def generate_seq(initial_seq_np, generate_frames_number, model, save_dance_folder): #dance_batch_np dim =(5,15,171) #set hip_x and hip_z as the difference from the future frame to current frame dif = initial_seq_np[:, 1:initial_seq_np. shape[1]] - initial_seq_np[:, 0:initial_seq_np.shape[1] - 1] #for all of the batch( 0 to 4), take 2nd dim from 1:end minus 0:end-1, as u can see it is using one less in this dim. e.g. 1:end and 0:end-1 print('dif: ', dif.shape) initial_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np = initial_seq_np[:, 0:initial_seq_np.shape[1] - 1].copy() #copy original values, from 0: end-1 initial_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, :, Hip_index * 3] = dif[:, :, Hip_index * 3] initial_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, :, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = dif[:, :, Hip_index * 3 + 2] #as the top there, change the hip_x and hip_z as the difference from the future frame to the current frame initial_seq = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.FloatTensor(initial_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np.tolist()).cuda()) print('initial_seq: ', initial_seq.size()) #initial_seq = 5,14,171 predict_seq = model.forward(initial_seq, generate_frames_number) batch = initial_seq_np.shape[0] print('batch: ', batch) #batch=5 for b in range(batch): out_seq = np.array(predict_seq[b].data.tolist()).reshape( -1, In_frame_size) last_x = 0.0 last_z = 0.0 for frame in range(out_seq.shape[0]): out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] + last_x last_x = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] + last_z last_z = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] read_bvh.write_traindata_to_bvh( save_dance_folder + "out" + "%02d" % b + ".bvh", out_seq) return np.array(, -1, In_frame_size)
def generate_bvh_from_traindata(src_train_folder, tar_bvh_folder): print("Generating bvh data for " + src_train_folder) if (os.path.exists(tar_bvh_folder) == False): os.makedirs(tar_bvh_folder) dances_names = listdir(src_train_folder) for dance_name in dances_names: name_len = len(dance_name) if (name_len > 4): if (dance_name[name_len - 4:name_len] == ".npy"): print("Processing" + dance_name) dance = np.load(src_train_folder + dance_name) dance2 = [] for i in range(dance.shape[0] / 8): dance2 = dance2 + [dance[i * 8]] print(len(dance2)) read_bvh.write_traindata_to_bvh( tar_bvh_folder + dance_name + ".bvh", np.array(dance2))
def generate_seq(initial_seq_np, generate_frames_number, model, save_dance_folder): #set hip_x and hip_z as the difference from the future frame to current frame dif = initial_seq_np[:, 1:initial_seq_np. shape[1]] - initial_seq_np[:, 0:initial_seq_np.shape[1] - 1] initial_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np = initial_seq_np[:, 0:initial_seq_np.shape[1] - 1].copy() initial_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, :, Hip_index * 3] = dif[:, :, Hip_index * 3] initial_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, :, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = dif[:, :, Hip_index * 3 + 2] initial_seq = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.FloatTensor(initial_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np.tolist()).cuda()) predict_seq = model.forward(initial_seq, generate_frames_number) batch = initial_seq_np.shape[0] for b in range(batch): out_seq = np.array(predict_seq[b].data.tolist()).reshape( -1, In_frame_size) last_x = 0.0 last_z = 0.0 for frame in range(out_seq.shape[0]): out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] + last_x last_x = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] + last_z last_z = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] read_bvh.write_traindata_to_bvh( save_dance_folder + "out" + "%02d" % b + ".bvh", out_seq) return np.array(, -1, In_frame_size)
def train_one_iteraton(real_seq_np, model, optimizer, iteration, save_dance_folder, print_loss=False, save_bvh_motion=True): #train_one_iteraton(dance_batch_np, model, optimizer, iteration, write_bvh_motion_folder, print_loss, save_bvh_motion) #for last and 3rd last parameter, i think if last is True, then write bvh to 3rd last folder #dance_batch_np dim =(32,102,171) print('data input dim: ', real_seq_np.shape) #set hip_x and hip_z as the difference from the future frame to current frame dif = real_seq_np[:, 1:real_seq_np. shape[1]] - real_seq_np[:, 0:real_seq_np.shape[1] - 1] #for all of the batch( 0 to 31), take 2nd dim from 1:end minus 0:end-1, as u can see it is using one less in this dim. e.g. 1:end and 0:end-1 print('dif: ', dif.shape) real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np = real_seq_np[:, 0:real_seq_np.shape[1] - 1].copy() #copy original values, from 0: end-1 real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, :, Hip_index * 3] = dif[:, :, Hip_index * 3] real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, :, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = dif[:, :, Hip_index * 3 + 2] #as the top there, change the hip_x and hip_z as the difference from the future frame to the current frame real_seq = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.FloatTensor(real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np.tolist()).cuda()) #convert back to real_seq #real_seq dim = 32,101,171 print('real_seq: ', real_seq.size()) seq_len = real_seq.size()[1] - 1 #seq_len= 101-1=100 print('seq_len in train one interation: ', seq_len) in_real_seq = real_seq[:, 0:seq_len] #in_real_seq dim = 32,100,171 