3D discrete tensor, grab z, roll, pitch activations
        z_best = z[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None]
        roll_best = roll[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None]
        pitch_best = pitch[:, argmax[0], argmax[1], argmax[2]][Ellipsis, None]

        # Send through regressors for each of z, roll, pitch
        z_best = self.rpz_model.z_regressor(z_best)[0, 0]
        roll_best = self.rpz_model.roll_regressor(roll_best)[0, 0]
        pitch_best = self.rpz_model.pitch_regressor(pitch_best)[0, 0]

        p1_pixel = argmax[:2]
        p1_theta = argmax[2] * (2 * np.pi / transport.shape[2])

        # Pixels to end effector poses.
        p0_position = utils.pixel_to_position(p0_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,
        p1_position = utils.pixel_to_position(p1_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,

        p1_position = (p1_position[0], p1_position[1], z_best)

        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, -p0_theta))
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (roll_best, pitch_best, -p1_theta))

        if compute_error:
            gt_p0_position, gt_p0_rotation = gt_act['params']['pose0']
            gt_p1_position, gt_p1_rotation = gt_act['params']['pose1']

            gt_p0_pixel = np.array(
                utils.position_to_pixel(gt_p0_position, self.bounds,
            gt_p1_pixel = np.array(
                utils.position_to_pixel(gt_p1_position, self.bounds,

                np.linalg.norm(gt_p0_pixel - np.array(p0_pixel)))
                np.linalg.norm(gt_p1_pixel - np.array(p1_pixel)))

            gt_p0_theta = -np.float32(
            gt_p1_theta = -np.float32(

                abs((np.rad2deg(gt_p0_theta - p0_theta) + 180) % 360 - 180))
                abs((np.rad2deg(gt_p1_theta - p1_theta) + 180) % 360 - 180))

            return None

        return self.p0_p1_position_rotations_to_act(act, p0_position,
                                                    p0_rotation, p1_position,
コード例 #19
 def random_pose(self, env, object_size):
     position, rotation = super(InsertionEasy,
                                self).random_pose(env, object_size)
     rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, np.pi / 2))
     return position, rotation
コード例 #20
    def pick_place(self, pose0, pose1, place_6dof=False):
        """Execute pick and place primitive.

    Standard ravens tasks use the `delta` vector to lower the gripper
    until it makes contact with something. With deformables, however, we
    need to consider cases when the gripper could detect a rigid OR a
    soft body (cloth or bag); it should grip the first item it touches.
    This is handled in the Gripper class.

    Different deformable ravens tasks use slightly different parameters
    for better physics (and in some cases, faster simulation). Therefore,
    rather than make special cases here, those tasks will define their
    own action parameters, which we use here if they exist. Otherwise, we
    stick to defaults from standard ravens. Possible action parameters a
    task might adjust:

    speed: how fast the gripper moves.
    delta_z: how fast the gripper lowers for picking / placing.
    prepick_z: height of the gripper when it goes above the target
        pose for picking, just before it lowers.
    postpick_z: after suction gripping, raise to this height, should
        generally be low for cables / cloth.
    preplace_z: like prepick_z, but for the placing pose.
    pause_place: add a small pause for some tasks (e.g., bags) for
        slightly better soft body physics.
    final_z: height of the gripper after the action. Recommended to
        leave it at the default of 0.3, because it has to be set high
        enough to avoid the gripper occluding the workspace when
        generating color/depth maps.

      pose0: picking pose.
      pose1: placing pose.
      place_6dof: Boolean to check if we're using 6 DoF placing.

      A bool indicating whether the action succeeded or not, via
      checking the sequence of movep calls. If any movep failed, then
      self.step() will terminate the episode after this action.

