コード例 #1
class DeleteBetResponse(Response):

    def __init__(self, client):
        Response.__init__(self, client)
        self.data = Data()
        self.__idx = int(client.arg('idx'))
        self.__row = int(client.arg('row'))
        self.__user = client.arg('user')
        self.__msg = '%s: match %d: delete bet for \'%s\'' % (self.get_user(), self.__idx, self.__user)

    def html(self):
        if self.get_user() == 'anonym':
            return []


        match = self.data.get_matches_section()[self.__idx]

        if 'bets' in match and self.__row <= len(match['bets']):
            bet = match['bets'][self.__row-1]
            if self.__user == bet['user']:
                sys.stderr.write('could not delete "%s" - found "%s" instead.' % (self.__user, bet['user']))

        return []
コード例 #2
class AddResultResponse(Response):

    def __init__(self, client):
        Response.__init__(self, client)
        self.data = Data()
        self.__idx = int(client.arg('idx'))
        self.__betdata = client.arg('data')
        self.__msg = "%s: match %d: set result" % (self.get_user(), self.__idx)

    def html(self):
        if self.get_user() == 'anonym':
            return []


            betdata = json.loads(self.__betdata)
            raise ValueError('Value of __betdata ("%s") can not be parsed.' % self.__betdata)

        formvalue = betdata['result']
        if formvalue.count('|') > formvalue.count(','):
            betinfo = formvalue.split('|')
            betinfo = formvalue.split(',')

        matches = self.data.get_matches_section()
        match = matches[self.__idx]

        fulltime = betinfo[0]
        halftime = betinfo[1]
        goals = betinfo[2:]

        for idx, goalee in enumerate(goals):
            goals[idx] = self.data.get_playerid(goalee)

        match['result'] = fulltime
        match['halftime'] = halftime
        match['goals'] = goals


        return [u'<html></html>']
コード例 #3
class AddBetResponse(Response):

    def __init__(self, client):
        Response.__init__(self, client)
        self.__idx = int(client.arg('idx'))
        self.__betdata = client.arg('data')
        self.__msg = "match %d: add bet" % self.__idx
        self.data = Data()

    def load_data(self):
        if ONLINE:
            os.system('cd rbkweb/data && git pull')
        f = codecs.open("rbkweb/data/data.json", "r", "utf-8")
        self.__data = Data.upgrade_data(json.load(f))

    def save_data(self):
        f = codecs.open("rbkweb/data/data.json", "w", "utf-8")
        f.write(json.dumps(self.__data, indent=4, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False))

    def commit_data(self):
        error = os.system('cd rbkweb/data && git commit -m "%s" data.json' % self.__msg.encode('ascii', errors='replace'))
        if error == 0 and ONLINE:
            error = os.system('cd rbkweb/data && git push')
        return error == 0

    def get_goalees(self, text):
        goalees = []
        if text[-1].isnumeric() and text[-2] == '*':
            goalee = text[:-2]
            count = int(text[-1])
            for i in range(0,count):
                 goalees += [ goalee ]
            goalees += [ text ]
        return goalees

    def html(self):
        if self.get_user() == 'anonym':
            return []


            betdata = json.loads(self.__betdata)
            raise ValueError('Value of __betdata ("%s") can not be parsed.' % self.__betdata)

        bets = []
        if 'bet' in betdata:
            formvalue = betdata['bet']
            bets += [formvalue]
        elif 'multibet' in betdata:
            bets += betdata['multibet'].split('\n')

        for formvalue in bets:
            if re.match('^ *$', formvalue):
            separator = u' '
            separatorcount = formvalue.count(separator)
            for sep in [u'|', u',', u'%', u'#']:
                count = formvalue.count(sep)
                if count > separatorcount:
                    separator = sep
                    separatorcount = count

            formvalue = formvalue.replace(u'%s%s' % (separator, separator), separator)
            betinfo = formvalue.split(separator)

