コード例 #1
def test_two_dags_shared_instance(serve_instance, use_build):
    """Test classmethod chain behavior is consistent across core and serve dag.

    Note this only works if serve also has one replica given each class method
    call mutates its internal state, but forming class method call chains that
    mutate replica state should be considered anti-pattern in serve, given
    request could be routed to different replicas each time.
    counter = Counter.bind(0)

    with InputNode() as input_1:
        # Will be carried over to second dag if counter reused
        # Only applicable to current execution
        dag = counter.get.bind()
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.options(route_prefix="/serve_dag").bind(dag)

    with InputNode() as _:
        other_dag = counter.get.bind()
        other_serve_dag = DAGDriver.options(

    # First DAG
    assert ray.get(dag.execute(3)) == 5  # 0 + 2 + input(3)
    serve_handle = serve.run(maybe_build(serve_dag, use_build))
    assert ray.get(serve_handle.predict.remote(3)) == 5  # 0 + 2 + input(3)

    # Second DAG with shared counter ClassNode
    assert ray.get(other_dag.execute(0)) == 32  # 0 + 2 + 10 + 20
    other_serve_handle = serve.run(maybe_build(other_serve_dag, use_build))
    assert ray.get(
        other_serve_handle.predict.remote(0)) == 32  # 0 + 2 + 10 + 20
コード例 #2
def test_single_func_deployment_dag(serve_instance, use_build):
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        dag = combine.bind(dag_input[0], dag_input[1], kwargs_output=1)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(dag, http_adapter=json_resolver)
    handle = serve.run(serve_dag)
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote([1, 2])) == 4
    assert requests.post("", json=[1, 2]).json() == 4
コード例 #3
def test_chained_function(serve_instance, use_build):
    def func_1(input):
        return input

    def func_2(input):
        return input * 2

    def func_3(input):
        return input * 3

    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        output_1 = func_1.bind(dag_input)
        output_2 = func_2.bind(dag_input)
        output_3 = func_3.bind(output_2)
        ray_dag = combine.bind(output_1, output_2, kwargs_output=output_3)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Please provide a driver class"):
        _ = serve.run(ray_dag)

    serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(ray_dag, http_adapter=json_resolver)

    handle = serve.run(serve_dag)
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote(2)) == 18  # 2 + 2*2 + (2*2) * 3
    assert requests.post("", json=2).json() == 18
コード例 #4
def test_serve_pipeline_func_class_with_class_method_plot():
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        m1 = Model.bind(1)
        m2 = Model.bind(2)
        m1_output = m1.forward.bind(dag_input[0])
        m2_output = m2.forward.bind(dag_input[1])
        combine_output = combine.bind(m1_output,
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(combine_output, input_schema=json_resolver)
        serve_dag = ray_dag_to_serve_dag(serve_dag)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        to_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.png")
        ray.experimental.dag.plot(serve_dag, to_file)
        assert os.path.isfile(to_file)

    graph = ray.experimental.dag.vis_utils.dag_to_dot(serve_dag)
    to_string = graph.to_string()
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE_1" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE_2" in to_string
    assert "Model -> forward" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE -> forward" in to_string
    assert "Model_1 -> forward_1" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE_1 -> forward_1" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE_2 -> combine" in to_string
    assert "forward -> combine" in to_string
    assert "forward_1 -> combine" in to_string
    assert "combine -> DAGDriver" in to_string
コード例 #5
def test_serve_pipeline_chained_function_plot():
    def func_1(input):
        return input

    def func_2(input):
        return input * 2

    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        output_1 = func_1.bind(dag_input)
        output_2 = func_2.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = combine.bind(output_1, output_2)
        serve_dag = ray_dag_to_serve_dag(serve_dag)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        to_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.png")
        ray.experimental.dag.plot(serve_dag, to_file)
        assert os.path.isfile(to_file)

    graph = ray.experimental.dag.vis_utils.dag_to_dot(serve_dag)
    to_string = graph.to_string()
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> func_1" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> func_2" in to_string
    assert "func_1 -> combine" in to_string
    assert "func_2 -> combine" in to_string
コード例 #6
def test_suprious_call(serve_instance):
    # https://github.com/ray-project/ray/issues/24116

    class CallTracker:
        def __init__(self):
            self.records = []

        def __call__(self, inp):

        def predict(self, inp):

        def get(self):
            return self.records

    tracker = CallTracker.bind()
    with InputNode() as inp:
        dag = DAGDriver.bind(tracker.predict.bind(inp))
    handle = serve.run(dag)

    call_tracker = CallTracker.get_handle()
    assert ray.get(call_tracker.get.remote()) == ["predict"]
コード例 #7
def test_simple_class_with_class_method(serve_instance, use_build):
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        model = Model.bind(2, ratio=0.3)
        dag = model.forward.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(dag, http_adapter=json_resolver)
    handle = serve.run(serve_dag)
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote(1)) == 0.6
    assert requests.post("", json=1).json() == 0.6
コード例 #8
def test_class_factory(serve_instance):
    with InputNode() as _:
        instance = serve.deployment(class_factory()).bind(3)
        output = instance.get.bind()
        serve_dag = NoargDriver.bind(output)

