コード例 #1
def test_allocation_functions():
    host = TargetInfo.host()
    dhost = TargetInfo.host(use_tracing_allocator=True)
    assert host is not dhost  # check that use_tracing_allocator is part of the cache key
    assert host.info[
        'fn_allocate_varlen_buffer'] == 'rbclib_allocate_varlen_buffer'
    assert host.info['fn_free_buffer'] == 'rbclib_free_buffer'
    assert dhost.info[
        'fn_allocate_varlen_buffer'] == 'rbclib_tracing_allocate_varlen_buffer'
    assert dhost.info['fn_free_buffer'] == 'rbclib_tracing_free_buffer'
コード例 #2
ファイル: buffer.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
def omnisci_buffer_idx_set_null(typingctx, arr, row_idx):
    T = arr.eltype
    sig = types.none(arr, row_idx)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    null_value = target_info.null_values[f'{T}']

    # The server sends numbers as unsigned values rather than signed ones.
    # Thus, 129 should be read as -127 (overflow). See rbc issue #254
    bitwidth = T.bitwidth
    null_value = np.dtype(f'uint{bitwidth}').type(null_value).view(

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        # get the operator.setitem intrinsic
        fnop = context.typing_context.resolve_value_type(
        setitem_sig = types.none(arr, row_idx, T)
        # register the intrinsic in the typing ctx
        fnop.get_call_type(context.typing_context, setitem_sig.args, {})
        intrinsic = context.get_function(fnop, setitem_sig)

        data, index = args
        # data = {T*, i64, i8}*
        ty = data.type.pointee.elements[0].pointee
        nv = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(T.bitwidth), null_value)
        if isinstance(T, types.Float):
            nv = builder.bitcast(nv, ty)
        intrinsic(builder, (

    return sig, codegen
コード例 #3
def omnisci_udtfmanager_error_message_(typingctx, mgr, msg):
    sig = types.int32(mgr, msg)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    if target_info.software[1][:3] < (5, 9, 0):
        raise UnsupportedError(error_msg % (".".join(map(str, target_info.software[1]))))

    if not isinstance(msg, types.StringLiteral):
        raise TypeError(f"expected StringLiteral but got {type(msg).__name__}")

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        mgr_ptr = args[0]

        mgr_i8ptr = builder.bitcast(mgr_ptr, i8p)

        msg_bytes = msg.literal_value.encode('utf-8')
        msg_const = make_bytearray(msg_bytes + b'\0')
        msg_global_var = global_constant(
        msg_ptr = builder.bitcast(msg_global_var, i8p)

        fnty = ir.FunctionType(i32, [i8p, i8p])
        fn = irutils.get_or_insert_function(
            builder.module, fnty, "TableFunctionManager_error_message")

        return builder.call(fn, [mgr_i8ptr, msg_ptr])

    return sig, codegen
コード例 #4
def omnisci_column_set_null_(typingctx, col_var, row_idx):
    # Float values are serialized as integers by OmniSciDB
    # For reference, here is the conversion table for float and double
    #   FLOAT:  1.1754944e-38            -> 8388608
    #   DOUBLE: 2.2250738585072014e-308  -> 4503599627370496
    #                    ^                          ^
    #                 fp value                  serialized
    T = col_var.eltype
    sig = types.void(col_var, row_idx)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    null_value = target_info.null_values[str(T)]

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        zero = int32_t(0)

        data, index = args

        assert data.opname == 'load'
        buf = data.operands[0]

        ptr = builder.load(builder.gep(buf, [zero, zero]))

        ty = ptr.type.pointee
        nv = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(T.bitwidth), null_value)
        if isinstance(T, types.Float):
            nv = builder.bitcast(nv, ty)
        builder.store(nv, builder.gep(ptr, [index]))

    return sig, codegen
コード例 #5
ファイル: buffer.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        buffers = builder_buffers[builder]