            match = self.__data['matches'][self.__idx]
            bet = {}
            bet['user'] = betinfo[0]
            while len(betinfo) > 1 and not betinfo[1][0].isnumeric():
                betinfo = betinfo[1:]
                bet['user'] = '******' % (bet['user'], separator, betinfo[0])

            if bet['user'].endswith('*'):
                bet['user'] = self.data.find_user_from_prefix(bet['user'][:-1])
                if not bet['user']:
                    return False

            bet['result'] = betinfo[1]
            bet['goals'] = []

            if len(betinfo) > 2 and betinfo[2] != u'-':
                if betinfo[2][0].isnumeric():
                    # this will trigger for no halftime but numeric goalee
                    bet['halftime'] = betinfo[2]
                    bet['goals'] += self.get_goalees(betinfo[2])

            for key in ['result', 'halftime']:
                if key in bet and len(bet[key]) == 2:
                    bet[key] = '%s-%s' % (bet[key][0], bet[key][1])

            if bet['result'] == '0-0':
                bet['halftime'] = '0-0'

            if len(betinfo) > 3:
                for goal in betinfo[3:]:
                    bet['goals'] += self.get_goalees(goal)

            if not 'bets' in match:
                match['bets'] = [ bet ]
                inserted = False
                for i in range(0, len(match['bets'])):
                    if bet['user'] == match['bets'][i]['user']:
                        match['bets'][i] = bet
                        self.__msg = "match %d: update bet for '%s'" % (self.__idx, bet['user'])
                        inserted = True
                if not inserted:
                    self.__msg = "match %d: add bet for '%s'" % (self.__idx, bet['user'])


        return [u'<html></html>']
コード例 #4
class MatchView(AppResponse):

    def __init__(self, client):
        AppResponse.__init__(self, client)
        self.__idx = int(client.arg('idx'))
        self.data = Data()

    def get_round(self, idx):
        return idx

    def html(self):

        html = []
        html += self.html_heading()
        html += self.html_body_open()

        gameidx = self.__idx

        html += self.html_header(u'Kamp %d' % self.get_round(gameidx), sections=[{'link':'MatchBetting.py','title':'Kamp-indeks'}])
        html += self.html_content_open()

        matches = self.data.get_matches_section()

        html += [
            u'<div align=center>',

        html += [
            u'<table width=480 border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>'

        if self.__idx > 1:
            html += [
                u'<td align="left"><a href="MatchView.py?idx=%d"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i></a> <a href="MatchView.py?idx=%d">%s</a></td>' % (self.__idx-1, self.__idx-1, matches[self.__idx-1]['game'])
            html += [
                u'<td align="left"></td>'
        if self.__idx < (len(matches)-1) and 'bets' in matches[self.__idx + 1] \
              and len(matches[self.__idx+1]['bets']):
            html += [
                u'<td align="right"><a href="MatchView.py?idx=%d">%s</a> <a href="MatchView.py?idx=%d"><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i></a></td>' % (self.__idx+1, matches[self.__idx+1]['game'], self.__idx+1)
            html += [
                u'<td align="right"></td>'
        html += [

        # FIXME: create subfunction
        confidences = {}
        bethistory = []
        hithistory = []
        for game in range(1,gameidx+1):
            matchdata = self.data.get_matches_section()[game]
            match = Match(matchdata, self.data)
            stats = match.get_stats()
            bethistory += [match.get_bet_count()]
            hithistory += [match.get_hit_count()]
            goalees = match.get_goalees()
            tagged = {}
            for goalee in goalees:
                shortname = goalee[2]
                confidence = goalee[1]
                if not shortname in confidences:
                    confidences[shortname] = []
                tagged[shortname] = 1
            for goalee in confidences:
                if not goalee in tagged:

        # start
        match = self.data.get_matches_section()[gameidx]
        matchobj = Match(match, self.data)

        result_matrix = matchobj.get_score_matrix('result')
        halftime_matrix = matchobj.get_score_matrix('halftime')

        goals_for = Data.get_score_histogram(result_matrix, 0, 1)
        goals_against = Data.get_score_histogram(result_matrix, 1, 0)
        goals_advantage = Data.get_score_histogram(result_matrix, 1, 1)

        maxcount = max(goals_for + goals_against + goals_advantage)
        while maxcount % 4 != 0: maxcount += 1

        if matchobj.is_home_game():
            goals_for, goals_against = goals_against, goals_for

        mid = (len(goals_advantage)-1)/2

        pie_imgurl = Chart.get_results_pie_imgurl(goals_advantage, mid, 200, 120)

