def __init__(self, config_section=None, key_generator=None, import_=None, export=None, filename_generator=None): self._config_section = config_section if self._config_section is None: self._storage = dict() self._key_generator = None self._import = None self._export = None self._filename_generator = None else: from rbnics.utils.config import config # cannot import at global scope cache_options = config.get(self._config_section, "cache") assert isinstance(cache_options, set) if "RAM" in cache_options: cache_size = config.get(self._config_section, "RAM cache limit") assert isinstance(cache_size, str) if cache_size == "unlimited": self._storage = dict() else: assert cache_size.isdigit() cache_size = int(cache_size) assert cache_size > 0 self._storage = lrucache(cache_size) assert key_generator is not None self._key_generator = key_generator else: self._storage = DisabledStorage() self._key_generator = key_generator if "disk" in cache_options: cache_size = config.get(self._config_section, "disk cache limit") assert isinstance(cache_size, str) assert cache_size == "unlimited" assert import_ is not None self._import = import_ assert export is not None self._export = export assert filename_generator is not None self._filename_generator = filename_generator else: self._import = None self._export = None self._filename_generator = None
def __init__(self, truth_problem, parametrized_expression, folder_prefix, basis_generation): # Call the parent initialization ParametrizedProblem.__init__(self, folder_prefix) # Store the parametrized expression self.parametrized_expression = parametrized_expression self.truth_problem = truth_problem assert basis_generation in ("Greedy", "POD") self.basis_generation = basis_generation # $$ ONLINE DATA STRUCTURES $$ # # Online reduced space dimension self.N = 0 # Define additional storage for EIM self.interpolation_locations = parametrized_expression.create_interpolation_locations_container( ) # interpolation locations selected by the greedy (either a ReducedVertices or ReducedMesh) self.interpolation_matrix = OnlineAffineExpansionStorage( 1) # interpolation matrix # Solution self._interpolation_coefficients = None # OnlineFunction # $$ OFFLINE DATA STRUCTURES $$ # self.snapshot = None # will be filled in by Function, Vector or Matrix as appropriate in the EIM preprocessing self.snapshot_cache = dict() # of Function, Vector or Matrix # Basis functions container self.basis_functions = parametrized_expression.create_basis_container() # I/O self.folder["basis"] = os.path.join(self.folder_prefix, "basis") self.folder["cache"] = os.path.join(self.folder_prefix, "cache") self.folder["reduced_operators"] = os.path.join( self.folder_prefix, "reduced_operators") self.cache_config = config.get("EIM", "cache")
def __init__(self, V, **kwargs): # Call to parent ParametrizedProblem.__init__(self, # Input arguments self.V = V # Form names and order (to be filled in by child classes) self.terms = list() self.terms_order = dict() self.components = list() # Number of terms in the affine expansion self.Q = dict() # from string to integer # Matrices/vectors resulting from the truth discretization self.OperatorExpansionStorage = AffineExpansionStorage self.operator = dict() # from string to OperatorExpansionStorage self.inner_product = None # AffineExpansionStorage (for problems with one component) or dict of AffineExpansionStorage (for problem with several components), even though it will contain only one matrix self._combined_inner_product = None self.projection_inner_product = None # AffineExpansionStorage (for problems with one component) or dict of AffineExpansionStorage (for problem with several components), even though it will contain only one matrix self._combined_projection_inner_product = None self.dirichlet_bc = None # AffineExpansionStorage (for problems with one component) or dict of AffineExpansionStorage (for problem with several components) self.dirichlet_bc_are_homogeneous = None # bool (for problems with one component) or dict of bools (for problem with several components) self._combined_and_homogenized_dirichlet_bc = None # Solution self._solution = Function(self.V) self._solution_cache = dict() # of Functions self._output = 0 self._output_cache = dict() # of Numbers self._output_cache__current_cache_key = None # I/O self.folder["cache"] = os.path.join(self.folder_prefix, "cache") self.cache_config = config.get("problems", "cache")
