コード例 #1
    def run(self, image):
        arrays = (image.data, )
        refs = (image.ref_data, )
        samps = (image.n2_sampling, slice(None))
        if hasattr(image, 'acs_data'):
            arrays += (image.acs_data, )
            refs += (image.acs_ref_data, )
        a, b = grappa_sampling(image.shape[-2], int(image.accel), image.n_acs)
        if len(b):
            init_acs_dir = (-1.0)**(a.tolist().index(b[0]))
            init_acs_dir = 1
        polarities = (1.0, init_acs_dir)
        nr = image.n_ramp
        nf = image.n_flat
        if image.pslabel == 'ep2d_bold_acs_test' or image.accel > 2:
            acs_xleave = int(image.accel)
            acs_xleave = 1

        xleaves = (1, int(acs_xleave))
        for arr, n2, ref_arr, r, x in zip(arrays, samps, refs, polarities,
            if arr is None:
            util.ifft1(arr, inplace=True, shift=True)
            # enforce 4D arrays
            arr.shape = (1, ) * (4 - len(arr.shape)) + arr.shape
            ref_arr.shape = (1, ) * (4 - len(ref_arr.shape)) + ref_arr.shape
            sub_samp_slicing = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape)
            sub_samp_slicing[-2] = n2
            Q2, Q1 = arr[sub_samp_slicing].shape[-2:]
            q1_ax = np.linspace(-Q1 / 2., Q1 / 2., Q1, endpoint=False)
            q2_pattern = r * np.power(-1.0, np.arange(Q2) / x)
            for v in xrange(arr.shape[0]):
                sub_samp_slicing[0] = v
                for sl in range(arr.shape[1]):
                    sub_samp_slicing[1] = sl
                    m = simple_unbal_phase_ramp(ref_arr[v, sl].copy(),
                    soln_pln = (m * q1_ax[None, :]) * q2_pattern[:, None]
                    phs = np.exp(-1j * soln_pln)
                    arr[sub_samp_slicing] *= phs
            # correct for flat dimensions
            arr.shape = tuple([d for d in arr.shape if d > 1])
            util.fft1(arr, inplace=True, shift=True)
コード例 #2
 def run(self, image):
     arrays = (image.data,)
     refs = (image.ref_data,)
     samps = (image.n2_sampling, 
     if hasattr(image, 'acs_data'):
         arrays += (image.acs_data,)
         refs += (image.acs_ref_data,)
     a,b = grappa_sampling(image.shape[-2], int(image.accel), image.n_acs)
     if len(b):
         init_acs_dir = (-1.0) ** (a.tolist().index(b[0]))
         init_acs_dir = 1
     polarities = (1.0, init_acs_dir)
     nr = image.n_ramp
     nf = image.n_flat
     if image.pslabel == 'ep2d_bold_acs_test' or image.accel > 2:
         acs_xleave = int(image.accel)
         acs_xleave = 1
     xleaves = (1, int(acs_xleave))
     for arr, n2, ref_arr, r, x in zip(arrays, samps, refs, 
                                       polarities, xleaves):
         if arr is None:
         util.ifft1(arr, inplace=True, shift=True)
         # enforce 4D arrays
         arr.shape = (1,)*(4-len(arr.shape)) + arr.shape
         ref_arr.shape = (1,)*(4-len(ref_arr.shape)) + ref_arr.shape
         sub_samp_slicing = [slice(None)]*len(arr.shape)
         sub_samp_slicing[-2] = n2
         Q2, Q1 = arr[sub_samp_slicing].shape[-2:]
         q1_ax = np.linspace(-Q1/2., Q1/2., Q1, endpoint=False)
         q2_pattern = r*np.power(-1.0, np.arange(Q2)/x)
         for v in xrange(arr.shape[0]):
             sub_samp_slicing[0] = v
             for sl in range(arr.shape[1]):
                 sub_samp_slicing[1] = sl
                 m = simple_unbal_phase_ramp(ref_arr[v,sl].copy(),
                                             nr, nf, image.pref_polarity,
                 soln_pln = (m * q1_ax[None,:]) * q2_pattern[:,None]
                 phs = np.exp(-1j*soln_pln)
                 arr[sub_samp_slicing] *= phs
         # correct for flat dimensions
         arr.shape = tuple([d for d in arr.shape if d > 1])
         util.fft1(arr, inplace=True, shift=True)
コード例 #3
    def run(self, image):
        Tr = image.T_ramp
        Tf = image.T_flat
        T0 = image.T0
        N1 = image.N1
        Tg = 2 * Tr + Tf
        dt = (Tg - 2 * T0) / (N1 - 1)
        As = Tf + Tr - T0**2 / Tr
        t_axis = np.arange(N1) * dt + T0
        nr = image.n_ramp
        nf = image.n_flat
        pe_rev = image.pe_reflected
        pe_sampling = image.pe_sampling
        ref_rev = image.ref_reflected
        acs_sampling = image.acs_sampling
        acs_rev = image.acs_reflected
        acs_ref_rev = image.acs_ref_reflected