        (hometeam, awayteam) = match['game'].split(u' - ', 2)
        logos = self.data.get_logos_section()
        assert logos
        assert hometeam in logos
        assert awayteam in logos

        stats = matchobj.get_stats()

        teams = self.data.get_teams_section()

        leftalign = "middle"
        rightalign = "top"
        if matchobj.is_home_game():
            leftalign, rightalign = rightalign, leftalign

        hometeamname = hometeam
        if 'name' in teams[hometeam]:
            hometeamname = teams[hometeam]['name']
        awayteamname = awayteam
        if 'name' in teams[awayteam]:
            awayteamname = teams[awayteam]['name']

        html += [u'<div align="center">']
        html += [u'<table cellspacing=30>']
        html += [u'<tr height=110>']
        html += [u'<td align=center valign=%s>' % leftalign]
        html += [u'<img src="%s" title="%s"/>' % (logos[hometeam], hometeamname)]
        html += [u'</td>']
        html += [u'<td valign=middle><font size=+4>mot</font></td>']

        html += [u'<td align=center valign=%s>' % rightalign]
        html += [u'<img src="%s" title="%s"/>' % (logos[awayteam], awayteamname)]
        html += [u'</td>']
        html += [u'</tr>']
        html += [u'</table>']
        html += [u'<p>']

        html += [u'<table cellpadding="1" border="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="black">']
        html += [u'<tr><td>']
        html += [u'<table cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="black">']
        html += [u'<tr><td>']
        html += [u'<table cellpadding="2" border="0" bordercolor="black" cellspacing="1">']
        html += [u'<tr height="28">']

        rows = 6
        cols = 6
        if awayteam == u'Brann': rows = 11
        if hometeam == u'Orkla' or hometeam == u'Kolstad': cols = 11

        html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26"></td>' % self.data.get_imageurl("img/xxx.png")]
        for col in range(0, cols):
            html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26">%s</td>' % (self.data.get_imageurl("img/xxx.png"), col)]
        html += [u'</tr>']

        char = 'b'
        flip = 1
        if matchobj.is_home_game():
            char = 'h'
            flip = -1

        for y in range(1, rows+1):
            html += [u'<tr height="28">']
            html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26">%d</td>' % (self.data.get_imageurl("img/xxx.png"), (y-1))]
            for x in range(1, cols+1):
                d = x - y
                score = u'%d-%d' % ((y-1), (x-1))
                bg = u'img/%s00.png' % char
                if d == 1: bg = u'img/%s10.png' % char
                if d > 1: bg = u'img/%s20.png' % char
                if d == -1: bg = u'img/%s01.png' % char
                if d < -1: bg = u'img/%s02.png' % char
                bg = self.data.get_imageurl(bg)
                if not score in result_matrix:
                    html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26"></td>' % bg]
                    html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26">%d</td>' % (bg, result_matrix[score])]
            html += [u'</tr>']
        html += [u'</table>']
        html += [u'</td></tr>']
        html += [u'</table>']
        html += [u'</td></tr>']
        html += [u'</table>']
        html += [u'</div>']