        # Defaults used in the standard Ravens environments.
        speed = 0.01
        delta_z = -0.001
        prepick_z = 0.3
        postpick_z = 0.3
        preplace_z = 0.3
        pause_place = 0.0
        final_z = 0.3

        # Parameters if task provides them, which depends on the task stage.
        if hasattr(self.task, 'primitive_params'):
            ts = self.task.task_stage
            if 'prepick_z' in self.task.primitive_params[ts]:
                prepick_z = self.task.primitive_params[ts]['prepick_z']
            speed = self.task.primitive_params[ts]['speed']
            delta_z = self.task.primitive_params[ts]['delta_z']
            postpick_z = self.task.primitive_params[ts]['postpick_z']
            preplace_z = self.task.primitive_params[ts]['preplace_z']
            pause_place = self.task.primitive_params[ts]['pause_place']

        # Used to track deformable IDs, so that we can get the vertices.
        def_ids = []
        if self.is_softbody_env():
            assert hasattr(self.task, 'def_ids'), 'Soft bodies need def_ids'
            def_ids = self.task.def_ids

        # Now proceed as usual with given action parameters.
        success = True
        pick_position = np.array(pose0[0])
        pick_rotation = np.array(pose0[1])

        prepick_position = pick_position.copy()
        prepick_position[2] = prepick_z

        # Execute picking motion primitive.
        prepick_pose = np.hstack((prepick_position, pick_rotation))
        success &= self.movep(prepick_pose)
        target_pose = prepick_pose.copy()
        delta = np.array([0, 0, delta_z, 0, 0, 0, 0])

        # Lower gripper until (a) touch object (rigid OR def), or (a) hit ground.
        while not self.ee.detect_contact(def_ids) and target_pose[2] > 0:
            target_pose += delta
            success &= self.movep(target_pose)

            # Might need this?
            if not success:
                return False

        # Create constraint (rigid objects) or anchor (deformable).
        self.ee.activate(self.objects, def_ids)

        # Increase z slightly (or hard-code it) and check picking success.
        if self.is_softbody_env() or self.is_new_cable_env():
            prepick_pose[2] = postpick_z
            success &= self.movep(prepick_pose, speed=speed)
            time.sleep(pause_place)  # extra rest for bags
        elif isinstance(self.task, tasks.names['cable']):
            prepick_pose[2] = 0.03
            success &= self.movep(prepick_pose, speed=0.001)
            prepick_pose[2] += pick_position[2]
            success &= self.movep(prepick_pose)
        pick_success = self.ee.check_grasp()

        if pick_success:
            place_position = np.array(pose1[0])
            place_rotation = np.array(pose1[1])

            if not place_6dof:
                preplace_position = place_position.copy()
                preplace_position[2] = 0.3 + pick_position[2]
                preplace_rotation = place_rotation.copy()
                t_world_place = pose1
                t_place_preplace = (np.array([0, 0, 0.3]),
                                        (0, 0, 0)))
                t_world_preplace = utils.multiply(t_world_place,

                preplace_position = np.array(t_world_preplace[0])
                preplace_rotation = np.array(t_world_preplace[1])

            # Execute placing motion primitive if pick success.
            preplace_pose = np.hstack((preplace_position, preplace_rotation))

            if self.is_softbody_env() or self.is_new_cable_env():
                preplace_pose[2] = preplace_z
                success &= self.movep(preplace_pose, speed=speed)
                time.sleep(pause_place)  # extra rest for bag
            elif isinstance(self.task, tasks.names['cable']):
                preplace_pose[2] = 0.03
                success &= self.movep(preplace_pose, speed=0.001)
                success &= self.movep(preplace_pose)

