def __init__(self,genome): """Initialize a MILC instance from a genbank filename, extracting ribosomal proteins therefrom.""" CDSs = get_cdss(genome) print "identifying ribosomal proteins" ribosomals = [cds for cds in CDSs if 'product' in cds.qualifiers and any(("ribosomal subunit" in product or "ribosomal protein" in product) for product in cds.qualifiers['product'])] cutoff = 100 # throw away sequences < 100aa ribosomal_seqs = [str(r.extract(genome).seq).lower() for r in ribosomals if len(r.extract(genome)) >= cutoff] assert all(len(r) % 3 == 0 for r in ribosomal_seqs) counts = Counter(group_codons("".join(ribosomal_seqs))) coding_counts = {k:v for k,v in counts.items() if not k in stop_codons} z = float(sum(coding_counts.values())) self.refset_freqs = {k:v/z for k,v in coding_counts.items()} self.num_ribosomals = len(ribosomals)
def benchmark_method(method="delta"): # or MILC for org in ["Mycobacterium_smegmatis"]:#problem_species:#validation_orgs: print org gbk_filename = get_genome_filename(org,'gbk') genome = get_genome(org) cdss = get_cdss(genome) Method = MILC if method == "MILC" else Delta method = Method(org) org_exp_dict = master_exp_dict[org] scores = [] expss = [] # list of lists; one for each replicates for i,cds in enumerate(cdss): if i % 100 == 0: print i locus_tag = head(cds.qualifiers['locus_tag']) try: gene = head(cds.qualifiers['gene']) except: gene = None if locus_tag in org_exp_dict: exp_scores = org_exp_dict[locus_tag] elif gene in org_exp_dict: exp_scores = org_exp_dict[gene] try: seq = str(cds.extract(genome).seq) method_score = method.score(seq) expss.append(exp_scores) scores.append(method_score) except: print "tag failed:",locus_tag print "recovered scores for: ",len(scores),"tags" print "distinct scores:",len(set(scores)) if method == "MILC": scores = [-x for x in scores] #flip scores so they correlate #positively w/ expression spearmans = [spearmanr(scores,exps)[0] for exps in transpose(expss)] spearman_mean = mean(spearmans) spearman_se = se(spearmans) print "Correlation:",org,spearman_mean,spearman_se#,milc.num_ribosomals
def benchmark_cat(): """Compute correlation with expression for the CDC method of Zhang BMC Bioinformatics 2012""" for org in validation_orgs: print org try: gbk_filename = get_genome_filename(org,'gbk') genome = get_genome(org) cdss = get_cdss(genome) ncid = org2nc_id(org) cat_filename = os.path.join("index_results",ncid+"_CAT",ncid+".cat") with open(cat_filename) as f: lines = [line.split("\t") for line in f.readlines()[1:]] labels,cdcs = transpose([(fields[0],fields[10]) for fields in lines]) matches = [":(c?)(\d+)-(\d+)",label).groups() for label in labels] locations = [((int(start),int(stop)) if c == '' else (int(stop) - 1,int(start))) for (c,start,stop) in matches] cat_dict = {location:float(cdc) for location,cdc in zip(locations,cdcs)} org_exp_dict = master_exp_dict[org] # a dictionary of form {(start,stop):[locus tags]} location2lt = {(feature.location.start+1,feature.location.end): feature.qualifiers['locus_tag'][0] for feature in genome.features if ('locus_tag' in feature.qualifiers)} correlates = [(cdc,org_exp_dict[location2lt[location]]) for location,cdc in cat_dict.items() if location in location2lt and location2lt[location] in org_exp_dict] cdcs,exps = transpose(correlates) rhos = [spearmanr(cdcs,map(lambda xs:xs[i],exps))[0] for i in range(len(exps[0]))] print "num correlates:",len(correlates) print "Correlation:",org,mean(rhos),se(rhos) except: print "Failed on:",org