def __init__(self, init_state=None, sanitize_mol=False, mutability=True): """ Constructor of the QuMolGraph class. If a rdchem.Mol object is given, it becomes the initial state of the molecular graph :param init_state: Molecule at initialization :@param sanitize_mol: Whether to sanitize the molecules at initialization and after changes. This can help to improve the uniqueness of canonical smiles (!), but can also have an effect on the location of aromatic double bonds. :param value of the mutability flag to all atoms of the initial state """ # Creating or reading molecular graph if init_state is not None: self.mol_graph = RWMol(init_state) else: self.mol_graph = RWMol() # Recording sanitize mol choice self.sanitize_mol = sanitize_mol # Updating the internal representation self._update_mol_representation() # Setting mutability of initial state for id in range(self.get_n_atoms()): self.set_atom_mutability(id, mutability)
def __init__(self, rd_mol: Union[Mol, RWMol]): """ Generate an RDKitMol Molecule instance from a RDKit Chem.rdchem.Mol / Chem.rdchem.RWMol molecule. Args: rd_mol Union[Mol, RWMol]: The RDKit Mol molecule to be converted. """ # keep the link to original molecule so we can easily recover it if needed. if isinstance(rd_mol, Mol): self._rd_mol = RWMol(rd_mol) elif isinstance(rd_mol, RWMol): self._rd_mol = rd_mol else: raise ValueError(f'rd_mol should be rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol / RWMol. ' f'Got: {type(rd_mol)}') # Link methods of rdchem.Mol to the new instance for attr in dir(self._rd_mol): # Not reset private properties and repeated properties if not attr.startswith('_') and not hasattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, getattr(self._rd_mol, attr,)) elif attr in KEEP_RDMOL_ATTRIBUTES: setattr(self, attr, getattr(self._rd_mol, attr,)) self.SetAtomMapNumbers() # Perceive rings Chem.GetSymmSSSR(self._rd_mol)
def copy(self): """ Returning a deep copy of the current instance :return: """ new_qumol_graph = MolGraph(sanitize_mol=self.sanitize_mol) new_qumol_graph.mol_graph = RWMol(self.mol_graph, True) new_qumol_graph._update_mol_representation() return new_qumol_graph
def construct_mol(atom_id, A, atomic_num_list): mol = RWMol() atomic_num_list = np.array(atomic_num_list, atomic_num = list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, atomic_num_list[atom_id])) atoms_exist = np.array(list(map(lambda x: x > 0, atomic_num_list[atom_id]))).astype(np.bool) atoms_exist = np.expand_dims(atoms_exist, axis=1) exist_matrix = atoms_exist * atoms_exist.T for atom in atomic_num: mol.AddAtom(Atom(int(atom))) # A (edge_type, num_node, num_node) adj = np.argmax(A, axis=0) adj = adj[exist_matrix].reshape(len(atomic_num), len(atomic_num)) for i, j in zip(*np.nonzero(adj)): if i > j: mol.AddBond(int(i), int(j), adj_to_bond_type[adj[i, j]]) return mol
class RDKitTS(RDKitMol): """ This is a wrapper for Chem.rdchem.Mol / Chem.rdchem.RWMol to deal with Transition States specifically. The major challenges here are 1. Molecule can not be perceived correctly at the first time so we require the molecule instance to be editable; 2. The conformer can not be easily embedded by the default method `Chem.AllChem.EmbedMolecule()` and `Chem.All.EmbedMultipleConfs`. """ def __init__(self, rd_mol: Union[Mol, RWMol]): """ Generate an RDKitMol Molecule instance from a RDKit Chem.rdchem.Mol / Chem.rdchem.RWMol molecule. Args: rd_mol Union[Mol, RWMol]: The RDKit Mol molecule to be converted. """ # keep the link to original molecule so we can easily recover it if needed. if isinstance(rd_mol, Mol): self._rd_mol = RWMol(rd_mol) elif isinstance(rd_mol, RWMol): self._rd_mol = rd_mol else: raise ValueError(f'rd_mol should be rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol / RWMol. ' f'Got: {type(rd_mol)}') # Link methods of rdchem.Mol to