            # Might need this?
            # if not success:
            #    return False

            max_place_steps = 1e3

            if not place_6dof:
                # Lower the gripper. TODO(daniel) test on cloth/bags.
                target_pose = preplace_pose.copy()
                place_steps = 0
                while not self.ee.detect_contact(
                        def_ids) and target_pose[2] > 0:
                    place_steps += 1

                    if place_steps > max_place_steps:
                        print('Catching -- I was stuck.')
                        return False

                    target_pose += delta
                    success &= self.movep(target_pose)
                    # Might need this?
                    if not success:
                        return False

                current_pose = preplace_pose.copy()
                place_pose = np.hstack((place_position, place_rotation))

                place_delta = np.linalg.norm(place_pose[0:3] -
                place_direction = (place_pose[0:3] -
                                   current_pose[0:3]) / place_delta
                place_steps = 0
                while not self.ee.detect_contact(
                ) and place_delta > PLACE_DELTA_THRESHOLD:
                    place_steps += 1
                    if place_steps > max_place_steps:
                        print('Catching -- I was stuck.')
                        return False

                    current_pose[0:3] += place_direction * PLACE_STEP
                    success &= self.movep(current_pose)

                    # Might need this?
                    if not success:
                        return False
                    place_delta = np.linalg.norm(place_pose[0:3] -
                    place_direction = (place_pose[0:3] -
                                       current_pose[0:3]) / place_delta

            # Release and move gripper up (if not 6 DoF) to clear the view for images.
            if not place_6dof:
                preplace_pose[2] = final_z
            success &= self.movep(preplace_pose)
            # Release and move gripper up to clear the view for images.
            prepick_pose[2] = final_z
            success &= self.movep(prepick_pose)
        return success
コード例 #21
    def act(self, obs, info):
        """Run inference and return best action."""
        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}

        # Get observations and run pick prediction
        gt_obs = self.info_to_gt_obs(info)
        pick_prediction = self.pick_model(gt_obs[None, Ellipsis])
        if self.use_mdn:
            pi, mu, var = pick_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            pick_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            pick_prediction = pick_prediction[:, 0, :]
        pick_prediction = pick_prediction[0]  # unbatch

        # Get observations and run place prediction
        obs_with_pick = np.hstack((gt_obs, pick_prediction)).astype(np.float32)

        # since the pick at train time is always 0.0,
        # the predictions are unstable if not exactly 0
        obs_with_pick[-1] = 0.0

        place_se2_prediction = self.place_se2_model(obs_with_pick[None,
        if self.use_mdn:
            pi, mu, var = place_se2_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            place_se2_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            place_se2_prediction = place_se2_prediction[:, 0, :]
        place_se2_prediction = place_se2_prediction[0]

        # Get observations and run rpz prediction
        obs_with_pick_place_se2 = np.hstack(
            (obs_with_pick, place_se2_prediction)).astype(np.float32)

        place_rpz_prediction = self.place_rpz_model(
            obs_with_pick_place_se2[None, Ellipsis])
        if self.use_mdn:
            pi, mu, var = place_rpz_prediction
            # prediction = mdn_utils.pick_max_mean(pi, mu, var)
            place_rpz_prediction = mdn_utils.sample_from_pdf(pi, mu, var)
            place_rpz_prediction = place_rpz_prediction[:, 0, :]
        place_rpz_prediction = place_rpz_prediction[0]

        p0_position = np.hstack((pick_prediction[0:2], 0.02))
        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, 0))

        p1_position = np.hstack(
            (place_se2_prediction[0:2], place_rpz_prediction[2]))
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot(
            (place_rpz_prediction[0] * self.theta_scale,
             place_rpz_prediction[1] * self.theta_scale,
             -place_se2_prediction[2] * self.theta_scale))

        # Select task-specific motion primitive.
        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place_6dof'

        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
コード例 #22
ファイル: form2fit.py プロジェクト: zp2388/google-research
    def act(self, obs, info):
        """Run inference and return best action given visual observations."""
        del info

        act = {'camera_config': self.camera_config, 'primitive': None}
        if not obs:
            return act

        # Get heightmap from RGB-D images.
        colormap, heightmap = self.get_heightmap(obs, self.camera_config)

        # Concatenate color with depth images.
        input_image = np.concatenate(
            (colormap, heightmap[Ellipsis, None], heightmap[Ellipsis, None],
             heightmap[Ellipsis, None]),

