コード例 #1
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
    def create_relation_type(self,
        I create a new relation type in this model.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param origins: explain.
        :param destinations: explain.
        :param supertypes: explain.
        :param label: explain.

        :rtype: `RelationTypeMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622
        if id is None and label is None:
            raise ValueError("id or label must be supplied")
        uri = mint_uri_from_label(label, self, id)
        with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
            base_uri = self.uri
            graph_add = graph.add
            graph_add((uri, RDF.type, KTBS.RelationType))
            if label is not None:
                graph_add((uri, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
            if origins is not None:
                # TODO remove test below when enough time has passed (2016-03-18)
                if isinstance(origins, basestring) or isinstance(
                        origins, ObselTypeMixin):
                        "Model abstract API has changed: you should provide an *iterable* of origins"
                    origins = [origins]
                for origin in origins:
                    origin_uri = coerce_to_uri(origin, self.uri)
                    graph_add((uri, _HAS_REL_ORIGIN, origin_uri))
            if destinations is not None:
                # TODO remove test below when enough time has passed (2016-03-18)
                if isinstance(destinations, basestring) or isinstance(
                        destinations, ObselTypeMixin):
                        "Model abstract API has changed: you should provide an *iterable* of destinations"
                    destinations = [destinations]
                for destination in destinations:
                    destination_uri = coerce_to_uri(destination, self.uri)
                    graph_add((uri, _HAS_REL_DESTINATION, destination_uri))
            for i in supertypes:
                graph_add((uri, KTBS.hasSuperRelationType,
                           coerce_to_uri(i, base_uri)))
        ret = self.factory(uri, [KTBS.RelationType])
        assert isinstance(ret, RelationTypeMixin)
        return ret
コード例 #2
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
    def create_attribute_type(self,
        I create a new obsel type in this model.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param obsel_types: explain.
        :param data_types: explain.
        :param value_is_list: explain.
        :param label: explain.

        :rtype: `AttributeTypeMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622
        if id is None and label is None:
            raise ValueError("id or label must be supplied")
        uri = mint_uri_from_label(label, self, id)
        with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
            base_uri = self.uri
            graph_add = graph.add
            graph_add((uri, RDF.type, KTBS.AttributeType))
            if label is not None:
                graph_add((uri, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
            if obsel_types is not None:
                # TODO remove test below when enough time has passed (2016-03-18)
                if isinstance(obsel_types, basestring) or isinstance(
                        obsel_types, ObselTypeMixin):
                        "Model abstract API has changed: you should provide an *iterable* of obsel_types"
                    obsel_types = [obsel_types]
                for obsel_type in obsel_types:
                    obsel_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(obsel_type, base_uri)
                    graph_add((uri, _HAS_ATT_OBSELTYPE, obsel_type_uri))
            if data_types is not None:
                # TODO remove test below when enough time has passed (2016-03-18)
                if isinstance(data_types, basestring):
                        "Model abstract API has changed: you should provide an *iterable* of data_types"
                    data_types = [data_types]
                for data_type in data_types:
                    data_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(data_type, base_uri)
                    graph_add((uri, _HAS_ATT_DATATYPE, data_type_uri))
            # TODO SOON make use of value_is_list
            # ... in the meantime, we lure pylint into ignoring it:
            _ = value_is_list
        ret = self.factory(uri, [KTBS.AttributeType])
        assert isinstance(ret, AttributeTypeMixin)
        return ret
コード例 #3
    def create_model(self, id=None, parents=None, label=None, graph=None):
        """Create a new model in this trace base.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param parents: either None, or an iterable of models from which this
                        model inherits
        :param label: explain.
        :param graph: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`

        :rtype: `~.tace_model.TraceModelMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable-msg=W0622

