コード例 #1
    lHistory = 1
    lHistory = int(sys.argv[2])
if (len(sys.argv) < 4):
    knns = [4]
    knnsStrings = sys.argv[3].split(",")
    knns = [int(i) for i in knnsStrings]
if (len(sys.argv) < 5):
    numSurrogates = 0
    numSurrogates = int(sys.argv[4])

# Read in the data
datafile = '../../data/SFI-heartRate_breathVol_bloodOx.txt'
rawData = readFloatsFile.readFloatsFile(datafile)
# As numpy array:
data = numpy.array(rawData)
# Heart rate is first column, and we restrict to the samples that Schreiber mentions (2350:3550)
heart = data[2349:3550, 0]
# Extracts what Matlab does with 2350:3550 argument there.
# Chest vol is second column
chestVol = data[2349:3550, 1]
# bloodOx = data[2349:3550,2];

timeSteps = len(heart)

    "TE for heart rate <-> breath rate for Kraskov estimation with %d samples:"
    % timeSteps)
コード例 #2
from jpype import *
import numpy
# Our python data file readers are a bit of a hack, python users will do better on this:
import readFloatsFile

# Add JIDT jar library to the path
jarLocation = "/home/abolfazl/prog/install-dir/MI_TE/infodynamics-dist-1.5/infodynamics.jar"
# Start the JVM (add the "-Xmx" option with say 1024M if you get crashes due to not enough memory space)
startJVM(getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea", "-Djava.class.path=" + jarLocation)

# 0. Load/prepare the data:
dataRaw = readFloatsFile.readFloatsFile(
# As numpy array:
data = numpy.array(dataRaw)
variable = data[:, 0]

# 1. Construct the calculator:
calcClass = JPackage("infodynamics.measures.continuous.kozachenko"
calc = calcClass()
# 2. Set any properties to non-default values:
# No properties were set to non-default values
# 3. Initialise the calculator for (re-)use:
# 4. Supply the sample data:
# 5. Compute the estimate:
コード例 #3
from jpype import *
import numpy
# Our python data file readers are a bit of a hack, python users will do better on this:
import readFloatsFile

# Add JIDT jar library to the path
jarLocation = "/home/deepak/Desktop/Research/PaperSubmissions/IROS2018/InfoDynamics/infodynamics.jar"
# Start the JVM (add the "-Xmx" option with say 1024M if you get crashes due to not enough memory space)
startJVM(getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea", "-Djava.class.path=" + jarLocation)

# 0. Load/prepare the data:
dataRaw = readFloatsFile.readFloatsFile(
# As numpy array:
data = numpy.array(dataRaw)
source = data[:, 0]
destination = data[:, 1]

# 1. Construct the calculator:
calcClass = JPackage("infodynamics.measures.continuous.kraskov"
calc = calcClass()
# 2. Set any properties to non-default values:
calc.setProperty("k_HISTORY", "2")
# 3. Initialise the calculator for (re-)use:
# 4. Supply the sample data:
コード例 #4
# List of column numbers for joint variables 1 and 2:
#  (you can select any columns you wish to be contained in each variable)
jointVariable1Columns = [0, 1]  # array indices start from 0 in python
jointVariable2Columns = [2, 3]
# The name of the concrete implementation of the interface
#  infodynamics.measures.continuous.MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariate
#  which we wish to use for the calculation.
# Note that one could use any of the following calculators (try them all!):
#  implementingClass = "infodynamics.measures.continuous.kraskov.MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariateKraskov1" # MI(1;3) as 0.10044, MI([1,2], [3,4]) = 0.36353 (NATS not bits)
#  implementingClass = "infodynamics.measures.continuous.kernel.MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariateKernel"
#  implementingClass = "infodynamics.measures.continuous.gaussian.MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariateGaussian"
implementingClass = "infodynamics.measures.continuous.kraskov.MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariateKraskov1"

# ---------------------
# 2. Load in the data
data = readFloatsFile.readFloatsFile(datafile)
# As numpy array:
A = numpy.array(data)
# Pull out the columns from the data set for a univariate MI calculation:
univariateSeries1 = A[:, univariateSeries1Column]
univariateSeries2 = A[:, univariateSeries2Column]
# Pull out the columns from the data set for a multivariate MI calculation:
jointVariable1 = A[:, jointVariable1Columns]
jointVariable2 = A[:, jointVariable2Columns]