        # Get top-k pixels from pick and place heatmaps.
        k = 100
        pick_heatmap = self.pick_model.forward(input_image,
        place_heatmap = self.place_model.forward(input_image,
        descriptors = np.float32(self.match_model.forward(input_image))

        # V4
        pick_heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(pick_heatmap, (49, 49), 0)
        place_heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(place_heatmap, (49, 49), 0)
        pick_topk = np.int32(
        pick_pixel = pick_topk[-1, :]
        from skimage.feature import peak_local_max  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
        place_peaks = peak_local_max(place_heatmap, num_peaks=1)
        distances = np.ones((place_peaks.shape[0], self.num_rotations)) * 10
        pick_descriptor = descriptors[0, pick_pixel[0],
                                      pick_pixel[1], :].reshape(1, -1)
        for i in range(place_peaks.shape[0]):
            peak = place_peaks[i, :]
            place_descriptors = descriptors[:, peak[0], peak[1], :]
            distances[i, :] = np.linalg.norm(place_descriptors -
        ibest = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), shape=distances.shape)
        p0_pixel = pick_pixel
        p0_theta = 0
        p1_pixel = place_peaks[ibest[0], :]
        p1_theta = ibest[1] * (2 * np.pi / self.num_rotations)

        # # V3
        # pick_heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(pick_heatmap, (49, 49), 0)
        # place_heatmap = cv2.GaussianBlur(place_heatmap, (49, 49), 0)
        # pick_topk = np.int32(
        #     np.unravel_index(
        #         np.argsort(pick_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:], pick_heatmap.shape)).T
        # place_topk = np.int32(
        #     np.unravel_index(
        #         np.argsort(place_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:],
        #         place_heatmap.shape)).T
        # pick_pixel = pick_topk[-1, :]
        # place_pixel = place_topk[-1, :]
        # pick_descriptor = descriptors[0, pick_pixel[0],
        #                               pick_pixel[1], :].reshape(1, -1)
        # place_descriptor = descriptors[:, place_pixel[0], place_pixel[1], :]
        # distances = np.linalg.norm(place_descriptor - pick_descriptor, axis=1)
        # irotation = np.argmin(distances)
        # p0_pixel = pick_pixel
        # p0_theta = 0
        # p1_pixel = place_pixel
        # p1_theta = irotation * (2 * np.pi / self.num_rotations)

        # # V2
        # pick_topk = np.int32(
        #     np.unravel_index(
        #         np.argsort(pick_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:], pick_heatmap.shape)).T
        # place_topk = np.int32(
        #     np.unravel_index(
        #         np.argsort(place_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:],
        #         place_heatmap.shape)).T
        # pick_pixel = pick_topk[-1, :]
        # pick_descriptor = descriptors[0, pick_pixel[0],
        #                               pick_pixel[1], :].reshape(1, 1, 1, -1)
        # distances = np.linalg.norm(descriptors - pick_descriptor, axis=3)
        # distances = np.transpose(distances, [1, 2, 0])
        # max_distance = int(np.round(np.max(distances)))
        # for i in range(self.num_rotations):
        #   distances[:, :, i] = cv2.circle(distances[:, :, i],
        #                                   (pick_pixel[1], pick_pixel[0]), 50,
        #                                   max_distance, -1)
        # ibest = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), shape=distances.shape)
        # p0_pixel = pick_pixel
        # p0_theta = 0
        # p1_pixel = ibest[:2]
        # p1_theta = ibest[2] * (2 * np.pi / self.num_rotations)

