コード例 #1
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: jesstess/curveship
def micro(reply_node, concept, discourse, ref, speech):
    'Does microplanning based on given reference and speech times or rules.'
    blocks = []
    if not isinstance(reply_node, reply_planner.Internal):
        if reply_node.category in ['action', 'room', 'ok']:
            if ref == discourse.right_before:
                ref = reply_node.event - 1
            if ref == discourse.follow:
                ref = reply_node.event
            if ref == discourse.right_after:
                ref = reply_node.event + 1
            if speech is discourse.follow:
                speech = reply_node.event
            e_r, r_s = determine_tense(reply_node.event, ref, speech)
        if reply_node.category == 'action':
            blocks = narrate_action(reply_node, concept, discourse, e_r, r_s)
        elif reply_node.category == 'room':
            blocks = name_room(reply_node, e_r, r_s, concept, discourse)
        elif reply_node.category == 'commentary':
            para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'],
            para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
                     'simple', 'present', discourse.spin['progressive'])
            blocks = [para]
        elif reply_node.category == 'ok':
            blocks = acknowledge(e_r, r_s, concept, discourse,
        for child in reply_node.children:
            blocks += micro(child, concept, discourse, reply_node.ref,
    return blocks
コード例 #2
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: jesstess/curveship
def acknowledge(tense_er, tense_rs, _, discourse, __):
    'Produces a rather empty utterance when there is nothing to represent.'
    template = 'nothing special [happen/1/v]'
    para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], [template])
    para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
             tense_er, tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
    return [para]
コード例 #3
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: sbt-tbs/curveship
def acknowledge(tense_er, tense_rs, _, discourse, __):
    'Produces a rather empty utterance when there is nothing to represent.'
    template = 'nothing special [happen/1/v]'
    para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], [template])
    para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
             tense_er, tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
    return [para]
コード例 #4
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: sbt-tbs/curveship
def micro(reply_node, concept, discourse, ref, speech):
    'Does microplanning based on given reference and speech times or rules.'
    blocks = []
    if not isinstance(reply_node, reply_planner.Internal):
        if reply_node.category in ['action', 'room', 'ok']:
            if ref == discourse.right_before:
                ref = reply_node.event - 1
            if ref == discourse.follow:
                ref = reply_node.event
            if ref == discourse.right_after:
                ref = reply_node.event + 1
            if speech is discourse.follow:
                speech = reply_node.event
            e_r, r_s = determine_tense(reply_node.event, ref, speech)
        if reply_node.category == 'action':
            blocks = narrate_action(reply_node, concept, discourse, e_r, r_s)
        elif reply_node.category == 'room':
            blocks = name_room(reply_node, e_r, r_s, concept, discourse)
        elif reply_node.category == 'commentary':
            para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'],
            para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
                     'simple', 'present', discourse.spin['progressive'])
            blocks = [para]
        elif reply_node.category == 'ok':
            blocks = acknowledge(e_r, r_s, concept, discourse,
        for child in reply_node.children:
            blocks += micro(child, concept, discourse, reply_node.ref,
    return blocks
コード例 #5
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: jesstess/curveship
def name_room(node, tense_er, tense_rs, concept_now, discourse):
    'States the name of the room.'
    agent, time = node.info.agent, node.info.end
    concept = concept_now.copy_at(time)
    room = concept.room_of(agent)
    template = '[' + agent + '/s] [is/v] in ' + room.noun_phrase(discourse)
    para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], [template], time)
    para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'], tense_er,
              tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
    blocks = [para]
    return blocks
コード例 #6
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: sbt-tbs/curveship
def name_room(node, tense_er, tense_rs, concept_now, discourse):
    'States the name of the room.'
    agent, time = node.info.agent, node.info.end
    concept = concept_now.copy_at(time)
    room = concept.room_of(agent)
    template = '[' + agent + '/s] [is/v] in ' + room.noun_phrase(discourse)
    para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], [template], time)
    para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'], tense_er,
              tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
    blocks = [para]
    return blocks
コード例 #7
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: sbt-tbs/curveship
def narrate_action(node, concept_now, discourse, tense_er, tense_rs):
    'Return blocks that narrate the action in the node.'