    handle = serve.run(serve_dag)
    assert ray.get(handle.remote()) == 3
    assert requests.get("").text == "3"
コード例 #9
def test_shared_deployment_handle(serve_instance, use_build):
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        m = Model.bind(2)
        combine = Combine.bind(m, m2=m)
        combine_output = combine.__call__.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(combine_output, http_adapter=json_resolver)

    handle = serve.run(serve_dag)
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote(1)) == 4
    assert requests.post("", json=1).json() == 4
コード例 #10
def test_single_node_driver_sucess(serve_instance, use_build):
    m1 = Adder.bind(1)
    m2 = Adder.bind(2)
    with InputNode() as input_node:
        out = m1.forward.bind(input_node)
        out = m2.forward.bind(out)
    driver = DAGDriver.bind(out, http_adapter=json_resolver)
    handle = serve.run(driver)
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote(39)) == 42
    assert requests.post("", json=39).json() == 42
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_pipeline_dag.py プロジェクト: smorad/ray
def test_multi_instantiation_class_nested_deployment_arg_dag(serve_instance, use_build):
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        m1 = Model.bind(2)
        m2 = Model.bind(3)
        combine = Combine.bind(m1, m2={NESTED_HANDLE_KEY: m2}, m2_nested=True)
        output = combine.__call__.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(output, http_adapter=json_resolver)

    handle = serve.run(serve_dag)
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote(1)) == 5
    assert requests.post("", json=1).json() == 5
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_pipeline_dag.py プロジェクト: smorad/ray
def test_func_class_with_class_method(serve_instance, use_build):
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        m1 = Model.bind(1)
        m2 = Model.bind(2)
        m1_output = m1.forward.bind(dag_input[0])
        m2_output = m2.forward.bind(dag_input[1])
        combine_output = combine.bind(m1_output, m2_output, kwargs_output=dag_input[2])
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(combine_output, http_adapter=json_resolver)

    handle = serve.run(serve_dag)
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote([1, 2, 3])) == 8
    assert requests.post("", json=[1, 2, 3]).json() == 8
コード例 #13
def test_multi_instantiation_class_deployment_in_init_args(
        serve_instance, use_build):
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        m1 = Model.bind(2)
        m2 = Model.bind(3)
        combine = Combine.bind(m1, m2=m2)
        combine_output = combine.__call__.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(combine_output, input_schema=json_resolver)

    handle = serve.run(serve_dag)
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote(1)) == 5
    assert requests.post("", json=1).json() == 5
コード例 #14
def test_serve_pipeline_class_factory_plot():
    with InputNode() as _:
        instance = serve.deployment(class_factory()).bind(3)
        output = instance.get.bind()
        serve_dag = NoargDriver.bind(output)
        serve_dag = ray_dag_to_serve_dag(serve_dag)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        to_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.png")
        ray.experimental.dag.plot(serve_dag, to_file)
        assert os.path.isfile(to_file)

    graph = ray.experimental.dag.vis_utils.dag_to_dot(serve_dag)
    to_string = graph.to_string()
    assert "MyInlineClass -> get" in to_string
    assert "get -> NoargDriver" in to_string
コード例 #15
def test_serve_pipeline_class_with_class_method_plot():
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        model = Model.bind(2, ratio=0.3)
        dag = model.forward.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(dag, input_schema=json_resolver)
        serve_dag = ray_dag_to_serve_dag(serve_dag)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        to_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.png")
        ray.experimental.dag.plot(serve_dag, to_file)
        assert os.path.isfile(to_file)

    graph = ray.experimental.dag.vis_utils.dag_to_dot(serve_dag)
    to_string = graph.to_string()
    assert "Model -> forward" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> forward" in to_string
    assert "forward -> DAGDriver" in to_string
コード例 #16
def test_serve_pipeline_single_func_deployment_dag_plot():
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        dag = combine.bind(dag_input[0], dag_input[1], kwargs_output=1)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(dag, input_schema=json_resolver)
        serve_dag = ray_dag_to_serve_dag(serve_dag)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        to_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.png")
        ray.experimental.dag.plot(serve_dag, to_file)
        assert os.path.isfile(to_file)

    graph = ray.experimental.dag.vis_utils.dag_to_dot(serve_dag)
    to_string = graph.to_string()
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE_1" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE -> combine" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_ATTRIBUTE_NODE_1 -> combine" in to_string
    assert "combine -> DAGDriver" in to_string
コード例 #17
def test_chained_function(serve_instance, use_build):
    def func_1(input):
        return input

    def func_2(input):
        return input * 2

    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        output_1 = func_1.bind(dag_input)
        output_2 = func_2.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = combine.bind(output_1, output_2)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Please provide a driver class"):
        _ = serve.run(serve_dag)

