コード例 #1
def schedule_packages(packages):
    pkgs = [{
        'package_id': x,
        'date_scheduled': packages[x]
    } for x in packages.keys()]
    log.debug('IDs about to be scheduled: %s', packages.keys())
    if pkgs:
        conn_db.execute(db_table('schedule').insert(), pkgs)
コード例 #2
def store_notes():
    log.debug('Removing all notes')
    notes_table = db_table('notes')
    to_insert = []
    for entry in [x for y in sorted(notes) for x in notes[y]]:
        pkg_id = entry['id']
        pkg_version = entry['version']
        pkg_issues = json.dumps(entry['issues'])
        pkg_bugs = json.dumps(entry['bugs'])
        pkg_comments = entry['comments']
            'package_id': pkg_id,
            'version': pkg_version,
            'issues': pkg_issues,
            'bugs': pkg_bugs,
            'comments': pkg_comments

    if (len(to_insert)):
        conn_db.execute(notes_table.insert(), to_insert)
        log.info('Saved ' + str(len(to_insert)) + ' notes in the database')
コード例 #3
def process_pkg(package, deactivate):
    if deactivate:
        _good('Deactivating notification for package ' + str(package))
        flag = 0
        _good('Activating notification for package ' + str(package))
        flag = 1

    sources_table = db_table('sources')
    update_query = sources_table.update().\
                   where(sources_table.c.name == package).\
    rows = conn_db.execute(update_query).rowcount

    if rows == 0:
        log.error(bcolors.FAIL + str(package) + ' does not exists')
    if DEBUG:
        log.debug('Double check the change:')
        query = 'SELECT * FROM sources WHERE name="{}"'.format(package)
コード例 #4
def store_issues():
    issues_table = db_table('issues')
    # Get existing issues
    results = conn_db.execute(sql.select([issues_table.c.name]))
    existing_issues = set([row[0] for row in results])
    to_insert = []
    to_update = []
    for name in issues:
        url = issues[name]['url'] if 'url' in issues[name] else ''
        desc = issues[name]['description']
        if name in existing_issues:
                'issuename': name,
                'url': url,
                'description': desc
            # remove this package from the set, to know who to delete later
            to_insert.append({'name': name, 'url': url, 'description': desc})

    if to_update:
        update_query = issues_table.update().\
                  where(issues_table.c.name == sql.bindparam('issuename'))
        conn_db.execute(update_query, to_update)
        log.debug('Issues updated in the database')
    if to_insert:
        conn_db.execute(issues_table.insert(), to_insert)
        log.debug('Issues added to the database')

    # if there are any existing issues left, delete them.
    if existing_issues:
        to_delete = [{'issuename': name} for name in existing_issues]
        delete_query = issues_table.delete().\
                  where(issues_table.c.name == sql.bindparam('issuename'))
        conn_db.execute(delete_query, to_delete)
        log.info("Removed the following issues: " + str(existing_issues))
コード例 #5
def rest(scheduling_args, requester, local, suite, arch):
    "Actually schedule a package for a single suite on a single arch."

    # Shorter names
    reason = scheduling_args.message
    issue = scheduling_args.issue
    status = scheduling_args.status
    built_after = scheduling_args.after
    built_before = scheduling_args.before
    packages = scheduling_args.packages
    artifacts = scheduling_args.keep_artifacts
    notify = scheduling_args.notify
    notify_on_start = scheduling_args.notify_on_start
    dry_run = scheduling_args.dry_run

    log.info("Scheduling packages in %s/%s", arch, suite)

    ids = []
    pkgs = []

    query1 = """SELECT id FROM sources WHERE name='{pkg}' AND suite='{suite}'
                AND architecture='{arch}'"""
    query2 = """SELECT p.date_build_started
                FROM sources AS s JOIN schedule as p ON p.package_id=s.id
                WHERE p.package_id='{id}'"""
    for pkg in set(packages):
        # test whether the package actually exists
        result = query_db(query1.format(pkg=pkg, suite=suite, arch=arch))
        # tests whether the package is already building
            result2 = query_db(query2.format(id=result[0][0]))
        except IndexError:
            log.error('%sThe package %s is not available in %s/%s%s',
                      bcolors.FAIL, pkg, suite, arch, bcolors.ENDC)
            if not result2[0][0]:
                log.warning(bcolors.WARN + 'The package ' + pkg + ' is ' +
                            'already building, not scheduling it.' +
        except IndexError:
            # it's not in the schedule

    def compose_irc_message():
        "One-shot closure to limit scope of the following local variables."
        blablabla = '✂…' if len(' '.join(pkgs)) > 257 else ''
        packages_txt = str(len(ids)) + ' packages ' if len(pkgs) > 1 else ''
        trailing = ' - artifacts will be preserved' if artifacts else ''
        trailing += ' - with irc notification' if notify else ''
        trailing += ' - notify on start too' if notify_on_start else ''

