コード例 #1
ファイル: chart.py プロジェクト: eqiihuu/auto_mail
def init_chart(rt_path, branch, unstable):
    chart_dir = os.path.join(rt_path, 'email_src', branch)
    if not os.path.exists(chart_dir):
    chart_path = os.path.join(chart_dir, 'data_'+branch+'_init.xls')
    chart_file = xlwt.Workbook()
    parameters = read_para.read_conf(rt_path, branch)
    date_list, result_dict = get_data(branch, parameters['data_link'],  parameters['graph']['day_num'], parameters['graph']['target_num'])
    init_add_sheet(branch, chart_file, date_list, result_dict, unstable)
コード例 #2
ファイル: chart.py プロジェクト: eqiihuu/auto_mail
def init_chart_R99A(rt_path, new_day_num, unstable):
    chart_dir = os.path.join(rt_path, 'email_src', 'R99A')
    if not os.path.exists(chart_dir):
    chart_path = os.path.join(chart_dir, 'data_R99A_init.xls')
    chart_file = xlwt.Workbook()
    parameters = read_para.read_conf(rt_path, 'R99A')
    date_list, result_dict = get_data('R99A', parameters['data_link'],  new_day_num, parameters['graph']['target_num'])
    date_old, result_old = get_data('R99A', parameters['olddata_link'],  parameters['graph']['day_num']-new_day_num, parameters['graph']['target_num'])
    date_list += date_old
    result_dict = dict(result_dict.items()+result_old.items())
    init_add_sheet('R99A', chart_file, date_list, result_dict, unstable)
    return True
コード例 #3
ファイル: chart.py プロジェクト: eqiihuu/auto_mail
def update_chart(rt_path, branch, parameter_dict=0, unstable=-1):
    # chart = chart_file.get_sheet(branch)
    chart_path = os.path.join(rt_path, 'email_src', branch, 'data_'+branch+'.xls')
    old_chart = xlrd.open_workbook(chart_path)
    old_sheet = old_chart.sheet_by_name(branch)
    if parameter_dict == 0:
        parameter_dict = read_para.read_conf(rt_path, branch)
    if unstable == -1:
        unstable = int(old_sheet.cell(1, 5).value)
    new_data = get_new_data(branch, parameter_dict['data_link'], parameter_dict['graph']['target_num'])

    date_list = [new_data['date']]
    passed_list = [new_data['Passed']]
    failed_list = [new_data['Failed']]
    skipped_list = [new_data['Skipped']]
    total_list = [new_data['Total']]
    unstable_list = [unstable]
    result_dict = {}
    if int(new_data['Total']) == 0:
        return {'date':old_sheet.cell(1, 0).value}
    if new_data['date'] == old_sheet.cell(1, 0).value:
        date_list += old_sheet.col_values(0, 2)
        passed_list += old_sheet.col_values(1, 2)
        failed_list += old_sheet.col_values(2, 2)
        skipped_list += old_sheet.col_values(3, 2)
        total_list += old_sheet.col_values(4, 2)
        unstable_list += old_sheet.col_values(5, 2)
        date_list += old_sheet.col_values(0, 1)
        passed_list += old_sheet.col_values(1, 1)
        failed_list += old_sheet.col_values(2, 1)
        skipped_list += old_sheet.col_values(3, 1)
        total_list += old_sheet.col_values(4, 1)
        unstable_list += old_sheet.col_values(5, 1)
        result_dict = {}
    for i in range(len(date_list)):
        result_dict[date_list[i]] = {
            'Passed': passed_list[i],
            'Failed': failed_list[i],
            'Skipped': skipped_list[i],
            'Total': total_list[i],
            'Unstable': unstable_list[i]

    new_chart = xlwt.Workbook()
    add_sheet(branch, new_chart, date_list, result_dict)
#    if os.getlogin()== read_para.owner:
#        os.chmod(chart_path,stat.S_IRWXG+stat.S_IRWXU)
    return new_data
コード例 #4
ファイル: mail.py プロジェクト: eqiihuu/auto_mail
def get_labels(rt_path, branch, date, parameter_dict=0):
    label_pos = {'R21A': 0, 'R23B_1': 0, 'R26B': 1, 'R27A': 1, 'R99A': 1}[branch]
    if parameter_dict == 0:
        parameter_dict = read_para.read_conf(rt_path, branch)
    webpage = urllib2.urlopen(parameter_dict['data_link'])
    content = webpage.read()
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content)