        # TODO: using stdlib `free` that works only for CPU. For CUDA
        # devices, we need to use omniscidb provided deallocator.
        target_info = TargetInfo()
            free_buffer_fn_name = target_info.info['fn_free_buffer']
        except KeyError as msg:
            raise UnsupportedError(f'{target_info} does not provide {msg}')
        free_buffer_fnty = llvm_ir.FunctionType(void_t, [int8_t.as_pointer()])
        free_buffer_fn = irutils.get_or_insert_function(
            builder.module, free_buffer_fnty, free_buffer_fn_name)

        if isinstance(value_to_keep_alive, BufferPointer):
            # free all the buffers apart value_to_keep_alive
            [keep_alive] = args
            keep_alive_ptr = builder.load(
                builder.gep(keep_alive, [int32_t(0), int32_t(0)]))
            keep_alive_ptr = builder.bitcast(keep_alive_ptr,
            for ptr8 in buffers:
                with builder.if_then(
                        builder.icmp_signed('!=', keep_alive_ptr, ptr8)):
                    builder.call(free_buffer_fn, [ptr8])
            # free all the buffers unconditionally
            for ptr8 in buffers:
                builder.call(free_buffer_fn, [ptr8])

        del builder_buffers[builder]
コード例 #6
ファイル: external.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
            def generic(self, args, kws):
                # get the correct signature and function name for the current device
                atypes = tuple(map(Type.fromobject, args))
                t = self.obj.match_signature(atypes)

                codegen = self.obj.get_codegen()
                extending.lower_builtin(self.key, *t.tonumba().args)(codegen)
                return t.tonumba()
コード例 #7
ファイル: heavydb.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        target_info = TargetInfo()
        if target_info.software[1][:3] < (5, 7, 0):
            msg = 'set_output_row_size is only available in OmniSciDB 5.7 or newer'
            raise UnsupportedError(msg)

        fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [ir.IntType(64)])
        fn = irutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.module, fnty, name="set_output_row_size")
        assert fn.is_declaration
        builder.call(fn, args)  # don't return anything
コード例 #8
ファイル: buffer.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        # TODO: using stdlib `free` that works only for CPU. For CUDA
        # devices, we need to use omniscidb provided deallocator.
        target_info = TargetInfo()
        free_buffer_fn_name = target_info.info['fn_free_buffer']
        free_buffer_fnty = llvm_ir.FunctionType(void_t, [int8_t.as_pointer()])
        free_buffer_fn = irutils.get_or_insert_function(
            builder.module, free_buffer_fnty, free_buffer_fn_name)

        [buf] = args
        buf_ptr = builder.load(builder.gep(
            buf, [int32_t(0), int32_t(0)]))  # buf.ptr
        buf_ptr = builder.bitcast(buf_ptr, int8_t.as_pointer())
        builder.call(free_buffer_fn, [buf_ptr])
コード例 #9
ファイル: buffer.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
def omnisci_buffer_constructor(context, builder, sig, args):


      extending.lower_builtin(MyBuffer, numba.types.Integer, ...)(omnisci_buffer_constructor)

    will enable creating MyBuffer instance from a Omnisci UDF/UDTF definition:

      b = MyBuffer(<size>, ...)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
        alloc_fn_name = target_info.info['fn_allocate_varlen_buffer']
    except KeyError as msg:
        raise UnsupportedError(f'{target_info} does not provide {msg}')

    ptr_type, sz_type = sig.return_type.dtype.members[:2]
    if len(sig.return_type.dtype.members) > 2:
        assert len(sig.return_type.dtype.members) == 3
        null_type = sig.return_type.dtype.members[2]
        null_type = None
    assert isinstance(args[0].type, ir.IntType), (args[0].type)
    element_count = builder.zext(args[0], int64_t)
    element_size = int64_t(ptr_type.dtype.bitwidth // 8)

    alloc_fnty = ir.FunctionType(int8_t.as_pointer(), [int64_t, int64_t])

    alloc_fn = irutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.module, alloc_fnty,
    ptr8 = builder.call(alloc_fn, [element_count, element_size])
    # remember possible temporary allocations so that when leaving a
    # UDF/UDTF, these will be deallocated, see pipeline.py.
    ptr = builder.bitcast(ptr8, context.get_value_type(ptr_type))