        message = requester + ' scheduled ' + packages_txt + \
            'in ' + suite + '/' + arch
        if reason:
            message += ', reason: \'' + reason + '\''
        message += ': ' + ' '.join(pkgs)[0:256] + blablabla + trailing
        return message

    info_msg = compose_irc_message()
    del compose_irc_message

    # these packages are manually scheduled, so should have high priority,
    # so schedule them in the past, so they are picked earlier :)
    # the current date is subtracted twice, so it sorts before early scheduling
    # schedule on the full hour so we can recognize them easily
    epoch = int(time.time())
    now = datetime.now()
    days = int(now.strftime('%j')) * 2
    hours = int(now.strftime('%H')) * 2
    minutes = int(now.strftime('%M'))
    time_delta = timedelta(days=days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes)
    date = (now - time_delta).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
    log.debug('date_scheduled = ' + date + ' time_delta = ' + str(time_delta))

    # a single person can't schedule more than 500 packages in the same day; this
    # is actually easy to bypass, but let's give some trust to the Debian people
    query = """SELECT count(*) FROM manual_scheduler
               WHERE requester = '{}' AND date_request > '{}'"""
        amount = int(
            query_db(query.format(requester, int(time.time() - 86400)))[0][0])
    except IndexError:
        amount = 0
    log.debug(requester + ' already scheduled ' + str(amount) +
              ' packages today')
    if amount + len(ids) > 500 and not local:
            bcolors.FAIL + 'You have exceeded the maximum number of manual ' +
            'reschedulings allowed for a day. Please ask in ' +
            '#debian-reproducible if you need to schedule more packages.' +

    # do the actual scheduling
    add_to_schedule = []
    update_schedule = []
    save_schedule = []
    artifacts_value = 1 if artifacts else 0
    if notify_on_start:
        do_notify = 2
    elif notify or artifacts:
        do_notify = 1
        do_notify = 0

    schedule_table = db_table('schedule')
    if ids:
        existing_pkg_ids = dict(

    for id in ids:
        if id in existing_pkg_ids:
                'update_id': existing_pkg_ids[id],
                'package_id': id,
                'date_scheduled': date,
                'save_artifacts': artifacts_value,
                'notify': str(do_notify),
                'scheduler': requester,
                'package_id': id,
                'date_scheduled': date,
                'save_artifacts': artifacts_value,
                'notify': str(do_notify),
                'scheduler': requester,

            'package_id': id,
            'requester': requester,
            'date_request': epoch,

    log.debug('Packages about to be scheduled: ' + str(add_to_schedule) +

    update_schedule_query = schedule_table.update().\
                            where(schedule_table.c.id == sql.bindparam('update_id'))
    insert_schedule_query = schedule_table.insert()
    insert_manual_query = db_table('manual_scheduler').insert()

    if not dry_run:
        transaction = conn_db.begin()
        if add_to_schedule:
            conn_db.execute(insert_schedule_query, add_to_schedule)
        if update_schedule:
            conn_db.execute(update_schedule_query, update_schedule)
        if save_schedule:
            conn_db.execute(insert_manual_query, save_schedule)
        log.info('Ran with --dry-run, scheduled nothing')

    log.info(bcolors.GOOD + info_msg + bcolors.ENDC)
    if not (local
            and requester == "jenkins maintenance job") and len(ids) != 0:
        if not dry_run:
            # Always announce on -changes
            irc_msg(info_msg, 'debian-reproducible-changes')
            # Announce some messages on main channel
            if notify_on_start or artifacts:
コード例 #6
def update_sources_db(suite, arch, sources):
    # extract relevant info (package name and version) from the sources file
    new_pkgs = set()
    newest_version = {}
    for src in deb822.Sources.iter_paragraphs(sources.split('\n')):
        pkg = (src['Package'], src['Version'], suite, arch)

        if 'Extra-Source-Only' in src and src['Extra-Source-Only'] == 'yes':
            log.debug('Ignoring {} due to Extra-Source-Only'.format(pkg))

        # only keep the most recent version of a src for each package/suite/arch
        key = src['Package'] + suite + arch
        if key in newest_version:
            oldversion = newest_version[key]
            oldpackage = (src['Package'], oldversion, suite, arch)

        newest_version[key] = src['Version']