    time = node.info.start
    sentence = get_representation(node.info, discourse)
    if len(node.info.failed) > 0:
        sentence = failed(sentence, node.info.failed, discourse)
    elif node.info.refusal is not None:
        sentence = refused(sentence, node.info.refusal)
    if '[old_link]' in sentence:
        old_link = discourse.link_to_english[node.info.old_link][0]
        sentence = re.sub('\[old_link\]', old_link, sentence)
    if '[old_parent' in sentence:
        sentence = re.sub('\[old_parent', '[' + node.info.old_parent, sentence)
    if '[direction]' in sentence:
        sentence = re.sub('\[direction\]', node.info.direction, sentence)
    if '[utterance]' in sentence:
        sentence = re.sub('\[utterance\]', node.info.utterance.lower(),
    sentence = substitute_tags(sentence, node.info)
    strings = [sentence]
    if len(node.info.failed) == 0 and node.info.refusal is None:
        if hasattr(node.info, 'before'):
            strings = [node.info.before] + strings
        if hasattr(node.info, 'after'):
            strings += [node.info.after]
    para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], strings, time)
    para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'], tense_er,
             tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
    blocks = [para]
    time = node.info.end
    concept = concept_now.copy_at(time)
    if (node.info.sense and node.info.agent == discourse.spin['focalizer'] and
        len(node.info.failed) == 0 and node.info.refusal is None):
        if node.info.modality == 'sight':
            new_blocks = describe(node.info.direct, tense_er, tense_rs,
                node.speed, concept, discourse, node.info.agent,
            blocks += new_blocks
        elif node.info.modality in ['touch', 'hearing', 'smell', 'taste']:
            sense = getattr(concept.item[node.info.direct], node.info.modality)
            if not (sense == ['']):
                sense[0] = ('[*/s] [' +
                            discourse.sense_verb[node.info.modality] + '/v] ' +
                para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], sense, time)
                         discourse.spin['narratee'], tense_er, tense_rs,
                blocks += [para]
    blocks = prepend_any_time_words(blocks, node, discourse.spin['time_words'])
    return blocks
コード例 #8
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: jesstess/curveship
def narrate_action(node, concept_now, discourse, tense_er, tense_rs):
    'Return blocks that narrate the action in the node.'
    time = node.info.start
    sentence = get_representation(node.info, discourse)
    if len(node.info.failed) > 0:
        sentence = failed(sentence, node.info.failed, discourse)
    elif node.info.refusal is not None:
        sentence = refused(sentence, node.info.refusal)
    if '[old_link]' in sentence:
        old_link = discourse.link_to_english[node.info.old_link][0]
        sentence = re.sub('\[old_link\]', old_link, sentence)
    if '[old_parent' in sentence:
        sentence = re.sub('\[old_parent', '[' + node.info.old_parent, sentence)
    if '[direction]' in sentence:
        sentence = re.sub('\[direction\]', node.info.direction, sentence)
    if '[utterance]' in sentence:
        sentence = re.sub('\[utterance\]', node.info.utterance.lower(),
    sentence = substitute_tags(sentence, node.info)
    strings = [sentence]
    if len(node.info.failed) == 0 and node.info.refusal is None:
        if hasattr(node.info, 'before'):
            strings = [node.info.before] + strings
        if hasattr(node.info, 'after'):
            strings += [node.info.after]
    para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], strings, time)
    para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'], tense_er,
             tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
    blocks = [para]
    time = node.info.end
    concept = concept_now.copy_at(time)
    if (node.info.sense and node.info.agent == discourse.spin['focalizer'] and
        len(node.info.failed) == 0 and node.info.refusal is None):
        if node.info.modality == 'sight':
            new_blocks = describe(node.info.direct, tense_er, tense_rs,
                node.speed, concept, discourse, node.info.agent,
            blocks += new_blocks
        elif node.info.modality in ['touch', 'hearing', 'smell', 'taste']:
            sense = getattr(concept.item[node.info.direct], node.info.modality)
            if not (sense == ['']):
                sense[0] = ('[*/s] [' +
                            discourse.sense_verb[node.info.modality] + '/v] ' +
                para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], sense, time)
                         discourse.spin['narratee'], tense_er, tense_rs,
                blocks += [para]
    blocks = prepend_any_time_words(blocks, node, discourse.spin['time_words'])
    return blocks
コード例 #9
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: jesstess/curveship
def describe(tag, tense_er, tense_rs, speed, concept, discourse, sensor, time):
    'Return blocks of generated text describing the item.'

