def handle_yaml_error(e): cli_logger.error( "Cluster config invalid.\n" "Failed to load YAML file " + cf.bold("{}"), config_file) cli_logger.newline() with cli_logger.verbatim_error_ctx("PyYAML error:"): cli_logger.error(e) cli_logger.abort()
def run(self): cli_logger.old_info(logger, "{}Updating to {}", self.log_prefix, self.runtime_hash) try: with LogTimer(self.log_prefix + "Applied config {}".format(self.runtime_hash)): self.do_update() except Exception as e: error_str = str(e) if hasattr(e, "cmd"): error_str = "(Exit Status {}) {}".format( e.returncode, " ".join(e.cmd)) self.provider.set_node_tags( self.node_id, {TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_UPDATE_FAILED}) cli_logger.error("New status: {}", cf.bold(STATUS_UPDATE_FAILED)) cli_logger.old_error(logger, "{}Error executing: {}\n", self.log_prefix, error_str) cli_logger.error("!!!") if hasattr(e, "cmd"): cli_logger.error( "Setup command `{}` failed with exit code {}. stderr:", cf.bold(e.cmd), e.returncode) else: cli_logger.verbose_error("{}", str(vars(e))) # todo: handle this better somehow? cli_logger.error("{}", str(e)) # todo: print stderr here cli_logger.error("!!!") cli_logger.newline() if isinstance(e, click.ClickException): # todo: why do we ignore this here return raise tags_to_set = { TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_UP_TO_DATE, TAG_RAY_RUNTIME_CONFIG: self.runtime_hash, } if self.file_mounts_contents_hash is not None: tags_to_set[ TAG_RAY_FILE_MOUNTS_CONTENTS] = self.file_mounts_contents_hash self.provider.set_node_tags(self.node_id, tags_to_set) cli_logger.labeled_value("New status", STATUS_UP_TO_DATE) self.exitcode = 0
def run_init(self, *, as_head, file_mounts): image = self.docker_config.get("image") image = self.docker_config.get( f"{'head' if as_head else 'worker'}_image", image) self._check_docker_installed() if self.docker_config.get("pull_before_run", True): assert image, "Image must be included in config if " + \ "pull_before_run is specified""docker pull {}".format(image), run_env="host") start_command = docker_start_cmds( self.ssh_command_runner.ssh_user, image, file_mounts, self.container_name, self.docker_config.get("run_options", []) + self.docker_config.get( f"{'head' if as_head else 'worker'}_run_options", [])) if not self._check_container_status():, run_env="host") else: running_image = check_docker_image(self.container_name), with_output=True, run_env="host").decode("utf-8").strip() if running_image != image: logger.error(f"A container with name {self.container_name} " + f"is running image {running_image} instead " + f"of {image} (which was provided in the YAML") mounts = check_bind_mounts_cmd(self.container_name), with_output=True, run_env="host").decode("utf-8").strip() try: active_mounts = json.loads(mounts) active_remote_mounts = [ mnt["Destination"] for mnt in active_mounts ] for remote, local in file_mounts.items(): remote = self._docker_expand_user(remote) if remote not in active_remote_mounts: cli_logger.error( "Please ray stop & restart cluster to " f"allow mount {remote}:{local} to take hold") except json.JSONDecodeError: cli_logger.verbose( "Unable to check if file_mounts specified in the YAML " "differ from those on the running container.") self.initialized = True
def handle_ssh_fails(e, first_conn_refused_time, retry_interval): """Handle SSH system failures coming from a subprocess. Args: e: The `ProcessRunnerException` to handle. first_conn_refused_time: The time (as reported by this function) or None, indicating the last time a CONN_REFUSED error was caught. After exceeding a patience value, the program will be aborted since SSH will likely never recover. retry_interval: The interval after which the command will be retried, used here just to inform the user. """ if e.msg_type != "ssh_command_failed": return if e.special_case == "ssh_conn_refused": if first_conn_refused_time is not None and \ time.time() - first_conn_refused_time > \ CONN_REFUSED_PATIENCE: cli_logger.error( "SSH connection was being refused " "for {} seconds. Head node assumed " "unreachable.", cf.bold(str(CONN_REFUSED_PATIENCE))) cli_logger.abort("Check the node's firewall settings " "and the cloud network configuration.") cli_logger.warning("SSH connection was refused.") cli_logger.warning("This might mean that the SSH daemon is " "still setting up, or that " "the host is inaccessable (e.g. due to " "a firewall).") return time.time() if e.special_case in ["ssh_timeout", "ssh_conn_refused"]: cli_logger.print("SSH still not available, " "retrying in {} seconds.", cf.bold(str(retry_interval))) else: raise e return first_conn_refused_time