the new instance for attr in dir(self._rd_mol): # Not reset private properties and repeated properties if not attr.startswith('_') and not hasattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, getattr(self._rd_mol, attr,)) elif attr in KEEP_RDMOL_ATTRIBUTES: setattr(self, attr, getattr(self._rd_mol, attr,)) self.SetAtomMapNumbers() # Perceive rings Chem.GetSymmSSSR(self._rd_mol) def EmbedConformer(self): """ Embed a conformer to the RDKitMol. This will overwrite current conformers. The coordinates will be initialized to zeros. """ self._rd_mol.RemoveAllConformers() num_atoms = self._rd_mol.GetNumAtoms() conf = Conformer() set_conformer_coordinates(conf, np.zeros((num_atoms, 3))) self._rd_mol.AddConformer(conf) def EmbedMultipleConfs(self, n: int = 1): """ Embed conformers to the RDKitMol. This will overwrite current conformers. Args: n (int): The number of conformers to be embedded. The default is 1. """ self._rd_mol.RemoveAllConformers() num_atoms = self._rd_mol.GetNumAtoms() for i in range(n): conf = Conformer() set_conformer_coordinates(conf, np.zeros((num_atoms, 3))) conf.SetId(i) self._rd_mol.AddConformer(conf)
def grow_rgroup_atoms(mol: Chem.Mol) -> Chem.Mol: """ Add a dummy atom to the substitution point of each R-group and transfer the atom map number to the R-group. This is mostly an aesthetic thing. @param mol: input molecule @return: molecule with dummy tag atoms added """ rw = RWMol(mol) tagged = [] for atm in rw.GetAtoms(): map_idx = atm.GetAtomMapNum() if map_idx > 0: tagged.append(atm) for atm in tagged: map_idx = atm.GetAtomMapNum() current_idx = atm.GetIdx() new_idx = rw.AddAtom(Chem.Atom(0)) new_atm = rw.GetAtomWithIdx(new_idx) new_atm.SetAtomMapNum(map_idx) rw.AddBond(current_idx, new_idx, Chem.BondType.SINGLE) atm.SetAtomMapNum(0) return rw.GetMol()
class MolGraph: def __init__(self, init_state=None, sanitize_mol=False, mutability=True): """ Constructor of the QuMolGraph class. If a rdchem.Mol object is given, it becomes the initial state of the molecular graph :param init_state: Molecule at initialization :@param sanitize_mol: Whether to sanitize the molecules at initialization and after changes. This can help to improve the uniqueness of canonical smiles (!), but can also have an effect on the location of aromatic double bonds. :param value of the mutability flag to all atoms of the initial state """ # Creating or reading molecular graph if init_state is not None: self.mol_graph = RWMol(init_state) else: self.mol_graph = RWMol() # Recording sanitize mol choice self.sanitize_mol = sanitize_mol # Updating the internal representation self._update_mol_representation() # Setting mutability of initial state for id in range(self.get_n_atoms()): self.set_atom_mutability(id, mutability) def get_atom_mutability(self, id): """ Return the boolean value of the mutability of the atom of given id :param id: :return: """ return self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(id).GetBoolProp("mutability") def set_atom_mutability(self, id, mutability): """ Setting the property of mutability of the atom of given id to the given boolean value :param id: :param mutability: :return: """ self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(id).SetBoolProp("mutability", mutability) def __repr__(self): return self.to_aromatic_smiles() def _update_mol_representation(self): """ Updating internal RDKIT representation of the molecular graph This method should be called at each action to the molecular graph :return: """ # Sanitizing mol if needed if self.sanitize_mol: SanitizeMol(self.mol_graph) # Clear computed properties self.mol_graph.ClearComputedProps() # Kekulization of the molecular graph Kekulize(self.mol_graph) # Setting all atoms to non aromatics for i in range(self.mol_graph.GetNumAtoms()): self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(i).SetIsAromatic(False) # Setting all bonds to non aromatics for i in range(self.mol_graph.GetNumAtoms()): for j in range(self.mol_graph.GetNumAtoms()): bond = self.mol_graph.