コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fliphess/rdiffweb
 def change_passwd(l, r):
     if len(r) != 1:
         raise ValueError(_("user %s not found)" % (username,)))
     # Bind using the user credentials. Throws an exception in case of
     # error.
     if old_password is not None:
         l.simple_bind_s(r[0][0], encode_s(old_password))
     l.passwd_s(r[0][0], encode_s(old_password), encode_s(password))
     logger.info("password for user [%s] is updated in LDAP" % username)
     # User updated, return False
     return False
コード例 #2
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fliphess/rdiffweb
    def render_prefs_panel(self, panelid, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
        # Get user root directory
        user_root = self.app.userdb.get_user_root(self.app.currentuser.username)
        user_root_b = encode_s(user_root)
        filename = os.path.join(user_root_b, b'.ssh', b'authorized_keys')

        # Handle action
        params = {}
        if 'action' in kwargs:
                action = kwargs['action']
                if action == 'add':
                    self._handle_add(filename, **kwargs)
                elif action == 'delete':
                    self._handle_delete(filename, **kwargs)
            except ValueError as e:
                params['error'] = unicode(e)
            except Exception as e:
                _logger.warn("unknown error processing action", exc_info=True)
                params['error'] = _("Unknown error")

        # Get SSH keys if file exists.
        params["sshkeys"] = []
        if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
                params["sshkeys"] = [
                    {'title': key.comment or (key.keytype + ' ' + key.key[:18]),
                     'fingerprint': key.fingerprint,
                     'lineno': key.lineno}
                    for key in authorizedkeys.read(filename)]
            except IOError:
                params['error'] = _("error reading SSH keys file")
                _logger.warn("error reading SSH keys file [%s]", filename)

        return "prefs_sshkeys.html", params
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fliphess/rdiffweb
 def _hash_password(self, password):
     # At this point the password should be unicode. We converted it into
     # system encoding.
     password_b = encode_s(password)
     import sha
     hasher = sha.new()
     return decode_s(hasher.hexdigest())
コード例 #4
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fliphess/rdiffweb
    def _execute(self, username, function):
        assert isinstance(username, unicode)

        """Reusable method to run LDAP operation."""

        # try STARTLS if configured
        if self.tls:
            ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER)

        # Check LDAP credential only.
        l = ldap.initialize(self.uri)

        # Set v2 or v3
        if self.version == 2:
            l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION2
            l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3

            # Bind to the LDAP server
            logger.debug("binding to ldap server {}".format(self.uri))
            l.simple_bind_s(self.bind_dn, self.bind_password)

            # Search the LDAP server
            search_filter = "(&{}({}={}))".format(
                self.filter, self.attribute, username)
            logger.debug("search ldap server: {}/{}?{}?{}?{}".format(
                self.uri, self.base_dn, self.attribute, self.scope,
            r = l.search_s(encode_s(self.base_dn),

            # Execute operation
            return function(l, r)
        except ldap.LDAPError as e:
            logger.warn('ldap error', exc_info=1)
            if isinstance(e.message, dict) and 'desc' in e.message:
                raise RdiffError(decode_s(e.message['desc']))
            raise RdiffError(unicode(repr(e)))
コード例 #5
ファイル: rdw_spider_repos.py プロジェクト: non7top/rdiffweb
def find_repos_for_user(user, userdb):
    logger.debug("find repos for [%s]" % user)
    user_root = encode_s(userdb.get_user_root(user))
    repo_paths = list(_find_repos(user_root))

    def striproot(path):
        if not path[len(user_root):]:
            return "/"
        return path[len(user_root):]
    repo_paths = map(striproot, repo_paths)
    logger.debug("set user [%s] repos: %s " % (user, repo_paths))
    userdb.set_repos(user, repo_paths)
コード例 #6
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: fliphess/rdiffweb
        def check_crendential(l, r):
            # Check results
            if len(r) != 1:
                logger.debug("user [%s] not found in LDAP" % username)
                return None

            # Bind using the user credentials. Throws an exception in case of
            # error.
            l.simple_bind_s(r[0][0], encode_s(password))
            logger.info("user [%s] found in LDAP" % username)
            # Return the username
            return decode_s(r[0][1][self.attribute][0])