def run_init(self, *, as_head, file_mounts): BOOTSTRAP_MOUNTS = [ "~/ray_bootstrap_config.yaml", "~/ray_bootstrap_key.pem" ] image = self.docker_config.get("image") image = self.docker_config.get( f"{'head' if as_head else 'worker'}_image", image) self._check_docker_installed() if self.docker_config.get("pull_before_run", True): assert image, "Image must be included in config if " + \ "pull_before_run is specified""docker pull {}".format(image), run_env="host") # Bootstrap files cannot be bind mounted because docker opens the # underlying inode. When the file is switched, docker becomes outdated. cleaned_bind_mounts = file_mounts.copy() for mnt in BOOTSTRAP_MOUNTS: cleaned_bind_mounts.pop(mnt, None) start_command = docker_start_cmds( self.ssh_command_runner.ssh_user, image, cleaned_bind_mounts, self.container_name, self.docker_config.get("run_options", []) + self.docker_config.get( f"{'head' if as_head else 'worker'}_run_options", [])) if not self._check_container_status():, run_env="host") else: running_image =, with_output=True, run_env="host").decode("utf-8").strip() if running_image != image: logger.error(f"A container with name {self.container_name} " + f"is running image {running_image} instead " + f"of {image} (which was provided in the YAML") mounts =, with_output=True, run_env="host").decode("utf-8").strip() try: active_mounts = json.loads(mounts) active_remote_mounts = [ mnt["Destination"] for mnt in active_mounts ] # Ignore ray bootstrap files. for remote, local in cleaned_bind_mounts.items(): remote = self._docker_expand_user(remote) if remote not in active_remote_mounts: cli_logger.error( "Please ray stop & restart cluster to " f"allow mount {remote}:{local} to take hold") except json.JSONDecodeError: cli_logger.verbose( "Unable to check if file_mounts specified in the YAML " "differ from those on the running container.") # Explicitly copy in ray bootstrap files. for mount in BOOTSTRAP_MOUNTS: if mount in file_mounts: "docker cp {src} {container}:{dst}".format( src=os.path.join(DOCKER_MOUNT_PREFIX, mount), container=self.container_name, dst=self._docker_expand_user(mount))) self.initialized = True
def do_update(self): self.provider.set_node_tags( self.node_id, {TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_WAITING_FOR_SSH}) cli_logger.labeled_value("New status", STATUS_WAITING_FOR_SSH) deadline = time.time() + NODE_START_WAIT_S self.wait_ready(deadline) node_tags = self.provider.node_tags(self.node_id) logger.debug("Node tags: {}".format(str(node_tags))) # runtime_hash will only change whenever the user restarts # or updates their cluster with `get_or_create_head_node` if node_tags.get(TAG_RAY_RUNTIME_CONFIG) == self.runtime_hash and ( self.file_mounts_contents_hash is None or node_tags.get(TAG_RAY_FILE_MOUNTS_CONTENTS) == self.file_mounts_contents_hash): # todo: we lie in the confirmation message since # full setup might be cancelled here cli_logger.print( "Configuration already up to date, " "skipping file mounts, initalization and setup commands.", _numbered=("[]", "2-5", 6)) cli_logger.old_info(logger, "{}{} already up-to-date, skip to ray start", self.log_prefix, self.node_id) # When resuming from a stopped instance the runtime_hash may be the # same, but the container will not be started. self.cmd_runner.run_init(as_head=self.is_head_node, file_mounts=self.file_mounts) else: cli_logger.print("Updating cluster configuration.", _tags=dict(hash=self.runtime_hash)) self.provider.set_node_tags( self.node_id, {TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_SYNCING_FILES}) cli_logger.labeled_value("New status", STATUS_SYNCING_FILES) self.sync_file_mounts(self.rsync_up, step_numbers=(2, 6)) # Only run setup commands if runtime_hash has changed because # we don't want to run setup_commands every time the head node # file_mounts folders have changed. if node_tags.get(TAG_RAY_RUNTIME_CONFIG) != self.runtime_hash: # Run init commands self.provider.set_node_tags( self.node_id, {TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_SETTING_UP}) cli_logger.labeled_value("New status", STATUS_SETTING_UP) if self.initialization_commands: with"Running initialization commands", _numbered=("[]", 3, 5)): with LogTimer(self.log_prefix + "Initialization commands", show_status=True): for cmd in self.initialization_commands: try: # Overriding the existing