        # # V1
        # pick_topk = np.int32(
        #     np.unravel_index(
        #         np.argsort(pick_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:], pick_heatmap.shape)).T
        # place_topk = np.int32(
        #     np.unravel_index(
        #         np.argsort(place_heatmap.reshape(-1))[-k:],
        #         place_heatmap.shape)).T
        # distances = np.zeros((k, k, self.num_rotations))
        # for ipick in range(k):
        #   pick_descriptor = descriptors[0, pick_topk[ipick, 0],
        #                                 pick_topk[ipick, 1], :].reshape(1, -1)
        #   for iplace in range(k):
        #     place_descriptors = descriptors[:, place_topk[iplace, 0],
        #                                     place_topk[iplace, 1], :]
        #     distances[ipick, iplace, :] = np.linalg.norm(
        #         place_descriptors - pick_descriptor, axis=1)
        # ibest = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(distances), shape=distances.shape)
        # p0_pixel = pick_topk[ibest[0], :]
        # p0_theta = 0
        # p1_pixel = place_topk[ibest[1], :]
        # p1_theta = ibest[2] * (2 * np.pi / self.num_rotations)

        # Pixels to end effector poses.
        p0_position = utils.pixel_to_position(p0_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,
        p1_position = utils.pixel_to_position(p1_pixel, heightmap, self.bounds,
        p0_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, -p0_theta))
        p1_rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, -p1_theta))

        act['primitive'] = 'pick_place'
        if self.task == 'sweeping':
            act['primitive'] = 'sweep'
        elif self.task == 'pushing':
            act['primitive'] = 'push'
        params = {
            'pose0': (p0_position, p0_rotation),
            'pose1': (p1_position, p1_rotation)
        act['params'] = params
        return act
コード例 #23
ファイル: kitting.py プロジェクト: zp2388/google-research
    def reset(self, env):

        # Add kit.
        kit_size = (0.28, 0.2, 0.005)
        kit_urdf = 'assets/kitting/kit.urdf'
        kit_pose = self.random_pose(env, kit_size)
        env.add_object(kit_urdf, kit_pose, fixed=True)

        # num_shapes = 20
        # train_split = 14
        num_objects = 5
        if self.mode == 'train':
            object_shapes = np.random.choice(self.train_set, num_objects)
            if self.homogeneous:
                object_shapes = [np.random.choice(self.test_set)] * num_objects
                object_shapes = np.random.choice(self.test_set, num_objects)

        self.num_steps = num_objects
        self.goal = {'places': {}, 'steps': [{}]}

        colors = [
            utils.COLORS['purple'], utils.COLORS['blue'],
            utils.COLORS['green'], utils.COLORS['yellow'], utils.COLORS['red']

        symmetries = [
            2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 3, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2,
            2 * np.pi, np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 5, np.pi, np.pi / 2, 2 * np.pi / 5,
            0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 0, 2 * np.pi / 6,
            2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi

        # Build kit.
        place_positions = [[-0.09, 0.045, 0.0014], [0, 0.045, 0.0014],
                           [0.09, 0.045, 0.0014], [-0.045, -0.045, 0.0014],
                           [0.045, -0.045, 0.0014]]
        object_template = 'assets/kitting/object-template.urdf'
        for i in range(num_objects):
            shape = f'{object_shapes[i]:02d}.obj'
            scale = [0.003, 0.003, 0.0001]  # .0005
            position = utils.apply(kit_pose, place_positions[i])
            theta = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
            rotation = utils.get_pybullet_quaternion_from_rot((0, 0, theta))
            replace = {
                'FNAME': (shape, ),
                'SCALE': scale,
                'COLOR': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
            urdf = self.fill_template(object_template, replace)
            _ = env.add_object(urdf, (position, rotation), fixed=True)
            self.goal['places'][i] = (position, rotation)

        # Add objects.
        for i in range(num_objects):
            ishape = object_shapes[i]
            size = (0.08, 0.08, 0.02)
            pose = self.random_pose(env, size)
            shape = f'{ishape:02d}.obj'
            scale = [0.003, 0.003, 0.001]  # .0005
            replace = {'FNAME': (shape, ), 'SCALE': scale, 'COLOR': colors[i]}
            urdf = self.fill_template(object_template, replace)
            block_id = env.add_object(urdf, pose)
            places = np.argwhere(ishape == object_shapes).reshape(-1)
            self.goal['steps'][0][block_id] = (symmetries[ishape], places)