print('in_real_seq: ', in_real_seq.size()) #means disregard the last frame? predict_groundtruth_seq = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.FloatTensor(real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, 1:seq_len + 1].tolist())).cuda().view( real_seq_np.shape[0], -1) #the groundtruth that is needed to be predicted, which is the next frame, that is why its 1:seq_len+1 ==1:end for real_seq #predict_groundtruth_seq dim = 32,17100 #.cuda sends the variable to cud, .view changes the dimensions print('predict_groundtruth_seq: ', predict_groundtruth_seq.shape) predict_seq = model.forward(in_real_seq, Condition_num, Groundtruth_num) #condition num = 5, groundtruth= 5 optimizer.zero_grad() #Clears the gradients of all optimized loss = model.calculate_loss(predict_seq, predict_groundtruth_seq) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if (print_loss == True): print("###########" + "iter %07d" % iteration + "######################") print( print("loss: " + str( if (save_bvh_motion == True): ##save the first motion sequence int the batch. gt_seq = np.array(predict_groundtruth_seq[0].data.tolist()).reshape( -1, In_frame_size) last_x = 0.0 last_z = 0.0 for frame in range(gt_seq.shape[0]): gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] = gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] + last_x last_x = gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] + last_z last_z = gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] out_seq = np.array(predict_seq[0].data.tolist()).reshape( -1, In_frame_size) last_x = 0.0 last_z = 0.0 for frame in range(out_seq.shape[0]): out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] + last_x last_x = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] + last_z last_z = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] read_bvh.write_traindata_to_bvh( save_dance_folder + "%07d" % iteration + "_gt.bvh", gt_seq) read_bvh.write_traindata_to_bvh( save_dance_folder + "%07d" % iteration + "_out.bvh", out_seq)
def train_one_iteraton(real_seq_np, model, optimizer, iteration, save_dance_folder, print_loss=False, save_bvh_motion=True): #set hip_x and hip_z as the difference from the future frame to current frame dif = real_seq_np[:, 1:real_seq_np. shape[1]] - real_seq_np[:, 0:real_seq_np.shape[1] - 1] real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np = real_seq_np[:, 0:real_seq_np.shape[1] - 1].copy() real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, :, Hip_index * 3] = dif[:, :, Hip_index * 3] real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, :, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = dif[:, :, Hip_index * 3 + 2] real_seq = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.FloatTensor(real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np.tolist()).cuda()) seq_len = real_seq.size()[1] - 1 in_real_seq = real_seq[:, 0:seq_len] predict_groundtruth_seq = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.FloatTensor(real_seq_dif_hip_x_z_np[:, 1:seq_len + 1].tolist())).cuda().view( real_seq_np.shape[0], -1) predict_seq = model.forward(in_real_seq, Condition_num, Groundtruth_num) optimizer.zero_grad() loss = model.calculate_loss(predict_seq, predict_groundtruth_seq) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if (print_loss == True): print("###########" + "iter %07d" % iteration + "######################") print("loss: " + str([0])) if (save_bvh_motion == True): ##save the first motion sequence int the batch. gt_seq = np.array(predict_groundtruth_seq[0].data.tolist()).reshape( -1, In_frame_size) last_x = 0.0 last_z = 0.0 for frame in range(gt_seq.shape[0]): gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] = gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] + last_x last_x = gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] + last_z last_z = gt_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] out_seq = np.array(predict_seq[0].data.tolist()).reshape( -1, In_frame_size) last_x = 0.0 last_z = 0.0 for frame in range(out_seq.shape[0]): out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] + last_x last_x = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3] out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] + last_z last_z = out_seq[frame, Hip_index * 3 + 2] read_bvh.write_traindata_to_bvh( save_dance_folder + "%07d" % iteration + "_gt.bvh", gt_seq) read_bvh.write_traindata_to_bvh( save_dance_folder + "%07d" % iteration + "_out.bvh", out_seq)
3] - train_data[0:num_frames - 1, hip_idx:hip_idx + 3] ##difference of hips between frames. is_last_frame_feet_on_ground = [0, 0] # left, right for i in range(1, num_frames - 1): hip_pos = train_data[i, hip_idx:hip_idx + 3] feet_pos = (train_data[i, lfn_idx:lfn_idx + 3], train_data[i, rfn_idx:rfn_idx + 3]) lower_foot_idx = (int)(feet_pos[0][1] > feet_pos[1][1]) global_lower_foot = feet_pos[lower_foot_idx] + hip_pos if (global_lower_foot[1] < 0.01): ##If touches the ground if (is_last_frame_feet_on_ground[lower_foot_idx] == 1): offset = (last_feet_pos[lower_foot_idx] - feet_pos[lower_foot_idx]) hip_pos_v[i - 1, 0] = offset[0] hip_pos_v[i - 1, 2] = offset[2] is_last_frame_feet_on_ground = [0, 0] is_last_frame_feet_on_ground[lower_foot_idx] = 1 print("fix frame " + str(i)) else: is_last_frame_feet_on_ground = [0, 0] last_feet_pos = feet_pos for i in range(1, num_frames): train_data[i, hip_idx:hip_idx + 3] = train_data[i - 1, hip_idx:hip_idx + 3] + hip_pos_v[i - 1] print("write bvh") read_bvh.write_traindata_to_bvh('xx_fixed.bvh', train_data)