def _bootstrap_config(config: Dict[str, Any], no_config_cache: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: config = prepare_config(config) hasher = hashlib.sha1() hasher.update(json.dumps([config], sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8")) cache_key = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "ray-config-{}".format(hasher.hexdigest())) if os.path.exists(cache_key) and not no_config_cache: cli_logger.old_info(logger, "Using cached config at {}", cache_key) config_cache = json.loads(open(cache_key).read()) if config_cache.get("_version", -1) == CONFIG_CACHE_VERSION: # todo: is it fine to re-resolve? afaik it should be. # we can have migrations otherwise or something # but this seems overcomplicated given that resolving is # relatively cheap try_reload_log_state(config_cache["config"]["provider"], config_cache.get("provider_log_info")) cli_logger.verbose("Loaded cached config from " + cf.bold("{}"), cache_key) return config_cache["config"] else: cli_logger.warning( "Found cached cluster config " "but the version " + cf.bold("{}") + " " "(expected " + cf.bold("{}") + ") does not match.\n" "This is normal if cluster launcher was updated.\n" "Config will be re-resolved.", config_cache.get("_version", "none"), CONFIG_CACHE_VERSION) validate_config(config) importer = NODE_PROVIDERS.get(config["provider"]["type"]) if not importer: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported provider {}".format( config["provider"])) provider_cls = importer(config["provider"]) with cli_logger.timed( # todo: better message "Bootstraping {} config", PROVIDER_PRETTY_NAMES.get(config["provider"]["type"])): resolved_config = provider_cls.bootstrap_config(config) if not no_config_cache: with open(cache_key, "w") as f: config_cache = { "_version": CONFIG_CACHE_VERSION, "provider_log_info": try_get_log_state(config["provider"]), "config": resolved_config } f.write(json.dumps(config_cache)) return resolved_config
def wait_for_ip(self, deadline): # if we have IP do not print waiting info ip = self._get_node_ip() if ip is not None: cli_logger.labeled_value("Fetched IP", ip) return ip interval = 10 with cli_logger.timed("Waiting for IP"): while time.time() < deadline and \ not self.provider.is_terminated(self.node_id): cli_logger.old_info(logger, "{}Waiting for IP...", self.log_prefix) ip = self._get_node_ip() if ip is not None: cli_logger.labeled_value("Received", ip) return ip cli_logger.print("Not yet available, retrying in {} seconds", cf.bold(str(interval))) time.sleep(interval) return None
def get_or_create_head_node(config, config_file, no_restart, restart_only, yes, override_cluster_name, _provider=None, _runner=subprocess): """Create the cluster head node, which in turn creates the workers.""" provider = (_provider or get_node_provider(config["provider"], config["cluster_name"])) config = copy.deepcopy(config) raw_config_file = config_file # used for printing to the user config_file = os.path.abspath(config_file) try: head_node_tags = { TAG_RAY_NODE_KIND: NODE_KIND_HEAD, } nodes = provider.non_terminated_nodes(head_node_tags) if len(nodes) > 0: head_node = nodes[0] else: head_node = None if not head_node: cli_logger.confirm(yes, "No head node found. " "Launching a new cluster.", _abort=True) cli_logger.old_confirm("This will create a new cluster", yes) elif not no_restart: cli_logger.old_confirm("This will restart cluster services", yes) if head_node: if restart_only: cli_logger.confirm( yes, "Updating cluster configuration and " "restarting the cluster Ray runtime. " "Setup commands will not be run due to `{}`.\n", cf.bold("--restart-only"), _abort=True) elif no_restart: cli_logger.print( "Cluster Ray runtime will not be restarted due " "to `{}`.", cf.bold("--no-restart")) cli_logger.confirm(yes, "Updating cluster configuration and " "running setup commands.", _abort=True) else: cli_logger.print( "Updating cluster configuration and running full setup.") cli_logger.confirm( yes, cf.bold("Cluster Ray runtime will be restarted."), _abort=True) cli_logger.newline() # TODO(ekl) this logic is duplicated in (keep in sync) head_node_config = copy.deepcopy(config["head_node"]) if "head_node_type" in config: head_node_tags[TAG_RAY_USER_NODE_TYPE] = config["head_node_type"] head_node_config.update(config["available_node_types"][ config["head_node_type"]]["node_config"]) launch_hash = hash_launch_conf(head_node_config, config["auth"]) if head_node is None or provider.node_tags(head_node).get( TAG_RAY_LAUNCH_CONFIG) != launch_hash: with"Acquiring an up-to-date head node"): if head_node is not None: cli_logger.print( "Currently running head node is out-of-date with " "cluster configuration") cli_logger.print( "hash is {}, expected {}", cf.bold( provider.node_tags(head_node).get( TAG_RAY_LAUNCH_CONFIG)), cf.bold(launch_hash)) cli_logger.confirm(yes, "Relaunching it.", _abort=True) cli_logger.old_confirm( "Head node config out-of-date. It will be terminated", yes) cli_logger.old_info( logger, "get_or_create_head_node: " "Shutting down outdated head node {}", head_node) provider.terminate_node(head_node) cli_logger.print("Terminated head node {}", head_node) cli_logger.old_info( logger, "get_or_create_head_node: Launching new head node...") head_node_tags[TAG_RAY_LAUNCH_CONFIG] = launch_hash head_node_tags[TAG_RAY_NODE_NAME] = "ray-{}-head".format( config["cluster_name"]) provider.create_node(head_node_config, head_node_tags, 