コード例 #1
ファイル: NMPC.py プロジェクト: drewm1980/planepower
def makeNmpc(propertiesDir='../properties'):
    conf = makeConf()
    conf['stabilize_invariants'] = False
    dae = carouselModel.makeModel(conf,propertiesDir=propertiesDir)
    mpc = rawe.Mpc(dae, N=mpcHorizonN, ts=Ts)

#    mpc.constrain( mpc['dddr'], '==', 0 );
    mpc.constrain( radians(-5.0), '<=', mpc['aileron'],  '<=', radians(5.0) );
    mpc.constrain( radians(-5.0), '<=', mpc['elevator'], '<=', radians(5.0) );
    mpc.constrain( -0.2*100, '<=', mpc['daileron'], '<=', 0.2*100 );
    mpc.constrain( -1*100, '<=', mpc['delevator'], '<=', 1*100 );
    mpc.constrain( 0, '<=', mpc['motor_torque'], '<=', 2000 );

    return mpc
コード例 #2
ファイル: MHE.py プロジェクト: drewm1980/planepower
def makeMhe(propertiesDir='../properties'):
    conf = makeConf()
    conf['stabilize_invariants'] = False
    dae = carouselModel.makeModel(conf,propertiesDir=propertiesDir)

    mhe = rawe.Mhe(dae, N=mheHorizonN, ts=Ts, yxNames=measX, yuNames=measU)

    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR1'],'==',0, when='AT_START')
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR2'],'==',0, when='AT_START')
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR3'],'==',0, when='AT_START')
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR4'],'==',0, when='AT_START')
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR5'],'==',0, when='AT_START')
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR6'],'==',0, when='AT_START')

    mhe.constrain(mhe['c'],'==',0, when='AT_START')
    mhe.constrain(mhe['cdot'],'==',0, when='AT_START')

    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstDelta'],'==',0, when='AT_START')

    return mhe
コード例 #3
ファイル: MHE.py プロジェクト: drewm1980/planepower
def makeMhe(Ts = None, propertiesDir = '../../properties'):
    # Make the parameter configuration for the model
    conf = makeConf()
    conf[ 'stabilize_invariants' ] = False

    if useVirtualTorques is True:
        conf[ 'useVirtualTorques' ] = True
    if useVirtualForces is True: 
        conf[ 'useVirtualForces' ] = True
    # Create the DAE
    dae = carouselModel.makeModel(conf, propertiesDir = propertiesDir)

    if Ts is None:
        execSamplingTime = samplingTime
        execSamplingTime = Ts

    mhe = rawe.Mhe(dae, N = mheHorizonN, ts = execSamplingTime, yxNames = measX, yuNames = measU)

#   mheConstraintsWhen = 'AT_START'
    mheConstraintsWhen = 'AT_END'

    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR1'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR2'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR3'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR4'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR5'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)
    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstR6'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)

    mhe.constrain(mhe['c'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)
    mhe.constrain(mhe['cdot'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)

    mhe.constrain(mhe['ConstDelta'], '==', 0, when = mheConstraintsWhen)

    return mhe, conf
コード例 #4
except ImportError:
    useProtobufBridge = False

from mpc_mhe_utils import Plotter
from rawe.models.arianne_conf import makeConf

from rawekite.carouselSteadyState import getSteadyState

# This is the new one, used in experiments.
# from offline_mhe_test import carouselModel
# This is the old one, created by Mario, Greg and friends.
import carouselModel

from common_conf import Ts

conf = makeConf()
conf['stabilize_invariants'] = True
daeSim = carouselModel.makeModel(conf)

# Create the MPC class
mheRT = MHE.makeMheRT()
mpcRT = NMPC.makeNmpcRT(daeSim)

mheSigmas = {'cos_delta':1e-1, 'sin_delta':1e-1,
コード例 #5
ファイル: carouselsim.py プロジェクト: jgillis/rawesome
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with rawesome.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import casadi as C

import time

import rawe
import rawekite
from rawekite.carouselSteadyState import getSteadyState

if __name__=='__main__':
    # create the model
    from rawe.models.arianne_conf import makeConf
    conf = makeConf()
    dae = rawe.models.carousel(makeConf())
    # compute the steady state
    steadyState, ssDot = getSteadyState(dae,conf,2*C.pi,1.2,0.1)
    print steadyState
    print ssDot
    # create the sim
    dt = 0.01
    sim = rawe.sim.Sim(dae,dt)
#    communicator = rawekite.communicator.Communicator()
#    js = joy.Joy()

    # set the initial state from steadyState
コード例 #6
ファイル: lets_id_some_sys.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
 def get_steady_state_guess():
     from rawekite.carouselSteadyState import getSteadyState
     conf_ss = makeConf()
     steadyState,_ = getSteadyState(carousel_dae.makeDae(conf_ss), None, ddelta0, lineRadiusGuess, {})
     return steadyState
コード例 #7
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with rawesome.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import casadi as C

import time

import rawe
import rawekite
from rawekite.carouselSteadyState import getSteadyState

if __name__=='__main__':
    # create the model
    from rawe.models.arianne_conf import makeConf
    conf = makeConf()
    dae = rawe.models.carousel(makeConf())

    # compute the steady state
    steadyState, ssDot = getSteadyState(dae,conf,2*C.pi,1.2,0.1)
    print steadyState
    print ssDot

    # create the sim
    dt = 0.01
    sim = rawe.sim.Sim(dae,dt)
#    communicator = rawekite.communicator.Communicator()
#    js = joy.Joy()

    # set the initial state from steadyState
コード例 #8
            yn = y
        mpcRT.y[:, k] = y
        mpcRT.yN[k] = yn
    for k, name in enumerate(mpcRT.ocp.dae.uNames()):
        mpcRT.y[:, k + nx] = steadyState[name]