    fa = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(sig.return_type.dtype)(context, builder)
    fa.ptr = ptr  # T*
    fa.sz = element_count  # size_t
    if null_type is not None:
        is_zero = builder.icmp_signed('==', element_count, int64_t(0))
        with builder.if_else(is_zero) as (then, orelse):
            with then:
                is_null = context.get_value_type(null_type)(1)
            with orelse:
                is_null = context.get_value_type(null_type)(0)
        fa.is_null = is_null  # int8_t
    return fa._getpointer()
コード例 #10
ファイル: omnisci_buffer.py プロジェクト: pearu/rbc
def omnisci_array_is_null_(typingctx, T, elem):
    sig = types.boolean(T, elem)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    null_value = target_info.null_values[f'{T.dtype}']
    # The server sends numbers as unsigned values rather than signed ones.
    # Thus, 129 should be read as -127 (overflow). See rbc issue #254
    bitwidth = T.dtype.bitwidth
    null_value = np.dtype(f'uint{bitwidth}').type(null_value).view(f'int{bitwidth}')
    nv = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(bitwidth), null_value)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        _, elem = args
        if isinstance(T.dtype, types.Float):
            elem = builder.bitcast(elem, nv.type)
        return builder.icmp_signed('==', elem, nv)

    return sig, codegen
コード例 #11
def omnisci_udtfmanager_set_output_row_size_(typingctx, mgr, num_rows):
    sig = types.void(mgr, num_rows)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    if target_info.software[1][:3] < (5, 9, 0):
        raise UnsupportedError(error_msg % (".".join(map(str, target_info.software[1]))))

    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        mgr_ptr, num_rows_arg = args

        mgr_i8ptr = builder.bitcast(mgr_ptr, i8p)

        fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [i8p, i64])
        fn = irutils.get_or_insert_function(
            builder.module, fnty, "TableFunctionManager_set_output_row_size")

        builder.call(fn, [mgr_i8ptr, num_rows_arg])

    return sig, codegen
コード例 #12
def omnisci_column_is_null_(typingctx, col_var, row_idx):
    T = col_var.eltype
    sig = types.boolean(col_var, row_idx)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    null_value = target_info.null_values[str(T)]
    nv = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(T.bitwidth), null_value)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        data, index = args
        ptr = irutils.get_member_value(builder, data, 0)
        res = builder.load(builder.gep(ptr, [index]))

        if isinstance(T, types.Float):
            res = builder.bitcast(res, nv.type)

        return builder.icmp_signed('==', res, nv)

    return sig, codegen
コード例 #13
ファイル: external.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
 def match_signature(self, atypes):
     # Code here is the same found in remotejit.py::Signature::best_match
     device = "CPU" if TargetInfo().is_cpu else "GPU"
     available_types = tuple(map(Type.fromobject, self._signatures[device]))
     ftype = None
     match_penalty = None
     for typ in available_types:
         penalty = typ.match(atypes)
         if penalty is not None:
             if ftype is None or penalty < match_penalty:
                 ftype = typ
                 match_penalty = penalty
     if ftype is None:
         satypes = ", ".join(map(str, atypes))
         available = "; ".join(map(str, available_types))
         raise TypeError(
             f"found no matching function type to given argument types"
             f" `{satypes}` and device `{device}`. Available function types: {available}"
     return ftype
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_typesystem.py プロジェクト: pearu/rbc
def test_dummy():
    with pytest.raises(
            match=r'Target not specified.'):

    with TargetInfo.dummy():
        t = Type.fromobject('int')
        assert str(t) == 'int'

        t = Type.fromobject('int(int)')
        assert t.is_function

        t = Type.fromobject('foo(bar)')
        assert t.is_function

    with pytest.raises(
            match=r'Target not specified.'):
コード例 #15
ファイル: buffer.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
def omnisci_buffer_idx_is_null_(typingctx, col_var, row_idx):
    T = col_var.eltype
    sig = types.boolean(col_var, row_idx)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    null_value = target_info.null_values[str(T)]
    # The server sends numbers as unsigned values rather than signed ones.
    # Thus, 129 should be read as -127 (overflow). See rbc issue #254
    nv = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(T.bitwidth), null_value)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        ptr, index = args
        data = builder.extract_value(builder.load(ptr), [0])
        res = builder.load(builder.gep(data, [index]))

