コード例 #1
ファイル: map.py プロジェクト: OdellDotson/rbe3002
    def _start_populate(self, threshold =50):
        This function publishes the walls and unexplored maps to the 'self._wall' and 'self._not_explored_nodes'
        publishers. This gives the map a basis to view what is occuring in realtime.

        This is used as a startup function, and as a base paint function.

        :param threshold: This is the value that is used to discern a wall vs. unknown space
        :return: None

        # logging.info("Configuring for publishing")
        grid = self._map

        wall_cells = tools.makeGridCells('map',0.3,0.3)
        not_explored = tools.makeGridCells('map',0.3,0.3)

        self.wall_list =[]; self.not_explored_list = []

        for i in range(0,self._height): #height should be set to hieght of grid
            for j in range(0,self._width): #height should be set to hieght of grid
                point = tools.makePoint(j,i,0)
                if (self._map[i][j] > threshold ):
        wall_cells.cells = self.wall_list
        not_explored.cells = self.not_explored_list

コード例 #2
ファイル: map.py プロジェクト: OdellDotson/rbe3002
    def aStarSearch(self, start):
        This function generates a dictionary of paths where the shortest path can be found through
        traversing from the goal back to the start.

        This version of A* uses tools.distFormula as the heuristic. Could be changed out.

        :param start: (x,y) touple of the location in the grid.
        :return: Dictionary of <end point> : <starting Point> as key,value
        frontier = Queue.PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put((0, start))            ## Put takes a touple of priority, value

        came_from = {}
        cost_so_far = {}

        came_from[start] = None
        cost_so_far[start] = 0

        while not frontier.empty():
            current_touple = frontier.get()                                             ## Returns the (priority, (x,y)
            _,current = current_touple                                                  ## sets current to (x,y)
            x,y = current

            if x == self.goalX and y == self.goalY:
                break #We're there!

            #unpack current
            neighbors = self.getNeighbors(x,y)
            # print neighbors
            for next in neighbors:                                         ## Get list of touples (points)
                # print "AStar",next,current
                cost_next = cost_so_far[current] + tools.distFormula(current, next)
                if next not in cost_so_far or cost_so_far[next] > cost_next:
                    if next not in cost_so_far:
                        frontier.put((cost_next + tools.distFormula(next, self._goal_pos), next))## Put takes a touple of priority, value
                        nx,ny = next
                    cost_so_far[next] = cost_next
                    came_from[next] = current

        if frontier.empty():
            print "It's empty!!!!!"
        return came_from