    # get the current packages in the database
    query = "SELECT name, version, suite, architecture FROM sources " + \
            "WHERE suite='{}' AND architecture='{}'".format(suite, arch)
    cur_pkgs = set([(p.name, p.version, p.suite, p.architecture)
                    for p in query_db(query)])
    pkgs_to_add = []
    updated_pkgs = []
    different_pkgs = [x for x in new_pkgs if x not in cur_pkgs]
    log.debug('Packages different in the archive and in the db: %s',
    for pkg in different_pkgs:
        # pkg: (name, version, suite, arch)
        query = "SELECT id, version, notify_maintainer FROM sources " + \
                "WHERE name='{}' AND suite='{}' AND architecture='{}'"
        query = query.format(pkg[0], pkg[2], pkg[3])
            result = query_db(query)[0]
        except IndexError:  # new package
                'name': pkg[0],
                'version': pkg[1],
                'suite': pkg[2],
                'architecture': pkg[3],
        pkg_id = result[0]
        old_version = result[1]
        notify_maint = int(result[2])
        if apt_pkg.version_compare(pkg[1], old_version) > 0:
            log.debug('New version: ' + str(pkg) + ' (we had  ' + old_version +
                'update_id': pkg_id,
                'name': pkg[0],
                'version': pkg[1],
                'suite': pkg[2],
                'architecture': pkg[3],
                'notify_maintainer': notify_maint,
    # Now actually update the database:
    sources_table = db_table('sources')
    # updated packages
    log.info('Pushing ' + str(len(updated_pkgs)) +
             ' updated packages to the database...')
    if updated_pkgs:
        transaction = conn_db.begin()
        update_query = sources_table.update().\
                       where(sources_table.c.id == sql.bindparam('update_id'))
        conn_db.execute(update_query, updated_pkgs)

    # new packages
    if pkgs_to_add:
        log.info('Now inserting %i new sources in the database: %s',
                 len(pkgs_to_add), pkgs_to_add)
        transaction = conn_db.begin()
        conn_db.execute(sources_table.insert(), pkgs_to_add)

    # RM'ed packages
    cur_pkgs_name = [x[0] for x in cur_pkgs]
    new_pkgs_name = [x[0] for x in new_pkgs]
    rmed_pkgs = [x for x in cur_pkgs_name if x not in new_pkgs_name]
    log.info('Now deleting %i removed packages: %s', len(rmed_pkgs), rmed_pkgs)
    rmed_pkgs_id = []
    pkgs_to_rm = []
    query = "SELECT id FROM sources WHERE name='{}' AND suite='{}' " + \
            "AND architecture='{}'"
    for pkg in rmed_pkgs:
        result = query_db(query.format(pkg, suite, arch))
        rmed_pkgs_id.append({'deleteid': result[0][0]})
        pkgs_to_rm.append({'name': pkg, 'suite': suite, 'architecture': arch})
    log.debug('removed packages ID: %s',
              [str(x['deleteid']) for x in rmed_pkgs_id])
    log.debug('removed packages: %s', pkgs_to_rm)

    if rmed_pkgs_id:
        transaction = conn_db.begin()
        results_table = db_table('results')
        schedule_table = db_table('schedule')
        notes_table = db_table('notes')
        removed_packages_table = db_table('removed_packages')

        delete_results_query = results_table.delete().\
            where(results_table.c.package_id == sql.bindparam('deleteid'))
        delete_schedule_query = schedule_table.delete().\
            where(schedule_table.c.package_id == sql.bindparam('deleteid'))
        delete_notes_query = notes_table.delete().\
            where(notes_table.c.package_id == sql.bindparam('deleteid'))
        delete_sources_query = sources_table.delete().\
            where(sources_table.c.id == sql.bindparam('deleteid'))

        conn_db.execute(delete_results_query, rmed_pkgs_id)
        conn_db.execute(delete_schedule_query, rmed_pkgs_id)
        conn_db.execute(delete_notes_query, rmed_pkgs_id)
        conn_db.execute(delete_sources_query, rmed_pkgs_id)
        conn_db.execute(removed_packages_table.insert(), pkgs_to_rm)

    # finally check whether the db has the correct number of packages
    query = "SELECT count(*) FROM sources WHERE suite='{}' " + \
            "AND architecture='{}'"
    pkgs_end = query_db(query.format(suite, arch))
    count_new_pkgs = len(set([x[0] for x in new_pkgs]))
    if int(pkgs_end[0][0]) != count_new_pkgs:
        print_critical_message('AH! The number of source in the Sources file' +
                               ' is different than the one in the DB!')
        log.critical('source in the debian archive for the %s suite: %s',
                     suite, str(count_new_pkgs))
        log.critical('source in the reproducible db for the  %s suite: %s',
                     suite, str(pkgs_end[0][0]))
    if pkgs_to_add:
        log.info('Building pages for the new packages')
        gen_packages_html([Package(x['name']) for x in pkgs_to_add],