def __init__(self, truth_problem, term, multiply_by_theta, spectrum, eigensolver_parameters, folder_prefix): # Call the parent initialization ParametrizedProblem.__init__(self, folder_prefix) # this class does not export anything self.truth_problem = truth_problem # Matrices/vectors resulting from the truth discretization self.term = term assert isinstance(self.term, (tuple, str)) if isinstance(self.term, tuple): assert len(self.term) == 2 isinstance(self.term[0], str) isinstance(self.term[1], int) self.multiply_by_theta = multiply_by_theta assert isinstance(self.multiply_by_theta, bool) self.operator = None # AffineExpansionStorage self.inner_product = None # AffineExpansionStorage, even though it will contain only one matrix self.spectrum = spectrum self.eigensolver_parameters = eigensolver_parameters # Avoid useless computations self._eigenvalue = 0. self._eigenvalue_cache = dict() self._eigenvector = Function(truth_problem.V) self._eigenvector_cache = dict() self.folder["cache"] = os.path.join(folder_prefix, "cache") self.cache_config = config.get("problems", "cache")
def __init__(self, truth_problem, folder_prefix, **kwargs): # Call the parent initialization ParametrizedProblem.__init__(self, folder_prefix) # Store the parametrized problem object and the bc list self.truth_problem = truth_problem # Define additional storage for SCM self.B_min = BoundingBoxSideList( ) # minimum values of the bounding box mathcal{B}. Vector of size Q self.B_max = BoundingBoxSideList( ) # maximum values of the bounding box mathcal{B}. Vector of size Q self.training_set = None # SCM algorithm needs the training set also in the online stage self.greedy_selected_parameters = GreedySelectedParametersList( ) # list storing the parameters selected during the training phase self.greedy_selected_parameters_complement = dict( ) # dict, over N, of list storing the complement of parameters selected during the training phase self.UB_vectors = UpperBoundsList( ) # list of Q-dimensional vectors storing the infimizing elements at the greedily selected parameters self.N = 0 self.M_e = kwargs[ "M_e"] # integer denoting the number of constraints based on the exact eigenvalues, or None self.M_p = kwargs[ "M_p"] # integer denoting the number of constraints based on the previous lower bounds, or None # I/O self.folder["cache"] = os.path.join(self.folder_prefix, "reduced_cache") self.cache_config = config.get("SCM", "cache") self.folder["reduced_operators"] = os.path.join( self.folder_prefix, "reduced_operators") # Coercivity constant eigen problem self.exact_coercivity_constant_calculator = ParametrizedCoercivityConstantEigenProblem( truth_problem, "a", True, "smallest", kwargs["coercivity_eigensolver_parameters"], self.folder_prefix) # Store here input parameters provided by the user that are needed by the reduction method self._input_storage_for_SCM_reduction = dict() self._input_storage_for_SCM_reduction[ "bounding_box_minimum_eigensolver_parameters"] = kwargs[ "bounding_box_minimum_eigensolver_parameters"] self._input_storage_for_SCM_reduction[ "bounding_box_maximum_eigensolver_parameters"] = kwargs[ "bounding_box_maximum_eigensolver_parameters"] # Avoid useless linear programming solves self._alpha_LB = 0. self._alpha_LB_cache = dict() self._alpha_UB = 0. self._alpha_UB_cache = dict()
def __init__(self, truth_problem, **kwargs): # Call to parent ParametrizedProblem.__init__(self, # $$ ONLINE DATA STRUCTURES $$ # # Online reduced space dimension self.N = None # integer (for problems with one component) or dict of integers (for problem with several components) self.N_bc = None # integer (for problems with one component) or dict of integers (for problem with several components) self.dirichlet_bc = None # bool (for problems with one component) or dict of bools (for problem with several components) self.dirichlet_bc_are_homogeneous = None # bool (for problems with one component) or dict of bools (for problem with several components) self._combined_and_homogenized_dirichlet_bc = None # Form names and order self.terms = truth_problem.terms self.terms_order = truth_problem.terms_order self.components = truth_problem.components # Number of terms in the