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i, j) if bond is not None: bond.SetIsAromatic(False) # Updating RDKit representation self.mol_graph.UpdatePropertyCache() FastFindRings(self.mol_graph) def copy(self): """ Returning a deep copy of the current instance :return: """ new_qumol_graph = MolGraph(sanitize_mol=self.sanitize_mol) new_qumol_graph.mol_graph = RWMol(self.mol_graph, True) new_qumol_graph._update_mol_representation() return new_qumol_graph def add_atom(self, type): """ Adding an atom of given type at the last position in the molecule ordering :param type: :return: The index of the added atom """ at = Atom(type) at.SetBoolProp("mutability", True) self.mol_graph.AddAtom(at) return at def end_atom_addition_procedure(self): """ THIS METHOD MUST BE CALLED AFTER EACH ATOM ADDITION @return: """ # Updating internal representation self._update_mol_representation() def rm_atom(self, id): """ Removing the atom of given id from the molecule :param id: :return: """ # Extracting the list of neighbour atoms neigh_at = [] for neigh_id in np.argwhere( self.get_adjacency_matrix()[id] == 1).reshape(-1, ): neigh_at.append(self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(int(neigh_id))) # Removing atom self.mol_graph.RemoveAtom(id) # Updating RDKit representation of former neighbour atoms so that implicit H are updated for neigh in neigh_at: neigh.UpdatePropertyCache() # Updating the internal representation self._update_mol_representation() def replace_atom(self, id, new_at_type): """ Replacing the atom of given id with a new atom of given type :param id: id of atom that must be replaced :param new_at_type: type (atomic symbol) of the new atom :return: """ # Changing atomic number self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(id).SetAtomicNum( GetPeriodicTable().GetAtomicNumber(new_at_type)) # Setting formal charge to 0 self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(id).SetFormalCharge(0) # Updating the internal representation self._update_mol_representation() def set_bond(self, from_at, to_at, bond_type_num, update_repr=True): """ Setting the bond of given type between the two specified atoms """ # Extracting current bond between given atoms curr_bond = self.mol_graph.GetBondBetweenAtoms(int(from_at), int(to_at)) if bond_type_num == 0: bond_to_set = None elif bond_type_num == 1: bond_to_set = BondType.SINGLE elif bond_type_num == 2: bond_to_set = BondType.DOUBLE elif bond_type_num == 3: bond_to_set = BondType.TRIPLE if curr_bond is None: self.mol_graph.AddBond(int(from_at), int(to_at), bond_to_set) elif bond_to_set is None: self.mol_graph.RemoveBond(int(from_at), int(to_at)) else: curr_bond.SetBondType(bond_to_set) if update_repr: # Updating internal representation self._update_mol_representation() def add_bond(self, from_at, to_at, update_repr=True): """ Adding a bond between the two atoms of given ids according to the following scheme. None -> Simple Simple -> Double Double -> Triple If bonding is impossible because of valence, an exception is returned. :param from_at: :param to_at: :return: """ # Extracting current bond between given atoms curr_bond = self.mol_graph.GetBondBetweenAtoms(from_at, to_at) if curr_bond is None: self.mol_graph.AddBond(from_at, to_at, BondType.SINGLE) # print("Adding None -> Single bond between atoms of idx " + str(from_at) + " and " + str(to_at)) elif Bond.GetBondType(curr_bond) == BondType.SINGLE: # print("Adding Single -> Double bond between atoms of idx " + str(from_at) + " and " + str(to_at)) curr_bond.SetBondType(BondType.DOUBLE) elif Bond.GetBondType(curr_bond) == BondType.DOUBLE: # print("Adding Double -> Triple bond