    handle = serve.run(DAGDriver.bind(serve_dag, input_schema=json_resolver))
    assert ray.get(handle.predict.remote(2)) == 6  # 2 + 2*2
    assert requests.post("", json=2).json() == 6
コード例 #18
def test_serve_pipeline_test_shared_deployment_handle_plot():
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        m = Model.bind(2)
        combine = Combine.bind(m, m2=m)
        combine_output = combine.__call__.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(combine_output, input_schema=json_resolver)
        serve_dag = ray_dag_to_serve_dag(serve_dag)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        to_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.png")
        ray.experimental.dag.plot(serve_dag, to_file)
        assert os.path.isfile(to_file)

    graph = ray.experimental.dag.vis_utils.dag_to_dot(serve_dag)
    to_string = graph.to_string()
    assert "Model -> Combine" in to_string
    assert "Combine -> __call__" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> __call__" in to_string
    assert "__call__ -> DAGDriver" in to_string
コード例 #19
def test_serve_pipeline_multi_instantiation_class_nested_deployment_arg_dag_plot(
    with InputNode() as dag_input:
        m1 = Model.bind(2)
        m2 = Model.bind(3)
        combine = Combine.bind(m1, m2={NESTED_HANDLE_KEY: m2}, m2_nested=True)
        output = combine.__call__.bind(dag_input)
        serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(output, input_schema=json_resolver)
        serve_dag = ray_dag_to_serve_dag(serve_dag)

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        to_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, "tmp.png")
        ray.experimental.dag.plot(serve_dag, to_file)
        assert os.path.isfile(to_file)

    graph = ray.experimental.dag.vis_utils.dag_to_dot(serve_dag)
    to_string = graph.to_string()
    assert "Model -> Combine" in to_string
    assert "Model_1 -> Combine" in to_string
    assert "Combine -> __call__" in to_string
    assert "INPUT_NODE -> __call__" in to_string
    assert "__call__ -> DAGDriver" in to_string
コード例 #20
import ray
from ray import serve
from ray.serve.deployment_graph import InputNode


class Model:
    def __init__(self, weight):
        self.weight = weight

    def forward(self, input):
        return input + self.weight

# 3 nodes chain in a line
num_nodes = 3
nodes = [Model.bind(w) for w in range(num_nodes)]
outputs = [None] * num_nodes
with InputNode() as dag_input:
    for i in range(num_nodes):
        if i == 0:
            # first node
            outputs[i] = nodes[i].forward.bind(dag_input)
            outputs[i] = nodes[i].forward.bind(outputs[i - 1])

コード例 #21
        # This default price is overwritten by the one specified in the
        # user_config through the reconfigure() method.
        self.price = self.DEFAULT_PRICE

    def reconfigure(self, config: Dict):
        self.price = config.get("price", self.DEFAULT_PRICE)

    def check_price(self, amount: float) -> float:
        return self.price * amount

async def json_resolver(request: Request) -> List:
    return await request.json()

with InputNode() as query:
    fruit, amount = query[0], query[1]

    mango_stand = MangoStand.bind()
    orange_stand = OrangeStand.bind()
    pear_stand = PearStand.bind()

    fruit_market = FruitMarket.bind(mango_stand, orange_stand, pear_stand)

    net_price = fruit_market.check_price.bind(fruit, amount)

deployment_graph = DAGDriver.bind(net_price, http_adapter=json_request)
# __fruit_example_end__

# Test example's behavior
import requests  # noqa: E402
コード例 #22
class Model:
    def __init__(self, weight):
        self.weight = weight

    def forward(self, input):
        return input + self.weight

def combine(output_1, output_2, kwargs_output=0):
    return output_1 + output_2 + kwargs_output

with InputNode() as user_input:
    m1 = Model.bind(1)
    m2 = Model.bind(2)
    m1_output = m1.forward.bind(user_input[0])
    m2_output = m2.forward.bind(user_input[1])
    dag = combine.bind(m1_output, m2_output, kwargs_output=user_input[2])

# Partial DAG visualization
graph = ray.dag.vis_utils._dag_to_dot(m1_output)
to_string = graph.to_string()

# Entire DAG visualization
graph = ray.dag.vis_utils._dag_to_dot(dag)
to_string = graph.to_string()
コード例 #23
ファイル: add_and_sub.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/ray
        "num_cpus": 0.1,
class Router:
    def __init__(self, adder: RayHandleLike, subtractor: RayHandleLike):
        self.adder = adder
        self.subtractor = subtractor

    def route(self, op: Operation, input: int) -> int:
        if op == Operation.ADD:
            return ray.get(self.adder.add.remote(input))
        elif op == Operation.SUBTRACT:
            return ray.get(self.subtractor.subtract.remote(input))

async def json_resolver(request: starlette.requests.Request) -> List:
    return await request.json()

with InputNode() as inp:
    operation, amount_input = inp[0], inp[1]

    adder = Add.bind()
    subtractor = Subtract.bind()
    router = Router.bind(adder, subtractor)
    amount = router.route.bind(operation, amount_input)

serve_dag = DAGDriver.bind(amount, http_adapter=json_resolver)