# --------------------
# 3. Dynamically instantiate an object of the given class:
# (in fact, all java object creation in python is dynamic - it has to be,
#  since the languages are interpreted. This makes our life slightly easier at this
#  point than it is in demos/java/example6 where we have to handle this manually)
indexOfLastDot = string.rfind(implementingClass, ".")
コード例 #5
def te_alt_motor(args):
    """calc sensor/motor TE"""
    tblfilename = "bf_optimize_mavlink.h5"
    h5file = tb.open_file(tblfilename, mode = "a")
    table = h5file.root.v2.evaluations
    # table.cols.mse.createCSIndex()

    from jpype import *
    # I think this is a bit of a hack, python users will do better on this:
    import readFloatsFile

    # Add JIDT jar library to the path

    jarLocation = "../../infodynamics-dist/infodynamics.jar"
    # Start the JVM (add the "-Xmx" option with say 1024M if you get crashes due to not enough memory space)
    startJVM(getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea", "-Djava.class.path=" + jarLocation)

    # 0. Load/prepare the data:
    dataRaw = readFloatsFile.readFloatsFile("/home/src/QK/infodynamics-dist/demos/data/2coupledBinaryColsUseK2.txt")
    # As numpy array:
    data = np.array(dataRaw)
    source = data[:,0]
    dest = data[:,1]
    print type(source), source.shape
    print source.dtype

    # mutual information
    # 1. Construct the calculator:
    calcClassMI = JPackage("infodynamics.measures.continuous.kraskov").MutualInfoCalculatorMultiVariateKraskov1
    calcMI = calcClassMI()
    # 2. Set any properties to non-default values:
    calcMI.setProperty("TIME_DIFF", "1")
    # 3. Initialise the calculator for (re-)use:
    # transfer entropy    
    # 1. Construct the calculator:
    calcClass = JPackage("infodynamics.measures.continuous.kraskov").TransferEntropyCalculatorKraskov
    calc = calcClass()
    # 2. Set any properties to non-default values:
    calc.setProperty("k_HISTORY", "1")
    # calc.setProperty("k_TAU", "2")
    calc.setProperty("l_HISTORY", "100")
    # calc.setProperty("l_TAU", "2")
    # 3. Initialise the calculator for (re-)use:

    # 4. Supply the sample data:
    print source.dtype, dest.dtype
    print source.shape, dest.shape
    calc.setObservations(source, dest)
    # 5. Compute the estimate:
    result = calc.computeAverageLocalOfObservations()
    print("TE_Kraskov (KSG)(col_0 -> col_1) = %.4f nats\n" % result)
    for x in table.itersorted("mse"):
        sensor = x["timeseries"][:,1].astype(np.float64)
        motor  = x["timeseries"][:,4].astype(np.float64)

        # sys.exit()
        # print "s,m", sensor, motor
        # print "s,m (mean)", np.mean(sensor), np.mean(motor)
        # print "s", type(sensor), sensor.shape
        # print "m", type(motor), motor.shape

        # # 4. Supply the sample data:
        # calcMI.initialise()
        # calcMI.setObservations(sensor, motor)
        # # 5. Compute the estimate:
        # result = calcMI.computeAverageLocalOfObservations()
        # print("mse = %f, mi = %.4f nats" % (x["mse"], result))
        # 4. Supply the sample data:
        # print calc
        calc.setObservations(sensor, motor)
        # 5. Compute the estimate:
        result = calc.computeAverageLocalOfObservations()
        print("mse: %f, TE_Kraskov (KSG)(col_0 -> col_1) = %.4f nats" % (x["mse"], result))
コード例 #6
ファイル: TransferEntropy.py プロジェクト: agarciam/programas
import numpy as np
import readFloatsFile

# Change location of jar to match yours:
# 0. Set package
jarLocation = "infodynamics.jar"
# Start the JVM (add the "-Xmx" option with say 1024M if you get crashes due to not enough memory space)
startJVM(getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea", "-Djava.class.path=" + jarLocation)

# 1. Load in the data (loop for transfer matrix)
datafile1 = 'data/returns_sorted.txt'
data1 = readFloatsFile.readFloatsFile(datafile1)
A = np.array(data1)
C = np.transpose(A)
dim = np.shape(C)
t = dim[0]
n = dim[1]
print t,n

TRANSFER = np.zeros(shape=(n,n))
for j in range(n):
  for k in range(n):
    transfer = 0.0
    serie1 = [];
    serie2 = []
    for i in range(t):