コード例 #1
ファイル: rdfSubject.py プロジェクト: joke2k/RDFAlchemy
class rdfSubject(object):
    db = ConjunctiveGraph()
    """Default graph for access to instances of this type"""
    rdf_type = None
    """rdf:type of instances of this class"""
    def __init__(self, resUri=None, **kwargs):
        """The constructor tries hard to do return you an rdfSubject

        :param resUri: the "resource uri". If `None` then create an instance
        with a BNode resUri. Can be given as one of:

           * an instance of an rdfSubject
           * an instance of a BNode or a URIRef
           * an n3 uriref string like: "<urn:isbn:1234567890>"
           * an n3 bnode string like: "_:xyz1234"
        :param kwargs: is a set of values that will be set using the keys to
        find the appropriate descriptor"""

        if not resUri:  # create a bnode
            self.resUri = BNode()
            if self.rdf_type:
                self.db.add((self.resUri, RDF.type, self.rdf_type))

        elif isinstance(resUri, (BNode, URIRef)):  # use the identifier passed
            self.resUri = resUri
            if self.rdf_type \
                and not list(self.db.triples(
                    (self.resUri, RDF.type, self.rdf_type))):
                self.db.add((self.resUri, RDF.type, self.rdf_type))

        elif isinstance(resUri, rdfSubject):  # use the resUri of the subject
            self.resUri = resUri.resUri
            self.db = resUri.db

        elif isinstance(resUri, (str, unicode)):  # create one from a <uri> or
            if resUri[0] == "<" and resUri[-1] == ">":  # _:bnode string
                self.resUri = URIRef(resUri[1:-1])
            elif resUri.startswith("_:"):
                self.resUri = BNode(resUri[2:])

            if self.rdf_type:
                self.db.add((self.resUri, RDF.type, self.rdf_type))

            raise AttributeError("cannot construct rdfSubject from %s" %

        if kwargs:

    def n3(self):
        """n3 repr of this node"""
        return self.resUri.n3()

    def _getdescriptor(cls, key):
        """__get_descriptor returns the descriptor for the key.
        It essentially cls.__dict__[key] with recursive calls to super"""
        # NOT SURE if mro is the way to do this or if we should call
        # super() or bases?
        for kls in cls.mro():
            if key in kls.__dict__:
                return kls.__dict__[key]
        raise AttributeError("descriptor %s not found for class %s" %
                             (key, cls))

    # short term hack.  Need to go to a sqlalchemy 0.4 style query method
    # obj.query.get_by should map to obj.get_by  ..same for fetch_by
    def query(cls):
        return cls

    def get_by(cls, **kwargs):
        """Class Method, returns a single instance of the class
        by a single kwarg.  the keyword must be a descriptor of the

        .. code-block:: python

            bigBlue = Company.get_by(symbol='IBM')

            the keyword should map to an rdf predicate
            that is of type owl:InverseFunctional"""
        if len(kwargs) != 1:
            raise ValueError("get_by wanted exactly 1 but got  %i args\n" +
                             "Maybe you wanted filter_by" % (len(kwargs)))
        key, value = kwargs.items()[0]
        if isinstance(value, (URIRef, BNode, Literal)):
            o = value
            o = Literal(value)
        pred = cls._getdescriptor(key).pred
        uri = cls.db.value(None, pred, o)
        if uri:
            return cls(uri)
            raise LookupError("%s = %s not found" % (key, value))

    def filter_by(cls, **kwargs):
        """Class method returns a generator over classs instances
        meeting the kwargs conditions.

        Each keyword must be a class descriptor

        filter by RDF.type == cls.rdf_type is implicit

        Order helps, the first keyword should be the most restrictive
        filters = []
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            pred = cls._getdescriptor(key).pred
            # try to make the value be OK for the triple query as an object
            if isinstance(value, Identifier):
                obj = value
                obj = Literal(value)
            filters.append((pred, obj))
        # make sure we filter by type
        if not (RDF.type, cls.rdf_type) in filters:
            filters.append((RDF.type, cls.rdf_type))
        pred, obj = filters[0]
        log.debug("Checking %s, %s" % (pred, obj))
        for sub in cls.db.subjects(pred, obj):
            log.debug("maybe %s" % sub)
            for pred, obj in filters[1:]:
                log.debug("Checking %s, %s" % (pred, obj))
                    cls.db.triples((sub, pred, obj)).next()
                    log.warn("No %s" % sub)
                yield cls(sub)

    def ClassInstances(cls):
        """return a generator for instances of this rdf:type
        you can look in MyClass.rdf_type to see the predicate being used"""
        beenthere = set([])
        for i in cls.db.subjects(RDF.type, cls.rdf_type):
            if not i in beenthere:
                yield cls(i)

    def GetRandom(cls):
        """for develoment just returns a random instance of this class"""
        from random import choice
        xii = list(cls.ClassInstances())
        return choice(xii)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash("ranD0Mi$h_" + self.n3())