1) cli_logger.print("Launched a new head node") start = time.time() head_node = None with cli_logger.timed("Fetching the new head node"): while True: if time.time() - start > 50: cli_logger.abort( "Head node fetch timed out.") # todo: msg raise RuntimeError("Failed to create head node.") nodes = provider.non_terminated_nodes(head_node_tags) if len(nodes) == 1: head_node = nodes[0] break time.sleep(1) cli_logger.newline() with "Setting up head node", _numbered=("<>", 1, 1), # cf.bold(provider.node_tags(head_node)[TAG_RAY_NODE_NAME]), _tags=dict()): # add id, ARN to tags? # TODO(ekl) right now we always update the head node even if the # hash matches. # We could prompt the user for what they want to do here. # No need to pass in cluster_sync_files because we use this # hash to set up the head node (runtime_hash, file_mounts_contents_hash) = hash_runtime_conf( config["file_mounts"], None, config) cli_logger.old_info( logger, "get_or_create_head_node: Updating files on head node...") # Rewrite the auth config so that the head # node can update the workers remote_config = copy.deepcopy(config) # drop proxy options if they exist, otherwise # head node won't be able to connect to workers remote_config["auth"].pop("ssh_proxy_command", None) if "ssh_private_key" in config["auth"]: remote_key_path = "~/ray_bootstrap_key.pem" remote_config["auth"]["ssh_private_key"] = remote_key_path # Adjust for new file locations new_mounts = {} for remote_path in config["file_mounts"]: new_mounts[remote_path] = remote_path remote_config["file_mounts"] = new_mounts remote_config["no_restart"] = no_restart # Now inject the rewritten config and SSH key into the head node remote_config_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( "w", prefix="ray-bootstrap-") remote_config_file.write(json.dumps(remote_config)) remote_config_file.flush() config["file_mounts"].update( {"~/ray_bootstrap_config.yaml":}) if "ssh_private_key" in config["auth"]: config["file_mounts"].update({ remote_key_path: config["auth"]["ssh_private_key"], }) cli_logger.print("Prepared bootstrap config") if restart_only: setup_commands = [] ray_start_commands = config["head_start_ray_commands"] elif no_restart: setup_commands = config["head_setup_commands"] ray_start_commands = [] else: setup_commands = config["head_setup_commands"] ray_start_commands = config["head_start_ray_commands"] if not no_restart: warn_about_bad_start_command(ray_start_commands) updater = NodeUpdaterThread( node_id=head_node, provider_config=config["provider"], provider=provider, auth_config=config["auth"], cluster_name=config["cluster_name"], file_mounts=config["file_mounts"], initialization_commands=config["initialization_commands"], setup_commands=setup_commands, ray_start_commands=ray_start_commands, process_runner=_runner, runtime_hash=runtime_hash, file_mounts_contents_hash=file_mounts_contents_hash, is_head_node=True, docker_config=config.get("docker")) updater.start() updater.join() # Refresh the node cache so we see the external ip if available provider.non_terminated_nodes(head_node_tags) if config.get("provider", {}).get("use_internal_ips", False) is True: head_node_ip = provider.internal_ip(head_node) else: head_node_ip = provider.external_ip(head_node) if updater.exitcode != 0: # todo: this does not follow the mockup and is not good enough cli_logger.abort("Failed to setup head node.") cli_logger.old_error( logger, "get_or_create_head_node: " "Updating {} failed", head_node_ip) sys.exit(1) cli_logger.old_info( logger, "get_or_create_head_node: " "Head node up-to-date, IP address is: {}", head_node_ip) monitor_str = "tail -n 100 -f /tmp/ray/session_*/logs/monitor*" if override_cluster_name: modifiers = " --cluster-name={}".format( quote(override_cluster_name)) else: modifiers = "" if cli_logger.old_style: print("To monitor autoscaling activity, you can run:\n\n" " ray exec {} {}{}\n".format(config_file, quote(monitor_str), modifiers)) print("To open a console on the cluster:\n\n" " ray attach {}{}\n".format(config_file, modifiers)) print("To get a remote shell to the cluster manually, run:\n\n" " {}\n".format( updater.cmd_runner.remote_shell_command_str())) cli_logger.newline() with"Useful commands"): cli_logger.print("Monitor autoscaling with") cli_logger.print(cf.bold(" ray exec {}{} {}"), raw_config_file, modifiers, quote(monitor_str)) cli_logger.print("Connect to a terminal on the cluster head") cli_logger.print(cf.bold(" ray attach {}{}"), raw_config_file, modifiers) finally: provider.cleanup()
cli_logger.print("List: {}", cli_logger.render_list([1, 2, 3])) cli_logger.newline() cli_logger.very_verbose("Very verbose") cli_logger.verbose("Verbose") cli_logger.verbose_warning("Verbose warning") cli_logger.verbose_error("Verbose error") cli_logger.print("Info") cli_logger.success("Success") cli_logger.warning("Warning") cli_logger.error("Error") cli_logger.newline() try: cli_logger.abort("Abort") except Exception: pass try: cli_logger.doassert(False, "Assert") except Exception: pass cli_logger.newline() cli_logger.confirm(True, "example") cli_logger.newline() with cli_logger.indented(): cli_logger.print("Indented") with"Group"): cli_logger.print("Group contents") with cli_logger.timed("Timed (unimplemented)"): cli_logger.print("Timed contents") with cli_logger.verbatim_error_ctx("Verbtaim error"): cli_logger.print("Error contents")