# Get the initial guess for the MHE & NMPC by calculating a steady state

# Get the plane configuration parameters
conf = makeConf()
# conf['stabilize_invariants'] = True
dae = carouselModel.makeModel(makeConf(), propertiesDir = '../../properties')

# Reference parameters
# refP = {'r0': 1.275, # [m], cable length used for SS calculations
#         'ddelta0': -4.0, # [rad/s], speed used for SS calculations
#         }

refP = {'r0': 2.0,  # [m], cable length used for SS calculations
        'ddelta0':-5,  # [rad/s], speed used for SS calculations

# Get the steady state
steadyState, dSS = getSteadyState(dae, conf, refP['ddelta0'], refP['r0'])
コード例 #9
ファイル: carousel_dae.py プロジェクト: ghorn/rawesome
def makeDae( conf = None ):
    if conf is None:
        conf = arianne_conf.makeConf()

    # Make model
    dae = rawe.models.carousel(conf)

    (xDotSol, zSol) = dae.solveForXDotAndZ()

    # Get variables and outputs from the model
    ddp = C.vertcat([xDotSol['dx'],xDotSol['dy'],xDotSol['dz']])
    ddt_w_bn_b  = C.vertcat([xDotSol['w_bn_b_x'],xDotSol['w_bn_b_y'],xDotSol['w_bn_b_z']])
    x =   dae['x']
    y =   dae['y']
    z =   dae['z']

    e31 = dae['e31']
    e32 = dae['e32']
    e33 = dae['e33']

    zt = conf['zt']

    dx  =  dae['dx']
    dy  =  dae['dy']

    ddelta = dae['ddelta']
    dddelta = xDotSol['ddelta']

    R = dae['R_c2b']
    rA = conf['rArm']
    g = conf['g']

    # Rotation matrix to convert from NWU to NED frame type
    R_nwu2ned = np.eye( 3 )
    R_nwu2ned[1, 1] = R_nwu2ned[2, 2] = -1.0

    # IMU model

    # Load IMU position and orientation w.r.t. body frame
#    pIMU = C.mul(R_nwu2ned, C.DMatrix(np.loadtxt(os.path.join(propertiesDir,'IMU/pIMU.dat'))))
    pIMU = C.DMatrix([0,0,0])
    pIMU = C.mul(R_nwu2ned, pIMU)

#    RIMU = C.mul(R_nwu2ned, C.DMatrix(np.loadtxt(os.path.join(propertiesDir,'IMU/RIMU.dat'))))

#9.937680e-01   6.949103e-02    8.715574e-02
#-6.975647e-02  9.975641e-01    0
#-8.694344e-02  -6.079677e-03   9.961947e-01
    RIMU = C.DMatrix([[9.937680e-01,   6.949103e-02, 8.715574e-02],
                      [-6.975647e-02,  9.975641e-01,            0],
                      [-8.694344e-02, -6.079677e-03, 9.961947e-01]])
    RIMU = C.mul(R_nwu2ned, RIMU)

        # Define IMU measurement functions
        # TODO here is omitted the term: w x w pIMU
    # The sign of gravity is negative because of the NED convention (z points down!)
    ddpIMU_c = ddp - ddelta ** 2 * C.vertcat([x + rA, y, 0]) + 2 * ddelta * C.vertcat([-dy, dx, 0]) + \
                dddelta * C.vertcat([-y, x + rA, 0]) - C.vertcat([0, 0, g])
    ddpIMU = C.mul(R, ddpIMU_c)
    aBridle = C.cross(ddt_w_bn_b, pIMU)
    ddpIMU += aBridle
    ddpIMU = C.mul(RIMU,ddpIMU)
    # You can add a parameter to conf which will give the model 3 extra states with derivative 0 (to act as parameter) for the bias in the acceleration measurements. If that is present, it should be added to the measurement of the acceleration
    if 'useIMUAccelerationBias' in conf and conf['useIMUAccelerationBias']:
        IMUAccelerationBias = C.vertcat([dae['IMUAccelerationBias1'],dae['IMUAccelerationBias2'],dae['IMUAccelerationBias3']])
        ddpIMU += IMUAccelerationBias

    # For the accelerometers
    dae['IMU_acceleration'] = ddpIMU
    dae['IMU_acceleration_x'] = dae['IMU_acceleration'][0]
    dae['IMU_acceleration_y'] = dae['IMU_acceleration'][1]
    dae['IMU_acceleration_z'] = dae['IMU_acceleration'][2]

    # ... and for the gyroscopes
    dae['IMU_angular_velocity'] = C.mul(RIMU, dae['w_bn_b'])
    dae['IMU_angular_velocity_x'] = dae['IMU_angular_velocity'][0]
    dae['IMU_angular_velocity_y'] = dae['IMU_angular_velocity'][1]
    dae['IMU_angular_velocity_z'] = dae['IMU_angular_velocity'][2]

    if 'kinematicIMUAccelerationModel' in conf and conf['kinematicIMUAccelerationModel']:
        dae['vel_error_x'] = dae['dx']-dae['dx_IMU']
        dae['vel_error_y'] = dae['dy']-dae['dy_IMU']
        dae['vel_error_z'] = dae['dz']-dae['dz_IMU']

        # LAS

    x_tether = (x + zt*e31)
    y_tether = (y + zt*e32)
    z_tether = (z + zt*e33)

    dae['lineAngles'] = C.vertcat([C.arctan(y_tether/x_tether),C.arctan(z_tether/x_tether)])
    dae['lineAngle_hor'] = dae['lineAngles'][0]
    dae['lineAngle_ver'] = dae['lineAngles'][1]

    return dae