    # NOTE: This is quite a mess and could use to be broken up and streamlined.
    children = {'in':[], 'of':[], 'on':[], 'part_of':[], 'through':[]}
    child_sentences = []
    to_exclude = [sensor]
    item = concept.item[tag]
    if item == concept.compartment_of(sensor):
        to_exclude += concept.descendants(sensor)
    to_mention = [i for i in concept.descendants(tag, stop='opaque') 
                          if i not in to_exclude]
    for desc_tag in to_mention:
        desc_item = concept.item[desc_tag]
        if desc_item.mention:
            if desc_item.parent == str(item):
            elif desc_item.parent == '@cosmos':
                link = desc_item.link
                link_name = discourse.link_to_english[link][0]
                child_sentences.append('[' + desc_tag + '/s] [is/v]' + 
                                   link_name + ' [' + desc_item.parent + '/o]')
    description_block = []
    current_sentences = []
    for string in item.sight + ['']:
        if not string == '':
            current_sentences.append(re.sub('\[\*', '[' + sensor, string))
        elif len(current_sentences) > 0:
            description_block += [Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'],
                                            current_sentences, time)]
            current_sentences = []
    for paragraph in description_block:
        paragraph.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
                      tense_er, tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
    heading = None
    if (item.room and speed < 0.8 and concept.room_of(sensor) == item):
        if ('room_name_headings' not in discourse.spin or
            room_name = item.noun_phrase(discourse, entire=False)
            heading = room_name[:1].upper() + room_name[1:]
    contents = None
    if (len(children['in']) + len(children['of']) +
        len(children['on'])) > 0:
        contents = '[' + sensor + '/s] [see/v] '
        parent = '[' + tag + '/s]'
        if item.room:
            contents += discourse.list_phrases(slots(children['in']))
            contents += 'that '
            if item.actor:
                contents += parent
                if len(children['of']) > 0:
                    contents += (' [possess/v] ' +
                    if len(children['on']) > 0:
                        contents += ' and'
                if len(children['on']) > 0:
                    contents += (' [wear/ing/v] ' + 
            elif len(children['on']) > 0:
                contents += (discourse.list_phrases(slots(children['on'],
                                      role='s')) + ' [is/v] on ' + parent)
                if len(children['in']) > 0:
                    contents += (', which [contain/v] ' +
            elif len(children['in']) > 0:
                contents += (parent + ' [contain/v] ' +
        contents = [contents] + child_sentences
    listed = []
    in_directions = []
    if item.room:
        for direction in item.exits:
            if (concept.has('room', item.exits[direction]) and
                item.exits[direction] not in listed and
                leads_to = concept.item[item.exits[direction]]
                in_directions += [leads_to.noun_phrase(discourse) +
                                  ' [is/1/v] toward the ' + direction]
        far_strings = []
        for far_room in item.view:
            vdir = item.view[far_room][1]
            far_items = []
            if far_room in concept.item:
                for (_, child) in concept.item[far_room].children:
                    if child in concept.item:
                        far_items.append('[' + child + '/o]')
                if len(far_items) > 0:
                    far_line = (vdir + ', ' +
        if len(far_strings) > 0:
            far_st = ('from [here], [' + sensor + '/s] [is/v] able to see: ' +
                     discourse.list_phrases(far_strings, delimiter=';'))
            in_directions += [far_st]
    blocks = []
    if heading is not None:
        blocks += [Heading(heading)]
    blocks += description_block
    if contents is not None:
        para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], contents, time)
        para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
                 tense_er, tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
        blocks += [para]
    if len(in_directions) > 0 and speed < 0.8:
        far_off = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], in_directions,
        far_off.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
                    tense_er, tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
        blocks += [far_off]
    return blocks
コード例 #10
ファイル: microplanner.py プロジェクト: sbt-tbs/curveship
def describe(tag, tense_er, tense_rs, speed, concept, discourse, sensor, time):
    'Return blocks of generated text describing the item.'