        #if not 'bets' in match or len(match['bets']) == 0:

        if stats.get('bets', 0) > 0:
            if len(goals_for) > 10: goals_for = goals_for[0:9]
            if len(goals_against) > 10: goals_against = goals_against[0:9]
            while len(goals_for) < 6: goals_for.append(0)
            while len(goals_against) < 6: goals_against.append(0)
            width = 20 + 12 * len(goals_for)
            goals_for_imgurl = Chart.get_goals_imgurl(goals_for, 0, width, 100, maxcount)
            width = 20 + 12 * len(goals_against)
            goals_against_imgurl = Chart.get_goals_imgurl(goals_against, 0, width, 100, maxcount)
            width = 20 + 12 * len(goals_advantage)
            goals_advantage_imgurl = Chart.get_goals_imgurl(goals_advantage, mid, width, 100, maxcount, True)
            html += [u'<p></p>']
            html += [u'<div align=center>']
            html += [u'<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>']
            html += [u'<tr height=30>']
            html += [u'</tr>']

            if len(goals_advantage) > 16:
                html += [u'<tr>']
                html += [u'<td width="50%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_for_imgurl]
                html += [u'<td width="50%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_against_imgurl]
                html += [u'</tr><tr>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">Scorede m&aring;l</td>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">Innslupne m&aring;l</td>']
                html += [u'</tr><tr>']
                html += [u'<td align="center" colspan="2"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_advantage_imgurl]
                html += [u'</tr><tr>']
                html += [u'<td align="center" colspan="2">M&aring;lforskjell</td>']
                html += [u'</tr>']
                html += [u'<tr>']
                html += [u'<td width="33%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_for_imgurl]
                html += [u'<td width="33%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_against_imgurl]
                html += [u'<td width="33%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_advantage_imgurl]
                html += [u'</tr><tr>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">Scorede m&aring;l</td>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">Innslupne m&aring;l</td>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">M&aring;lforskjell</td>']
                html += [u'</tr>']
            html += [u'<tr height=30>']
            html += [u'</tr>']

            html += [u'</table>']
            html += [u'</div>']

            # player confidence
            players = self.data.get_players_section()
            dummy = players['default']
            dummy_image = dummy['image']

            goalees = matchobj.get_goalees()

            goalcount = stats['goals_for']
            score = (float(goalcount) / float(stats['bets'])) if stats['bets'] > 0 else 0
            intscore = int(u"%.0f" % score)

            if intscore > 1:
                # fix for multiple goals
                array = []
                for goalee in goalees[0:intscore-1]:
                    for i in range(1,intscore):
                        array += [(goalee[0]/i, goalee[1]/i, goalee[2])]
                array = sorted(array, reverse=True)
                for i in range(intscore,len(array)):
                    for j in range(0,i):
                        if not array[j]: continue
                        if not array[i]: continue
                        if array[i][2] == array[j][2]:
                            array[i] = None
                goalees[0:intscore-1] = array

            betgoalees = []
            html += [u'<div align="center"><table width="400">']
            index = 0
            for goalee in goalees:
                if not goalee: continue
                goals = goalee[0]
                confidence = goalee[1]
                shortname = goalee[2]
                # TODO: go from alias to keyname
                assert shortname in players, "unknown player '%s'" % shortname
                fullname = players[shortname]['name']

                imgurl = dummy_image
                if 'image' in players[shortname]:
                    imgurl = players[shortname]['image']
                imgurl = self.data.get_imageurl(imgurl)

                confidencedata = []
                if shortname in confidences:
                    confidencedata = confidences[shortname]
                while len(confidencedata) < 9: confidencedata.insert(0, 0.0)
                if len(confidencedata) > 9: confidencedata = confidencedata[-9:]
                graphurl = Chart.get_confidence_imgurl(confidencedata, 100, 25)

                html += [u'<tr><td><img src="%s"/></td><td align="center">%d</td><td align="center">%.0f%%</td><td>%s</td><td align="right"><img src="%s"/></td></tr>' % (imgurl, goals, confidence, fullname, graphurl)]

                if index < intscore:
                    betgoalees += [fullname]
                index += 1
                if index == intscore:
                    html += [u'<tr height="3" bgcolor="black"><td colspan="5"></td></tr>']
            html += [u'</table></div><p>']

            # pie chart
            pie_imgurl = Chart.get_results_pie_imgurl(goals_advantage, mid, 400, 200)
            html += [u'<div align="center">',
                     u'<table width=400>',
                     u'<tr>RBKweb.no\'s kollektive visdom tilsier:</tr>',
                     u'<tr height=200><td align=center valign="middle" background="%s">' % pie_imgurl,
                     u'<b><font size=+1>%s - %s<br>%s (%s)</font></b><br><br>' % (hometeamname, awayteamname, stats['result'], stats['halftime']),
                     u'<b>' + '<br>'.join(betgoalees) + '</b>',