SSHOptions class # with a new SSHOptions class that uses # this ssh_private_key as its only __init__ # argument. # Run outside docker. cmd, ssh_options_override_ssh_key=self. auth_config.get("ssh_private_key"), run_env="host") except ProcessRunnerError as e: if e.msg_type == "ssh_command_failed": cli_logger.error("Failed.") cli_logger.error( "See above for stderr.") raise click.ClickException( "Initialization command failed." ) from None else: cli_logger.print("No initialization commands to run.", _numbered=("[]", 3, 6)) self.cmd_runner.run_init(as_head=self.is_head_node, file_mounts=self.file_mounts) if self.setup_commands: with "Running setup commands", # todo: fix command numbering _numbered=("[]", 4, 6)): with LogTimer(self.log_prefix + "Setup commands", show_status=True): total = len(self.setup_commands) for i, cmd in enumerate(self.setup_commands): if cli_logger.verbosity == 0 and len(cmd) > 30: cmd_to_print = cf.bold(cmd[:30]) + "..." else: cmd_to_print = cf.bold(cmd) cli_logger.print("{}", cmd_to_print, _numbered=("()", i, total)) try: # Runs in the container if docker is in use, run_env="auto") except ProcessRunnerError as e: if e.msg_type == "ssh_command_failed": cli_logger.error("Failed.") cli_logger.error( "See above for stderr.") raise click.ClickException( "Setup command failed.") else: cli_logger.print("No setup commands to run.", _numbered=("[]", 4, 6)) with"Starting the Ray runtime", _numbered=("[]", 6, 6)): with LogTimer(self.log_prefix + "Ray start commands", show_status=True): for cmd in self.ray_start_commands: if self.node_resources: env_vars = { ray_constants.RESOURCES_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE: self.node_resources } else: env_vars = {} try: old_redirected = cmd_output_util.is_output_redirected() cmd_output_util.set_output_redirected(False) # Runs in the container if docker is in use, environment_variables=env_vars, run_env="auto") cmd_output_util.set_output_redirected(old_redirected) except ProcessRunnerError as e: if e.msg_type == "ssh_command_failed": cli_logger.error("Failed.") cli_logger.error("See above for stderr.") raise click.ClickException("Start command failed.")
def run(self): cli_logger.old_info(logger, "{}Updating to {}", self.log_prefix, self.runtime_hash) if cmd_output_util.does_allow_interactive( ) and cmd_output_util.is_output_redirected(): # this is most probably a bug since the user has no control # over these settings msg = ("Output was redirected for an interactive command. " "Either do not pass `--redirect-command-output` " "or also pass in `--use-normal-shells`.") cli_logger.abort(msg) raise click.ClickException(msg) try: with LogTimer(self.log_prefix + "Applied config {}".format(self.runtime_hash)): self.do_update() except Exception as e: error_str = str(e) if hasattr(e, "cmd"): error_str = "(Exit Status {}) {}".format( e.returncode, " ".join(e.cmd)) self.provider.set_node_tags( self.node_id, {TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_UPDATE_FAILED}) cli_logger.error("New status: {}", cf.bold(STATUS_UPDATE_FAILED)) cli_logger.old_error(logger, "{}Error executing: {}\n", self.log_prefix, error_str) cli_logger.error("!!!") if hasattr(e, "cmd"): cli_logger.error( "Setup command `{}` failed with exit code {}. stderr:", cf.bold(e.cmd), e.returncode) else: cli_logger.verbose_error("{}", str(vars(e))) # todo: handle this better somehow? cli_logger.error("{}", str(e)) # todo: print stderr here cli_logger.error("!!!") cli_logger.newline() if isinstance(e, click.ClickException): # todo: why do we ignore this here return raise tags_to_set = { TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_UP_TO_DATE, TAG_RAY_RUNTIME_CONFIG: self.runtime_hash, } if self.file_mounts_contents_hash is not None: tags_to_set[ TAG_RAY_FILE_MOUNTS_CONTENTS] = self.file_mounts_contents_hash self.provider.set_node_tags(self.node_id, tags_to_set) cli_logger.labeled_value("New status", STATUS_UP_TO_DATE) self.exitcode = 0
