コード例 #1
ファイル: stackedflat.py プロジェクト: RyanMcK/bok
    def __init__(self, filenames, stackedbias, stackedbias_err,
                 stackedbias_mask, hdu_num):
        self.filenames = filenames
        self.nfiles = len(filenames)
        self.stackedbias = fits.open(stackedbias)
        self.stackedbias_err = fits.open(stackedbias_err)
        self.stackedbias_mask = fits.open(stackedbias_mask)
        self.hdu_num = hdu_num

        self.images = []
        for filename in filenames:
            img = RawImage(filename, hdu_num)

        nx, ny = self.images[0].data.shape
        cube = np.zeros((self.nfiles, nx, ny))
        cube_weights = np.zeros_like(cube)
        for j in range(self.nfiles):
            cube[j, :, :] = self.images[j].data - self.stackedbias[1].data.T
            cube_err = np.sqrt(self.images[j].data_err**2 +
            med = np.median(cube[j, :, :])
            cube[j, :, :] /= med
            # If we're normalizing the counts, we should do the same for
            # the errors?
            cube_err /= med
            cube_weights[j, :, :] = cube_err**-2.0

        cubemedian = np.median(cube, axis=0)
        # We took the median, not the weighted mean, for the counts, but
        # we'll approximate the error using the weights.
        # See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted_arithmetic_mean#Dealing_with_variance.
        sum_weights = np.sum(cube_weights, axis=0)
        cubestd = np.sqrt(sum_weights**-1.0)

        med = np.median(cubemedian)
        cubemedian /= med
        # Again, normalize the errors whenever we normalize the counts.
        cubestd /= med
        self.data = cubemedian
        self.data_err = cubestd

        # Use the superbias and superflat errors to create a mask, where
        # 0 = good pixel, 1 = bad bias pixel, and 2 = bad flat pixel.
        pixmask = self.stackedbias_mask[1].data.T
        flat_err = cubestd
        cflat_err = flat_err - np.median(flat_err)
        ns = np.percentile(cflat_err, 15.87)
        ps = np.percentile(cflat_err, 84.13)
        sigma_err = max(np.abs(ns), np.abs(ps)) 
        bad_pix = ((flat_err == 0.0) | \
                   (np.abs(flat_err - np.median(flat_err)) > 5.0*sigma_err)) & \
                  (pixmask == 0)
        pixmask[bad_pix] = 2

        self.data_mask = pixmask
コード例 #2
ファイル: stackedbias.py プロジェクト: RyanMcK/bok
    def __init__(self, filenames, hdu_num):
        self.filenames = filenames
        self.nfiles = len(filenames)
        self.hdu_num = hdu_num
        self.images = []
        for filename in filenames:
            img = RawImage(filename, hdu_num)

        nx, ny = self.images[0].data.shape
        cube = np.zeros((self.nfiles, nx, ny))
        cube_weights = np.zeros_like(cube)
        for j in range(self.nfiles):
            cube[j, :, :] = self.images[j].data
            cube_weights[j, :, :] = self.images[j].data_err ** -2.0

        cubeclipped = stats.sigma_clip(cube, sig=3.0, cenfunc=np.mean, axis=0)

        # Compute the weighted mean for each pixel in the stack, using
        # only those weights for counts that weren't clipped.
        cubemean = np.ma.average(cubeclipped, axis=0, weights=cube_weights)
        # In the very unlikely (impossible?) event that all pixels in the
        # stack were masked, assume zero counts.
        cubemean = np.ma.filled(cubemean, 0.0)
        self.data = cubemean

        # Use pairwise differences of overscan-subtracted biases to estimate
        # the error.
        rmses = []
        for i in range(0, self.nfiles - 1, 2):
            diff = (
                self.images[i + 1].data[self.images[i + 1].py_datasec] - self.images[i].data[self.images[i].py_datasec]
            mn = np.mean(diff)
            rms = np.sqrt(np.mean((diff - mn) ** 2.0))
        mean_rms = np.mean(rmses)
        self.data_err = np.full_like(self.data, mean_rms)
        print "hdu %d, bias diff rms %f, scatter %f" % (
            np.sqrt(np.mean((np.array(rmses) - mean_rms) ** 2.0)),

        # Mask those pixels whose rms in the stack of unclipped pixels is
        # greater than five times the rms measured from pairwise differences.
        rms_arr = np.ma.average((cubeclipped - cubemean) ** 2.0, axis=0, weights=cube_weights)
        rms_arr = np.sqrt(np.ma.filled(rms_arr, 0.0))

        pixmask = np.zeros_like(cubemean, dtype=int)
        bad_pix = ((rms_arr == 0.0) | (rms_arr > 5.0 * mean_rms)) & (pixmask == 0)
        pixmask[bad_pix] = 1
        self.data_mask = pixmask
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: RyanMcK/bok
        filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.stacked_bias, "d*.fits"))
        if len(filenames) > 100:
            filenames = filenames[0:100]
        sb = StackedBias(filenames, hdu_num)

    elif args.stacked_image:
        filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.stacked_image, "d*.fits"))
        si = StackedFlat(filenames[0:100], "/scratch2/scratchdirs/nugent/ryan_counts/mar_biases/stackedbias.%02d.fits" % hdu_num, "/scratch2/scratchdirs/nugent/ryan_counts/mar_biases/stackedbias.err.%02d.fits" % hdu_num, hdu_num)

    # At some point will want to rename the below data products to use %02d.
    elif args.processed_image:
        filenames = sorted(glob.glob("/scratch2/scratchdirs/nugent/ryan_counts/20150313/d*.fits"))
        sb = "/scratch2/scratchdirs/nugent/ryan_counts/mar_biases/stackedbias.%02d.fits" % hdu_num
        sb_err = "/scratch2/scratchdirs/nugent/ryan_counts/mar_biases/stackedbias.err.%02d.fits" % hdu_num
        sf = "/scratch2/scratchdirs/nugent/ryan_counts/mar_1000/stackedflat.%02d.fits" % hdu_num
        sf_err = "/scratch2/scratchdirs/nugent/ryan_counts/mar_1000/stackedflat.err.%02d.fits" % hdu_num
        sf_mask = "/scratch2/scratchdirs/nugent/ryan_counts/mar_1000/stackedflat.mask.%02d.fits" % hdu_num
        for filename in filenames:
            if ".p." in filename: continue
            ri = RawImage(filename, hdu_num)
            ri.subtract_stackedbias(sb, sb_err)
            ri.divide_stackedflat(sf, sf_err)