            # stats table
            html += [u'<div align="center">']
            html += [u'<table border="1" bordercolor="black" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">']
            html += [u'<thead><tr><td></td><td></td><td>tips</td></tr></thead>']

            homegoals = stats['goals_for']
            awaygoals = stats['goals_against']
            if not matchobj.is_home_game():
                homegoals, awaygoals = awaygoals, homegoals
            html += [u'<tr><td>Akkumulert resultat:</td><td align="center">%d-%d</td><td align="center">%d</td></tr>' % (homegoals, awaygoals, stats['bets'])]
            html += [u'<tr><td>Snittresultat:</td><td align="center">%s</td><td align="center">%d</td></tr>' % (stats['result_accurate'], stats['bets'])]
            html += [u'<tr><td>Snittresultat, pause:</td><td align="center">%s</td><td align="center">%d</td></tr>' % (stats['halftime_accurate'], stats['pause_bets'])]
            html += [u'</table>']

            # bet history
            if len(bethistory) > 1:
                if not 'result' in match: # strip off ongoing data
                    bethistory = bethistory[0:-1]
                    hithistory = hithistory[0:-1]

                #width = 38 + 27 * len(bethistory)
                width = 400
                betcountgraph = Chart.get_betcount_imgurl(bethistory, hithistory, width, 120)

                html += [u'<br><br>']
                html += [u'Historisk antall tips og treff<br>']
                html += [u'<img src="%s"/><br>' % betcountgraph]

        html += [u'<table width="400"><tr><td width="100%" align="right">']
        html += [u'<a target="_blank" href="MatchBBCode.py?idx=%d" title="BBCode"><i class="fa fa-code"></i></a>' % self.__idx]
        html += [u'</td></tr></table>']

        html += [u'</div>']

        # standard stuff
        html += self.html_content_close()
        html += self.html_footer()
        html += self.html_body_close()
        return html
コード例 #5
class MatchBBCode(AppResponse):

    def __init__(self, client):
        AppResponse.__init__(self, client)
        self.__idx = int(client.arg('idx'))
        self.data = Data()

    def get_round(self, idx):
        return idx

    def html(self):

        body = []
        body += self.html_heading()
        body += self.html_body_open()
        body += [u'<pre>']

        html = []
        gameidx = self.__idx

        # FIXME: create subfunction
        confidences = {}
        bethistory = []
        hithistory = []
        for game in range(1,gameidx+1):
            matchdata = self.data.get_matches_section()[game]
            match = Match(matchdata, self.data)
            stats = match.get_stats()
            bethistory += [match.get_bet_count()]
            hithistory += [match.get_hit_count()]
            goalees = match.get_goalees()
            tagged = {}
            for goalee in goalees:
                shortname = goalee[2]
                confidence = goalee[1]
                if not shortname in confidences:
                    confidences[shortname] = []
                tagged[shortname] = 1
            for goalee in confidences:
                if not goalee in tagged:

        # start
        match = self.data.get_matches_section()[gameidx]
        matchobj = Match(match, self.data)

        result_matrix = matchobj.get_score_matrix('result')
        halftime_matrix = matchobj.get_score_matrix('halftime')

        goals_for = Data.get_score_histogram(result_matrix, 0, 1)
        goals_against = Data.get_score_histogram(result_matrix, 1, 0)
        goals_advantage = Data.get_score_histogram(result_matrix, 1, 1)

        maxcount = max(goals_for + goals_against + goals_advantage)
        while maxcount % 4 != 0: maxcount += 1

        if matchobj.is_home_game():
            goals_for, goals_against = goals_against, goals_for

        mid = (len(goals_advantage)-1)/2

        pie_imgurl = Chart.get_results_pie_imgurl(goals_advantage, mid, 200, 120)