        # tn_regrid and neg_tn_regrid are the destination time points
        # for positive and negative lobe readouts
        tn_regrid = image.t_n1()
        neg_tn_regrid = Tg - tn_regrid
        ##         print t_axis
        ##         print tn_regrid, neg_tn_regrid

        ##         tn_regrid = np.empty((N1,), 'd')
        ##         neg_tn_regrid = np.empty_like(tn_regrid)
        ##         idx = np.arange(N1)
        ##         r_up = idx < (nr+1)
        ##         tn_regrid[r_up] = ( T0**2 + 2*idx[r_up]*Tr*As/(N1-1) )**0.5
        ##         r_fl = (idx >= (nr+1)) & (idx < (nf+1))
        ##         tn_regrid[r_fl] = idx[r_fl]*As/(N1-1) + Tr/2 + T0**2/(2*Tr)
        ##         r_dn = idx >= (nf+1)
        ##         tn_regrid[r_dn] = Tg - ( 2*Tr*(Tf+Tr-T0**2/(2*Tr) - idx[r_dn]*As/(N1-1)) )**.5
        ##         neg_tn_regrid = Tg - tn_regrid

        same_grad_diff = pe_rev[1] - pe_rev[0]
        neg_slicing = slice(pe_rev[0], pe_rev[-1] + 1, same_grad_diff)
        pos_sampling = pe_sampling[:]
        for pe in pe_rev:
        pos_slicing = slice(pos_sampling[0], pos_sampling[-1] + 1,

        for c in xrange(image.n_chan):
            for v in xrange(image.n_vol):
                for s in xrange(image.n_slice):
                    r = image.cref_data[c, v, s].copy()
                    # polarity is -1 if the first ref was on a neg gradient
                    polarity = ref_rev[0] == 0 and -1 or +1
                    m = sm_utils.simple_unbal_phase_ramp(
                        r, nr, nf, polarity, self.fov_lim, self.mask_noise)
                    Tau = m * dt * N1 / (2 * np.pi)
                    # these are the time points of the acquired sampled
                    tn = (t_axis - Tau)
                    ##                     print Tau, '('+str(dt)+')'
                    # compute these in transpose
                    op_pos = np.sinc((tn_regrid[None, :] - tn[:, None]) / dt)
                    op_neg = np.sinc(
                        (neg_tn_regrid[None, :] - tn[:, None]) / dt)
                    neg_block = image.cdata[c, v, s, neg_slicing].copy()
                    pos_block = image.cdata[c, v, s, pos_slicing].copy()
                    # these are L x N1, to be transformed by N1 x N1 operators
                    # such that S <-- [(N1 x N1)*(L x N1)^T]^T = (L x N1)*(N1 x N1)^T
                    image.cdata[c, v, s,
                                neg_slicing] = np.dot(neg_block, op_neg)
                    image.cdata[c, v, s,
                                pos_slicing] = np.dot(pos_block, op_pos)

        if not acs_sampling:

        acs_offset = -acs_sampling[0]
        # refs in the EPI section are never interleaved
        n_refs = image.n_refs
        n_acs_seg = image.cacs_ref_data.shape[-2] / n_refs
        g = 0
        # transform the acs indicators to be segment-wise
        l = len(acs_sampling)
        acs_sampling = np.array(acs_sampling).reshape(n_acs_seg, l / n_acs_seg)
        l = len(acs_rev)
        acs_rev = np.array(acs_rev).reshape(n_acs_seg, l / n_acs_seg)
        l = len(acs_ref_rev)
        acs_ref_rev = np.array(acs_ref_rev).reshape(n_acs_seg, l / n_acs_seg)
        if len(image.cacs_data.shape) < 5:
            # pad with a rep dimension
            ashape = list(image.cacs_data.shape)
            rshape = list(image.cacs_ref_data.shape)
            ashape.insert(1, 1)
            rshape.insert(1, 1)
            image.cacs_data.shape = tuple(ashape)
            image.cacs_ref_data.shape = tuple(rshape)

        n_acs_rep = image.cacs_data.shape[1]
        for c in xrange(image.n_chan):
            for r in xrange(n_acs_rep):
                for s in xrange(image.n_slice):
                    for g in xrange(n_acs_seg):