affine expansion self.Q = dict() # from string to integer # Reduced order operators self.OperatorExpansionStorage = OnlineAffineExpansionStorage self.operator = dict() # from string to OperatorExpansionStorage self.inner_product = None # AffineExpansionStorage (for problems with one component) or dict of AffineExpansionStorage (for problem with several components), even though it will contain only one matrix self._combined_inner_product = None self.projection_inner_product = None # AffineExpansionStorage (for problems with one component) or dict of AffineExpansionStorage (for problem with several components), even though it will contain only one matrix self._combined_projection_inner_product = None # Solution self._solution = None # OnlineFunction self._solution_cache = dict() # of Functions self._output = 0 self._output_cache = dict() # of Numbers self._output_cache__current_cache_key = None # $$ OFFLINE DATA STRUCTURES $$ # # High fidelity problem self.truth_problem = truth_problem # Basis functions matrix self.basis_functions = None # BasisFunctionsMatrix # I/O self.folder["basis"] = os.path.join(self.folder_prefix, "basis") self.folder["reduced_operators"] = os.path.join( self.folder_prefix, "reduced_operators") self.cache_config = config.get("reduced problems", "cache")
getattr(sys.modules[__name__ + "." + backend + ".wrapping"], class_or_function_impl)) if hasattr(sys.modules[module_name], "__all__"): if class_or_function_name not in sys.modules[module_name].__all__: sys.modules[module_name].__all__.append(class_or_function_name) # Make sure that backends do not contain dispatcher functions (but rather, actual functions and classes) import inspect for backend in required_backends: for class_or_function_name in sys.modules[__name__ + "." + backend].__all__: class_or_function = getattr(sys.modules[__name__ + "." + backend], class_or_function_name) assert inspect.isclass(class_or_function) or inspect.isfunction(class_or_function) # In contrast, make sure that this module only contains dispatcher objects from rbnics.utils.decorators.dispatch import Dispatcher for dispatcher_name in sys.modules[__name__].__all__: dispatcher = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], dispatcher_name) # if there was at least a concrete implementation by @BackendFor or @backend_for if isinstance(getattr(backends_cache, dispatcher_name), Dispatcher): assert isinstance(dispatcher, Dispatcher) # Store some additional classes, defined in the abstract module, which are base classes but not backends, # and thus have not been processed by @BackendFor and @backend_for decorators for extra_class in ("LinearProblemWrapper", "NonlinearProblemWrapper", "TimeDependentProblemWrapper"): assert not hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], extra_class) setattr(sys.modules[__name__], extra_class, getattr(sys.modules[__name__ + ".abstract"], extra_class)) sys.modules[__name__].__all__.append(extra_class) # Load required backends load_backends(config.get("backends", "required backends"))
# Import (current) online backend importlib.import_module(__name__ + "." + online_backend) importlib.import_module(__name__ + "." + online_backend + ".wrapping") # Copy all classes and functions from (current) online backend to this module with "Online" and "online_" prefixes, respectively for class_or_function_name in sys.modules[__name__ + "." + online_backend].__all__: class_or_function = getattr( sys.modules[__name__ + "." + online_backend], class_or_function_name) assert inspect.isclass(class_or_function) or inspect.isfunction( class_or_function) if class_or_function_name[0].isupper( ): # less restrictive than inspect.isclass(class_or_function), because for instance OnlineMatrix is implemented as function rather than a class prefix = "Online" else: # less restrictive than inspect.isfunction(class_or_function) prefix = "online_" setattr(sys.modules[__name__], prefix + class_or_function_name, class_or_function) sys.modules[__name__].__all__.append(prefix + class_or_function_name) # Also copy the online wrapping module, without prefixes sys.modules[__name__ + ".wrapping"] = sys.modules[__name__ + "." + online_backend].wrapping # Get the online backend name from rbnics.utils.config import config set_online_backend(config.get("backends", "online backend"))