        (hometeam, awayteam) = match['game'].split(' - ', 2)
        logos = self.data.get_logos_section()
        assert logos
        assert hometeam in logos
        assert awayteam in logos

        teams = self.data.get_teams_section()

        hometeamname = hometeam
        if 'name' in teams[hometeam]:
            hometeamname = teams[hometeam]['name']

        awayteamname = awayteam
        if 'name' in teams[awayteam]:
            awayteamname = teams[awayteam]['name']

        stats = matchobj.get_stats()

        leftalign = u"middle"
        rightalign = u"top"
        if matchobj.is_home_game():
            leftalign, rightalign = rightalign, leftalign

        html += [u'<div align="center">\n']
        html += [u'<table cellspacing="30">']
        # html += [u'<tr><td colspan="3" align="center">[size=26]Runde %d[/size]</td>' % self.get_round(self.__idx)]
        # html += [u'</tr>']
        html += [u'<tr height="110">']
        html += [u'<td align="center" valign="%s">' % leftalign]
        html += [u'<img src="%s" title="%s"/>' % (logos[hometeam], hometeamname)]
        html += [u'</td>']
        html += [u'<td valign="middle">[size=26]mot[/size]</td>']

        html += [u'<td align="center" valign="%s">' % rightalign]
        html += [u'<img src="%s" title="%s"/>' % (logos[awayteam], awayteamname)]
        html += [u'</td>']
        html += [u'</tr>']
        html += [u'</table>']

        html += [u'<table cellpadding="1" border="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="black">']
        html += [u'<tr><td>']
        html += [u'<table cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="black">']
        html += [u'<tr><td>']

        rows = 6
        cols = 6
        if awayteam == u'Brann': rows = 11
        if hometeam == u'Orkla' or hometeam == u'Kolstad': cols = 11

        html += [u'<table cellpadding="2" border="0" bordercolor="black" cellspacing="1">']
        html += [u'<tr height="28">']
        html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26"></td>' % self.data.get_imageurl("img/xxx.png")]
        for col in range(0, cols):
            html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26">[size=12]%d[/size]</td>' % (self.data.get_imageurl("img/xxx.png"), col) ]
        html += [u'</tr>']

        char = 'b'
        flip = 1
        if matchobj.is_home_game():
            char = 'h'
            flip = -1

        for y in range(1, rows+1):
            html += [u'<tr height="28">']
            html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26">[size=12]%d[/size]</td>' % (self.data.get_imageurl(u"img/xxx.png"), (y-1))]
            for x in range(1, cols+1):
                d = x - y
                score = u'%d-%d' % ((y-1), (x-1))
                bg = u'img/%s00.png' % char
                if d == 1: bg = u'img/%s10.png' % char
                if d > 1: bg = u'img/%s20.png' % char
                if d == -1: bg = u'img/%s01.png' % char
                if d < -1: bg = u'img/%s02.png' % char
                bg = self.data.get_imageurl(bg)
                if not score in result_matrix:
                    html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26"></td>' % bg]
                    html += [u'<td background="%s" align="center" width="26">[size=12]%d[/size]</td>' % (bg, result_matrix[score])]
            html += [u'</tr>']
        html += [u'</table>']
        html += [u'</td></tr>']
        html += [u'</table>']
        html += [u'</td></tr>']
        html += [u'</table>']
        if stats.get('bets', 0) == 0:
            html += [u'\n\n']
        html += [u'</div>\n']

        if stats.get('bets', 0) > 0:
            if len(goals_for) > 10: goals_for = goals_for[0:9]
            if len(goals_against) > 10: goals_against = goals_against[0:9]
            while len(goals_for) < 6: goals_for.append(0)
            while len(goals_against) < 6: goals_against.append(0)

            width = 20 + 12 * len(goals_for)
            goals_for_imgurl = Chart.get_goals_imgurl(goals_for, 0, width, 100, maxcount)

            width = 20 + 12 * len(goals_against)
            goals_against_imgurl = Chart.get_goals_imgurl(goals_against, 0, width, 100, maxcount)