        trust = graph is None  and  id is None
        node = coerce_to_node(id, self.uri)
        if parents is None:
            parents = () # abstract API allows None
        if graph is None:
            graph = Graph()
        graph.add((self.uri, KTBS.contains, node))
        graph.add((node, RDF.type, KTBS.TraceModel))
        if label:
            graph.add((node, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
        for parent in parents:
            parent = coerce_to_uri(parent, self.uri)
            graph.add((node, KTBS.hasParentModel, parent))
        uris = self.post_graph(graph, None, trust, node, KTBS.TraceModel)
        assert len(uris) == 1
        return self.factory(uris[0], [KTBS.TraceModel])
コード例 #4
 def del_source_trace(self, val):
     """I break the link between this trace and one of its source traces
     source_uri = coerce_to_uri(val)
     # do not trust edit, as there are many verifications to make
     with self.edit() as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, KTBS.hasSource, source_uri))
コード例 #5
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def remove_origin(self, origin):
     I remove an obsel type from this attribute.
     origin_uri = coerce_to_uri(origin)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, _HAS_REL_ORIGIN, origin_uri))
コード例 #6
    def create_model(self, id=None, parents=None, label=None, graph=None):
        """Create a new model in this trace base.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param parents: either None, or an iterable of models from which this
                        model inherits
        :param label: explain.
        :param graph: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`

        :rtype: `~.tace_model.TraceModelMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable-msg=W0622

        trust = graph is None and id is None
        node = coerce_to_node(id, self.uri)
        if parents is None:
            parents = ()  # abstract API allows None
        if graph is None:
            graph = Graph()
        graph.add((self.uri, KTBS.contains, node))
        graph.add((node, RDF.type, KTBS.TraceModel))
        if label:
            graph.add((node, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
        for parent in parents:
            parent = coerce_to_uri(parent, self.uri)
            graph.add((node, KTBS.hasParentModel, parent))
        uris = self.post_graph(graph, None, trust, node, KTBS.TraceModel)
        assert len(uris) == 1
        return self.factory(uris[0], [KTBS.TraceModel])
コード例 #7
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
    def create_obsel_type(self, id=None, supertypes=(), label=None):
        I create a new obsel type in this model.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param supertypes: explain.
        :param label: explain.

        :rtype: `ObselTypeMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622
        if id is None and label is None:
            raise ValueError("id or label must be supplied")
        uri = mint_uri_from_label(label, self, id)
        with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
            base_uri = self.uri
            graph_add = graph.add
            graph_add((uri, RDF.type, KTBS.ObselType))
            if label is not None:
                graph_add((uri, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
            for i in supertypes:
                    (uri, KTBS.hasSuperObselType, coerce_to_uri(i, base_uri)))
        ret = self.factory(uri, [KTBS.ObselType])
        assert isinstance(ret, ObselTypeMixin)
        return ret
コード例 #8
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def remove_parent(self, model):
     I remove model as a parent model to this model.
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
         graph.remove((self.uri, KTBS.hasParentModel,
                       coerce_to_uri(model, self.uri)))
コード例 #9
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
def mint_uri_from_label(label, target, uri=None, suffix=""):
    Mint a URI for a resource posted to `target` based on `label`.

    :param label:  the label for the resource to create
    :param target: the resource "containing" the resource to create
    :param uri:    if provided, will be used instead (must be fresh)
    :param suffix: if provided, will be added to the end of the URI

    :return: a URI not present in `target.state`
    :rtype: rdflib.URIRef
    :raise: InvalidDataError if `uri` is provided and not acceptable
    if uri is not None:
        uri = coerce_to_uri(uri, target.uri)
        if not check_new(target.state, uri):
            raise InvalidDataError("URI already in use <%s>" % uri)
        if not uri.startswith(target.uri):
            raise InvalidDataError(
                "URI is wrong <%s> (did you forget a leading '#'?)" % uri)
        label = label.lower()
        prefix = target.uri
        if prefix[-1] != "/":
            prefix = "%s#" % prefix
        prefix = "%s%s" % (prefix, _NON_ALPHA.sub("-", label))
        uri = URIRef("%s%s" % (prefix, suffix))
        if not check_new(target.state, uri):
            prefix = "%s-" % prefix
            uri = make_fresh_uri(target.state, prefix, suffix)
    return uri
コード例 #10
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def remove_data_type(self, data_type):
     I remove the data type from this attribute.
     data_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(data_type)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, _HAS_ATT_DATATYPE, data_type_uri))
コード例 #11
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def add_origin(self, origin):
     I add an obsel type to this attribute.
     origin_uri = coerce_to_uri(origin)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, _HAS_REL_ORIGIN, origin_uri))
コード例 #12
def serialize_json_method(graph, method, bindings=None):

    valconv = ValueConverter(method.uri)
    valconv_uri = valconv.uri

    yield u"""{
    "@context": "%s",
    "@id": "%s",
    "@type": "Method",
    "hasParentMethod": "%s",
    "parameter": [""" % (
        CONTEXT_URI, method.uri, valconv_uri(coerce_to_uri(method.parent))

    own_params = method.iter_parameters_with_values(False)
    yield u",".join(
        u"\n        %s" % dumps("%s=%s" % item)
        for item in own_params
    ) + "]"

    used_by = list(method.state.subjects(KTBS.hasMethod, method.uri))
    if used_by:
        yield  u""",\n        "isMethodOf": %s""" \
          % dumps([ valconv_uri(i) for i in used_by ])

    children = list(method.state.subjects(KTBS.hasParentMethod, method.uri))
    if children:
        yield  u""",\n        "isParentMethodOf": %s""" \
          % dumps([ valconv_uri(i) for i in children])

    for i in iter_other_arcs(graph, method.uri, valconv):
        yield i

    yield u""",\n    "inBase": "%s"\n}\n""" % valconv_uri(method.base.uri)
コード例 #13
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def remove_destination(self, destination):
     I remove an obsel type from this attribute.
     destination_uri = coerce_to_uri(destination)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, _HAS_REL_DESTINATION, destination_uri))
コード例 #14
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def remove_data_type(self, data_type):
     I remove the data type from this attribute.
     data_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(data_type)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, _HAS_ATT_DATATYPE, data_type_uri))
コード例 #15
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def remove_obsel_type(self, obsel_type):
     I remove an obsel type from this attribute.
     obsel_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(obsel_type)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, _HAS_ATT_OBSELTYPE, obsel_type_uri))
コード例 #16
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def add_obsel_type(self, obsel_type):
     I add an obsel type to this attribute.
     obsel_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(obsel_type)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, _HAS_ATT_OBSELTYPE, obsel_type_uri))
コード例 #17
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
def mint_uri_from_label(label, target, uri=None, suffix=""):
    Mint a URI for a resource posted to `target` based on `label`.

    :param label:  the label for the resource to create
    :param target: the resource "containing" the resource to create
    :param uri:    if provided, will be used instead (must be fresh)
    :param suffix: if provided, will be added to the end of the URI

    :return: a URI not present in `target.state`
    :rtype: rdflib.URIRef
    :raise: InvalidDataError if `uri` is provided and not acceptable
    if uri is not None:
        uri = coerce_to_uri(uri, target.uri)
        if not check_new(target.state, uri):
            raise InvalidDataError("URI already in use <%s>" % uri)
        if not uri.startswith(target.uri):
            raise InvalidDataError(
                "URI is wrong <%s> (did you forget a leading '#'?)" % uri)
        label = label.lower()
        prefix = target.uri
        if prefix[-1] != "/":
            prefix = "%s#" % prefix
        prefix = "%s%s" % (prefix, _NON_ALPHA.sub("-", label))
        uri = URIRef("%s%s" % (prefix, suffix))
        if not check_new(target.state, uri):
            prefix = "%s-" % prefix
            uri = make_fresh_uri(target.state, prefix, suffix)
    return uri
コード例 #18
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def remove_destination(self, destination):
     I remove an obsel type from this attribute.
     destination_uri = coerce_to_uri(destination)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, _HAS_REL_DESTINATION, destination_uri))
コード例 #19
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def add_destination(self, destination):
     I add an obsel type to this attribute.
     destination_uri = coerce_to_uri(destination)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, _HAS_REL_DESTINATION, destination_uri))
コード例 #20
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def add_origin(self, origin):
     I add an obsel type to this attribute.
     origin_uri = coerce_to_uri(origin)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, _HAS_REL_ORIGIN, origin_uri))
コード例 #21
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
    def create_obsel_type(self, id=None, supertypes=(), label=None):
        I create a new obsel type in this model.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param supertypes: explain.
        :param label: explain.

        :rtype: `ObselTypeMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622
        if id is None  and  label is None:
            raise ValueError("id or label must be supplied")
        uri = mint_uri_from_label(label, self, id)
        with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
            base_uri = self.uri
            graph_add = graph.add
            graph_add((uri, RDF.type, KTBS.ObselType))
            if label is not None:
                graph_add((uri, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
            for i in supertypes:
                graph_add((uri, KTBS.hasSuperObselType,
                           coerce_to_uri(i, base_uri)))
        ret = self.factory(uri, [KTBS.ObselType])
        assert isinstance(ret, ObselTypeMixin)
        return ret
コード例 #22
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def add_obsel_type(self, obsel_type):
     I add an obsel type to this attribute.
     obsel_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(obsel_type)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, _HAS_ATT_OBSELTYPE, obsel_type_uri))
コード例 #23
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def remove_obsel_type(self, obsel_type):
     I remove an obsel type from this attribute.
     obsel_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(obsel_type)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, _HAS_ATT_OBSELTYPE, obsel_type_uri))
コード例 #24
 def add_source_trace(self, val):
     """I add a source trace to this trace
     source_uri = coerce_to_uri(val)
     # do not trust edit, as there are many verifications to make
     with self.edit() as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, KTBS.hasSource, source_uri))
コード例 #25
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def remove_origin(self, origin):
     I remove an obsel type from this attribute.
     origin_uri = coerce_to_uri(origin)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.remove((self.uri, _HAS_REL_ORIGIN, origin_uri))
コード例 #26
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def add_destination(self, destination):
     I add an obsel type to this attribute.
     destination_uri = coerce_to_uri(destination)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, _HAS_REL_DESTINATION, destination_uri))
コード例 #27
ファイル: obsel.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def __init__(self, uri, collection, host_graph, host_parameters):
     # not calling parents __init__ #pylint: disable=W0231
     self.uri = coerce_to_uri(uri, collection.uri)
     self.collection = collection
     self.host_graph = host_graph
     self.host_parameters = host_parameters
     if __debug__:
         self._readonly_graph = ReadOnlyGraph(host_graph)
コード例 #28
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def remove_parent(self, model):
     I remove model as a parent model to this model.
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
             (self.uri, KTBS.hasParentModel, coerce_to_uri(model,
コード例 #29
 def set_model(self, model):
     """I set the model of this trace.
     model can be a Model or a URI; relative URIs are resolved against this
     trace's URI.
     model_uri = coerce_to_uri(model, self.uri)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
         graph.set((self.uri, KTBS.hasModel, model_uri))
コード例 #30
ファイル: obsel.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def __init__(self, uri, collection, host_graph, host_parameters):
     # not calling parents __init__ #pylint: disable=W0231
     self.uri = coerce_to_uri(uri, collection.uri)
     self.collection = collection
     self.host_graph = host_graph
     self.host_parameters = host_parameters
     if __debug__:
         self._readonly_graph = ReadOnlyGraph(host_graph)
コード例 #31
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
    def create_attribute_type(self, id=None, obsel_types=None, data_types=None,
                              value_is_list=False, label=None):
        I create a new obsel type in this model.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param obsel_types: explain.
        :param data_types: explain.
        :param value_is_list: explain.
        :param label: explain.

        :rtype: `AttributeTypeMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622
        if id is None  and  label is None:
            raise ValueError("id or label must be supplied")
        uri = mint_uri_from_label(label, self, id)
        with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
            base_uri = self.uri
            graph_add = graph.add
            graph_add((uri, RDF.type, KTBS.AttributeType))
            if label is not None:
                graph_add((uri, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
            if obsel_types is not None:
                # TODO remove test below when enough time has passed (2016-03-18)
                if isinstance(obsel_types, basestring) or isinstance(obsel_types, ObselTypeMixin):
                    warn("Model abstract API has changed: you should provide an *iterable* of obsel_types")
                    obsel_types = [obsel_types]
                for obsel_type in obsel_types:
                    obsel_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(obsel_type, base_uri)
                    graph_add ((uri, _HAS_ATT_OBSELTYPE, obsel_type_uri))
            if data_types is not None:
                # TODO remove test below when enough time has passed (2016-03-18)
                if isinstance(data_types, basestring):
                    warn("Model abstract API has changed: you should provide an *iterable* of data_types")
                    data_types = [data_types]
                for data_type in data_types:
                    data_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(data_type, base_uri)
                    graph_add ((uri, _HAS_ATT_DATATYPE, data_type_uri))
            # TODO SOON make use of value_is_list
            # ... in the meantime, we lure pylint into ignoring it:
            _ = value_is_list
        ret = self.factory(uri, [KTBS.AttributeType])
        assert isinstance(ret, AttributeTypeMixin)
        return ret
コード例 #32
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
    def create_relation_type(self, id=None, origins=None, destinations=None,
                                supertypes=(), label=None):
        I create a new relation type in this model.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param origins: explain.
        :param destinations: explain.
        :param supertypes: explain.
        :param label: explain.

        :rtype: `RelationTypeMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622
        if id is None  and  label is None:
            raise ValueError("id or label must be supplied")
        uri = mint_uri_from_label(label, self, id)
        with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
            base_uri = self.uri
            graph_add = graph.add
            graph_add((uri, RDF.type, KTBS.RelationType))
            if label is not None:
                graph_add((uri, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
            if origins is not None:
                # TODO remove test below when enough time has passed (2016-03-18)
                if isinstance(origins, basestring) or isinstance(origins, ObselTypeMixin):
                    warn("Model abstract API has changed: you should provide an *iterable* of origins")
                    origins = [origins]
                for origin in origins:
                    origin_uri = coerce_to_uri(origin, self.uri)
                    graph_add((uri, _HAS_REL_ORIGIN, origin_uri))
            if destinations is not None:
                # TODO remove test below when enough time has passed (2016-03-18)
                if isinstance(destinations, basestring) or isinstance(destinations, ObselTypeMixin):
                    warn("Model abstract API has changed: you should provide an *iterable* of destinations")
                    destinations = [destinations]
                for destination in destinations:
                    destination_uri = coerce_to_uri(destination, self.uri)
                    graph_add((uri, _HAS_REL_DESTINATION, destination_uri))
            for i in supertypes:
                graph_add((uri, KTBS.hasSuperRelationType,
                     coerce_to_uri(i, base_uri)))
        ret = self.factory(uri, [KTBS.RelationType])
        assert isinstance(ret, RelationTypeMixin)
        return ret
コード例 #33
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def add_data_type(self, data_type):
     I add the data type to this attribute.
     # TODO LATER check data_type?
     # what kind of datatype do we accept? see ktbs.namespace
     data_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(data_type)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, _HAS_ATT_DATATYPE, data_type_uri))
コード例 #34
 def set_method(self, val):
     """I set the method that this computed trace will use
     method_uri = coerce_to_uri(val)
     # do not trust edit, as there is many verifications to make
     with self.edit() as editable:
         editable.set((self.uri, KTBS.hasMethod, method_uri))
コード例 #35
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def add_data_type(self, data_type):
     I add the data type to this attribute.
     # TODO LATER check data_type?
     # what kind of datatype do we accept? see ktbs.namespace
     data_type_uri = coerce_to_uri(data_type)
     with self.edit(_trust=True) as editable:
         editable.add((self.uri, _HAS_ATT_DATATYPE, data_type_uri))
コード例 #36
ファイル: obsel.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def get_attribute_value(self, atype):
     I return the value of the given attribut type for this obsel, or None.
     atype = coerce_to_uri(atype, self.uri)
     ret = self.state.value(self.uri, atype)
     if isinstance(ret, Literal):
         ret = ret.toPython()
     return ret
コード例 #37
ファイル: obsel.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def get_attribute_value(self, atype):
     I return the value of the given attribut type for this obsel, or None.
     atype = coerce_to_uri(atype, self.uri)
     ret = self.state.value(self.uri, atype)
     if isinstance(ret, Literal):
         ret = ret.toPython()
     return ret
コード例 #38
ファイル: ktbs_root.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
    def get_base(self, id):
        I return the base corresponding to the given URI.

        :rtype: `~.base.BaseMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable-msg=W0622
        base_uri = coerce_to_uri(id, self.uri)
        return self.factory(base_uri, [KTBS.Base])
コード例 #39
ファイル: ktbs_root.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
    def get_base(self, id):
        I return the base corresponding to the given URI.

        :rtype: `~.base.BaseMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable-msg=W0622
        base_uri = coerce_to_uri(id, self.uri)
        return self.factory(base_uri, [KTBS.Base])
コード例 #40
ファイル: ktbs_root.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
    def get_builtin_method(self, uri):
        """I return the built-in method identified by `uri` if supported.

