if (pyray.check_collision_point_rec(touch_position, touch_area) and current_gesture != pyray.GESTURE_NONE): if current_gesture != last_gesture: gesture_strings.append(GESTURE_LABELS[current_gesture]) # Reset gestures strings if len(gesture_strings) >= MAX_GESTURE_STRINGS: gesture_strings = [] # Draw pyray.begin_drawing() pyray.clear_background(RAYWHITE) pyray.draw_rectangle_rec(touch_area, GRAY) pyray.draw_rectangle(225, 15, SCREEN_WIDTH - 240, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 30, RAYWHITE) pyray.draw_text('GESTURES TEST AREA', SCREEN_WIDTH - 270, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 40, 20, pyray.fade(GRAY, 0.5)) for i, val in enumerate(gesture_strings): if i % 2 == 0: pyray.draw_rectangle(10, 30 + 20 * i, 200, 20, pyray.fade(LIGHTGRAY, 0.5)) else: pyray.draw_rectangle(10, 30 + 20 * i, 200, 20, pyray.fade(LIGHTGRAY, 0.3)) if i < len(gesture_strings) - 1: pyray.draw_text(val, 35, 36 + 20 * i, 10, DARKGRAY) else: pyray.draw_text(val, 35, 36 + 20 * i, 10, MAROON)
box_position_y: int = SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2 - 40 scroll_speed = 4 # Scrolling speed in pixels pyray.set_target_fps(60) # Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second # Main game loop while not pyray.window_should_close(): # Detect window close button or ESC key # Update box_position_y -= (pyray.get_mouse_wheel_move() * scroll_speed) # Draw pyray.begin_drawing() pyray.clear_background(RAYWHITE) pyray.draw_rectangle( SCREEN_WIDTH // 2 - 40, box_position_y, 80, 80, MAROON) pyray.draw_text('User mouse wheel to move the cube up and down!', 10, 10, 20, GRAY) pyray.draw_text('Box position Y: {:03d}'.format(box_position_y), 10, 40, 20, LIGHTGRAY) pyray.end_drawing() # De-Initialization pyray.close_window() # Close window and OpenGL context