            width = 20 + 12 * len(goals_advantage)
            goals_advantage_imgurl = Chart.get_goals_imgurl(goals_advantage, mid, width, 100, maxcount, True)

            html += [u'<div align="center">']
            html += [u'<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">']
            html += [u'<tr height="30"></tr>']

            if len(goals_advantage) > 16:
                html += [u'<tr>']

                html += [u'<td width="50%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_for_imgurl]
                html += [u'<td width="50%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_against_imgurl]
                html += [u'</tr><tr>']

                html += [u'<td align="center">[size=12]Scorede m&aring;l[/size]</td>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">[size=12]Innslupne m&aring;l[/size]</td>']
                html += [u'</tr><tr>']
                html += [u'<td align="center" colspan="2"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_advantage_imgurl]
                html += [u'</tr><tr>']
                html += [u'<td align="center" colspan="2">[size=12]M&aring;lforskjell[/size]</td>']
                html += [u'</tr>']

                html += [u'<tr>']
                html += [u'<td width="33%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_for_imgurl]
                html += [u'<td width="33%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_against_imgurl]
                html += [u'<td width="33%%" align="center"><img src="%s"/></td>' % goals_advantage_imgurl]
                html += [u'</tr><tr>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">[size=12]Scorede m&aring;l[/size]</td>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">[size=12]Innslupne m&aring;l[/size]</td>']
                html += [u'<td align="center">[size=12]M&aring;lforskjell[/size]</td>']
                html += [u'</tr>']

            html += [u'</table>']
            html += [u'</div>\n']

            # player confidence
            players = self.data.get_players_section()
            dummy = players['default']
            dummy_image = dummy['image']

            goalees = matchobj.get_goalees()

            goalcount = stats['goals_for']
            score = float(goalcount) / float(stats['bets'])
            intscore = int("%.0f" % score)

            # fix for multiple goals
            if intscore > 1:
                array = []
                for goalee in goalees[0:intscore-1]:
                    for i in range(1,intscore):
                        array += [(goalee[0]/i, goalee[1]/i, goalee[2])]
                array = sorted(array, reverse=True)
                for i in range(intscore,len(array)):
                    for j in range(0,i):
                        if not array[j]: continue
                        if not array[i]: continue
                        if array[i][2] == array[j][2]:
                            array[i] = None
                goalees[0:intscore-1] = array

            betgoalees = []
            html += [u'<div align="center">',
                     u'<table width="400">']
            html += [u'<tr height="30"></tr>']
            index = 0
            for goalee in goalees:
                if not goalee: continue
                goals = goalee[0]
                confidence = goalee[1]
                shortname = goalee[2]
                assert shortname in players, "unknown player '%s'" % shortname
                fullname = players[shortname]['name']

                imgurl = dummy_image
                if 'image' in players[shortname]:
                    imgurl = players[shortname]['image']
                imgurl = self.data.get_imageurl(imgurl)

                confidencedata = []
                if shortname in confidences:
                    confidencedata = confidences[shortname]
                while len(confidencedata) < 9: confidencedata.insert(0, 0.0)
                if len(confidencedata) > 9: confidencedata = confidencedata[-9:]
                graphurl = Chart.get_confidence_imgurl(confidencedata, 100, 25)

                html += [u'<tr><td><img src="%s"/></td>' % imgurl,
                         u'<td align="center">[size=12]%d[/size]</td>' % goals,
                         u'<td align="center">[size=12]%.0f%%[/size]</td>' % confidence,
                         u'<td>[size=12]%s[/size]</td>' % fullname,
                         u'<td align="right" width="100"><img src="%s"/></td></tr>' % graphurl]

                if index < intscore:
                    betgoalees += [fullname]
                index += 1
                if index == intscore:
                    html += [u'<tr height="3" bgcolor="black"><td colspan="5"></td></tr>']
            html += [u'</table></div>\n']