        :rtype: `~.builtin_method.MethodBuiltinMixin`:class:
        uri = coerce_to_uri(uri)
        if (self.uri, KTBS.hasBuiltinMethod, uri) in self.state:
            return universal_factory(uri, [KTBS.BuiltinMethod])
            return None
コード例 #41
ファイル: ktbs_root.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
    def get_builtin_method(self, uri):
        """I return the built-in method identified by `uri` if supported.

        :rtype: `~.builtin_method.MethodBuiltinMixin`:class:
        uri = coerce_to_uri(uri)
        if (self.uri, KTBS.hasBuiltinMethod, uri) in self.state:
            return universal_factory(uri, [KTBS.BuiltinMethod])
            return None
コード例 #42
    def create_stored_trace(self,
        """Create a new store trace in this trace base.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param model: mode of the trace to create (required)
        :param origin: Typically a timestamp. It can be an opaque string, 
             meaning that the precise time when the trace was collected is not
        :param default_subject: The subject to set to new obsels when they do
            not specifify a subject
        :param label: explain.
        :param graph: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`

        :rtype: `~.trace.StoredTraceMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622

        # We somehow duplicate StoredTrace.complete_new_graph and
        # StoredTrace.check_new_graph here, but this is required if we want to
        # be able to set _trust=True below.
        # Furthermore, the signature of this method makes it significantly
        # easier to produce a valid graph, so there is a benefit to this
        # duplication.

        if model is None:
            raise ValueError("model is mandatory")
        trust = graph is None and id is None
        node = coerce_to_node(id, self.uri)
        model = coerce_to_uri(model, self.uri)
        origin_isoformat = getattr(origin, "isoformat", None)
        if origin_isoformat:
            origin = origin_isoformat()

        if graph is None:
            graph = Graph()
        graph.add((self.uri, KTBS.contains, node))
        graph.add((node, RDF.type, KTBS.StoredTrace))
        graph.add((node, KTBS.hasModel, model))
        graph.add((node, KTBS.hasOrigin, Literal(origin)))
        if default_subject is not None:
            if not isinstance(default_subject, URIRef):
                default_subject = Literal(default_subject)
            graph.add((node, KTBS.hasDefaultSubject, default_subject))
        if label:
            graph.add((node, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))

        uris = self.post_graph(graph, None, trust, node, KTBS.StoredTrace)
        assert len(uris) == 1
        return self.factory(uris[0], [KTBS.StoredTrace])
コード例 #43
ファイル: method.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def set_parent(self, method):
     I set the parent method.
     method_uri = coerce_to_uri(method, self.uri)
     # checking that method_uri is a valid parent is a bit tricky
     # so we leave it to the implementation to check it:
     # we use an *untrusted* edit context
     with self.edit() as graph:
         graph.set((self.uri, KTBS.hasParentMethod, method_uri))
コード例 #44
ファイル: method.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def set_parent(self, method):
     I set the parent method.
     method_uri = coerce_to_uri(method, self.uri)
     # checking that method_uri is a valid parent is a bit tricky
     # so we leave it to the implementation to check it:
     # we use an *untrusted* edit context
     with self.edit() as graph:
         graph.set((self.uri, KTBS.hasParentMethod, method_uri))
コード例 #45
    def create_method(self,
        """Create a new computed trace in this trace base.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param parent: parent method (required)
        :param parameters: method parameters
        :param label: explain.
        :param graph: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`

        :rtype: `~.method.MethodMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable-msg=W0622

        # We somehow duplicate Method.check_new_graph here, but this is
        # required if we want to be able to set _trust=True below.
        # Furthermore, the signature of this method makes it significantly
        # easier to produce a valid graph, so there is a benefit to this
        # duplication.

        if parent is None:
            raise ValueError("parent is mandatory")
        trust = graph is None and id is None
        node = coerce_to_node(id, self.uri)
        parent = coerce_to_uri(parent, self.uri)
        if parameters is None:
            parameters = {}

        if trust:
            if parent.startswith(self.uri):
                if not (parent, RDF.type, KTBS.Method) in self.state:
                    raise InvalidDataError("Parent <%s> is not a Method" %
                trust = False  # could be built-in, let impl/server check
        if graph is None:
            graph = Graph()
        graph.add((self.uri, KTBS.contains, node))
        graph.add((node, RDF.type, KTBS.Method))
        graph.add((node, KTBS.hasParentMethod, parent))
        for key, value in parameters.iteritems():
            if "=" in key:
                raise ValueError("Parameter name can not contain '=': %s", key)
                (node, KTBS.hasParameter, Literal(u"%s=%s" % (key, value))))
        if label:
            graph.add((node, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
        uris = self.post_graph(graph, None, trust, node, KTBS.Method)
        assert len(uris) == 1
        return self.factory(uris[0], [KTBS.Method])
コード例 #46
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
    def add_supertype(self, element=None, element_type=None, super_type=None):
        I add a super type to the element (obsel or relation) type in this 