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if other is None:
            return False
            return cmp(self.n3(), other.n3())

    def __repr__(self):
        return """%s('%s')""" % (self.__class__.__name__,

    if rdflibversion.startswith('2'):

        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.resUri)

    def __getitem__(self, pred):
        log.debug("Getting with __getitem__ %s for %s" % (pred, self.n3()))
        val = self.db.value(self.resUri, pred)
        if isinstance(val, Literal):
            val = val.toPython()
        elif isinstance(val, (BNode, URIRef)):
            val = rdfSubject(val)
        return val

    def __delitem__(self, pred):
        log.debug("Deleting with __delitem__ %s for %s" % (pred, self))
        for s, p, o in self.db.triples((self.resUri, pred, None)):
            self.db.remove((s, p, o))
            # finally if the object in the triple was a bnode
            # cascade delete the thing it referenced
            # ?? FIXME Do we really want to cascade if it's an rdfSubject??
            if isinstance(o, (BNode, rdfSubject)):
                rdfSubject(o)._remove(db=self.db, cascade='bnode')

    def _set_with_dict(self, kv):
        :param kv: a dict

          for each key,value pair in dict kv
               set self.key = value

        for key, value in kv.items():
            descriptor = self.__class__._getdescriptor(key)
            descriptor.__set__(self, value)

    def _remove(self,
        Remove all triples where this rdfSubject is the subject of the triple

        :param db: limit the remove operation to this graph
        :param cascade: must be one of:

            * none --  remove none
            * bnode -- (default) remove all unreferenced bnodes
            * all -- remove all unreferenced bnode(s) AND uri(s)

        :param bnodeCheck: boolean

            * True -- (default) check bnodes and raise exception if there are
              still references to this node
            * False --  do not check.  This can leave orphaned object reference
              in triples.  Use only if you are resetting the value in
              the same transaction
        :param objectCascade: boolean
            * False -- (default) do nothing
            * True -- delete also all triples where this refSubject is the
            object of the triple.
        noderef = self.resUri
        log.debug("Called remove on %s" % self)
        if not db:
            db = self.db

        # we cannot delete a bnode if it is still referenced,
        # i.e. if it is the o of a s,p,o
        if bnodeCheck and isinstance(noderef, BNode):
            for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, noderef)):
                raise RDFAlchemyError(
                    "Cannot delete BNode %s because %s still references it" %
                    (noderef.n3(), s.n3()))

        # determine an appropriate test for cascade decisions
        if cascade == 'bnode':
            # we cannot delete a bnode if there are still references to it
            def test(node):
                if isinstance(node, (URIRef, Literal)):
                    return False
                for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, node)):
                    return False
                return True
        elif cascade == 'none':

            def f1(node):
                return False

            test = f1
        elif cascade == 'all':

            def f2(node):
                if isinstance(node, Literal):
                    return False
                for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, node)):
                    return False
                return True

            test = f2
            raise AttributeError("unknown cascade argument")

        for s, p, o in db.triples((noderef, None, None)):
            db.remove((s, p, o))
            if test(o):
                rdfSubject(o)._remove(db=db, cascade=cascade)

        if objectCascade:
            for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, noderef)):
                db.remove((s, p, o))

    def _rename(self, name, db=None):
        """rename a node """
        if not db:
            db = self.db
        if not (isinstance(name, (BNode, URIRef))):
            raise AttributeError("cannot rename to %s" % name)
        for s, p, o in db.triples((self.resUri, None, None)):
            db.remove((s, p, o))
            db.add((name, p, o))
        for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, self.resUri)):
            db.set((s, p, name))
        self.resUri = name

    def _ppo(self, db=None):
        """Like pretty print...
        Return a 'pretty predicate,object' of self
        returning all predicate object pairs with qnames"""
        db = db or self.db
        for p, o in db.predicate_objects(self.resUri):
            print "%20s = %s" % (db.qname(p), str(o))
        print " "

    def md5_term_hash(self):
        """Not sure what good this method is but it's defined for
        rdflib.Identifiers so it's here for now"""
        return self.resUri.md5_term_hash()
コード例 #2
ファイル: rdfSubject.py プロジェクト: olberger/RDFAlchemy
class rdfSubject(object):
    db = ConjunctiveGraph()
    """Default graph for access to instances of this type"""
    rdf_type = None
    """rdf:type of instances of this class"""

    def __init__(self, resUri=None, **kwargs):
        """The constructor tries hard to do return you an rdfSubject