def _read_subprocess_stream(f, output_file, is_stdout=False): """Read and process a subprocess output stream. The goal is to find error messages and respond to them in a clever way. Currently just used for SSH messages (CONN_REFUSED, TIMEOUT, etc.), so the user does not get confused by these. Ran in a thread each for both `stdout` and `stderr` to allow for cross-platform asynchronous IO. Note: `select`-based IO is another option, but Windows has no support for `select`ing pipes, and Linux support varies somewhat. Spefically, Older *nix systems might also have quirks in how they handle `select` on pipes. Args: f: File object for the stream. output_file: File object to which filtered output is written. is_stdout (bool): When `is_stdout` is `False`, the stream is assumed to be `stderr`. Different error message detectors are used, and the output is displayed to the user unless it matches a special case (e.g. SSH timeout), in which case this is left up to the caller. """ detected_special_case = None while True: # ! Readline here is crucial. # ! Normal `read()` will block until EOF instead of until # something is available. line = f.readline() if line is None or line == "": # EOF break if line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] if not is_stdout: if _ssh_output_regexes["connection_closed"]\ .fullmatch(line) is not None: # Do not log "connection closed" messages which SSH # puts in stderr for no reason. # # They are never errors since the connection will # close no matter whether the command succeeds or not. continue if _ssh_output_regexes["timeout"].fullmatch(line) is not None: # Timeout is not really an error but rather a special # condition. It should be handled by the caller, since # network conditions/nodes in the early stages of boot # are expected to sometimes cause connection timeouts. if detected_special_case is not None: raise ValueError("Bug: ssh_timeout conflicts with another " "special codition: " + detected_special_case) detected_special_case = "ssh_timeout" continue if _ssh_output_regexes["conn_refused"]\ .fullmatch(line) is not None: # Connection refused is not really an error but # rather a special condition. It should be handled by # the caller, since network conditions/nodes in the # early stages of boot are expected to sometimes cause # CONN_REFUSED. if detected_special_case is not None: raise ValueError( "Bug: ssh_conn_refused conflicts with another " "special codition: " + detected_special_case) detected_special_case = "ssh_conn_refused" continue if _ssh_output_regexes["known_host_update"]\ .fullmatch(line) is not None: # Since we ignore SSH host control anyway # (-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null), # we should silence the host control warnings. continue cli_logger.error(line) if output_file is not None: output_file.write(line + "\n") return detected_special_case
def handle_boto_error(exc, msg, *args, **kwargs): if cli_logger.old_style: # old-style logging doesn't do anything here # so we exit early return error_code = None error_info = None # todo: not sure if these exceptions always have response if hasattr(exc, "response"): error_info = exc.response.get("Error", None) if error_info is not None: error_code = error_info.get("Code", None) generic_message_args = [ "{}\n" "Error code: {}", msg.format(*args, **kwargs), cf.bold(error_code) ] # apparently # ExpiredTokenException # ExpiredToken # RequestExpired # are all the same pretty much credentials_expiration_codes = [ "ExpiredTokenException", "ExpiredToken", "RequestExpired" ] if error_code in credentials_expiration_codes: # "An error occurred (ExpiredToken) when calling the # GetInstanceProfile operation: The security token # included in the request is expired" # "An error occurred (RequestExpired) when calling the # DescribeKeyPairs operation: Request has expired." token_command = ("aws sts get-session-token " "--serial-number arn:aws:iam::" + cf.underlined("ROOT_ACCOUNT_ID") + ":mfa/" + cf.underlined("AWS_USERNAME") + " --token-code " + cf.underlined("TWO_FACTOR_AUTH_CODE")) secret_key_var = ("export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = " + cf.underlined("REPLACE_ME") + " # found at Credentials.SecretAccessKey") session_token_var = ("export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN = " + cf.underlined("REPLACE_ME") + " # found at Credentials.SessionToken") access_key_id_var = ("export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = " + cf.underlined("REPLACE_ME") + " # found at Credentials.AccessKeyId") # fixme: replace with a Github URL that points # to our repo aws_session_script_url = ("" "a0284e1d97b25d417bd9ae02e5f450cf") cli_logger.verbose_error(*generic_message_args) cli_logger.verbose(vars(exc)) cli_logger.abort( "Your AWS session has expired.\n\n" "You can request a new one using\n{}\n" "then expose it to Ray by setting\n{}\n{}\n{}\n\n" "You can find a script that automates this at:\n{}", cf.bold(token_command), cf.bold(secret_key_var), cf.bold(session_token_var), cf.bold(access_key_id_var), cf.underlined(aws_session_script_url)) # todo: any other errors that we should catch separately? cli_logger.error(*generic_message_args) cli_logger.newline() with cli_logger.verbatim_error_ctx("Boto3 error:"): cli_logger.verbose(vars(exc)) cli_logger.error(exc) cli_logger.abort()
cli_logger.verbosity = 999 cli_logger.detect_colors() cli_logger.print( cf.bold("Bold ") + cf.italic("Italic ") + cf.underlined("Underlined")) cli_logger.labeled_value("Label", "value") cli_logger.print("List: {}", cli_logger.render_list([1, 2, 3])) cli_logger.newline() cli_logger.very_verbose("Very verbose") cli_logger.verbose("Verbose") cli_logger.verbose_warning("Verbose warning") cli_logger.verbose_error("Verbose error") cli_logger.print("Info") cli_logger.success("Success") cli_logger.warning("Warning") cli_logger.error("Error") cli_logger.newline() try: cli_logger.abort("Abort") except Exception: pass try: cli_logger.doassert(False, "Assert") except Exception: pass cli_logger.newline() cli_logger.confirm(True, "example") cli_logger.newline() with cli_logger.indented(): cli_logger.print("Indented") with"Group"):
def do_update(self): self.provider.set_node_tags( self.node_id, {TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_WAITING_FOR_SSH}) cli_logger.labeled_value("New status", STATUS_WAITING_FOR_SSH) deadline = time.time() + NODE_START_WAIT_S self.wait_ready(deadline) node_tags = self.provider.node_tags(self.node_id) logger.debug("Node tags: {}".format(str(node_tags))) # runtime_hash will only change whenever the user restarts # or updates their cluster with `get_or_create_head_node` if node_tags.get(TAG_RAY_RUNTIME_CONFIG) == self.runtime_hash and ( self.file_mounts_contents_hash is None or node_tags.get(TAG_RAY_FILE_MOUNTS_CONTENTS) == self.file_mounts_contents_hash): # todo: we lie in the confirmation message since # full setup might be cancelled here cli_logger.print( "Configuration already up to date, " "skipping file mounts, initalization and setup commands.") cli_logger.old_info(logger, "{}{} already up-to-date, skip to ray start", self.log_prefix, self.node_id) else: cli_logger.print("Updating cluster configuration.", _tags=dict(hash=self.runtime_hash)) self.provider.set_node_tags( self.node_id, {TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_SYNCING_FILES}) cli_logger.labeled_value("New status", STATUS_SYNCING_FILES) self.sync_file_mounts(self.rsync_up) # Only run setup commands if runtime_hash has changed because # we don't want to run setup_commands every time the head node # file_mounts folders have changed. if node_tags.get(TAG_RAY_RUNTIME_CONFIG) != self.runtime_hash: # Run init commands self.provider.set_node_tags( self.node_id, {TAG_RAY_NODE_STATUS: STATUS_SETTING_UP}) cli_logger.labeled_value("New status", STATUS_SETTING_UP) if self.initialization_commands: with"Running initialization commands", _numbered=("[]", 3, 5)): with LogTimer(self.log_prefix + "Initialization commands", show_status=True): for cmd in self.initialization_commands: try: cmd, ssh_options_override=SSHOptions( self.auth_config.get( "ssh_private_key"))) except ProcessRunnerError as e: if e.msg_type == "ssh_command_failed": cli_logger.error("Failed.") cli_logger.error( "See above for stderr.") raise click.ClickException( "Initialization command failed.") else: cli_logger.print("No initialization commands to run.", _numbered=("[]", 3, 6)) if self.setup_commands: with "Running setup commands", # todo: fix command numbering _numbered=("[]", 4, 6)): with LogTimer(self.log_prefix + "Setup commands", show_status=True): total = len(self.setup_commands) for i, cmd in enumerate(self.setup_commands): if cli_logger.verbosity == 0 and len(cmd) > 30: cmd_to_print = cf.bold(cmd[:30]) + "..." else: cmd_to_print = cf.bold(cmd) cli_logger.print("{}", cmd_to_print, _numbered=("()", i, total)) try: except ProcessRunnerError as e: if e.msg_type == "ssh_command_failed": cli_logger.error("Failed.") cli_logger.error( "See above for stderr.") raise click.ClickException( "Setup command failed.") else: cli_logger.print("No setup commands to run.", _numbered=("[]", 4, 6)) with"Starting the Ray runtime", _numbered=("[]", 6, 6)): with LogTimer(self.log_prefix + "Ray start commands", show_status=True): for cmd in self.ray_start_commands: try: except ProcessRunnerError as e: if e.msg_type == "ssh_command_failed": cli_logger.error("Failed.") cli_logger.error("See above for stderr.") raise click.ClickException("Start command failed.")