        :param element: ObselType or RelationType or their URI.
        :param element_type: Type of the concerned element.
        :param super_type: SuperObselType or SuperRelationType.
        if element is not None:
            uri = coerce_to_uri(element, self.uri)
            raise ValueError("element must be supplied")

        base_uri = self.uri
        with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
            if element_type == KTBS.ObselType:
                graph.add((uri, KTBS.hasSuperObselType,
                           coerce_to_uri(super_type, base_uri)))
            if element_type == KTBS.RelationType:
                graph.add((uri, KTBS.hasSuperRelationType, 
                           coerce_to_uri(super_type, base_uri)))
コード例 #47
ファイル: trace_model.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
    def add_supertype(self, element=None, element_type=None, super_type=None):
        I add a super type to the element (obsel or relation) type in this 

        :param element: ObselType or RelationType or their URI.
        :param element_type: Type of the concerned element.
        :param super_type: SuperObselType or SuperRelationType.
        if element is not None:
            uri = coerce_to_uri(element, self.uri)
            raise ValueError("element must be supplied")

        base_uri = self.uri
        with self.edit(_trust=True) as graph:
            if element_type == KTBS.ObselType:
                graph.add((uri, KTBS.hasSuperObselType,
                           coerce_to_uri(super_type, base_uri)))
            if element_type == KTBS.RelationType:
                graph.add((uri, KTBS.hasSuperRelationType,
                           coerce_to_uri(super_type, base_uri)))
コード例 #48
    def create_method(self, id=None, parent=None, parameters=None, label=None,
        """Create a new computed trace in this trace base.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param parent: parent method (required)
        :param parameters: method parameters
        :param label: explain.
        :param graph: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`

        :rtype: `~.method.MethodMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable-msg=W0622

        # We somehow duplicate Method.check_new_graph here, but this is
        # required if we want to be able to set _trust=True below.
        # Furthermore, the signature of this method makes it significantly
        # easier to produce a valid graph, so there is a benefit to this
        # duplication.
        if parent is None:
            raise ValueError("parent is mandatory")
        trust = graph is None  and  id is None
        node = coerce_to_node(id, self.uri)
        parent = coerce_to_uri(parent, self.uri)
        if parameters is None:
            parameters = {}

        if trust:
            if parent.startswith(self.uri):
                if not (parent, RDF.type, KTBS.Method) in self.state:
                    raise InvalidDataError("Parent <%s> is not a Method"
                                           % parent)
                trust = False # could be built-in, let impl/server check
        if graph is None:
            graph = Graph()
        graph.add((self.uri, KTBS.contains, node))
        graph.add((node, RDF.type, KTBS.Method))
        graph.add((node, KTBS.hasParentMethod, parent))
        for key, value in parameters.iteritems():
            if "=" in key:
                raise ValueError("Parameter name can not contain '=': %s", key)
            graph.add((node, KTBS.hasParameter,
                       Literal(u"%s=%s" % (key, value))))
        if label:
            graph.add((node, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))
        uris = self.post_graph(graph, None, trust, node, KTBS.Method)
        assert len(uris) == 1
        return self.factory(uris[0], [KTBS.Method])
コード例 #49
    def create_stored_trace(self, id=None, model=None, origin=None, 
                            default_subject=None, label=None, graph=None):
        """Create a new store trace in this trace base.