between atoms of idx " + str(from_at) + " and " + str(to_at)) curr_bond.SetBondType(BondType.TRIPLE) else: print("Unknown bond type : " + self.to_smiles()) raise Exception("Unknown bond type : " + self.to_smiles()) if update_repr: # Updating internal representation self._update_mol_representation() def rm_bond(self, from_at, to_at, update_repr=True): """ Removing a bond between the two atoms of given ids :param from_at: :param to_at: :return: """ # Extracting current bond curr_bond = self.mol_graph.GetBondBetweenAtoms(from_at, to_at) if curr_bond is None: raise Exception("Trying to remove not existing bond") elif Bond.GetBondType(curr_bond) == BondType.TRIPLE: curr_bond.SetBondType(BondType.DOUBLE) # print("Removing Triple -> Double bond between atoms of idx " + str(from_at) + " and " + str(to_at)) elif Bond.GetBondType(curr_bond) == BondType.DOUBLE: curr_bond.SetBondType(BondType.SINGLE) # print("Removing Double -> Simple bond between atoms of idx " + str(from_at) + " and " + str(to_at)) elif Bond.GetBondType(curr_bond) == BondType.SINGLE: # print("Removing Single -> None bond between atoms of idx " + str(from_at) + " and " + str(to_at)) self.mol_graph.RemoveBond(from_at, to_at) else: print("Unknown bond type : " + self.to_smiles()) raise Exception("Unknown bond type : " + self.to_smiles()) if update_repr: # Updating internal representation self._update_mol_representation() def get_bridge_bonds_matrix(self): """ Returning a boolean matrix of size (n_defined_atoms, n_defined_atoms) representing whether bonds of the molecular graph are bridges. """ # Converting the molecular graph to a NetworkX object nx_mol_graph = nx.from_numpy_array(self.get_adjacency_matrix()) # Initialization of the output matrix of bridge bonds output_bridges_matrix = np.full( (self.get_n_atoms(), self.get_n_atoms()), False) # Extracting the list of bridges in the molecular simple graph bridges_list = list(nx.bridges(nx_mol_graph)) for bridge in bridges_list: output_bridges_matrix[bridge[0], bridge[1]] = True output_bridges_matrix[bridge[1], bridge[0]] = True return output_bridges_matrix def get_articulation_points_vector(self): """ Returning a boolean vector representing whether the atoms of the molecular graph are articulation points (vertices whose removal would create two connected components). :return: """ # Articulation points vector initialization art_points_vector = np.zeros((self.get_n_atoms(), )) # Converting the molecular graph to a NetworkX object nx_mol_graph = nx.from_numpy_array(self.get_adjacency_matrix()) # Computing articulation points art_points_ids = nx.articulation_points(nx_mol_graph) # Setting output vector for art_points_id in art_points_ids: art_points_vector[art_points_id] = 1 return art_points_vector def get_atom_degree(self, id, as_multigraph): """ Returning the degree of the the atom of given id. If as_multigraph is set to False, the degree of the atom is defined as the number of atoms it shares bonds with. If as_multigraph is set to True, the degree of the atom considers the types of the bonds and is equivalent to the explicit valence. :return: """ if as_multigraph: return self._get_expl_valence(id) else: return self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(id).GetDegree() def get_formal_charge_vector(self): """ Returning a vector containing the formal charge for each defined atom """ formal_charge_vector = [] for i in range(self.get_n_atoms()): formal_charge_vector.append(self.get_formal_charge(i)) return formal_charge_vector def get_formal_charge(self, at_idx): """ Returning the formal charge of the atom of given idx """ return self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(at_idx).GetFormalCharge() @staticmethod def get_max_valence(atom_type): """ Returning max. valence for atom of given type :param atom_type: :return: """ if atom_type == "S": return 6 else: return GetPeriodicTable().GetDefaultValence( GetPeriodicTable().GetAtomicNumber(atom_type)) def _get_n_free_electrons(self, at_idx): """ Returning the number of free electrons of the atom of given id :param at_idx: :return: """ return self.get_max_valence( self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx( at_idx).GetSymbol()) - self._get_expl_valence(at_idx) def get_free_electrons_vector(self): """ Returning a vector containing the number of free electrons for each defined atom :return: """ free_electrons = [] for i in range(self.get_n_atoms()): free_electrons.append(self._get_n_free_electrons(i)) return np.array(free_electrons) def get_adjacency_matrix(self): """ Returning the adjacency matrix of the molecular graph (defined atoms) :return: """ return GetAdjacencyMatrix(self.export_mol()) def get_atom_type(self, at_idx): """ Returning the type (string) of the atom of given index :param at_idx: :return: """ return self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(int(at_idx)).GetSymbol() def get_atom_types(self): """ Returning a vector containing the atom types contained in the molecule :return: """ atom_types = [] for i in range(self.get_n_atoms()): atom_types.append(self.get_atom_type(i)) return np.array(atom_types) def get_bond_type_num(self, at1_idx, at2_idx): """ Returning the integer bond type formed by the two atoms of given idx. If no bond exists, returning zero. @param at1_idx: @param at2_idx: @return: """ bond = self.mol_graph.GetBondBetweenAtoms(int(at1_idx), int(at2_idx)) if bond is None: return 0 elif Bond.GetBondType(bond) == BondType.SINGLE: return 1 elif Bond.GetBondType(bond) == BondType.DOUBLE: return 2 elif Bond.GetBondType(bond) == BondType.TRIPLE: return 3 elif Bond.GetBondType(bond) == BondType.QUADRUPLE: return 4 def _get_expl_valence(self, at_idx): """ Returning the number of electrons engaged in non H covalent bond of the atom of given id :param at_idx: :return: """ at = self.mol_graph.GetAtomWithIdx(at_idx) at.UpdatePropertyCache() return at.GetExplicitValence() def _is_new_bond_possible(self, at1_idx, at2_idx): """ Returning whether a new bond is possible between the two atoms of given ID. Considering the number of free electrons of both atoms. :param at1_idx: :param at2_idx: :return: """ return min(self._get_n_free_electrons(at1_idx), self._get_n_free_electrons(at2_idx)) > 0 def to_smiles(self): """ Returning the SMILES version of the molecule :return: """ return MolToSmiles(self.mol_graph) def to_aromatic_smiles(self): return MolToSmiles(MolFromSmiles(self.to_smiles())) def export_mol(self): """ Exporting the molecule as a RDKit Molecule object :return: """ return self.mol_graph.GetMol() def draw(self, at_idx=False, show=True, size=200, write_to_path=None): """ Drawing the molecule :return: """ mol = self.export_mol() atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms() # Setting the ids as a property if requested if at_idx: for idx in range(atoms): mol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx).SetProp( 'molAtomMapNumber', str(mol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx).GetIdx())) # Computing coordinates and making sure the properties are computed Compute2DCoords(mol) mol.UpdatePropertyCache() # Drawing the molecule dr = rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DCairo(size, size) opts = dr.drawOptions() # Transparent background if not writing to file if write_to_path is None: opts.clearBackground = False dr.DrawMolecule(mol) dr.FinishDrawing() # Loading the molecule as a PIL object bytes_images = dr.GetDrawingText() image = if show: if write_to_path is not None: # Creating directories if they don't exist makedirs(dirname(write_to_path), exist_ok=True) # Writing image to disk, "PNG") return image def get_n_atoms(self): return self.mol_graph.GetNumAtoms()