            # pie chart
            pie_imgurl = Chart.get_results_pie_imgurl(goals_advantage, mid, 400, 200)
            html += [u'<div align="center">',
                     u'<table width="400">',
                     u'<tr height="30"></tr>',
                     u'<tr><td align="center">[b]RBKweb.no\'s kollektive visdom tilsier:[/b]</td></tr>',
                     u'<tr height="200"><td align="center" valign="middle" background="%s">' % pie_imgurl,
                     u'[b][size=18]%s - %s[/size]\n[size=16]%s (%s)[/size][/b]\n\n' % (hometeamname, awayteamname, stats['result'], stats['halftime']),
                     u'[b]' + '\n'.join(betgoalees) + '[/b]',

            # stats table
            html += [u'<div align="center">']
            html += [u'<table border="1" bordercolor="black" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">']
            html += [u'<tr><td></td><td></td><td>[size=12]tips[/size]</td></tr>']

            homegoals = stats['goals_for']
            awaygoals = stats['goals_against']
            if not matchobj.is_home_game():
                homegoals, awaygoals = awaygoals, homegoals
            html += [u'<tr><td>[size=12]Akkumulert resultat:[/size]</td><td align="center">[size=12]%d-%d[/size]</td><td align="center">[size=12]%d[/size]</td></tr>' % (homegoals, awaygoals, stats['bets'])]
            html += [u'<tr><td>[size=12]Snittresultat:[/size]</td><td align="center">[size=12]%s[/size]</td><td align="center">[size=12]%d[/size]</td></tr>' % (stats['result_accurate'], stats['bets'])]

            html += [u'<tr><td>[size=12]Snittresultat, pause:[/size]</td><td align="center">[size=12]%s[/size]</td><td align="center">[size=12]%d[/size]</td></tr>' % (stats['halftime_accurate'], stats['pause_bets'])]
            html += [u'</table>']

            # bet history
            if len(bethistory) > 1:
                if not 'result' in match: # strip off ongoing data
                    bethistory = bethistory[0:-1]
                    hithistory = hithistory[0:-1]

                #width = 38 + 27 * len(bethistory)
                width = 400
                betcountgraph = Chart.get_betcount_imgurl(bethistory, hithistory, width, 120)

                html += [u'\n\n']
                html += [u'Tips og treff de foregående rundene:\n']
                html += [u'<img src="%s">' % betcountgraph]

                html += [u'\n\n</div>']

        contents = u''.join(html)
        contents = contents.replace(u'<', u'&lt;')
        contents = contents.replace(u'>', u'&gt;')

        body += [contents]
        body += [u'</pre>']
        body += self.html_body_close()
        return body
コード例 #6
class AddMatchResponse(Response):

    def __init__(self, client):
        Response.__init__(self, client)
        self.data = Data()
        self.__matchdata = urllib.unquote(client.arg('data'))
        self.__msg = "%s: main: add match" % self.get_user()

    def html(self):
        if self.get_user() == 'anonym':
            return []


            matchdata = json.loads(self.__matchdata)
            raise ValueError('Value of __matchdata ("%s") can not be parsed.' % self.__matchdata)

        formvalue = matchdata['match']

        matchname, matchdate = formvalue.split(u' 20', 2)
        matchdate = u'20%s' % matchdate
        hometeam, awayteam = matchname.split(u' - ', 2)

        teams = self.data.get_teams_section()
        if not hometeam in teams:
            sys.stderr.write("error: hometeam (%s) not in teams" % hometeam)
            return []

        if not awayteam in teams:
            sys.stderr.write("error: awayteam (%s) not in teams" % awayteam)
            return []

        matchname = u'%s - %s' % (hometeam, awayteam)

        newmatch = {}
        newmatch['game'] = matchname
        newmatch['date'] = matchdate

        matches = self.data.get_matches_section()

        idx = 1
        inserted = False
        while idx < len(matches):
            match = matches[idx]
            date = match['date']
            if date[:10] > matchdate[:10]:
                matches.insert(idx, newmatch)
                inserted = True
                self.__msg = "%s: main: insert match at index %d" % (self.get_user(), idx)
            idx += 1

        if not inserted:
            self.__msg = "%s: main: expanded list of matches" % self.get_user()


        return []