plt.plot(progress) plt.ylabel('Distance') plt.xlabel('Generation') plt.subplot(212) plt.plot(progress_min) plt.ylabel('Minimum Distance') plt.xlabel('Generation') print("Minimum distance :", min_dist) print("Best route :", bestRoute) #INPUT import sys if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("need inpute file") sys.exit(1) r = ReadData(sys.argv[1]) print(r.size) size = r.size dist_matrix = r.GetDistanceMat() cityList = [] for i in range(size): cityList.append(City(label=i + 1, distance_list=dist_matrix[i])) geneticAlgorithmPlot(population=cityList, popSize=500, eliteSize=100, mutationRate=0.01, generations=100)
class NN(): name = "Nearest Neighbor" def __init__(self, file): """ Intialize: Instaces file, Distance Matrix, and size """ self.file = file self.instance = ReadData(self.file) self.size = self.instance.size self.dis_mat = self.instance.GetDistanceMat() self.time_read = self.instance.time_to_read self.time_algo = 0 def get_dist_mat(self): """ changing the distances between tha i to i with infinity for simility in code """ D = self.dis_mat.copy() for i in range(self.size): D[i][i] = np.inf return D def nn_algo(self, startPoint): """ Nearest Neighbour algorithm """ dist_mat = self.get_dist_mat() Tour = [startPoint] for _ in range(self.size - 1): min_index = np.argmin(dist_mat[Tour[-1]]) for t in Tour: dist_mat[min_index][t] = np.inf dist_mat[t][min_index] = np.inf Tour.append(min_index) return np.array(Tour) def run(self): """ randomly chooces starting point 10% of intances size and max = 1000 min = 10 and call nn_algo for tour """ tours_dist = [] tours = [] self._write_info() startPoints = self._start_pt_list() #print(startPoints) #startPoints = 0 for s in startPoints: t = self.nn_algo(s) d = self.get_tour_distance(t) tours.append(t + 1) tours_dist.append(d) self._best_tour(tours, tours_dist) def _best_tour(self, Ts, Tsd): min_dist_index = np.argmin(Tsd) self._writestat(Tsd[min_dist_index], Ts[min_dist_index]) def get_tour_distance(self, T): s = 0 for i, t in enumerate(T): try: s += self.dis_mat[t][T[i + 1]] except IndexError: s += self.dis_mat[t][T[0]] return s def _write_info(self): """ write info about instance """ print("Instance name:", print("Dimention:", self.size) print("Distance Type:", self.instance.EdgeWeightType) print("\n \t \t Running 2-opt over 50 random tour ") def _writestat(self, D, T): """ Write stats """ print("\n Tour Distance: ", D) print(" Best Tour by 2-opt is: \n", T) print("\n Time to read instance (sec): ", round(self.time_read)) self.time_algo = time.time() - start_time print(" Time to run instances(sec): ", round(self.time_algo)) print(" Total Time (sec): ", round(self.time_read + self.time_algo)) def _start_pt_list(self): """ return starting points list """ np.random.seed(1) a = round(self.size * 0.1) mi = 10 mx = 1000 if a > mx: l = np.random.choice(self.size, mx, replace=False) return (l) elif a <= 10: l = np.random.choice(self.size, mi, replace=False) return (l) else: l = np.random.choice(self.size, a, replace=False) return (l)
class TwoOPT: """ 2-opt: Generate intial tour and improve it by deleting 1 one edges and change with other -- It gives nearly optimal tour """ def __init__(self, file): """ Intialize: Instaces file, Distance Matrix, and size """ self.file = file self.instance = ReadData(self.file) self.size = self.instance.size self.dis_mat = self.instance.GetDistanceMat() self.time_read = self.instance.time_to_read self.time_algo = 0 def get_initial_tour(self): """ Return: intial tour """ return [*range(1, self.size + 1)] def Swap(self, tour, x, y): """ tour : Given TSP tour x = swappping First index in tour y = swappping last index in tour return : new_tour with perfomming swapping note: x and y should be index only (in tour) not exact city number """ new_tour = tour[:x] + [*reversed(tour[x:y + 1])] + tour[y + 1:] return new_tour def get_distance(self, tour): """ Given any tour it return total distance of given tour dis_mat : distance matrix """ total_dis = 0 for ind, r in enumerate(tour): _from = r if ind + 1 == len(tour): _to = tour[0] total_dis += self.dis_mat[_from - 1][_to - 1] else: _to = tour[ind + 1] total_dis += self.dis_mat[_from - 1][_to - 1] return total_dis def _optimize(self, initial_tour, Debuglevel=0): """ Improve existing tour using 2-opt method """ minchange = -1 tour = initial_tour while minchange < 0: minchange = 0 for i in range(self.size - 3): for j in range(i + 2, self.size - 1): t1 = tour[i] t2 = tour[i + 1] t3 = tour[j] t4 = tour[j + 1] change = (self.dis_mat[t1 - 1][t3 - 1] + self.dis_mat[t2 - 1][t4 - 1] - self.dis_mat[t1 - 1][t2 - 1] - self.dis_mat[t3 - 1][t4 - 1]) if change < minchange: minchange = change tour = self.Swap(tour, i + 1, j) if Debuglevel: print("Tour After Change : ", minchange, "Distances: ", self.get_distance(tour)) self.best_tour = tour return tour def _initial_random_tour(self,seed): """" Return randomly generated tour """ np.random.seed(seed) T = np.arange(1,self.size+1) np.random.shuffle(T) return list(T) def run(self): tours = [] tours_dist = [] #self._write_info() for r in range(1): T = self._initial_random_tour(r) tour = self._optimize(T) tour_distance = self.get_distance(tour) tours.append(tour) tours_dist.append(tour_distance) min_dist_index = np.argmin(tours_dist) return (tours_dist[min_dist_index], tours[min_dist_index]) """def _write_info(self):
from readData import ReadData from SA2opt import SimAnneal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random import numpy as np import sys if len(sys.argv)<2: print("need inpute file") sys.exit(1) filename = sys.argv[1] D = ReadData(filename) if __name__ == "__main__": # coords = [[random.uniform(-1000, 1000), random.uniform(-1000, 1000)] for i in range(100)] sa = SimAnneal(D.GetDistanceMat(),filename)#, stopping_iter=2) sa.anneal() #sa.batch_anneal() #sa.visualize_routes() sa.plot_learning()