    # NOTE: This is quite a mess and could use to be broken up and streamlined.
    children = {'in':[], 'of':[], 'on':[], 'part_of':[], 'through':[]}
    child_sentences = []
    to_exclude = [sensor]
    item = concept.item[tag]
    if item == concept.compartment_of(sensor):
        to_exclude += concept.descendants(sensor)
    to_mention = [i for i in concept.descendants(tag, stop='opaque') 
                          if i not in to_exclude]
    for desc_tag in to_mention:
        desc_item = concept.item[desc_tag]
        if desc_item.mention:
            if desc_item.parent == str(item):
            elif desc_item.parent == '@cosmos':
                link = desc_item.link
                link_name = discourse.link_to_english[link][0]
                child_sentences.append('[' + desc_tag + '/s] [is/v]' + 
                                   link_name + ' [' + desc_item.parent + '/o]')
    description_block = []
    current_sentences = []
    for string in item.sight + ['']:
        if not string == '':
            current_sentences.append(re.sub('\[\*', '[' + sensor, string))
        elif len(current_sentences) > 0:
            description_block += [Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'],
                                            current_sentences, time)]
            current_sentences = []
    for paragraph in description_block:
        paragraph.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
                      tense_er, tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
    heading = None
    if (item.room and speed < 0.8 and concept.room_of(sensor) == item):
        if ('room_name_headings' not in discourse.spin or
            room_name = item.noun_phrase(discourse, entire=False)
            heading = room_name[:1].upper() + room_name[1:]
    contents = None
    if (len(children['in']) + len(children['of']) +
        len(children['on'])) > 0:
        contents = '[' + sensor + '/s] [see/v] '
        parent = '[' + tag + '/s]'
        if item.room:
            contents += discourse.list_phrases(slots(children['in']))
            contents += 'that '
            if item.actor:
                contents += parent
                if len(children['of']) > 0:
                    contents += (' [possess/v] ' +
                    if len(children['on']) > 0:
                        contents += ' and'
                if len(children['on']) > 0:
                    contents += (' [wear/ing/v] ' + 
            elif len(children['on']) > 0:
                contents += (discourse.list_phrases(slots(children['on'],
                                      role='s')) + ' [is/v] on ' + parent)
                if len(children['in']) > 0:
                    contents += (', which [contain/v] ' +
            elif len(children['in']) > 0:
                contents += (parent + ' [contain/v] ' +
        contents = [contents] + child_sentences
    listed = []
    in_directions = []
    if item.room:
        for direction in item.exits:
            if (concept.has('room', item.exits[direction]) and
                item.exits[direction] not in listed and
                leads_to = concept.item[item.exits[direction]]
                in_directions += [leads_to.noun_phrase(discourse) +
                                  ' [is/1/v] toward the ' + direction]
        far_strings = []
        for far_room in item.view:
            vdir = item.view[far_room][1]
            far_items = []
            if far_room in concept.item:
                for (_, child) in concept.item[far_room].children:
                    if child in concept.item:
                        far_items.append('[' + child + '/o]')
                if len(far_items) > 0:
                    far_line = (vdir + ', ' +
        if len(far_strings) > 0:
            far_st = ('from [here], [' + sensor + '/s] [is/v] able to see: ' +
                     discourse.list_phrases(far_strings, delimiter=';'))
            in_directions += [far_st]
    blocks = []
    if heading is not None:
        blocks += [Heading(heading)]
    blocks += description_block
    if contents is not None:
        para = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], contents, time)
        para.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
                 tense_er, tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
        blocks += [para]
    if len(in_directions) > 0 and speed < 0.8:
        far_off = Paragraph(discourse.spin['template_filter'], in_directions,
        far_off.set(discourse.spin['narrator'], discourse.spin['narratee'],
                    tense_er, tense_rs, discourse.spin['progressive'])
        blocks += [far_off]
    return blocks