        :param resUri: the "resource uri". If `None` then create an instance
        with a BNode resUri. Can be given as one of:

           * an instance of an rdfSubject
           * an instance of a BNode or a URIRef
           * an n3 uriref string like: "<urn:isbn:1234567890>"
           * an n3 bnode string like: "_:xyz1234"
        :param kwargs: is a set of values that will be set using the keys to
        find the appropriate descriptor"""

        if not resUri:  # create a bnode
            self.resUri = BNode()
            if self.rdf_type:
                self.db.add((self.resUri, RDF.type, self.rdf_type))

        elif isinstance(resUri, (BNode, URIRef)):  # use the identifier passed
            self.resUri = resUri
            if self.rdf_type \
                and not list(self.db.triples(
                    (self.resUri, RDF.type, self.rdf_type))):
                self.db.add((self.resUri, RDF.type, self.rdf_type))

        elif isinstance(resUri, rdfSubject):  # use the resUri of the subject
            self.resUri = resUri.resUri
            self.db = resUri.db

        elif isinstance(resUri, (str, unicode)):   # create one from a <uri> or
            if resUri[0] == "<" and resUri[-1] == ">":  # _:bnode string
                self.resUri = URIRef(resUri[1:-1])
            elif resUri.startswith("_:"):
                self.resUri = BNode(resUri[2:])

            if self.rdf_type:
                self.db.add((self.resUri, RDF.type, self.rdf_type))

            raise AttributeError("cannot construct rdfSubject from %s" % (

        if kwargs:

    def n3(self):
        """n3 repr of this node"""
        return self.resUri.n3()

    def _getdescriptor(cls, key):
        """__get_descriptor returns the descriptor for the key.
        It essentially cls.__dict__[key] with recursive calls to super"""
        # NOT SURE if mro is the way to do this or if we should call
        # super() or bases?
        for kls in cls.mro():
            if key in kls.__dict__:
                return kls.__dict__[key]
        raise AttributeError(
            "descriptor %s not found for class %s" % (key, cls))

    # short term hack.  Need to go to a sqlalchemy 0.4 style query method
    # obj.query.get_by should map to obj.get_by  ..same for fetch_by
    def query(cls):
        return cls

    def get_by(cls, **kwargs):
        """Class Method, returns a single instance of the class
        by a single kwarg.  the keyword must be a descriptor of the

        .. code-block:: python

            bigBlue = Company.get_by(symbol='IBM')

            the keyword should map to an rdf predicate
            that is of type owl:InverseFunctional"""
        if len(kwargs) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "get_by wanted exactly 1 but got  %i args\n" +
                "Maybe you wanted filter_by" % (len(kwargs)))
        key, value = kwargs.items()[0]
        if isinstance(value, (URIRef, BNode, Literal)):
            o = value
            o = Literal(value)
        pred = cls._getdescriptor(key).pred
        uri = cls.db.value(None, pred, o)
        if uri:
            return cls(uri)
            raise LookupError("%s = %s not found" % (key, value))

    def filter_by(cls, **kwargs):
        """Class method returns a generator over classs instances
        meeting the kwargs conditions.

        Each keyword must be a class descriptor

        filter by RDF.type == cls.rdf_type is implicit

        Order helps, the first keyword should be the most restrictive
        filters = []
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            pred = cls._getdescriptor(key).pred
            # try to make the value be OK for the triple query as an object
            if isinstance(value, Identifier):
                obj = value
                obj = Literal(value)
            filters.append((pred, obj))
        # make sure we filter by type
        if not (RDF.type, cls.rdf_type) in filters:
            filters.append((RDF.type, cls.rdf_type))
        pred, obj = filters[0]
        log.debug("Checking %s, %s" % (pred, obj))
        for sub in cls.db.subjects(pred, obj):
            log.debug("maybe %s" % sub)
            for pred, obj in filters[1:]:
                log.debug("Checking %s, %s" % (pred, obj))
                    cls.db.triples((sub, pred, obj)).next()
                    log.warn("No %s" % sub)
                yield cls(sub)

    def ClassInstances(cls):
        """return a generator for instances of this rdf:type
        you can look in MyClass.rdf_type to see the predicate being used"""
        beenthere = set([])
        for i in cls.db.subjects(RDF.type, cls.rdf_type):
            if not i in beenthere:
                yield cls(i)

    def GetRandom(cls):
        """for develoment just returns a random instance of this class"""
        from random import choice
        xii = list(cls.ClassInstances())
        return choice(xii)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash("ranD0Mi$h_" + self.n3())

