コード例 #1
 def from_key(key, subject, predicate, object, contexts_value):
     "Takes a key and subject, predicate, object; returns tuple for yield"
     parts = b(key).split(b("^"))
     if subject is None:
         # TODO: i & 1: # dis assemble and/or measure to see which is 
         # faster
         # subject is None or i & 1
         s = from_string(parts[(3-i+0)%3+1])
         s = subject
     if predicate is None:#i & 2:
         p = from_string(parts[(3-i+1)%3+1])
         p = predicate
     if object is None:#i & 4:
         o = from_string(parts[(3-i+2)%3+1])
         o = object
     return (s, p, o), (from_string(c) 
                             for c in contexts_value.split(b("^")) if c)
コード例 #2
 def __len__(self, context=None):
     assert self.__open, "The Store must be open."
     if context is not None:
         if context == self:
             context = None
     if context is None:
         prefix = b("^")
         prefix = bb("%s^" % self._to_string(context))
     return len([key for key in self.__indices[0] 
                         if key.startswith(prefix)])
コード例 #3
 def contexts(self, triple=None):
     _from_string = self._from_string
     _to_string = self._to_string
     if triple:
         s, p, o = triple
         s = _to_string(s)
         p = _to_string(p)
         o = _to_string(o)
         contexts = self.__indices[0].get(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % ("", s, p, o)))
         if contexts:
             for c in contexts.split(b("^")):
                 if c:
                     yield _from_string(c)
         for key in self.__contexts:
             yield _from_string(key)
コード例 #4
    def open(self, path, create=True):
        self.db_env = NoopMethods()
        self.create = create
        self.path = homeDir = path
        if not exists(homeDir):
            if create:
                raise ValueError("graph path %r does not exist" % homeDir)
        if self.identifier is None:
            self.__identifier = URIRef(pathname2url(abspath(homeDir)))
        def dbOpen(name):
            db = DB()
            dbpathname = abspath(self.path) + '/' + name + ".kch"
            if self.create:
                # if not db.open(abspath(self.path) + '/' + name + ".kch", 
                #         DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE | DB.OAUTOSYNC | DB.OAUTOTRAN):
                if not db.open(dbpathname, DB.OWRITER | DB.OCREATE):
                    raise IOError("open error: %s %s" % (dbpathname, str(db.error())))  #pragma: NO COVER
                return db
                # if not db.open(abspath(self.path) + '/' + name + ".kch", 
                #         DB.OWRITER | DB.OAUTOSYNC | DB.OAUTOTRAN):
                if not db.open(dbpathname, DB.OWRITER):  #pragma: NO COVER
                    raise IOError("open error: %s %s" % (dbpathname, str(db.error())))  #pragma: NO COVER
                return db
        # create and open the DBs
        self.__indices = [None,] * 3
        self.__indices_info = [None,] * 3
        for i in xrange(0, 3):
            index_name = to_key_func(i)((b("s"), b("p"), b("o")), b("c")).decode()
            index = dbOpen(index_name)
            self.__indices[i] = index
            self.__indices_info[i] = (index, to_key_func(i), from_key_func(i))
        lookup = {}
        for i in xrange(0, 8):
            results = []
            for start in xrange(0, 3):
                score = 1
                len = 0
                for j in xrange(start, start+3):
                    if i & (1<<(j%3)):
                        score = score << 1
                        len += 1
                tie_break = 2-start
                results.append(((score, tie_break), start, len))
            score, start, len = results[-1]
            def get_prefix_func(start, end):
                def get_prefix(triple, context):
                    if context is None:
                        yield ""
                        yield context
                    i = start
                    while i<end:
                        yield triple[i%3]
                        i += 1
                    yield ""
                return get_prefix
            lookup[i] = (self.__indices[start], 
                            get_prefix_func(start, start + len), 
                            results_from_key_func(start, self._from_string))

        self.__lookup_dict = lookup

        # these 3 were btree mode in sleepycat, but currently i'm using tc hash
        self.__contexts = dbOpen("contexts")
        self.__namespace = dbOpen("namespace")
        self.__prefix = dbOpen("prefix")
        self.__k2i = dbOpen("k2i")
        self.__i2k = dbOpen("i2k") # was DB_RECNO mode
        self.__journal = NoopMethods() # was DB_RECNO mode
        self.__needs_sync = False
        # # Inherited from SleepyCat, not relevant to Kyoto Cabinet
        # t = Thread(target=self.__sync_run)
        # t.setDaemon(True)
        # t.start()
        # self.__sync_thread = t
        self.__sync_thread = NoopMethods()
        # self.synchronize()
        self.__open = True

        return VALID_STORE
コード例 #5
 def from_key(key):
     "Takes a key; returns string"
     parts = b(key).split(b("^"))
     return parts[0], parts[(3-i+0)%3+1], \
                 parts[(3-i+1)%3+1], parts[(3-i+2)%3+1]
コード例 #6
 def to_key(triple, context):
     "Takes a string; returns key"
     return b("^").join((context, triple[i%3], 
                      triple[(i+1)%3], triple[(i+2)%3], b(""))
                      ) # "" to tac on the trailing ^
コード例 #7
 Store.add(self, (subject, predicate, object), context, quoted)
 _to_string = self._to_string
 s = _to_string(subject)
 p = _to_string(predicate)
 o = _to_string(object)
 c = _to_string(context)
 cspo, cpos, cosp = self.__indices
 value = cspo.get(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % (c, s, p, o)))
 if value is None:
     self.__contexts.set(bb(c), "")
     contexts_value = cspo.get(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % ("", s, p, o))) or b("")
     contexts = set(contexts_value.split(b("^")))
     contexts_value = b("^").join(contexts)
     assert contexts_value!=None
     cspo.set(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % (c, s, p, o)), "")
     cpos.set(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % (c, p, o, s)), "")
     cosp.set(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % (c, o, s, p)), "")
     if not quoted:
         cspo.set(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % ("", s, p, o)), contexts_value)
         cpos.set(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % ("", p, o, s)), contexts_value)
         cosp.set(bb("%s^%s^%s^%s^" % ("", o, s, p)), contexts_value)
     self.__needs_sync = True
     # self.__contexts.synchronize()
     # for dbindex in self.__indices: