コード例 #1
ファイル: fd.c.py プロジェクト: dhadjia1/RBF
# functions to better understand this step.
G_xx = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))
G_xy = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))
G_xz = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))

G_yx = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))
G_yy = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))
G_yz = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))

G_zx = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))
G_zy = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))
G_zz = sp.csr_matrix((N, N))

out = elastic3d_body_force(nodes[idx['interior']],
G_xx = add_rows(G_xx, out['xx'], idx['interior'])
G_xy = add_rows(G_xy, out['xy'], idx['interior'])
G_xz = add_rows(G_xz, out['xz'], idx['interior'])
G_yx = add_rows(G_yx, out['yx'], idx['interior'])
G_yy = add_rows(G_yy, out['yy'], idx['interior'])
G_yz = add_rows(G_yz, out['yz'], idx['interior'])
G_zx = add_rows(G_zx, out['zx'], idx['interior'])
G_zy = add_rows(G_zy, out['zy'], idx['interior'])
G_zz = add_rows(G_zz, out['zz'], idx['interior'])

out = elastic3d_body_force(nodes[idx['boundary:free']],
コード例 #2
# find normal vectors to each free surface node
simplex_normals = simplex_outward_normals(vert,smp)
free_normals = simplex_normals[smpid[free_idx]]
# find the normal vectors to each roller node
roller_normals = simplex_normals[smpid[roller_idx]]
# find two orthogonal vectors that are parallel to the surface at each 
# roller node. This is used to determine the directions along which 
# traction forces will be constrained. Note that any two orthogonal 
# vectors that are parallel to the surface would do.
roller_parallels1,roller_parallels2 = find_orthogonals(roller_normals)
# add ghost nodes next to free and roller nodes
dx = np.min(neighbors(nodes,2)[1][:,1])
nodes = np.vstack((nodes,nodes[free_idx] + dx*free_normals))
nodes = np.vstack((nodes,nodes[roller_idx] + dx*roller_normals))
# build the "left hand side" matrices for body force constraints
A_body = elastic3d_body_force(nodes[int_idx+free_idx+roller_idx],nodes,lamb=lamb,mu=mu,n=n)
A_body_x,A_body_y,A_body_z = (hstack(i) for i in A_body)
# build the "right hand side" vectors for body force constraints
b_body_x = np.zeros_like(int_idx+free_idx+roller_idx)
b_body_y = np.zeros_like(int_idx+free_idx+roller_idx)
b_body_z = body_force*np.ones_like(int_idx+free_idx+roller_idx)
# build the "left hand side" matrices for free surface constraints
A_surf = elastic3d_surface_force(nodes[free_idx],free_normals,nodes,lamb=lamb,mu=mu,n=n)
A_surf_x,A_surf_y,A_surf_z = (hstack(i) for i in A_surf)
# build the "right hand side" vectors for free surface constraints
b_surf_x = np.zeros_like(free_idx)
b_surf_y = np.zeros_like(free_idx)
b_surf_z = np.zeros_like(free_idx)
# build the "left hand side" matrices for roller constraints
# constrain displacements in the surface normal direction
A_roller = elastic3d_displacement(nodes[roller_idx],nodes,lamb=lamb,mu=mu,n=1)
コード例 #3
ファイル: fd.m.py プロジェクト: cossatot/RBF
G_xz = sp.csc_matrix((node_count, node_count))

G_yx = sp.csc_matrix((node_count, node_count))
G_yy = sp.csc_matrix((node_count, node_count))
G_yz = sp.csc_matrix((node_count, node_count))

G_zx = sp.csc_matrix((node_count, node_count))
G_zy = sp.csc_matrix((node_count, node_count))
G_zz = sp.csc_matrix((node_count, node_count))

# build the "left hand side" matrices for body force constraints on
# the interior nodes
out = elastic3d_body_force(

G_xx = add_rows(G_xx, out['xx'], groups['interior'])
G_xy = add_rows(G_xy, out['xy'], groups['interior'])
G_xz = add_rows(G_xz, out['xz'], groups['interior'])

G_yx = add_rows(G_yx, out['yx'], groups['interior'])
G_yy = add_rows(G_yy, out['yy'], groups['interior'])
G_yz = add_rows(G_yz, out['yz'], groups['interior'])

G_zx = add_rows(G_zx, out['zx'], groups['interior'])
G_zy = add_rows(G_zy, out['zy'], groups['interior'])
G_zz = add_rows(G_zz, out['zz'], groups['interior'])