        if isinstance(T, types.Float):
            res = builder.bitcast(res, nv.type)

        return builder.icmp_signed('==', res, nv)

    return sig, codegen
コード例 #16
ファイル: external.py プロジェクト: guilhermeleobas/rbc
    def external(cls, *args):
        signature : object (str, ctypes function, python callable, numba function)
            Any object convertible to a Numba function via Type.fromobject(...).tonumba()
        ts = defaultdict(list)
        key = None
        for signature in args:
            with TargetInfo.dummy():
                t = Type.fromobject(signature)
            if not t.is_function:
                raise ValueError("signature must represent a function type")

            if not t.name:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"external function name not specified for signature {signature}"

            if key is None:
                key = t.name
            if not key:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"external function name not specified for signature {signature}"

            for device in [
                    a for a in t.annotation() or [] if a in ["CPU", "GPU"]
            ] or [

        obj = cls(key, ts)
        return obj
コード例 #17
def omnisci_column_is_null_(typingctx, col_var, row_idx):
    T = col_var.eltype
    sig = types.boolean(col_var, row_idx)

    target_info = TargetInfo()
    null_value = target_info.null_values[str(T)]
    nv = ir.Constant(ir.IntType(T.bitwidth), null_value)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        zero = int32_t(0)
        data, index = args
        assert data.opname == 'load'
        buf = data.operands[0]

        ptr = builder.load(builder.gep(buf, [zero, zero]))
        res = builder.load(builder.gep(ptr, [index]))

        if isinstance(T, types.Float):
            res = builder.bitcast(res, nv.type)

        return builder.icmp_signed('==', res, nv)

    return sig, codegen
コード例 #18
ファイル: external.py プロジェクト: pearu/rbc
    def fromobject(cls, signature, name: str = None):
        signature : object (str, ctypes function, python callable, numba function)
            Any object convertible to a Numba function via Type.fromobject(...).tonumba()
        name : str
            The name of the external function
        # Make inner function for the actual work
        target_info = TargetInfo.dummy()
        with target_info:
            t = Type.fromobject(signature)
            if not t.is_function:
                raise ValueError("signature must represent a function type")

            if name is None:
                name = t.name
            if not name:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"external function name not specified for signature {signature}"

        return cls(name, t)
コード例 #19
    np_NA_message = None
except ImportError as msg:
    np = None
    np_NA_message = str(msg)

    import numpy as np
except ImportError:
    np = None

import pytest
from rbc.typesystem import Type, get_signature
from rbc.utils import get_datamodel
from rbc.targetinfo import TargetInfo

target_info = TargetInfo.host()

def Type_fromstring(s):
    return Type.fromstring(s, target_info)

def Type_fromobject(s):
    return Type.fromobject(s, target_info)

def Type_fromcallable(s):
    return Type.fromcallable(s, target_info)

def Type_fromvalue(s):
コード例 #20
 def inner(context, builder, sig, args):
     impl = cpu if TargetInfo().is_cpu else gpu
     return impl(context, builder, sig, args)
コード例 #21
 def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
     target_info = TargetInfo()
     if target_info.is_cpu:
         cgutils.printf(builder, format_type.literal_value, *args[1:])
コード例 #22
 def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
     target_info = TargetInfo()
     if target_info.is_cpu:
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_typesystem.py プロジェクト: pearu/rbc
def target_info():

    target_info = TargetInfo.host()
    with target_info:
        yield target_info
コード例 #24
def test_to_from_dict():
    host = TargetInfo.host()
    d = host.todict()
    host2 = TargetInfo.fromdict(d)
    assert host.__dict__ == host2.__dict__
コード例 #25
def test_host_cache():
    host = TargetInfo.host()
    host2 = TargetInfo.host()
    assert host is host2
コード例 #26
def test_basic():
    host = TargetInfo.host()
    assert host.name == 'host_cpu'
    with host:
        ti = TargetInfo()
        assert ti is host
コード例 #27
 def pass_by_value(self):
     omnisci_version = TargetInfo().software[1][:3]
     return omnisci_version <= (5, 7, 0)