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if other is None:
            return False
            return cmp(self.n3(), other.n3())

    def __repr__(self):
        return """%s('%s')""" % (
            self.__class__.__name__, self.n3().encode('utf-8'))

    if rdflibversion.startswith('2'):
        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.resUri)

    def __getitem__(self, pred):
        log.debug("Getting with __getitem__ %s for %s" % (pred, self.n3()))
        val = self.db.value(self.resUri, pred)
        if isinstance(val, Literal):
            val = val.toPython()
        elif isinstance(val, (BNode, URIRef)):
            val = rdfSubject(val)
        return val

    def __delitem__(self, pred):
        log.debug("Deleting with __delitem__ %s for %s" % (pred, self))
        for s, p, o in self.db.triples((self.resUri, pred, None)):
            self.db.remove((s, p, o))
            # finally if the object in the triple was a bnode
            # cascade delete the thing it referenced
            # ?? FIXME Do we really want to cascade if it's an rdfSubject??
            if isinstance(o, (BNode, rdfSubject)):
                rdfSubject(o)._remove(db=self.db, cascade='bnode')

    def _set_with_dict(self, kv):
        :param kv: a dict

          for each key,value pair in dict kv
               set self.key = value

        for key, value in kv.items():
            descriptor = self.__class__._getdescriptor(key)
            descriptor.__set__(self, value)

    def _remove(
            self, db=None, cascade='bnode',
            bnodeCheck=True, objectCascade=False):
        Remove all triples where this rdfSubject is the subject of the triple

        :param db: limit the remove operation to this graph
        :param cascade: must be one of:

            * none --  remove none
            * bnode -- (default) remove all unreferenced bnodes
            * all -- remove all unreferenced bnode(s) AND uri(s)

        :param bnodeCheck: boolean

            * True -- (default) check bnodes and raise exception if there are
              still references to this node
            * False --  do not check.  This can leave orphaned object reference
              in triples.  Use only if you are resetting the value in
              the same transaction
        :param objectCascade: boolean
            * False -- (default) do nothing
            * True -- delete also all triples where this refSubject is the
            object of the triple.
        noderef = self.resUri
        log.debug("Called remove on %s" % self)
        if not db:
            db = self.db

        # we cannot delete a bnode if it is still referenced,
        # i.e. if it is the o of a s,p,o
        if bnodeCheck and isinstance(noderef, BNode):
            for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, noderef)):
                raise RDFAlchemyError(
                    "Cannot delete BNode %s because %s still references it" % (
                    noderef.n3(), s.n3()))

        # determine an appropriate test for cascade decisions
        if cascade == 'bnode':
            # we cannot delete a bnode if there are still references to it
            def test(node):
                if isinstance(node, (URIRef, Literal)):
                    return False
                for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, node)):
                    return False
                return True
        elif cascade == 'none':

            def f1(node):
                return False
            test = f1
        elif cascade == 'all':

            def f2(node):
                if isinstance(node, Literal):
                    return False
                for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, node)):
                    return False
                return True
            test = f2
            raise AttributeError("unknown cascade argument")

        for s, p, o in db.triples((noderef, None, None)):
            db.remove((s, p, o))
            if test(o):
                rdfSubject(o)._remove(db=db, cascade=cascade)

        if objectCascade:
            for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, noderef)):
                db.remove((s, p, o))

    def _rename(self, name, db=None):
        """rename a node """
        if not db:
            db = self.db
        if not (isinstance(name, (BNode, URIRef))):
            raise AttributeError("cannot rename to %s" % name)
        for s, p, o in db.triples((self.resUri, None, None)):
            db.remove((s, p, o))
            db.add((name, p, o))
        for s, p, o in db.triples((None, None, self.resUri)):
            db.set((s, p, name))
        self.resUri = name

    def _ppo(self, db=None):
        """Like pretty print...
        Return a 'pretty predicate,object' of self
        returning all predicate object pairs with qnames"""
        db = db or self.db
        for p, o in db.predicate_objects(self.resUri):
            print "%20s = %s" % (db.qname(p), str(o))
        print " "

    def md5_term_hash(self):
        """Not sure what good this method is but it's defined for
        rdflib.Identifiers so it's here for now"""
        return self.resUri.md5_term_hash()