        :param id: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`
        :param model: mode of the trace to create (required)
        :param origin: Typically a timestamp. It can be an opaque string, 
             meaning that the precise time when the trace was collected is not
        :param default_subject: The subject to set to new obsels when they do
            not specifify a subject
        :param label: explain.
        :param graph: see :ref:`ktbs-resource-creation`

        :rtype: `~.trace.StoredTraceMixin`:class:
        # redefining built-in 'id' #pylint: disable=W0622

        # We somehow duplicate StoredTrace.complete_new_graph and
        # StoredTrace.check_new_graph here, but this is required if we want to
        # be able to set _trust=True below.
        # Furthermore, the signature of this method makes it significantly
        # easier to produce a valid graph, so there is a benefit to this
        # duplication.

        if model is None:
            raise ValueError("model is mandatory")
        trust = graph is None  and  id is None
        node = coerce_to_node(id, self.uri)
        model = coerce_to_uri(model, self.uri)
        origin_isoformat = getattr(origin, "isoformat", None)
        if origin_isoformat:
            origin = origin_isoformat()

        if graph is None:
            graph = Graph()
        graph.add((self.uri, KTBS.contains, node))
        graph.add((node, RDF.type, KTBS.StoredTrace))
        graph.add((node, KTBS.hasModel, model))
        graph.add((node, KTBS.hasOrigin, Literal(origin)))
        if default_subject is not None:
            if not isinstance(default_subject, URIRef):
                default_subject = Literal(default_subject)
            graph.add((node, KTBS.hasDefaultSubject, default_subject))
        if label:
            graph.add((node, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(label)))

        uris = self.post_graph(graph, None, trust, node, KTBS.StoredTrace)
        assert len(uris) == 1
        return self.factory(uris[0], [KTBS.StoredTrace])
コード例 #50
    def get_obsel(self, id):
        Return the obsel with the given uri.

        :param id: the URI of the obsel; may be relative to the URI of the trace
        :type  id: str

        :rtype: `~.obsel.ObselMixin`:class:
        #  Redefining built-in id #pylint: disable-msg=W0622
        uri = coerce_to_uri(id, self.uri)
        ret = self.factory(uri, [KTBS.Obsel])
        assert ret is None  or  isinstance(ret, ObselMixin)
        return ret
コード例 #51
ファイル: obsel.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def iter_related_obsels(self, rtype):
     I iter over all obsels pointed by an outgoing relation.
     rtype = coerce_to_uri(rtype, self.uri)
     query_str = """
         SELECT ?related
         WHERE {
             <%s> <%s> ?related .
             ?related <http://liris.cnrs.fr/silex/2009/ktbs#hasTrace> ?t .
     """ % (self.uri, rtype)
     factory = self.factory
     for related, in self.state.query(query_str): #/!\ returns 1-uples
         yield factory(related, [KTBS.Obsel])
コード例 #52
ファイル: obsel.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def iter_related_obsels(self, rtype):
     I iter over all obsels pointed by an outgoing relation.
     rtype = coerce_to_uri(rtype, self.uri)
     query_str = """
         SELECT ?related
         WHERE {
             <%s> <%s> ?related .
             ?related <http://liris.cnrs.fr/silex/2009/ktbs#hasTrace> ?t .
     """ % (self.uri, rtype)
     factory = self.factory
     for related, in self.state.query(query_str):  #/!\ returns 1-uples
         yield factory(related, [KTBS.Obsel])
コード例 #53
ファイル: obsel.py プロジェクト: ktbs/ktbs
 def iter_relating_obsels(self, rtype):
     I iter over all incoming relation types for this obsel.
     rtype = coerce_to_uri(rtype, self.uri)
     query_str = """
         SELECT ?relating
         WHERE {
             ?relating <%s> <%s> .
             ?relating <http://liris.cnrs.fr/silex/2009/ktbs#hasTrace> ?t .
     """ % (rtype, self.uri)
     factory = self.factory
     for relating, in self.state.query(query_str): #/!\ returns 1-uples
         yield factory(relating, [KTBS.Obsel])
コード例 #54
ファイル: obsel.py プロジェクト: sullivandavid42/ktbs
 def iter_relating_obsels(self, rtype):
     I iter over all incoming relation types for this obsel.
     rtype = coerce_to_uri(rtype, self.uri)
     query_str = """
         SELECT ?relating
         WHERE {
             ?relating <%s> <%s> .
             ?relating <http://liris.cnrs.fr/silex/2009/ktbs#hasTrace> ?t .
     """ % (rtype, self.uri)
     factory = self.factory
     for relating, in self.state.query(query_str):  #/!\ returns 1-uples
         yield factory(relating, [KTBS.Obsel])