    title_temp = [re.compile('\d\d\d\d\d\d '+branch+'\n'), re.compile(date)]
    block = soup.html.body.find_all('div')[2].find_all('div')[1].find_all('div')[3].table.find('td', text=title_temp[1]).find_next_siblings()
    table = bs4.BeautifulSoup(str(block[label_pos]))
    mplabel = table.find('a', text='MP')
    sgclabel = table.find('a', text='SGC')
    label_dict = {}
    label_dict['mplink'] = str(mplabel['href'])
    label_dict['sgclink'] = str(sgclabel['href'])
    label_dict['mp'] = label_dict['mplink'].split('/')[-1]
    label_dict['sgc'] = label_dict['sgclink'].split('/')[-1]

    return label_dict
コード例 #5
ファイル: mail.py プロジェクト: eqiihuu/auto_mail
def get_target_table(rt_path, branch, date, parameter_dict=0):
    if parameter_dict == 0:
        parameter_dict = read_para.read_conf(rt_path, branch)
    webpage = urllib2.urlopen(parameter_dict['data_link'])
    content = webpage.read()
    soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content)

    title_temp = [date+branch+'\n', re.compile(date)]
    data = str(soup.html.body.find_all('div')[2].find_all('div')[1].find_all('div')[3].table.find('td', text=title_temp[1]).find_next_siblings())
    soup_child = bs4.BeautifulSoup(data)
    text = soup_child.find_all('table')[2].find_all('tr')
    table = ''
    char_special = 0
    for line in text:
        line = str(line)
        if char_special == 0:
            line = line[:line.index('/td')-5]+line[line.index('/td')-1:]
            char_special = 1
        table += line
    return table
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: eqiihuu/auto_wiki
import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    current_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
    home_path = os.getenv({'nt': 'USERPROFILE', 'posix': 'HOME'}[os.name])
    wiki_path = os.path.join(home_path, 'wiki_result')
    if not os.path.exists(wiki_path):
    argument = read_para.parse_args()
    branches = argument.branch
    jpt_link_form = argument.form  # choose a jpt_link format
    for branch in branches:
        start = time.clock()
        branch = branch.upper()
        path_result = os.path.join(wiki_path, branch + '_' + time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime(time.time())) + '_result.txt')
        file_result = open(path_result, 'w')
        print('------------------%s ------------------' % branch)
        # get config information
        parameters = read_para.read_conf(current_path, branch, jpt_link_form)
        # check the targets
        parameters = read_para.check_target(branch, parameters)
        # create the text template for replacement
        template = create_template.create_text(current_path, parameters['target'])
        # get data and replace the ${} in text template
        result = replace_data.replace_data(template, branch, jpt_link_form,  parameters)
        # write down the result
        stop = time.clock()
        print('---------%s completed!--Time: %.0f sec----------' % (branch, (stop-start)))
コード例 #7
ファイル: autoemail.py プロジェクト: eqiihuu/auto_mail
if __name__ == '__main__':
    user = getpass.getuser()
    path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0]
    # home_path = os.getenv({'nt': 'USERPROFILE', 'posix': 'HOME'}[os.name])
    argument = read_para.parse_args()
    branches = argument.branch
    unstable = argument.unstable
    r = argument.receiver
    for branch in branches:
        start = time.clock()
        branch = branch.upper()
        print('------------------%s ------------------' % branch)
        print 'Loading parameters ...'
        # get config information
        parameters = read_para.read_conf(path, branch)
        print 'Updating chart ...'
        # update data in chart
        chart.update_chart(path, branch, parameters, unstable)
        print 'Reading chart ...'
        # get data for graph
        datelist, datadict = chart.read_chart(path, branch)

        print 'Drawing graphs ...'
        # draw graph for ci result 
        pic1, pic2 = graph.draw_graph(path, branch, datelist, datadict, parameters['graph']['day_num'])
        # get_labels(path, branch, parameters)
        sources = {'s1': pic1, 's2': pic2}
        print 'Creating email content ...'
        # create the html of email
        sources = mail.create_email(path, branch, datelist[0], sources,  parameters)