コード例 #1
ファイル: gMap.py プロジェクト: OdellDotson/rbe3002
    def aStarSearch(self, start):
        This function generates a dictionary of paths where the shortest path can be found through
        traversing from the goal back to the start.

        This version of A* uses tools.distFormula as the heuristic. Could be changed out.

        :param start: (x,y) touple of the location in the grid.
        :return: Dictionary of <end point> : <starting Point> as key,value
        frontier = Queue.PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put((0, start))            ## Put takes a touple of priority, value

        came_from = {}
        cost_so_far = {}

        came_from[start] = None
        cost_so_far[start] = 0

        while not frontier.empty():
            current_touple = frontier.get()                                             ## Returns the (priority, (x,y)
            _,current = current_touple                                                  ## sets current to (x,y)
            x,y = current

            if x == self.goalX and y == self.goalY:
                break #We're there!

            #unpack current
            neighbors = self.getNeighbors(x,y)
            # print neighbors
            for next in neighbors:                                         ## Get list of touples (points)
                # print "AStar",next,current
                cost_next = cost_so_far[current] + tools.distFormula(current, next)
                if next not in cost_so_far or cost_so_far[next] > cost_next:
                    if next not in cost_so_far:
                        frontier.put((cost_next + tools.distFormula(next, self._goal_pos), next))## Put takes a touple of priority, value
                        nx,ny = next
                        ## THis is where explored nodes would be added to a list for painting.
                        # self.explored_nodes_list.append(tools.makePoint(nx,ny,0))
                        # self._repaint_map()
                    cost_so_far[next] = cost_next
                    came_from[next] = current

        if frontier.empty():
            print "It's empty!!!!!"
            print "CAME FROM:", came_from
            print "GOAL", self._goal_
            print "START", start
            raise RuntimeError("A* cannot find the path for some reason")
        return came_from
コード例 #2
ファイル: map.py プロジェクト: OdellDotson/rbe3002
 def isAtGoalPosition(self, currentLoc):
     Takes in a tuple of (x, y) that is the current robot location.
     Returns true if we're there, false otherwise.
     if (tools.distFormula(currentLoc, self._goal_pos) < 0.1): # Maybe this error bar should go out globally, or take it in.
         return True
         return False
コード例 #3
ファイル: turtlebot.py プロジェクト: OdellDotson/rbe3002
    def driveStraight(self, speed, distance):
        This takes in a speed and distance and moves in the facing direction
        until it has reached the distance.

        NOTE: This function denotes it's travel by how far the 'odom' frame believes
        it has traveled. NOT how far it has traveled in the /map.

        :param speed: This is a 0 to 1 value, it will cap the values at 1 and 0.
        :param distance: This is a value in meters.
        :return: Nothing

        ## Speed Error checking
        if speed > 1: speed = 1
        elif speed < 0: speed = 0

        ## Set the starting x,y
        starting_x = self._x
        starting_y = self._y

        ## Booleans for understanding location
        arrived = False
        slowdown = False

        while ((not arrived) and (not rospy.is_shutdown())):
            ## Get the distance traveled
            dist_so_far = tools.distFormula((starting_x,starting_y),(self._x,self._y))

            ## Modulate speed based off how far you've gone
            if dist_so_far <= abs(distance)*0.25:
                regulated_speed = speed*(0.2) + speed*(dist_so_far / distance)
            elif dist_so_far >= abs(distance)*0.75:
                regulated_speed = speed*(0.2) + speed*(1- (dist_so_far / distance))
                regulated_speed = speed
            if distance > 0: self._spinWheels(regulated_speed,regulated_speed,0.1)
            else: self._spinWheels(-regulated_speed,-regulated_speed,0.1)

            #Set the booleans on if you're there yet
            arrived = dist_so_far >= abs(distance)