                        acs_rev_g = acs_rev[g]
                        sampling_g = acs_sampling[g].tolist()
                        same_grad_diff = acs_rev_g[1] - acs_rev_g[0]
                        for acs in acs_rev_g:
                        neg_slicing = slice(acs_rev_g[0] + acs_offset,
                                            acs_rev_g[-1] + acs_offset,
                        pos_slicing = slice(sampling_g[0] + acs_offset,
                                            sampling_g[-1] + acs_offset,

                        rd = image.cacs_ref_data[c, r, s, g * n_refs:(g + 1) *
                        polarity = acs_ref_rev[g, 0] == 0 and -1 or +1
                        m = sm_utils.simple_unbal_phase_ramp(
                            rd, nr, nf, polarity, self.fov_lim,
                        Tau = m * dt * N1 / (2 * np.pi)
                        ##                     print Tau, '('+str(dt)+')'
                        # these are the time points of the acquired sampled
                        tn = t_axis - Tau
                        # compute these in transpose
                        op_pos = np.sinc(
                            (tn_regrid[None, :] - tn[:, None]) / dt)
                        op_neg = np.sinc(
                            (neg_tn_regrid[None, :] - tn[:, None]) / dt)

                        neg_block = image.cacs_data[c, r, s,
                        pos_block = image.cacs_data[c, r, s,

                        # these are L x N1, to be multiplied by N1 x N1
                        # resampling operators such that
                        # S <-- [(N1 x N1)*(L x N1)^T]^T = (L x N1)*(N1 x N1)^T
                        image.cacs_data[c, r, s, neg_slicing] = np.dot(
                            neg_block, op_neg)
                        image.cacs_data[c, r, s, pos_slicing] = np.dot(
                            pos_block, op_pos)

コード例 #4
    def run(self, image):
        Tr = image.T_ramp
        Tf = image.T_flat
        T0 = image.T0
        N1 = image.N1
        Tg = 2*Tr + Tf
        dt = (Tg - 2*T0)/(N1-1)
        As = Tf + Tr - T0**2/Tr
        t_axis = np.arange(N1) * dt + T0
        nr = image.n_ramp
        nf = image.n_flat
        pe_rev = image.pe_reflected
        pe_sampling = image.pe_sampling
        ref_rev = image.ref_reflected
        acs_sampling = image.acs_sampling
        acs_rev = image.acs_reflected
        acs_ref_rev = image.acs_ref_reflected

        # tn_regrid and neg_tn_regrid are the destination time points
        # for positive and negative lobe readouts
        tn_regrid = image.t_n1()
        neg_tn_regrid = Tg - tn_regrid
##         print t_axis
##         print tn_regrid, neg_tn_regrid
##         tn_regrid = np.empty((N1,), 'd')
##         neg_tn_regrid = np.empty_like(tn_regrid)
##         idx = np.arange(N1)
##         r_up = idx < (nr+1)
##         tn_regrid[r_up] = ( T0**2 + 2*idx[r_up]*Tr*As/(N1-1) )**0.5
##         r_fl = (idx >= (nr+1)) & (idx < (nf+1))
##         tn_regrid[r_fl] = idx[r_fl]*As/(N1-1) + Tr/2 + T0**2/(2*Tr)
##         r_dn = idx >= (nf+1)
##         tn_regrid[r_dn] = Tg - ( 2*Tr*(Tf+Tr-T0**2/(2*Tr) - idx[r_dn]*As/(N1-1)) )**.5
##         neg_tn_regrid = Tg - tn_regrid

        same_grad_diff = pe_rev[1] - pe_rev[0]
        neg_slicing = slice(pe_rev[0], pe_rev[-1]+1, same_grad_diff)
        pos_sampling = pe_sampling[:]
        for pe in pe_rev:
        pos_slicing = slice(pos_sampling[0], pos_sampling[-1]+1, same_grad_diff)

        for c in xrange(image.n_chan):
            for v in xrange(image.n_vol):
                for s in xrange(image.n_slice):
                    r = image.cref_data[c,v,s].copy()
                    # polarity is -1 if the first ref was on a neg gradient
                    polarity = ref_rev[0]==0 and -1 or +1
                    m = sm_utils.simple_unbal_phase_ramp(r, nr, nf, polarity,
                    Tau = m * dt * N1 / (2*np.pi)
                    # these are the time points of the acquired sampled
                    tn = (t_axis - Tau)
##                     print Tau, '('+str(dt)+')'
                    # compute these in transpose 
                    op_pos = np.sinc( (tn_regrid[None,:] - tn[:,None]) / dt)
                    op_neg = np.sinc( (neg_tn_regrid[None,:] - tn[:,None]) / dt)
                    neg_block = image.cdata[c,v,s,neg_slicing].copy()
                    pos_block = image.cdata[c,v,s,pos_slicing].copy()
                    # these are L x N1, to be transformed by N1 x N1 operators
                    # such that S <-- [(N1 x N1)*(L x N1)^T]^T = (L x N1)*(N1 x N1)^T
                    image.cdata[c,v,s,neg_slicing] = np.dot(neg_block, op_neg)
                    image.cdata[c,v,s,pos_slicing] = np.dot(pos_block, op_pos)

        if not acs_sampling:

        acs_offset = -acs_sampling[0]
        # refs in the EPI section are never interleaved
        n_refs = image.n_refs
        n_acs_seg = image.cacs_ref_data.shape[-2]/n_refs
        g = 0
        # transform the acs indicators to be segment-wise
        l = len(acs_sampling)
        acs_sampling = np.array(acs_sampling).reshape(n_acs_seg,
        l = len(acs_rev)
        acs_rev = np.array(acs_rev).reshape(n_acs_seg, l/n_acs_seg)
        l = len(acs_ref_rev)
        acs_ref_rev = np.array(acs_ref_rev).reshape(n_acs_seg, l/n_acs_seg)
        if len(image.cacs_data.shape) < 5:
            # pad with a rep dimension
            ashape = list(image.cacs_data.shape)
            rshape = list(image.cacs_ref_data.shape)
            image.cacs_data.shape = tuple(ashape)
            image.cacs_ref_data.shape = tuple(rshape)
        n_acs_rep = image.cacs_data.shape[1]
        for c in xrange(image.n_chan):
            for r in xrange(n_acs_rep):
                for s in xrange(image.n_slice):
                    for g in xrange(n_acs_seg):

                        acs_rev_g = acs_rev[g]
                        sampling_g = acs_sampling[g].tolist()
                        same_grad_diff = acs_rev_g[1] - acs_rev_g[0]
                        for acs in acs_rev_g:
                        neg_slicing = slice(acs_rev_g[0]+acs_offset,
                        pos_slicing = slice(sampling_g[0]+acs_offset,

                        rd = image.cacs_ref_data[c,r,s,g*n_refs:(g+1)*n_refs].copy()
                        polarity = acs_ref_rev[g,0]==0 and -1 or +1
                        m = sm_utils.simple_unbal_phase_ramp(rd, nr, nf,
                        Tau = m * dt * N1 / (2*np.pi)
    ##                     print Tau, '('+str(dt)+')'
                        # these are the time points of the acquired sampled
                        tn = t_axis - Tau
                        # compute these in transpose 
                        op_pos = np.sinc((tn_regrid[None,:]-tn[:,None])/dt)
                        op_neg = np.sinc((neg_tn_regrid[None,:]-tn[:,None])/dt)

                        neg_block = image.cacs_data[c,r,s,neg_slicing].copy()
                        pos_block = image.cacs_data[c,r,s,pos_slicing].copy()

                        # these are L x N1, to be multiplied by N1 x N1
                        # resampling operators such that
                        # S <-- [(N1 x N1)*(L x N1)^T]^T = (L x N1)*(N1 x N1)^T
                        image.cacs_data[c,r,s,neg_slicing] = np.dot(neg_block,
                        image.cacs_data[c,r,s,pos_slicing] = np.dot(pos_block,
